Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

90. A Triumphant Return and Happy Reunion

At Lupa’s request, they gathered the bodies of her pack and Zeal cremated them outside the building. None of them had Wrath scales.

The trip back was less stressful, with fewer living monsters having made it this far and survived the carnage. Bonny continued to pick up scales and feed them to Lust, permanently diminishing Wrath’s power. The scales that didn’t convert were handed to Miu, who stored them in a pouch on her belt.

Lupa explained what had happened during the trip, in between the few fights they couldn’t avoid.

The pack of werewolves lived much closer to the mountains than Miu or Eloisss. Matt and the dragon destroyed their Kennel, killed the pack alpha, and somehow possessed the second, which was Lupa's brother. They were forced to run to the edge of the woods with other beast kin and monsters. Everyone was always on edge and angry, but any infighting was quickly quashed. There were no spoken orders, no food, and no respite.

The pack was eventually separated, but she and a few friends stayed close to her brother, even though he ignored them. When he went berserk, they tried to find shelter, then fought him when he pursued. Several of her friends died as they retreated. He seemed to recognize her at the end and fled rather than hurt her more than he already had.

She had assumed it was the end when the dragon appeared at the window.

She had nothing left: no pack, no home.

“I’m so sorry.” Bonny hopped over and gave Lupa a hug. “I meant it earlier. You can stay with us. We’ll be your new pack.”

Lupa eyed Zeal, who was still in girl form. She shook her head.

Bonny poked the dragon girl. “Apologize!”

Zeal looked at Bonny, then at Lupa. “I had no choice, but I’m sorry for your loss.”

“Is that the best you can do?” Bonny sighed and spoke to Lupa again. “She was captured by Wrath too. Like your brother.”

“I-I’ll think about it. Your … friends don’t seem to like me.” Lupa looked around quickly and bowed her head under the stares of Eloisss, Miu, and Zeal. She shifted to wolf form without another word. The transition looked painful, filled with snaps and jerks as her bones realigned. Once done, she stood about waist high to Bonny, but was still gaunt and thin.

Bonny rubbed the fur behind Lupa’s head, then patted her side. “That’s fine. There’s no rush. We’ll get you some food when we get back to the city.”

They checked other buildings, where they found and healed a few other survivors. The group slowly grew in size as they got closer to the gates. The civilians were kept inside the circle of companions, near Bonny, but the monsters at that point were few and easily handled by Kanae, Eloisss, and Miu before they got close.

It was early evening when they made it back to the city gate.

“Hey girls!” Bonny waved as she called up to Willowbelle, Freja, and Violet. “We did it!”

There were a number of guards on the walls. Freja excused herself and the others, saying that they should no longer be needed, since the frequency of attacks had been decreasing.

Once inside, Bonny hopped over to give each of them a hug. “How did you do?”

There had been a number of attacks, but shortly after Bonny and the crew left, the monsters went crazy and stopped assaulting the wall. The defenders still took out those that they could, but mostly let the monsters tear each other apart.

“That was when we captured Wrath. She lost control of the army. They went crazy around us too. Miu, Eloisss, and Zeal did a wonderful job protecting me.” Bonny said.

Kanae whined.

Bonny reached down to scratch the fox’s head. “She helped too. And Addy. They helped stop attackers until the others could kill them. And we saved all these people.”

Bonny turned to the group of survivors and let them know they could go. She said they should check in at the healing temple if there were any further injuries, but she thought she had taken care of anything serious.

When she was saying goodbye to the people they escorted in, she noticed Eloisss pull Freja aside, and cocked an ear to listen.

“Did you do ass assked thiss morning?”

Freja shook her head. “No, the dragon interrupted us. We rushed back and didn’t finish.”

Eloisss sighed. “Two more girlss today. Zeal, obvioussly, and now the wolf. We can’t handle any more and need to keep her occupied.”

“EloiSSS? What are you talking about?” Bonny asked as she moved closer.

The lamia turned, a guilty look on her face.

Bonny glared. “Are you trying to control me?”

“No, Love. We are trying to keep you ssafe. It’s dangerous to have Zeal sleep at the warehouse. And there are too many of us to be comfortable.”

“If you’re so concerned about numbers, why didn’t …”

A gruff voice interrupted. “That’s enough chatter. Come with us!”

Bonny turned to see the guard captain from earlier. He had gathered two dozen guards and surrounded them without her noticing. Bonny quickly hopped over to Zeal and covered the girl’s mouth, then answered the guard. “Sure. Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”

Miu, Eloisss, and Freja all wore their armor. Bonny only had on the metal vambraces, greaves, and a tattered band just below her breasts. Willowbelle, Adelina, and Violet were naked, though Adelina was shrouded in light and Violet was translucent, her reproductive system still visible within her. Kanae and Lupa were both in animal form and trailed close behind Bonny.

The crowds parted before the guards and stared at the group. Bonny waved to them, occasionally asking the guards to stop so she could run over and heal people. Her regeneration aura was on, helping with minor coughs or injuries, but quite a few people needed more assistance. She hoped the more serious cases were at the Temple of Healing, where the new priests could take care of them.

They eventually made it to the City Hall, where the guards ushered the group in. They went right through the reception area and into a large room with a huge raised desk at the far end. The Council desk was built in a semicircle with seven seats, each with a symbol of the seven gods.

The guards crowded in as well, lining the room and standing between the Merchant Council and the party.

Cassius, the chairman, sat in the center position, the one that symbolized Justice. He was a nondescript human with brown eyes and hair. Bonny had met him once before, with Mila, the head priestess. She smiled and waved up at him, but he just frowned in return.

To his right, Bonny’s left, in Hope’s position, was a middle aged, female cat kin. She was gray and white tabby and very pretty, but not as cute as Miu. Bonny assumed she was Eris, the landowner who used indentured servants to manage her fields. Eris had been worried about the farms to the north, according to the earlier conversation with Cassius.

Further to Bonny’s left, in Compassion’s seat, was a weasel that looked strangely familiar, though she couldn’t quite place him. The other four Council members were all strangers. One of the Council members, a small male centaur on the right, started coughing with a heavy, wet, rasping sound.

Bonny spoke up, not waiting on Cassius. “Before we get started, can I heal him? Analysis!”

He had some lung damage, probably from Zeal’s earlier attack. There were some blisters across his face as well. She was surprised he hadn’t tried to visit the temple. Or maybe he had and the healers were too busy or too exhausted to do more. She really needed to check in on them.

The man nodded and held out a hand. Bonny hopped over and squeezed between two of the guards to cast, “Divine Mending!”

“Thank you.” The man’s voice was deep and kind. He smiled down at her.

“You’re welcome.” She smiled back, then addressed the rest of the Council. “I hope this is quick, there are probably a lot of other sick people that need to be seen. I’m sure the Healer’s Temple is overwhe…”

“No.” Cassius barked, interrupting. “We’ve ordered you here to address some …”

Bonny noticed Zeal’s face harden and jumped toward her, ignoring Cassius. “Don’t! You! Dare!”

Her other companions scattered as she flew across the room and grabbed the dragon girl by a horn, pulling and twisting, slamming Zeal into the floor. A flash of fire burst out on the impact, cracking several tiles in the floor due to the immense heat.

Bonny slowly stood up. The Council had all dropped behind the desk and the guards had backed up as far as they could, cowering against the walls and desk.

“I know, you’re going to fuss at me because I haven’t found clothes after saving the city from the dragon. Probably for trying to train and discipline her as well, but please be respectful. She doesn’t respond well to people yelling at me.”

Zeal started to rise and Bonny turned on her.

“No. Down!” Bonny pulled the dick handled cat o’ nine tails from her growing inventory of artifacts. The lashed ends were bare, without the metal tines it had earlier. Bonny had some control of how it appeared and didn’t want to permanently hurt Zeal, but wanted her to feel it.

Several of the Council had poked their heads up at Bonny’s words, but now they ducked back behind the only shelter in the room.

“I told you earlier.” Bonny brought the lash down across Zeal’s ass. Crack!

“Not to.” Crack!

“Breathe.” Crack!

“Fire in.” Crack!

Bonny stopped. “Wait, do you like this?” Her Lust aura indicated desire and pleasure radiating from Zeal. She explored it closer.

It wasn’t pleasure at the pain, but a need for attention. Zeal had a strong desire for Bonny to focus on her. It wasn’t disrespect that caused her anger to spike, but someone else interrupting and demanding Bonny’s attention. Even if Bonny’s attention wasn’t focused directly on her, if someone else interrupted Bonny when she could be paying attention to the dragon, it might set Zeal off.

Zeal let out a low moan before she answered, “Mmmmm. Yes, mistress.”

Cassius poked his head above the desk again. Only to see Bonny swap the lash for a hairbrush. He ducked back behind the desk again as she brought it down on the dragon girl’s ass.

That got a yelp. There wasn’t a sharp crack at the impact like there had been with the lash. There wasn’t much sound at all, except for a whimpering cry and quiet sobs.

Bonny paddled Zeal three times with the brush, bristles in. Blood ran from several small punctures and Bonny didn’t bother to heal or cleanse the wounds.

“Sorry for the interruption. We should be fine now.”

The Council and guards all got up, the councilors retaking their seats.

Zeal started to move as well and Bonny casually stepped on one of her horns, twisting her head sideways and pinning it to the ground. She checked with her aura again and could tell Zeal was pleased, despite the pain. If Bonny was standing on her, touching her, controlling her, then Bonny was paying attention to her.

“Oh, one other thing, before we start. Miu, a scale please.”

Miu dug one out of the pouch and ran over to hand it to Bonny, who held it up for everyone to see.

It was about the size of a thumbnail and thin. It was a dark, blood red, but turned almost translucent when held up to the light.

“A lot of the monsters out there are possessed and drop one of these when they die. These scales are remnants of Wrath’s control and they’re dangerous for people and animals that come into contact with them. I would like you to put out a bounty and collect them. I can dispose of them safely.”

Cassius shook his head. “We don’t have funds for …”

Bonny felt an intense killing intent from behind her. Her aura throbbed and the world slowed around her as her heart rate doubled. Anger suffused her muscles at yet another interruption and her body hummed in response, muscles bulking up and speed increasing.

She spun to see a guard running at her, a knife held low. An assassin? Here? In front of the Council?

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