Borderlands: Conquest

Chapter 12: Wanted (1)

- Third person - 

"I'm having a tough time hearing what you're tryna' say..." General Knoxx's large and indomitable frame loomed over his command centre as he took a deep drag from the cigar in his mouth, the glowing ember casting a reddish hue on his weathered face.

Inside an impenetrable fortress, numerous Crimson Lance guards patrolled the area. Tall towers were erected with numerous automated turrets, armed and ready to decimate intruders.

Harsh winds howled over the Atlas Control Center, blending with the mixed smells of petrol, oil, and natural musk. Despite this, everyone present remained stoic, unwilling to risk angering the grumpy general.

"General..." the officer began.

"Please, call me Knoxx; we've known each other long enough to drop the formalities."

"Erhm, Knoxx-."

"Never mind, just keep calling me General." Knoxx exhaled a cloud of smoke, his patience already wearing thin. "Now, what were you saying again?"

"Commandant Steele has died, sir. Our scouts reported she was killed by a monster held within the Vault alongside the Vault Hunters. The Crimson Lance has since fallen or deserted." The officer's voice was steady, but the gravity of his report was clear as his ECHO device highlighted satellite scans of the Eridian site.

"Great... Atlas can't seem to put things together. It won't be long before this ship cracks under as well." Knoxx voiced his irritation, his eyes narrowing as he watched the footage of the Vault Hunters killing the so-called "Destroyer."

"So they called this thing 'The Destroyer.' What exactly did it destroy besides one of our 'finest' commanders?" Knoxx's sarcasm was biting.

"From our old reports from Tannis, 'The Destroyer' was or is a manifestation of destruction brought into the physical realm. We believe the Eridians locked the Destroyer within by sacrificing their entire civilization."

"Useless. All it took was a couple of blasts of lead and fine-tuned explosions before it fell. Advanced civilization my ass," Knoxx grumbled, rubbing his temples in frustration.

"I don't believe that was the end of 'The Destroyer.' We have reports that the Vault is merely its home rather than its prison. We merely killed its physical form, not its spiritual form."

"What are you, some hippy? Care to explain what you mean?" Knoxx's eyes bore into the officer.

"Erdian scanning of their language shows that the Destroyer the Vault Hunters killed was merely a projection of its spiritual form. It was limited due to its infancy. We suspect that had the Vault Hunters not killed it, it would've grown into a far more gruesome beast," the officer explained.

She pressed a button on her sleeve, and a large holographic display of the hypothesized "Destroyer" appeared. Its tentacles wrapped around itself to form a grotesque appearance, with sickly and slimy skin that would make any Japanese artist jump with joy. A small sphere was placed next to the "Destroyer" hologram for reference, revealing its true size.

"It's bigger than the moon," Knoxx voiced, impressed.

"That isn't a moon," she corrected.

"Interesting. I'm guessing we were lucky," Knoxx said, though there was a tint of bitterness in his voice. "Still can't believe she killed herself on this stink nugget of a planet. I guess all that talk of Siren powers was nothing but muse. We used to contend with Vladoff back in my day; those bastards never saw what hit 'em. These days, I wonder if the top brass can even put two and two together. Oh well. She was annoying."

"Indeed, we are far from peak. Although I have hope you can fix things. They've sent the Lance Assassins as support," the officer continued.

"Lance Assassins?" Knoxx's eyebrow raised.

"Affirmative, sir. They're currently stationed themselves outside our base. They await your orders."

"Have they lost their minds? I told those monkeys not to send any elite units."

"It's as per orders, sir."

"Whose orders?"

"Admiral Mikey. He's recently been promoted due to Admiral Augustus's recent assassination."


"Open the communications drive."

"Will do, General."

Clearing the space, the attendant opened a communication drive which allowed a voice message to be sent halfway through the galaxy.


"Atlas Headquarters, this is General Alphonso Knoxx reporting from Pandora. I have some grievances to address, and I expect immediate clarification. Not that you bother to hear what I have to say half the time."

He paused, his eyes narrowing as he continued.

"Firstly, I was not alerted about the change in leadership. Admiral Mikey's sudden promotion and the assassination of Admiral Augustus came as a surprise - Obviously, since Admiral Augustus... was, one of the best combatants amongst you lot. The lack of communication is unacceptable. I'm not general of the third star brigade for nothing. I need to be kept informed of such significant changes, especially when they directly impact my operations."

Knoxx took another drag from his cigar, the ember flaring as he exhaled a cloud of smoke.

"Secondly, sending Lance Assassins to a low-technology world like Pandora is overboard, unneeded. This planet is already a chaotic mess, and deploying the Assassins here seems like an extreme measure, a waste of human resources. There are far more valiant fronts worth engaging these soldiers - they deserve better."

He paused, collecting his thoughts before continuing.

"Commandant Steele's death was... a significant loss, but the situation here does not warrant such drastic actions. The Vault Hunters are a threat, yes, but they are not insurmountable. We need a calculated approach, not brute force. Sending Lance Assassins to handle a problem that could be resolved with more conventional means is a waste of our elite resources. A hard rock and a can-do attitude is all we need down here."

Knoxx leaned forward, his gaze intense.

"I request a detailed explanation for these decisions and a reassessment of our strategy on Pandora. We need to focus our efforts and resources where they are most effective, not scatter them on reckless endeavours. General Knoxx out."

He ended the recording and stepped back, his expression still clouded with frustration. The attendant sent the message, and the holographic interface flickered off.

"Every day I question what goes around their supposed brain cells. Is it hard for an old vet like me to die on the field? I feel like old age and stress will get to me before a bullet does..."

"Did you properly clean the filters? Why the hell does it smell like armpit air even in here?" Knoxx complained.

"Unfortunately, that is the natural smell of Pandora."

"I hate it here..."

Taking time to regain his composure and care, he turned his eyes back to the holographic screen present in the middle of the room.

"We need to retake control of the highways in the Parched Fathoms region. It's the only way we'll be able to control transport routes between towns. Furthermore, I can't help but find Steele's tactics obsolete and inefficient. Did she think high metropolitan tactics would work in a desert climate?" he declared, pointing to a holographic map that flickered before him.

"I believe she was under the impression she would be receiving extra support and caches from headquarters. The vault was supposed to be a large boon against Maliwan."

"No, I'm serious, do you see her transport routes and attack strategies? It's no wonder she died; she deserved it."

"Ah, sir, back to the main topic. What do we do after we take control of those roads?"

"Once we secure these roads, we'll establish stockpiles of ordinance and fortify our positions."

The constant hum of machinery provided background noise, the smell of charcoal and oil seeping in, a metallic construct roaring from the pits underneath.

"Mobilize the assassins," Knoxx ordered, taking a long drag from his cigar. The ember flared brightly, casting a reddish glow over his weathered face. "They move out at dawn."

"Also... What was that kid's name? The one with the weird powers?" Knoxx voiced images blurring within his mind on the recent footage.

"Are you perhaps referring to Alexander, general?" She voiced, confused.

Knoxx taking time to think, inquired, "Have you confirmed his origins?" 

"Our analysts are currently unsure. We have suspicions he's merely using re-purposed tech, that sources his energy projection and physical empowerment. His armour appears to be a mesh of Maliwan and Atlas tech." The attendant continued the pieces of the equipment sourced to their corresponding manufacturer. 

"While these conclusions are highly likely, they do not explain the firepower that Xander demonstrates. Only our Eridian and advanced energy weaponry have shown to demonstrate similar levels," she continued. 

"Increase his bounty by another ten million. He's far more dangerous than that other siren." Knoxx continued the image of the supposed teenager brought up. Indicated as young due to the individual's voice and stature, theories arose on the possibility of corporate foul play.

'Was Xander Maliwan's prospect sent to disturb Atlas' advancement? No, that'd be way too obvious. What kind of idiot would send their assassin into battle wearing their own branded technology? They'd have their heads targeted by the other corps for intrusion.'

'Could it be Hyperion? Can't be them. They've secured Elpis and have strictly maintained neutrality even since the third corporate war. It might've been Vladoff. Then again those mongrels wouldn't dare, would they? Even on this stink hole they manage a way to mess with me.'

'Perhaps there was a deeper plot at play. Someone wants me out of the force or dead. That assassination wasn't merely a warning; it was a direct shot at Atlas.

 Someone wants Atlas out of the picture...'

'A shame though, my time's running short. They should've sent me somewhere better. Could've used a few more tours on Promethea, could've died for something. Yet, they had me stuck here running this shit show - I need another cigar.'

Monologuing within his mind, he seemed to trail into lost thoughts before being interrupted by his attendant, who seemed concerned at his blankness.

"What makes you so sure, sir?" 

Tapping his fingers and looking over the casualty list, he merely blurted his suspicions, "He seems to be growing stronger with every battle." 

Elsewhere atop Hyperion space station stood Tassiter, his eyes gazing at the scientists beneath his command. With numerous individuals walking back and forth between the industrial lab, hundreds of contraptions warped around the area in an attempt to further their research.

"Your progress, Sarah?" Mister Tassiter inquired, his hands folded behind his back as he gazed at the tubes attached to the monstrous eye before them.

"Positive. While progress has been minimal, we have slowly scaffolded means to revive the eye of the Destroyer. While still unstable, we've managed to at least keep the eye alive and functioning through augmentation. Soon, Helios will have its very own eye," Sarah reported.

"Good, very good. Investors will be pleased to hear of your progress. Have your findings documented and sent to my desk by noon," Tassiter continued.

"Ah, sir. John wanted me to inform you that he requests compensation for the recent findings from the vault," she revealed cautiously, her head ducked down.

"Hmm, ambitious. It appears behind all that rubbish, he isn't useless after all. Ha! The code monkey has a tad of intelligence to him. Have him appointed as a lead engineer over the lower deck; it's what he's best at after all. As the company always states, competency should always be rewarded especially when regarding the company's interest. Now, notify him of these changes, and ensure that he understands his role. After all, we don't allow slackers among us. I'll be leaving soon for a business conference. Don't. Screw. Anything. Do you understand?" Tassiter warned.

"I understand, sir," she responded.

"Very good. Now return to your duties."

Watching his departing figure, Sarah sighed in relief, the cold sweat that tracked down her back slowly drying.

"Fucking hell, John. You couldn't just have asked yourself?" Sarah seethed, calling John.

"Listen, honey, he's an asshole. He'd rather hear it from a pretty lady than me."

"You owe me one, John. I nearly died out there, you know? Tassiter's not just one of our bosses. He's the President of the company, you dimwit! Your little satellite could've led to the next corporate war!"

"Relax, Sarah. You did great. Next time, I'll take the hit, okay?" John replied, his voice softer, attempting to placate her.

"Yeah, you better," she muttered, ending the call. She took a deep breath, the sterile scent of the lab mingling with her lingering anger.

She glanced around the bustling lab, the weight of her responsibilities pressing down on her. Despite the tension, she felt a spark of pride in their progress. They were making history, one nerve-wracking day at a time.

As she returned to her station, she couldn't help but think of the monstrous eye they were reviving. It was a symbol of their ambition, a testament to their relentless pursuit of power. 

But it was a power she needed, the commission she got from the ordeal landed her in a positive position. If the Eye of Helios truly came to fruition, she would be running the station itself.

Elsewhere on Helios, Jack reclined in his opulent office, a holographic display of the research findings flickering before him. His fingers drummed rhythmically on the polished surface of his desk as he activated his ECHO device.

"Angel," he called out, his tone surprisingly soft compared to his usual bravado.

"Yes, father?" Angel's voice came through the device, calm and serene. Although behind this front, she was truly tired.

Tired of the pursuit her father wanted, yet she was her only family. There wasn't an escape. Perhaps if she helped her father enough, he would free her, it was her only hope. 

"I wanted to thank you for helping me get that information to Tassiter. Couldn't have done it without you, sweetheart," Jack said, a rare note of genuine gratitude in his voice.

"It was nothing. Just doing what I can to help," Angel replied modestly.

"No, it was more than nothing. You did well. And you know what that means, right?" Jack's voice took on a slightly teasing tone.

Angel's voice lightened slightly, "Does it mean I get a break?"

Jack chuckled. "Something like that. Just keep up the good work. We'll be running this place together soon enough. And hey, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

"Thanks, Dad," Angel responded, a hint of warmth in her voice.

"Anytime, Angel. Anytime," Jack said, ending the call. He leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smile playing on his lips as he gazed out over the vast expanse of space, his thoughts already turning to the next stage of his grand plans.

Angel now finished conversing with her father took her headset off, the satellite now disconnected from her mind. She could finally be at peace, the constant buzzing and clicking having kept her awake for days.

Opening her eyes, she stared at the metallic door in front of her, the same door she had been gazing at for years. While she grew, her surroundings remained the same, even with the world at her fingertips she couldn't touch it. 

She could gaze at the stars and wonder with all her might but never feel the warmth of the sun. She had seen it all, the beauty and ugly of the world, yet she couldn't smell or taste a burger.

It was liberties like this she sought, an authentic life rid of the shackles of confinement. 

To her safety was a prison her father had created to hold her and yet she couldn't hate the man.

He's right - I am a monster, and I did kill her.

But could anyone please save her from this nightmare? Maybe in another life, she wasn't the one that died but her. Perhaps then her father could've been happy she sulked.

Hopping off the chair she gazed at the shackles painful memories resurfacing.

While she was no longer bound, the little girl never did leave - her screams still echo in their family home.

Pulling out a little cake for herself, she stared at the digits unable to cry - her tears long gone since the days of her youth.

"Happy Birthday, Angel - it's your big sixteen."

Taking time to stare at the candles, she slowly blew them out. 

"I miss you, Mom..."

- Alexander - 

Another day, another dollar.

Time seemed to slow down on Pandora once more after all the killing, fighting and looting. It would be a shock to say but it didn't feel like a year had passed since I first arrived in Pandora. Developments over Fyerstone were almost comical, with growth in economy and infrastructure having no signs of slowing down.

Business was booming!

Yet, Fyerstone would be the wrong name to call what was his. The forefathers of this land no longer had any say in its conception. This town was something he created from the ground up, whereas others abandoned I made it anew.

It was recent but Fyerstone was renamed Ironhold, for what purpose? To signify a rebirth of the land that once was, a simple name change was all it took for people to flock back. 

With fast travel online it enabled people of all backgrounds to make their way to Ironhold in seek of a better life, border control was thus enforced. Numerous screening and fact-checking were done before allowing new migrants in. 

When attempting to see if fast travel could extend to differing planets, it found that fast travel could only be enabled if your ECHO device had the correct code to do so, while also having enough frequency.

With Pandora being so far from any other cluster of planets, it meant that most individuals were planet-locked to Pandora or Elpis regardless if they had travelled to former planets. This left meant that if you did not have a space ship you were doomed to die on Pandora forever. 

Experimentation of the local flora produced interesting results as previous usages of aura strengthened and produced badass variants of fauna: an example being my first minion - the female skag which now burst with strength and guarded Ironhold.

The results of the experimentation came out impressive as utilising my aura on the plants during their growth accelerated it to near maturation. Fruits of said plants also bolstered stronger flavours that would otherwise take months or years due to season and weather conditions. 

This meant that when utilising the fruits and vegetables for fermentation, flavours were far more potent and refreshing in comparison. Using Joshua as my control I found that half a glass would leave the man already drunk and relaxed. Yet even after reaching such a state, he requested more.

This meant that the drinks were addicting a positive side-effect for sales but not for my legion. Having already expected further side effects I found hangovers were non-existent. While further testing would be required the positive aspects of such a product were showing. 

Taking time to note the alcohol content of such spirits, it came to a whopping 68%. While potent in flavour it was similar to drinking soju, a similar beverage found on the ECHO net.

Similar drinks found on the market were nowhere as near as good as mine every other spirit or alcohol lacked the authenticity and freshness that my beverages bolstered. Each variant of such beverages similar to the one on the market was just that, better. 

Giving taste tests to some of the guards off-duty found a satisfaction rate of 99% the 1% stemming from the lack of amount. It came to the point where they would constantly agitate me even when they knew my temper.

It was here that I had to alter the fermentation process to limit its addictive properties for recreational use. It meant lowering the amount of alcohol and increasing the water and sugar content. This reduced the quality but lessened the effects of addition which meant that guards would be allowed to contribute part of their funds back into the economy. 

Speaking of economy Pandora dollars were changed into a universal currency exclusive to Ironhold or my governance. Such dollars would be converted into credits which worked on my system allowing a worthwhile currency that could be controlled, the conversion rate was 1:0.1 in favour of my credit.

Similarly, the effects of refugees introduced the concepts of governance, citizenship, taxation, banks and Medicare. Citizenship ensured benefits exclusive to those who secured it, such as Universal healthcare, Universal basic income, Lowered taxes, and subsidized education.

However, such citizenship also came with responsibilities: mandatory education, adherence to the law and regulations, and mandatory military service through the Legion. While not enforced, a certain culture was pushed for citizens to contribute to society and participate in community life. 

Children of such individuals were granted the right until they were eighteen where they would either be forced to serve or lose the right to have their citizenship. While others would buckle under the load of paperwork and pressure having a core instead of a brain did wonders. 

Numerous calculations regardless of complexities were solved and with the assistance of the ECHO net, education plans, future construction developments and governmental structures were put into place.

Work was abundant and with workers flowing seamlessly, developments went through smoothly. Zed was now actively a part of my government system - his job was now promoted to president of the health department.

His skills are now put to the test by helping numerous individuals on a larger scale. While his vending machine business was lucrative it wasn't always profitable due to the maintenance. What we were doing was never seen before in Pandora.

Now speaking of our military department, to be a part of the legion or police force you had to have had your citizenship finalised. Guards were the police force of Ironhold and were paid 17'500 credits as junior officers with senior roles reaching the 32'000 mark.

Those in the Legion would be expected to be sent on expeditions or campaigns. These expeditions were run by Joshua who would secure routes outside the town and escort cargo between Ironhold and Ironhold mine. 

All this was facilitated by Scooter's "Catch-a-ride" and mechanical skills that allowed for the creation of large cargo trucks. He was paid a salary of 20 credits per hour because the man often had to travel out to fix his "Catch-a-ride" machines. 

Benefits of joining the Legion included a salary of 24'000 credits and two months of PTO as a legionnaire. While initially expensive the lucrative deal enticed a few mercenaries and bounty hunters to take on the mantle, to put into perspective the minimum wage was 16'000 credits per annum, 1,333.33 credits per month and or 8.33 credits an hour assuming weekly hours were 40 hours. 

Minimum Monthly Living Costs were also calculated to factor in the introduction of the new currency, such as Food: 300 credits, Rent: 500 credits, Utilities: 100 credits, Transportation: 50 credits, Healthcare: 50 credits, Education and Training: 50 credits, Entertainment and Leisure: 100 credits, Clothing: 50 credits, Savings and Emergency Fund: 100 credits equaling to a total 1,300 credits per month. 

With homes being created and buildings being structured in certain sectors: Sector Alpha mainly housed governmental buildings such as the town hall, barracks and hospital. Sector Beta housed residential homes for citizens the populace growing to a strong ten-thousand, Sector Charlie was well known for its restaurant and apparel shops.

Sector Delta was home to merchants, smiths and mechanics. Sector echo housed recreational centres, such as casinos, bars and taverns, this particular sector was purposely moved closer to the outside of the town to ensure travellers would be enticed - it worked. 

Prostitution while not incentivised by our government was not illegal, with a few laws in place to protect the sex workers who decided to sell their bodies. As such dealing done in the echo sector was left to hushed lips and ears. It wasn't strange for children to wander into the district having gained new experiences.

Ultimately depravity was frowned upon, if every cultural action was enforced instead of gratitude you would be met with malice 

This was merely human nature. 

Money now meant nothing to me as its value became null - what purpose was income when you controlled it? Even banks were controlled by myself, allowing a definitive control of the populace. 

Officers were brainwashed and likewise were the legionaries, while not controlled fully - my influence was slowly creeping into their souls now entangled. Given enough time they would follow my every order, regardless it was done first and foremost so that corruption would never seep into my ranks. 

Joshua wasn't exempt from this as well, he too was slowly creeping into my will. Whether by his choice or not - I would not allow a chance for failure. Thanks to my powers having been trained, the leakage of aura was minimal. 

This meant that bending others to my will did not deteriorate their minds like before where such a rush would overstimulate their brain causing their neurons to deteriorate, the downside was that it took months to completely bend them to my will - a manageable downside.

Yet, it wasn't exactly time for celebration, much more had to be done. With the Crimson Lance dismantled and Commandant Steele killed Pandora was once again returned to its natural state - A barbaric hell hole with every individual gunning for the next big craze.

While her existence was a nuisance, her slight reign of terror and cooperation with bandits kept their rampage to a minimum. Now without anyone keeping the druggies and psychos at bay, the carnage was back in full effect. 

It wouldn't be insane to say that mothers were killing their sons and fathers were touching their daughters. Such stories were quite the norm due to the history of the planet. Convicts already incarcerated for extreme crimes are left to rot on a planet 

Now the motive was "Girls, money, drugs and booze". 

Today such an example was the motive, Mad Moxxi, the elusive femme fatale was testing my patience for the exact thing things mentioned. After consuming the Destroyer's essence my stature similarly grew per my abilities which during this time remained at a halt - life had gone in the way. 

In summary, I now appeared to be someone in their late teens - I had grown out of my armour and gained quite the stature. I had to discard the equipment and re-equip myself with new equipment. 

"Look sugar, I'll have you know with the construction of the Underdome money will be billing up to the mountains." She voiced extravagantly. 

"Yet, you expect me to facilitate both construction and funding?" I inquired, my eyes gazing at the costs of the event.

"Listen sugar, I'll host it. I'll make sure it's worth your while~," She flirted her members peaking from her seductive dress. 

"I know you're young so you might not have had the opportunity, but trust me. A time with me might just be worth the wait, sugar~." She continued her hands slowly creeping to my cheek.

Unfortunately for her, I had no hormones that she could manipulate and capitalise on.

Grasping her wrist I slowly pushed her away, "Let's keep our relationship strictly business." 

"Fiesty, I've met men like you before, you all come crawling back. Don't worry honey, I'll be waiting." She smiled, awaiting my answer.

"I'm willing to supplement the costs of running the entire event on two conditions." 

"I'll listening," she answered.

"Condition number one, you must promote my brand of alcohol at all your bars." 

"I can deal with that." She accepted, "Your second?" 

"I'll have you work for me, for a year." 

"A year contract? Was the tax not enough for you, I've already taken your citizenship up you know, sugar"

"A year at most."

Taking time to digest my demands she seemed to hesitate with proceeding, "Let me think about this, gals gotta think, you know." 

"I've given you my demands, I'll have it no other way." 

"Are you sure we can't work something out, sugar~?" 

Attempting to seduce me, her angles fell on blind eyes, not everyone on this planet wanted to touch the nearest fleshly body near them.

"I'll await your answer," I responded before excusing her from my office. 

Slightly upset at her failed attempts she slowly made her way out, allowing another figure to enter.

"Greetings Alexander, it has been quite some time would you not say?" She mused.

"You would be correct."

"I would say, you've done a fantastic job, but I would be lying. You've brought more... Things around me." She voiced, disgusted.

"So what brings you here Tannis, like you I don't have all the time in the world regardless of how the 90-hour cycles go on this planet." I mused.

Talking with Tannis wasn't exactly difficult in the traditional sense, while her awkwardness and obvious autistic tendencies were rough to work around, she was quite the scholar. 

Her rational thinking often made me inquire about my understanding of the world and the nature of the vaults in cohesion with the universe. 

What made her difficult was that due to her psychotic tendencies with talking with In-animate objects - she would only seek me out due to my ability to facilitate resources. 

"I will be moving outside the town, back near the vault. I find the commute obsolete in my pursuit of knowledge." She voiced, before leaving.

Watching her departing figure I tasked Joshua with keeping Legionares watch over her. Her life would be wasted should she die early, her fascination for the vaults was unmatched. While personal conclusions would be possible, using others would be far more worthwhile. 

She was a resource best kept alive but not invested. 

[Current status]

Name: Alexander 

Age: 12

Health: 100%

Aura: 1000/1000 (1 per second)

Current abilities:

Energy projection 


Physical empowerment

Mind Control 



[Expand (+/-)]

My status had grown to be sizable in comparison to my initial start, while my age was young it was not exactly in proportion to a human's age. My maturity, age and figure far surpassed any normal human twelve-year-old, it'd be more appropriate to state that I was around the human age of a six-teen-year-old, physically at least. 

With such busyness It had been a while since I took time to analyse my stature in front of a mirror - I stood around one-hundred and eighty centimetres.

Above average.

Similarly, my hair had grown longer its strands appearing to curl fiercely down to my shoulders, its blemish against my olive skin. 

I was handsome.

Well except my eyes, they lacked depth or any sort of colour - It merely radiated darkness.

Sliding a beanie atop my head and a silver mask against my face I departed from the office to walk around Ironhold. 

"Greetings, sir!" An officer saluted, his crew stationed outside near Sector Alpha.

Wearing their uniform their heads were covered with hoods to protect their identity, their body armour fitted with the best that we could scavenge. Armed with weaponry they patrolled and guarded the street in case of a possible attack or internal dispute. 

Slightly nodding their way I moved and passed silently without much interference. 

Walking through each sector the voices and laughter of children seemed to echo throughout Sector Beta. The sight of children playing games was abundant, and similar conversations and chatter filled the market square of Sector Charlie. 

The numerous smells of spices and flavours waffling about, the town was atmospheric and little worry was present reconsideration to its bordering sector Delta. Stoic and armed to the teeth guards garrisoned here were trained to be vigilant and attentive. 

Reaching the refugees on the outskirts of town near sector Echo, the area was filled with tents.

A few guards were stationed outside in case of intruders, passing through tents migrant control officers entered in and out inquiring and documenting their names, ages and origins. 

I turned to find familiar faces, my mind coming to an unsettling conclusion. Why were people from Dornwhich village present?

Immediately making my way towards them they seemed engrossed in conversation unaware of my nearing figure.

"I wonder if they'll even let us in. Security here seems tighter than New Haven..." One of the village folk voiced.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Another spoke.

"Only if we can get in."

"Strange how they changed the name. Doesn't our map say Fyerstone? Almost thought we were lost."

"Their Mayor changed it. To signify the rebirth of a new world order, I'm not sure though. I overheard the other groups talk about it."


"Have you heard the Mayor is that kid?"

"Which one?"

"That psycho kid," They continued.

"Psycho?" I intervened, their collective heads turning to analyse me.

"Uh, hello sir." One voiced.

They didn't recognize me.

"Do tell me, where exactly are you all from?" 

"Well a few of us are from Dornwhich Village, but we eventually met up with a few others due to the bandit raids." One of the villagefolk voiced. 

"I see, do tell me. Would the name Ralph stir any memory?" I continued.

"Ah, yeah. There's only one man named Ralph in our village unfortunately I'm not sure if he made it out alive." He continued.

How disappointing, he ended up sacrificing his life, for these poor things! 

"Well, thank goodness you all made it all out. I'll put in a good word for you to the migrant officers " I spoke before leaving.

Getting strange looks from the populace they merely remained silent in fear of offending me. 

Utilising the old map from Dornwhich village I set out to find the old man's dead body. I had to confirm whether or not the man had made it out. Feeling an individual brush past me I turned to find no one present. 

It was strange, I had sworn I had felt an individual pass me, yet I couldn't seem to see where they had gone. Checking my person, I found nothing lost - waving the feeling off, I continued to attend to more pressing matters.

Moving towards my garage, I looked over at the vehicle reminiscing the numerous hours it took to build it - the old man had left a positive impression a shame he had to die.

While the motorcycle had remained unused it had not remained unchanged asking Scooter for help allowed for numerous improvements. 

Taking my time to adjust to the new changes I turned it on and heard its engine roar, taking it out I blitzed down Pandora's roads, the wind breaking past me. With titanium exhaust systems growl it echoed through the canyons, a testament to the beast's newfound might. 

Every twist of the throttle sent a surge of excitement within me, the remapped ECU was delivering smooth, explosive acceleration. The new suspension also absorbed the rugged terrain effortlessly, while the high-performance breaks ensured that previous struggles were nothing - the precision and confidence were all there. 

With a matte black and violet finish, the colour scheme boasted perfection an extension of my excellence - Scooter was indeed talented. 

Arriving at the destroyed village I had little doubts about any survivors the thoughts of Jesse escaping minimal. While her death was indeed unfortunate, it was merely a confirmation of this world's hunger. 

It was simple, If you lacked strength, you would die. 

I wouldn't bother checking if the girl survived. She was no longer my responsibility whether she lived or died, it wouldn't matter regardless. 

Taking a few turns to Ralph's workshop I found the whole house raided and destroyed the rotting corpses of bandits mauled on the ground. 

The Skags had arrived before me.

Taking time to dispatch the local fauna I made my way to his workbench, the man's dead body laid out bare. He had died fighting, his hands showing signs of bruising near the knuckles. 

Picking his rotting body I slowly made my way out before dousing him in gasoline, the act more respectful than allowing Pandora to waste him.

Walking away I took time to investigate the surroundings for more clues on Steve. The menace had been growing just as large as The Legion. Name Steves Horde, the man was meticulous in his planning as I had been. 

Biding his time he knew that he would have to eventually cut the corporation out, it was I he was seemingly integrating whatever bandit faction was left. He was using me and I was using him. Every leader needed a struggle a demon to fight against. 

Although he lacked finesse and intelligence, while our strategy may be similar we were not the same. He could never match me, in strength or wisdom. 

He didn't consolidate his strength and expanded too quickly, now tippets of his horde had left leaving him compromised.

Had he done his job properly a possible compromise or deal could've been made. A companionship of some sort, yet now it was too late. Scouts easily scouted the man's base and with my powers, information came in barrels. 

"Well, well, and well. Look who we have here, some idiot decided to go too far off from home." A voice snickered, analysing the man he appeared to be in his late twenties and carrying a Jakob's pistol - an interesting choice of weaponry.

"Who are you?" I inquired raising my hands.

Taking time to turn my head back and forth to scan the area I counted ten hostiles including the man in front of me. 

"Me? I'm Wickem leader of this little ol' group." He snickered.

"Okay, I see. Well, Wickem, I'm going to offer you a deal." I voiced lowering my hands.

"Hoh, you won't be making any deal here partner. The only things that moving are your pockets and the sweet bike you have parked near you." He smiled, "Now keep em hands raised, or else!"

"Or else?" I questioned amused.

Suddenly without warning bullets hailed on me, their assault cracking my shield.


With my hand now firmly placed on my hand cannon each life was laid out in quick motion. 










Each shot was targeted at their head my bullets shattering their shields and reaching the bridges of their brows. 

It would be fair to say that the only person whose marksmanship was superior to mine was Mordecai. While our skills seemed to equate in the first hundred metres, the differences would only equate there. 

Past the hundred mark, Mordecai had shown to have an aim that remained consistent hundreds of kilometres away - his precision and accuracy, were unmatched. 

With silence deafening the scene, Wickem watched as I quickly murdered his entire squad in seconds - the perk of being a fast learner, the draw of gunfire having slowly been ingrained in me. 

Although such skill wouldn't matter much in the future.

What good was a bullet against a nuke?

"So are willing to listen now?" I plastered.

"Yeah, yeah! Of course, what were you going to say before I rudely interrupted." He cheekily smiled placing his weapon down. 

"I'm going to need your help, you see. Something I can't quite do myself." I answered walking towards me.

"No sudden movements, wouldn't want to see you have a headache from this." I continued.

"So what is it you need?" He asked.

"I'm willing to give you a proposition. I'm going to kill Steve. You're going to replace him, you listen to what I say from now on. Do you understand?" 

"I do." He answered handing me his ECHO device. 

Looking through I found the man to carry a few thousand dollars, allowing him to keep it I noted his i.d and frequency channel.

"I'll give you a call when I do. You answer back, do you understand?" 

"I do." 

"That's good, remember. I own you now and don't think about running. I will find you." I replied, my hands grasping his head, "Man, the thought of crushing your head is enticing. A shame, I'll need you later. I'd love to watch you squirm." 

"Toodles." I voiced before leaving.

Driving on the long road of Pandora highways, not many enemies attempted to stop me, the trip uneventfully. Even the fauna seemed fearful of my tracks, it was strangely quiet. Something was amiss, but I could point it out. 

I eventually reached Steve's fortress numerous trucks and bandits surrounding its interior and exterior. Numbering in the thousands I watched as their numbers dwindled at an alarming rate, their bodies silently cleaved in half all in broad daylight. 

"Don't be afraid. I'm here to help you. While it will be hard to understand what I'm going to say please trust me. I'm only here to guide you." A being spoke, its voice instantly transmitted to my mind.

Activating my clairvoyance, I turned my head both left and right in an attempt to make sense of the voice. It wasn't until I viewed my ECHO device that was I able to peer past it and view a feminine figure. 

Turning to face my ECHO device it seemed tethered across from it.


This thing or individual was most likely a siren.

What led to this conclusion in cohesion with the information aforementioned?

It was because it required clairvoyance, an ability that peered into the realm atop the material one - most likely what I was seeing was her reflection.

It appeared to be female, her figure petite in stature with long hair brought down one. She looked pale, weariness embedded in her eyes - she was tired. 

"Are you some ghost?" I asked, perhaps I had invoked the wrath of some witch during my crusade. 

I decided it was best to engage with her, I needed more information. 

[Scanning target: Energy projection]

[Threat Level: None]

"Ghost? No." She voiced before stammering, "Wait, wait, wait... You can see me?" 

"I guess so," I replied honestly. 

"I've never met anyone that could..." She murmured. 

"Well, I guess you just haven't met me then. I'm full of surprises." I replied sarcastically. 

"Ah, prove it!" She voiced.

"Well, you have long, straight, long dark brown hair. A petite figure and appear to be young." I voiced.

"Now what do you want?" I inquired.

"It's not what I want, it's what you'll need. The people ahead of you are highly skilled assassins they are not to be trifled with. The crimson lance soldiers you faced mean nothing in the face of the Lance assassins." She continued, while her voice and mannerisms appeared to be mature having seen her figure it portray her in a different light, "Listen I need you to remain calm." 

"Why would I need to remain calm?" 

"Because of me." A voice replied appearing behind me, an energy blade armed against my throat.

"I'm guessing you were the presence I felt?" 

"You're correct, now I'm going to need some answers. What do you know about Jess from Dornwhich village?" She inquired.

"Jess? The little girl?" 

"What do you know?" She insisted, her blade now a mere millimetre against my neck.

Due to the speed at which he held her blade, my shield failed to register the weapon as a threat. 

I would humour her as I too also wondered if Jess survived. 

"I wouldn't know." 

"Don't lie to me, I know you're hiding something. Those villagers told me everything about you, Alexander." She continued.

"Well obviously not, 'cause you wouldn't want to be this close if, they did." I voiced before walking through her blade, her knife slicing my throat.

[Projection altered]

[250 Aura consumed]

Feeling the pain, was similar to a paper cut the pain was sharp and quick but not unbearable.

Creating distance I was now a few metres away her eyes cast on me, the female wearing full crimson armour with a mask donned on her face.

"You know it's rude not to inform your guest without revealing your name." I voiced, her blades twirling around as she encircled me.

Aiming my weapon towards her she merely stood there menacingly. 

"I need an answer, Alexander. Don't waste my time." She continued.

"If looks could kill I'd be a dead man." I joked.

"Keep talking like that and you will." She blurted.

"Fine, I'll indulge." I voiced lowering my weapon.

"The last person who saw her was Ralph, the person's body who I burnt. If she hadn't come to Ironhold, then most likely she either died or made her way towards New Haven. Your best bet is either through Ralph's house or New Haven." I voiced.

Disappearing she appeared to teleport away, crimson energy forming leaving an afterimage. 

"Well, mysterious women, who are you and what was that?" I inquired. 

"I'm Angel and the woman you just faced was Crimson Lance Assassin Athena, leader of the Omega squad. My reports state that her success rate has never dropped from a hundred." She informed.

"Now what about you? Why are you helping me?" I asked, her intentions were far too abrupt.

"I need your help but not now... For now, I just want to help." She explained. 




Author note:

Here's the upload schedule for now:
11/06/24 - Chapter 12
14/06/24 - Chapter 13
15/06/24 - Chapter 14 
Please do me a favour and leave a review it encourages me to write more. 

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