Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

91. ♥♥ Punishment and Pleasure (R-18+, BDSM – Sadism, Blood Play)

Time slowed as Bonny stepped forward and blocked the guard-cum-assassin’s knife with a vambrace, her training with Eloisss paying off. Her other hand came up and slammed into the man’s helmet, not to damage, but to distract, disorient. More instruction from Eloisss.

Of course, it was easier when she was stronger and faster than her opponent. Anger at the repeated attacks from the cult radiated through her, empowered her and sped up her response time. He felt weak to her.

She reached across and grabbed the assassin’s knife hand, then twisted it back into an arm lock. Instead of sliding her arm up behind the guard’s elbow, to hold him in place, she turned the tip of the dagger to line up with his face. Her first hand grabbed the back of his helmet and she hopped into the air.

She saw his eyes start to widen just before her knee hammered into the pommel of the knife, driving the blade forward, through the open face of his helmet, and into his eye. Blood sprayed as he collapsed.

Her aura pulsed again, another enemy behind her, not a direct killing intent, but a deep anger, a hatred. She spun and locked eyes with the weasel on the end of the Council desk. She felt a resonance with him, their rage reflected between them. He blanched and started to push away from the desk.

Step, step, twist, hop, and she was through the guard wall and standing on the desk in front of the suspicious weasel. She grabbed his robes and yanked, pulling him out of the chair and tossing him to the floor behind her. She turned and hopped back over the guards, who were turning toward the desk, then summoned her Sword as she fell.

The Sword stabbed through the weasel’s wrist and into the floor underneath, severing the man’s hand and part of his sleeve.

Mending!” She cast before the Sword came to a stop, sealing the wound almost before any blood could leak out. She stood, then swayed and sat down on the man’s chest, suddenly weak as her rage drained away.

The room erupted into chaos as time sped up to it’s normal flow. The weasel councilman clutched his forearm and wailed in pain, guards around the room drew weapons, Bonny’s companions ran to protect her, and everyone yelled all at once.

“What is the meaning of this? How DARE you attack a …” Cassius thundered over them all, his voice enhanced by a skill.

Bonny ignored the commotion and the guards reaching for her. Now that the hand was severed, she could feel the Wrath Scales embedded in it. More than one. She had never seen more than one on a single person.

She casually picked up the dismembered hand, which was unhealed and dripping blood, then held up her own to wave off her companions. She didn’t try to evade as the guards apprehended her. She could feel their anger, but not rage. They had seen the attack on her and were mad that she had retaliated against a Councilman, but they weren’t trying to kill her. Not yet.

When the captain pulled the hand away from her, she let it go.

“He’s a cultist of Wrath. Check the hand. It should have a Scale, like the one I showed you a minute ago.”

The hand was gloved and had part of the sleeve cuff still clinging on. The captain worked the hand out of the clothing and held it up so the remaining Council could see. There was a tattoo on the inside of the wrist, just under the heel of the hand. Two scales were embedded as well, one of each side of the mark.

She looked back at the weasel, and his oddly familiar face suddenly clicked. He was the wealthy man that had called her a demon on the first day, just after she left the healing temple, a short while after trying to visit the city hall.

“I’ll leave him to you, but first …” Bonny drew in a deep breath, not entirely sure she should make everything public. Of course, she had already warned the Council about the supernatural war brewing. She decided to go ahead. “Goddesses! Lust! Wrath!”

Several people let out gasps as overlapping divine auras flooded the room. There was an undertone of anger and desire as well, but the divinity overwhelmed and suppressed them.

Both gods and demons appeared, not miniature sized, like Bonny and her companions had grown accustom to, but as eight foot tall imposing giants that filled the room.

Courage, Recovery, Justice, and Compassion stood in a semicircle around Bonny, facing the Council. They each appeared as their icons on the altars, except for Recovery, who stayed as the multicolored unicorn kin instead of the old, bearded man depicted by the healing temple. The goddesses all wore their togas and instruments of office, except for Courage, who was naked other than her helmet, the mesh of dark burn scars visible though her golden fur.

Wrath lay on the floor, still tied up and naked, a muscular boar kin with medium breasts, small tusks, and cloven hooves. The lash marks from earlier still oozed black blood around incomplete scabs. Wisps of foul smoke rose from around the braided ropes securing her wrists and ankles.

Lust stood beside Bonny, a giant clone that looked like just like her, with the addition of horns, wings, and tail. She wore a copy of Bonny’s revealing armor and winked at the bunny.

Bonny grinned back as the guards released her and backed away, some kneeling, almost all of them praying. Eloisss and Freja knelt as well, their eyes on Courage.

“Wrath, twenty lashes. Ten for each cultist you didn’t warn me about. Lust, will you do the honors?” Bonny hopped over to stand between Courage and Recovery, putting an arm around each of their waists and pulling them close. They towered over her, almost twice her height, each dropping a hand to grasp her shoulder.

Lust summoned the dick handled, nine tailed weapon and held it up, hands clasped around the shaft. The handle pointed up and tassels dangled. She grinned around the room, then touched the head of the cock to her lips and kissed it. She opened her mouth and inserted the head after a moment, running her tongue around the ridge, then licked down to the balls, her movements slow, eyes scanning the room, meeting each of the guard’s and council member’s eyes in turn.

Bonny moaned quietly and squeezed her legs tight, trying to hold it together. In all the excitement, she had forgotten that she could feel sensations through her dildos. As Lust’s hot, velvety tongue started stroking up and down the shaft, Bonny pulled harder on the two goddesses next to her. She clenched her core, willing Lust to stop. To stop, before …

Precum beaded up on the tip as Lust ran one hand up, massaging it, her thumb pressed into the urethra, forcing fluid up and out. Lust licked it off and sucked at the tip for a moment. The handle twitched and the demoness let up, removing her lips and relaxing her hands.

She reversed her grip, the instrument of pleasure becoming a weapon once more. Each tail of the lash had a metal weight with a spike at the tip. She swished it through the air, then popped her wrist, the weights snapping close to Wrath.

Lust was a master of the whip and her graceful display made Bonny’s earlier attempts look like an child flailing around randomly. The demon bunny stalked around Wrath, trailing the tassels across the bound demoness’ back, spikes catching and pulling at the existing wounds.

“Do you know how long I’ve wanted this? To have you in my power?” Lust’s voice started out sultry and alluring, then turned hard. “You have always been an ass.”

The whip rose and fell, not striking, but raking, the tines slicing parallel lines across Wrath’s back, intersecting and ripping through the lash marks made earlier by Bonny.

Wrath wailed in pain, the sound echoing and building for a long moment. The guards and Council went white. Even the maimed weasel councilman stopped crying and stared.

“Hold please, Lust.” Bonny turned to Recovery, hands about two and a half feet apart. “Do you still have the rest of the rope? I need a piece about this long.”

Recovery nodded and her toga vanished, revealing a rope of braided hair, coiled into a thick belt around the waist. She pulled an end loose and unwound it, the skin underneath pink and raw.

The audience of guards and councilmen gasped, glancing between Courage, Recovery, and Bonny.

Bonny ignored them and took the segment from Recovery, who retied the end, then resummoned her toga to cover it.

The braids were looser than they should be and Bonny realized that the strand of Freja’s hair, that had been woven in, had degraded under the power imbued into the makeshift rope. She would have to do better next time. If there was--what was she thinking? Of course there was going to be a next time.

The section of rope was a little longer than she had asked for, but it would do. She doubled it and tied a quick figure eight double loop knot, forming two bunny ear loops. The knot was roughly the size of her fist.

She hopped over to Wrath, almost falling, her legs shaky and unsteady. She realized she probably shouldn’t have moved, but it was too late now. She shoved the loops and knot into Wrath’s mouth, pulling the ends around and securing them behind the demoness’ head. She pulled, shortened, and knotted the rope between Wrath’s hands and feet, then pushed the demoness’ head down, leaving her with ass in the air and hands between her knees.

When Bonny walked back to the two goddesses, she took her time, moving with careful, slow steps.

Lust grinned at her, clearly aware of Bonny’s arousal. “How are you doing, Bonny?”

Bonny nodded at the demoness. “I'm fine. Go ahead. Nineteen more, please.”

The whip rose and fell again, and again, touching, caressing, ripping, tearing, peeling Wrath’s skin back. Black blood flowed and splattered. Wrath’s cries muffled by the knotted rope gagging her.

The strikes were varied, some across the back, some across the ass and legs. Two crossed the soles of Wrath’s feet.

With each stroke of the lash, Lust’s grip loosened slightly, allowing the shaft of the handle to slide through her fingers. Just as her palm and pinkie finger brushed the ridge of the dick head, she tightened her fingers to hold it tight. When she raised it, she relaxed her grip, allowing the cock to slip back down through her fingers until her thumb and forefinger nudged the balls.

Each stroke for Wrath was an entirely different type of stroke for Bonny, though the bunny wasn’t sure if it was meant to pleasure or punish her. Bonny groaned and held onto the two goddesses even tighter, her legs trembled as dew seeped down, matting the soft fur along her inner thighs.

Before the last stroke, Lust walked around Wrath, trailing the lashes along her back, from her ass to her shoulders. The tines scraped and pulled, trailing lines of blood across the few unbroken patches of skin.

With each catch and tug from the tassels, Lust’s hand slid slightly and gripped at Bonny’s shaft, slowly stroking from the base to the tip. Each spike of pain that Wrath suffered was directly translated into Bonny’s pleasure.

Lust pulled the lash all the way up, across the side of Wrath’s face, hooking a few of the tines in and around Wrath’s ear. She left it there, slowly walking back, curling the lashes around the demoness’ ear.

The demon bunny nudged Wrath’s legs wider and the boar demoness complied, opening herself up, letting the room view her nakedness. Blood ran down her ass, into the crack and down, dripping from her lips and mons.

Lust took a few steps to the side and locked eyes with Bonny, flexing her fingers around the shaft. She lifted the dildo, slowly pulling the tines around Wrath’s ear, each jerk and tear sending thrills through Bonny’s core. Lust licked the clear droplet building at the tip, then took the head into her mouth, tongue swirling, teasing.

Bonny groaned and curled, feeling her dick pulse.

Lust withdrew it and stuck out her tongue, catching the first spray of cum across her tongue and lips.

As Bonny’s detached cock pulsed again, Lust swung it in a wide overhead arc, the second spray falling across Wrath’s torn back, just before the nine lashes wrapped down her ass and flicked up, burying the weights and spikes in her pussy.

Lust yanked the whip back, dragging and tearing the claws from the soft labia, up and through Wrath’s ass, still cutting and ripping. The bound demoness shrieked around the knotted rope crammed into her mouth, tears streaming from her eyes.

Bonny continued to come, spraying cum across Lust’s body, then into her mouth as Lust finally pulled the whip free and sucked the dick shaped handle back into her mouth. Bonny’s dick and pussy pulsed and throbbed as Lust deep throated the cock in one smooth motion, tongue flicking out to caress the balls.

Bonny collapsed, twitching, as her arms and legs lost strength. Courage caught and lifted her easily, cradling the bunny and holding her tight in a princess carry.

Most of the room didn’t notice, still focused on the broken demoness of wrath, still wailing and writhing on the floor.

Lust finished licking the dildo clean and squatted next to Wrath. “This is your only warning. You lost. Don’t fuck with my champion again.”

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