Borderlands: Conquest

Chapter 13: Wanted (2)

- Angel -

"So, your name's Angel," he voiced, his eyes gazing towards the distance.

Having observed him through my ECHO device, I noticed he never changed in front of technology nor took off his mask unless alone.
He also never slept, it was quite inhumane. 

Hiding his face beneath a solid silver mask, his long curly hair flowed from the sides, his eyes hidden under the cold metal plate.

Standing tall, he left quite the impression—a tint of insanity hinted through every interaction.

Yet, beneath the odd character, I knew the man hid something quite sinister.

He was quite the calculating schemer. I had met one such man before, and the traits were far too common.

Awkwardly awaiting my response, he leaned close to his bike, a bag of dried skag jerky in hand.

I replied stoically, "You would be correct."

"Are you, perhaps, a siren?" he continued.

Remaining silent, the awkwardness lingered.


"I'm guessing you are," he murmured, munching.


"Well, thank you for the assistance. So, what do we do now? Are you going to be my guardian angel?" he questioned further.

"I would recommend returning to Ironhold. We will need to plan for the looming threat," I explained.

The Lance assassins were far too fearsome compared to Commandant Steele.

One could say that General Knoxx was a bigger threat due to the man's uncaring personality.

While my father had no plans for Pandora after the failure of the Vault, I knew there was more to this planet than what met the eye.

If Pandora could be saved, it wouldn't be by some corporate entity seeking benefits.

It would be The Legion. To help my father and help myself, I would help Alexander save it.

He had both power and influence, and the people revered and respected him, which no other leader had achieved.

Elena Pierce, while respected, had no power. Their sense of security could only be matched by its populace.

Yet Alexander bolstered might that could back Ironhold's claims; they could fight back if threatened.

They could save people if they sought to merge power. It was here that the difference was set.


It was the only way I could save myself as well.

Who knows how long I would be stuck locked in my home bunker?

I couldn't stand it. I wouldn't.

Thankfully, my father had no clue I was communicating with Alexander, else I fear he would further tighten his control over me.

"What makes them a threat?" Alexander inquired, his eyes gazing towards Steve's base.

"While I have no doubt you could kill the Lance Assassins, given enough preparations and direct confrontation, they aren't your average combatants. They're assassins. Meaning they won't merely combat you in hand-to-hand combat. They'll find any means of destruction to get what they want," I explained further.

Already, as we were speaking, Steve was being confronted, the surveillance cameras offering insights into their battle.


While one would expect an epic battle, the man never woke up to fight back—the Lance assassins were the best at their job.


They were not employed to fight; they were trained to kill.


So, to directly approach them on territory they had already set was catastrophic. Possible proximity-armed explosives and traps could have already been set.


Athena, the leader of the Crimson Assassins, held back during her confrontation with Alexander.


While he bolstered the most combat power, that was only if he was aware. Athena, in the time they spoke, had already snuck back against Alexander, and yet he had failed to perceive the projection.


The almost life-like projection was a testament to the lengths the Crimson Assassins were willing to go to retake Pandora's assets and extinguish the Vault Hunters alongside Alexander.


"I see," he voiced, turning.


It seemed the man had weighed his options and chosen the latter.


At least the man wasn't a battle maniac.


Traveling back to Ironhold he seemed slightly lost in thought before breaking the silence. 


"Well, since we got all this time together, why don't we chat?" he offered. I chose to remain silent.


I would maintain a respectable distance between him and me.


I couldn't risk jeopardizing myself to a stranger—everything was to save myself and possibly help my father.


He was my only family left, and even though I hated every moment of it, I could only listen.


"Well, I guess I can go first. My favourite colour is purple," he informed.




"Mine's blue," I humoured. It seemed he wouldn't stop conversing.


"Blue, like the sky or blue like the seas?" he countered, which left me to ponder.


Concluding, I answered, "Both."


He chuckled lightly, "Good answer. Both are vast and endless, just like our journey here."


I remained silent, my mind racing with thoughts and concerns about our precarious situation.


"What's your favourite food?" he asked, trying to keep the conversation going.


"Why do you care?" I replied, a hint of irritation in my voice.


His questions were getting too personal, perhaps showing slight aggression my dissuade him from pushing his luck. 


"Just trying to get to know my guardian angel better," he said with a smirk. Though I couldn't see it through his mask, I could sense it.


"Fine. I like fresh fruits. They're hard to come by on Pandora, but when you find them, it's a real treat," I admitted.


"Fresh fruits, huh? Can't say I've had many of those. Skag jerky is more my speed," he said, waving the bag in his hand.


We fell into a brief silence, the distant sounds of the wasteland filling the void.


"So, what's the deal with the Lance assassins? You seem pretty concerned about them," Alexander asked, his tone more serious.


"They're not just mercenaries. They're trained killers, experts in stealth and sabotage. Confrontation with them is almost always a death sentence," I explained, trying to convey the gravity of the situation.


"And you think they'll come after us?" he asked.


"They will. They see us as threats, especially after what happened with Commandant Steele. We need to be prepared for anything," I said firmly, it would be wrong to say they would soon purge Ironhold. 


Alexander nodded, his expression hidden but his body language showing he understood. "Alright. We'll need to gather intel and be ready for them."


"Agreed. And we'll need allies. People we can trust," I added.


"Trust is hard to come by on Pandora," he warned.


"True, but it's not impossible," I said, looking at him. "We've already got each other, and that's a start."


He looked at me thoughtfully. "So, you always been a lone wolf, or did you have a team once?"


"I've always worked alone," I replied curtly.


"Must get lonely," he remarked.


I shrugged. "I've gotten used to it."


"Well, you're not alone anymore," he said with a hint of a smile in his voice. "What's your favourite place on Pandora?"


I hesitated, not wanting to reveal too much. "There's a spot near the Rust Commons. It's quiet, away from the chaos."


"Sounds nice," he said. "I have a place like that too. It's not much, but it's home."


"Home..." I echoed, a pang of longing in my chest. "I haven't had one of those in a long time."


"We'll make one," he said confidently. "Together."


I glanced at him, surprised by his determination. "You really think we can?"


It was no wonder why people followed him, he had a way with words. 


"Why not? We've got the skills, and we've got each other," he said with a reassuring nod.


Feeling a flicker of hope, I decided to ask, "What brought you to Pandora in the first place?"


He looked at me through the screen, then back at the horizon. "To be quite honest - I'm not sure. I came here looking for a fresh start. To escape my past and build something new. I didn't expect to find myself in the middle of a war zone, but now that I'm here, I figure I might as well make the best of it."


"A fresh start, huh?" I mused. "I suppose we're not so different after all."


"Guess not," he agreed. "And maybe, just maybe, we can help each other find what we're looking for."


I offered him a small smile. "Maybe we can."


As we continued our conversation over the ECHO device, Alexander's voice softened, "Ever think about leaving Pandora?"


"Sometimes," I admitted. "But it's not that simple."


"Nothing ever is," he said. "But if you could go anywhere, where would it be?"


"I... I don't know," I said, taken aback by the question. "Somewhere peaceful, I guess."


"Sounds nice," he said softly. "Maybe one day."


"Maybe," I echoed, feeling a strange sense of comfort in his presence.


"Well, since we're stuck here for now, we might as well make the best of it," he said with a grin. "What do you say?"


I nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "Alright, let's get to work. We have a lot to do."


"Lead the way, Angel," Alexander answered.


"So," he continued, "Ever had a partner before?"


"Why are you so interested in my past?" I retorted, wary of revealing too much.


"Just trying to understand the person I'm working with. Trust is built on knowing each other, right?" he said, his tone genuine.


"I suppose," I replied, still cautious. "No, I haven't had a partner."


"Pandora's a tough place to forge lasting bonds," he acknowledged. "But maybe this is our chance to change that."


"Maybe," I said, a bit more softly this time. "What's your story, then? You must have some interesting tales."


"Oh, plenty," he laughed. "But I'll spare you the details for now. Let's just say, I've seen enough to know that trust is earned, not given."


"Fair enough," I replied, appreciating his honesty.


"So, Angel, what's the first thing you want to do once we get to Ironhold?" he asked, changing the subject.


"Assess the situation, gather intel, and formulate a plan," I said, slipping back into mission mode.


"Straight to business, huh?" he teased.


"Always," I replied, but there was a slight smile in my voice this time.


"I can see why they call you Angel," he said, his tone unexpectedly sincere. "You've got a clear vision and the drive to make things happen."


I paused, caught off guard by the compliment. "I just do what needs to be done," I replied, my voice softer than before.


"Well, it's good to know we're on the same page," he said. "We need to stay sharp and work together. We've got a lot riding on this."


Driving ahead along Pandora's highway he was suddenly interrupted by a blockade cascaded in front, a confrontation occurring between two



"I'd prefer if you didn't impede against my path, flesh bag." A robot bounty hunter heaved his weapon of choice a large metallic cleaver and Dahl sub-machine gun.


Tall and imposing, the metallic death machine wore a basic cloak to cover his appendages. Carrying a bounty on his shoulder the person's body was dropped to the ground, slumping, the machine now equipping himself with his weapons. 


"Oooh, scary." The man blocking him voiced, the individual sinister in appearance. 


Carrying two batons and a large heavy Vladoff machine gun, he appeared to be highly augmented. He wore a leather mask, its material switched from numerous faces. Packing a muscular build he was imposing, a haunting monster that would adults to sleep. 


"Your bounty looks mighty fine, Altworth. Could do with a few upgrades myself." 


"Once again. I'll warn you, Josh, remove yourself from my path or have yourself removed personally." 


"Always warnings never action, how about we put your processors to the test? See if your creator made something worthwhile." Josh snickered before being blitzed towards Altworth, his legs thrusting towards the man.


"Those legs pack quite the vigour, I see? I can't wait to have em' for myself." Josh smiled equipping his batons.


Alexander watching from afar observed the duo in action. 


Deflecting Altworth's attacks, Josh weaved and dodged the robot's attacks. While fast and calculating, Josh maintained distance, the batons electrifying and slightly stunning the robot at times.


To maintain a consistent flow between defence and attack, they switched to a sort of gun-fu. Utilising their weapons to their advantage, Josh remained constant in his pursuit towards Altowrht who seemed to now remain passive.


Firing against each other it appeared their weapons only did minimal damage to their shields, their frustrations slightly palpable.


"Seem's I've been rusty," Josh murmured, his voice heard to my ears due to his ECHO device. 


"Why are you wasting your time against me Josh, there are a million more bounties besides mine. You aren't any stronger than me."


Altworth spat, his weapons neutralised against Josh's Ashin shield whose strengths were resistance against elemental weaponry. 


"Come on, come closer. I'll only kill, yah." He snickered un-equiping his Vladoff machine. 


"How'd a flesh-bag like you manage to come across an Anshin shield with such quality? I could've killed you by now." Altworth conversed, and the threat his opponent posed increased.


"Don't get angry at me, bud. You're the one running that gross ass, Pangolin turtle." Josh smiled his attacks having only slightly drained the man's shield capacity - while slow to recharge they were unmatched in capacity and strength. 


"You're not bad," Josh remarked, "For a walking tin can, that is."


Altworth's mechanical voice held a note of disdain. "Don't mistake my tolerance for respect, flesh-bag. You're nothing but a psychotic nuisance."


"You think you're superior, don't you, tin can?" Josh taunted, his eyes glinting with malice. "But under all that shiny metal, you're just as fragile as the rest of us."


Altworth's mechanical voice dripped with contempt. "I am not like you, flesh-bag. My form may be artificial, but my superiority is undeniable. Unlike you pathetic humans, I am not bound by weakness or emotion."


Josh chuckled darkly, twirling one of his batons in his hand. "Spoken like a true machine. But you know what they say about machines, don't you? They're only as good as the ones who built them. And from where I'm standing, you look like a malfunction waiting to happen."


Altworth's mechanical joints whirred as he lunged forward, his movements precise and calculated. "You underestimate me, flesh-bag," he retorted, his voice cold and mechanical. "I am a product of superior engineering, built to withstand any challenge."


Josh's grin widened, revealing a glint of madness in his eyes. "Oh, I'm counting on it, tin can," he replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm.


"The more you resist, the sweeter the victory will be."


Their words were punctuated by the sound of clashing metal as they clashed, each blow resonating through the air with a metallic clang.


Altworth's movements were methodical and precise, while Josh's attacks were wild and unpredictable.


As their fight raged on, Josh and Altworth suddenly became aware of Alexander's presence. Their movements faltered for a moment as they turned their attention towards him, their eyes narrowing with suspicion.


"Looks like we've got ourselves an audience," Josh remarked, his tone laced with amusement as he glanced over at Alexander. "What's the matter, tin can? Scared he'll steal your thunder?"


As we watched from a safe distance, the tension between Josh and Altworth seemed to thicken, their animosity practically crackling in the air. Their eyes flicked back and forth between each other and Alexander, their suspicion palpable.


Josh's taunts echoed in the space, his words dripping with malice and aimed directly at Altworth. It was clear that he relished the opportunity to provoke the robot, to chip away at his composed exterior and expose any vulnerabilities.


Altworth, on the other hand, remained stoic and silent, his mechanical voice betraying none of the emotions that surely churned beneath his metallic exterior. He seemed unfazed by Josh's provocations, his attention fixed solely on Alexander as if trying to decipher the intentions behind his presence.


Meanwhile, Alexander's demeanour remained inscrutable, his expression carefully neutral as he observed the unfolding confrontation.


Despite the danger that surrounded him, there was a glint of curiosity in his eyes, a hunger for knowledge and understanding that belied the calm facade he projected.


As the tension reached its peak, I couldn't help but wonder what would happen next. Would Alexander intervene, or would he continue to watch from the sidelines, biding his time until the perfect moment to make his move? 


"What's your take on this, Angel?" His inquiry cut through the charged atmosphere, drawing my focus to the unfolding confrontation on the screen. It was as if he sought some insight, some hidden perspective that could shed light on the outcome of the impending clash.


Caught off guard by his direct question, I paused for a moment.


"It's difficult to say," I began, choosing my words with care. "Josh is a wild card, driven by his primal instincts and fueled by an insatiable thirst for bloodshed. He's unpredictable, dangerous, and utterly ruthless."


I glanced back at the screen, watching as Josh circled Altworth with predatory grace, his movements fluid and calculated. Despite his human limitations, he possessed a raw, unbridled ferocity that was both awe-inspiring and terrifying in equal measure.


"But Altworth," I continued, shifting my focus to the formidable robot, "is a different kind of threat altogether. He's cold, calculating, and utterly devoid of emotion. His actions are driven by logic and efficiency, his every move carefully calculated to exploit his opponent's weaknesses."


As I spoke, the tension in the air seemed to thicken, suffocating us in its oppressive embrace.


On the screen, Josh and Altworth continued their deadly dance, each step a calculated gamble, each strike a potential death blow.


In a blur of motion too fast to follow, Altworth seized the upper hand. With a precision that bordered on the supernatural, he dodged Josh's attacks with ease, his movements fluid and graceful despite his mechanical form.


In a matter of seconds, the tide of battle had turned, and Josh found himself on the defensive, his every move countered with ruthless efficiency. His weapon unfortunately shattered, leaving the man to utilise his hands. 


With each passing moment, Altworth's confidence seemed to grow, his cold, mechanical eyes betraying no hint of emotion as he closed in for the kill. 


Guiding Josh into an offence Altworth shattered Josh's shield and landed a lethal uppercut against the man's jaw breaking it. His jaw hanging from the side of his face puked blood, a mix of saliva and blood pouring on the ground.


And then, with a final, devastating blow, it was over. In a flash of steel and circuitry, Altworth struck true, his metallic fist driving deep into


Josh's chest with bone-crushing force. With a sickening crunch, the life fled from Josh's eyes, leaving behind only the cold, lifeless shell of a

man who had once been his adversary.




"Vark'in ech," Josh swore before slumping to the floor dead, his heart crushed by Altworth who seemed to clench tightly on it. 
Then, unexpectedly, Altworth's sensors scanned the area, and its optical sensors focused on Alexander, who stood nearby. I watched as the robot recognized him, its mechanical features shifting slightly with a hint of acknowledgment.


"Alexander," Altworth's monotone voice rumbled, breaking the silence. "The Iron Monarch, Atlas's bane and Leader of Ironhold."
Alexander met the robot's gaze with a calm demeanour, his expression revealing nothing of the tension that lingered beneath the surface.


"That's me," he acknowledged casually, his tone betraying none of the weight of his reputation.


Walking closer Alexander showed no signs of assault, his hands hidden within his pockets.


Altworth seemed to regard him with a mixture of recognition and respect, its sensors scanning Alexander with an intensity that made me uneasy. "What brings you to this place?" the robot inquired, its curiosity evident in its tone.


"Just taking in the sights," Alexander replied with a dismissive wave of his hand. "And perhaps looking for a bit of excitement."


As the tension lingered in the air, Alexander's gaze remained fixed on Altworth, the robot's mechanical features betraying nothing of its inner thoughts.


"You know," Alexander began, his tone casual yet purposeful, "I could use someone with your skills at Ironhold."
Altworth's sensors flickered momentarily, processing the unexpected offer. "You seek to employ me?" it inquired, its voice devoid of emotion.


Alexander nodded, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Indeed. You've proven yourself to be quite capable in combat. I could use someone like you on my team."


I watched as Altworth considered the offer, its metallic form unmoving as it processed the implications. Despite its lack of expression, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation, wondering what decision the robot would ultimately make.
After a moment of silence, Altworth finally spoke. "And what would be my role at Ironhold?"


Alexander's smile widened slightly, his eyes gleaming with a hint of excitement. "You'd be part of my personal security detail," he explained.


"With your combat prowess, I have no doubt you'd be an invaluable asset in keeping Ironhold safe."
As the agreement settled between them, Altworth's metallic form remained stoic, a testament to its unwavering resolve.


"I accept your offer, Alexander the Iron Monarch," it declared, its voice resonating with a sense of determination.


"However, I will require time to set my own affairs in order before I can join you at Ironhold." his hands gesturing to the two dead bodies.
Alexander nodded understandingly, his gaze unwavering as he acknowledged the robot's need for preparation. "Of course, I'm sure Jakob's corporation and whoever will enjoy knowing that Josh is dead" he replied, his tone respectful. "Take all the time you need. When you're ready, you know where to find me."


With that, Altworth turned to leave, its mechanical form moving with a purposeful stride. As it disappeared into the distance, I couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue about the enigmatic robot and its future role in Alexander's plans.


"Can you trust a robot?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, as we watched Altworth disappear into the darkness.


Alexander considered my question for a moment before responding. "Trust is a funny thing, Angel. It's not about what someone is, but who they are. Altworth may be a machine, but I've learned that sometimes, loyalty and honour can be found in the most unexpected places."


I nodded, understanding his point. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see."


"Yeah," Alexander agreed, his eyes fixed on the horizon. "We'll see."


As the dust settled and the echoes of the confrontation faded into the distance, Alexander revved up his bike, the engine roaring to life beneath him. Driving he seemed to be somewhat impressed at his new bounty, the flyer dropping to his feet.


Alexander "The Iron Monarch" 
Wanted DEAD or ALIVE by the Atlas corporation
Assassination of Atlas officers, destruction of property, theft, trespassing 
"Not bad for a bounty..." He murmured, before finding another bounty sheet printed on the back. 


Joshua Graham "The Iron sentinal"
Wanted DEAD or ALIVE by the Atlas corporation 
Assassination of Atlas officers, destruction of property, theft, trespassing, 

it was then a transmission was directly sent to Alexanders ECHO device, the action catching him off guard.


"Alright. This is General Knoxx. I don't really want to be here. This planet smells like hemorrhoids wrapped in bacon. I sent Steele to this planet to take care of this little problem and also because-- seriously have you heard her? She talks all the time. And hello, have you met our friend the sun?! So, I guess thanks for turning her into a meat kabob. Also, I'm going to kill you and stuff. Cheers, mate." General Knoxx voiced before finishing the transmission.

"How did he manage to find my line?" He voiced perplexed before noticing a tracker that was laced against his bike.
Having not noticed it I blamed my incompetency. 

"Athena's got tricks, I'll give her that." He murmered.

"Angel, do you know who General Knoxx is?" Alexander's voice broke through the hum of the engine.

I turned to face him, my brow furrowing slightly. "Yeah, I've heard of him," I replied. "He's a high-ranking officer in the Atlas Corporation, known for his ruthlessness and efficiency. They say he's one of the toughest bastards out there."

Alexander nodded thoughtfully, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. "That's right," he said. "Knoxx is not someone to be taken lightly. He's got resources and firepower that make him a formidable opponent."

I shifted in my seat, recalling what I knew about Knoxx's background. "He's been with Atlas for years," I continued. "Started as a soldier, worked his way up the ranks. Rumour has it he's got a personal grudge against anyone who crosses him."

"I would expect that from anyone to be quite honest, betrayal isn't something anyone takes lightly," Alexander answered, "To be quite honest, he's quite the character. I don't think I've ever met someone so sick of being on Pandora." 

I nodded, understanding his sentiment. "Indeed. Knoxx is not someone you want to trifle with. He's got a reputation for being relentless."
"You seem to know a lot about him. Where exactly are you getting your intel from?"


I couldn't exactly tell him I was left under my childhood home's bunker and forced to utilise my powers through a powerful antenna and satellite dish.

I'd be an idiot to tell the truth much less a lie.

Alexander sighing merely waved the thought "Fine, keep your secrets - What else do you know?" 

I hesitated for a moment, considering how much information to divulge.

"Well, he's not just a soldier. He's a strategist, a tactician. He's been involved in some of Atlas's most high-stakes operations, and he's always come out on top. He spent the majority of his early life as a soldier of the Crimson Lance meaning espionage and guerilla tactics aren't foreign."

Alexander nodded thoughtfully, his expression unreadable. "Well, I'd expect as much from him. He's someone old in a profession where young men die often - he's good at what he does. He doesn't seem like the type that survived from merely lucky."

"Exactly," I agreed. "But at the same time, he's not invincible. Everyone's got their weaknesses, even someone like Knoxx."

"Wonder what's with his poor attitude, he seems more sulked at being on Pandora than actually executing his mission."

"That most likely stems from the planet's history, fauna and flora. Not every planet has wildlife as aggressive as Pandora. Planetary conditions are also lethal, with diverse biomes." 

"There more to Pandora than sand?" He asked surprised. 

"Correct, during winter, much of the deserts flash freeze and afterwards glaciers melt in the south allowing for flush grassy planes," I informed. 

"While I heard that winter did cause snowy biomes I didn't know that caused the environment in the south to thrive." He continued. 

"Well for your information, Wam Bam island is often referenced as a tropical island - as a child I would often beg my father to take me there. Nowadays I don't think the thoughts of the holiday come to mind." I admitted, the slip-up leaving me banging my head on the floor- metaphorically of course.

"Well, maybe one day, wherever you are, we can go see it for ourselves."

"Are you asking me on a date?" he questioned, a teasing tone in his voice.

I felt my face flush, grateful he couldn't see me through the ECHO device. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Alexander. I'm just saying it would be nice to see it someday."


He chuckled softly. "Fair enough. But you can't blame a guy for trying, right?"

I rolled my eyes, though a small smile played on my lips. "Right."

Alexander's voice grew more serious. "But in all honesty, if we manage to turn things around here, maybe there will be a future where we can think about things like vacations."

"That's a big 'if', Alexander. There's a lot at stake, and Knoxx won't make it easy for us."

"Let's focus on the task at hand," I replied, trying to steer the conversation back to a more professional tone. "Pandora won't save itself."

"True enough," he conceded, still sounding amused. "But you have to admit, it's a nice thought."

"Nice thoughts don't win battles," I countered. "We need to be strategic and prepared."

"Understood, Angel," Alexander said, his tone turning serious. "We'll save Pandora first. Everything else can wait."

The obvious sarcasm was palpable. 

"Exactly," I agreed, feeling a bit more at ease. "Let's make sure we're ready for whatever comes next."

With that, Alexander revved up his bike again, the engine's roar cutting through our conversation. With a long road ahead he travelled without much chatter. 


- Alexander -

Conversing with Angel had been somewhat enjoyable, her dialogue often hinted at hidden trauma. It seems she had been carefully analysing me before alerting herself, it would explain her comfortably in our discussions.


Furthermore, her analysis indicated she was a local born on Pandora, she highlighted slight details on cultural awareness for individuals. She also seemed weak to kindness and support, a feeling of belonging clinging her to me. 


While I remained quiet I took to time to ponder on how long she had been watching over me.

If I had taken the ECHO device on my first day how long was she watching for?


Were there possible recording features that were embedded in the device?

I had a lot of questions stemming from our discussion that I couldn't help but want to ask.


Yet I understood that regardless of how much I wanted to know more she wouldn't budge. She kept her heart and mind guarded, and while she seemed open to helping it came with hidden conditions.

A favour meant more than just helping a friend with moving their couch - on Pandora in this universe it meant doing something dangerous often transporting important cargo, protecting V. I. P. or assassinating targets of interest.

What came to mind was what she wanted from me, while powerful and influential - I wasn't exactly the best bet to be quite honest. For manipulation, I would rather place bets on the vault hunters who were not yet comfortable with the terrain and environment. 

Clinging to a pillar of support they would be easily manipulated into supporting whatever deal you had if you even promised a smidge of loot or money. In fact, I had suspicions that the four had been manipulated by Angel herself to open the vault. 

They like me had been called upon by a mysterious task or helped in some way for a mysterious long far-fetched goal. I wasn't idiotic to merely follow the wishes of this hidden siren.

It took some acknowledgement to also factor in the role of sirens. There were three possibly more that were stationed on Pandora - Lilith, Angel and Steele. Three out of seven were known to be here, the chances of such an occurrence rare. So rare that one would need to understand the fact that you would have better chances of winning the lottery. 

The universe was tying importance to this planet, something was here and it was sending its guardians to either distract or protect the vaults. I had suspicions that the sirens were actually a manifestation of the universe's will. 

Similar to my body it was manifesting individuals and guiding their actions. Their powers were also in a similar fashion, I had suspicions that the powers shown were technomancy, pyromancy and aeromancy. 

It would explain how Steele was able to teleport and how Angel was communicating with me through my supposed untraceable ECHO device. While the safer option was to destroy the device and cut the girl out it would also be stupid. 

It was far more prudent to instead gain the siren's trust and attention than allow her surveillance to be continued without my knowledge. It also helped that she was vulnerable and easy to fluster - while I couldn't exactly see her face, her voice was all I needed to know it was working.

Similarly, she was lowering her guard, exposing vital information about her origin. While possible lies, even lies had truths to them. You merely needed discernment to pick out the lies and understanding of their character.

The vault hunters were similar, while I wasn't particularly a fan of their methods they were best kept close.

At the time, I had been hostile to the squad, maintaining the appearance of a fierce leader. It worked of course and they served as cheap mercenaries that eliminated Wee Wee, Steve's ex-second in command.

This was because had I pleaded or asked for support it would've been done under the pretence of helping the people of Pandora thus lowering my standing amongst them. 

As a wise guru once stated, "Appear strong when you are weak, and weak when you are strong." 

This was especially the case for the Pyromancer Lilith similar to her abilities allowing her too close offered serious trouble. Her tactics often required brute force and minimal strategy, having someone as your commander whose emotions as their main decision-maker was horrible for obvious reasons.

Compassion should never compromise victory. 

Previous chats and reports with scouts indicated Roland and Lilith as an 'item', their supposed honey planned to be on Elpis. Reports also indicated loud screams and grunts coming from their rooms, I discarded such reports. 

Although I'm not sure how long their relationship would last, Roland's stoic and steady personality against Lilith's fire temper offered a lot of questions. While opposites do attract it wasn't simply these factors that brought up the stability of their relationship.

Roland was far too awkward and anti-social, the type of man to sit at the edge of the party away from the crowds. Lilith on the other hand thrived under the limelight. 

Had they not dated the man would've made a fine addition to my military his calm and cool demeanour was needed within my ranks. He was a natural-born leader, that could command troops - a poster child if needed.

The differences in hobbies and tactics would also obviously lead to clashes and whether their love for each other was unconditional was entirely something to ponder about.

Why would I care about such trivial things?

Well, because one's a siren - a cosmic super-weapon and the other is an excellent candidate for Lieutenant or captain, it would be important to keep tabs on what influences them.

The extent of Lilith's powers wasn't exactly explored, she might have had the potential to mimic a solar flare or powers catered to the sun.
She didn't seem to train them either - A pot calling the kettle black situation.

I wasn't moronic to see the irony.

However, I found training difficult due to the tremendous amount of paperwork and developmental projects. While our populace was set at around ten thousand only two to three-quarters of that populace had a home.

Homes needed to continue to be built to ensure the retention of citizens remained and that overall satisfaction was achieved. 
Currently, the couple works as mercenaries for The Legion, completing campaigns and expeditions.

It was important to note that while all campaigns were expeditions, not all expeditions were campaigns. Campaigns usually refer to the clearing of wildlife or bandits around abandoned Dahl facilities.

While Atlas Outposts were also targeted they appeared to have been most abandoned their bases are now filled with the basic bandit groups, gangs and or factions. Although it seemed that my suspicions were correct they were re-arming themselves under the banner of General Knoxx. 

While Roland and Lilith are good employees regardless of their antics, employment would be somewhat short-lived as they plan to move around in a few weeks to keep themselves excited. Living and travelling was something they - or more specifically, Lilith seemed excited about. 

Roland instead preferred to remain in Ironhold until they gathered enough funds to move to Elpis. The jobs were stable and had minimal risks due to the legion officers' equipment and skills. Although Lilith found the prospects of exploration and danger far more enticing, she thought it'd bring them closer to one another.

The legion's military was mainly composed of a battalion consisting of four companies, and two-three platoons. Roland would often lead a company with the assistance of Lilith, rumours noting slight disagreements between the two. 

When Roland wasn't working or hanging out with Lilith he'd often chat with Joshua, the duo having previously been betrayed by the Atlas corporation.

Similar in thought they'd either converse over a beer or work out - they were "gym buddies" as quoted by Brick. 

Brick and Mordecai were another duo that I had kept an eye on, also stationed inside Ironhold and like the new couple they wished to gain capital.

Though, unlike the couple they offered to do numerous odd jobs and bounties to gather money. They'd do so to commission information regarding Brick's sister although prospects seemed to lower at every turn.

The expeditions done by the pair were excellent as they made for valuable scouts and interrogators. Brick's presence alone enough to scare any typical bandit, and ones that didn't often have their heads caved in by the man - his methods were quite effective. 

It wouldn't be strange to say the duo were one of Ironhold's top earners, their income racking to a combined amount of 125'000 credits. This didn't include bounties that they cashed in from the bounty board. 

We often allowed bounty hunters to cash in their bounties, as certain towns wouldn't accept bounties. Not every mayor could afford to fork over ten thousand dollars a piece but I could, it allowed traffic to flow through the town.

It wasn't strange to see bounty hunters come in and out of Ironhold, their free time was usually spent in either the Charlie, delta or Echo sectors. Misclinious buildings were also constructed such as orphanages and daycares, schools and hospitals were built long ago alongside the barracks. 

Factoring the total population of Pandora it scored around eighteen million, which meant that there were still around seventeen million, nine-hundred thousand lives left to be claimed. Ironhold would be the future hub for commercial traffic.

"You seem lost in thought." Angel voiced.

"I was, just thinking about the future - our future," I answered.



"Haha, I was kidding," I snickered - I wasn't. 

Arriving at Ironhold the guards immediately surrounded me, the sight of a wounded soldier limping over.

"Sir, they took Commander Graham!" He shouted, his wound aching as he marched forward. 

"Joshua?" I heaved.


"Correct, sir. We were ambushed by the Lance Assassins on our way back from the mines. Our cargo was lost on the way and casualties numbered in the hundreds. We lost the entire platoon. I was the only one left behind to relay the message. Joshua managed to ping his last location before he was captured, I'll send the coordinates over..." He voiced, saddened. 

"You've done good soldier what's your rank and name?" 

Still gripping his wounds "Junior Officer Kennedy, sir." 

He was just a kid, most likely a teen. Yet the youth that was expected was instead replaced by a cold indifference.

"Well done, get rested. I'll show them." I voiced comforting the man. 

"It seems they were ten moves ahead of us," Angel stated.

"It would seem so."

I had to utilise every resource to get the man back, General Knoxx must fall. How dare he swipe what was rightfully mine? 
"Where's Scooter?" I asked, one of the guards pointing towards his workshop.

"Howdy there partner', what's the big commotion going outside? Heard they took your boy," He voiced.

"The Crimson Lance assassins have managed to capture Joshua. I'll need to know if it's ready." 

"Well, I wouldn't say it's perfect-"

"But is it ready?" I interrupted.

"It's usable," He replied.

"I'll take." I voiced, staring at the experimental power armour. 

It stood at two metres tall with a helmet and visor installed for enhanced combat. Bulky in design, the prototype Mk 1, T-11 was supposed to be test driven by Joshua although circumstance told otherwise - It would seem the king would take first pick. 

The capabilities included enhanced strength, enhanced durability and increased shield capacity by almost two-hundred per cent.

Limited by the technology and resources of our world the armour could only be powered for around twenty minutes and needed to charge for around twenty-four hours.


This also didn't factor in the strength required to wield the armour - the average male would struggle to even lift the arms of the thing. 

The armour also took days to manufacture due to the limited tools accessible, everything had to be welded by hand. It took about two to four men to achieve the creation of the MK 1 T-11. 

This meant the prototype was entirely useless for both security officers and legionaries. The only person able to wear the armour reliably was me. Powered by my aura it drained a single unit of aura per minute meaning I was left in an aura deficit. 

The single aura was used as a means of substance and projection of my physical form. It was why I didn't need to go hunting as much as I used to. Should I fail to syphon aura from enemies it would leave me vulnerable as a core. 

My aura's regeneration was mainly affected by two things, time and or siphoning. Either the siphoning of a vault beast or at least a strong monster was required for further growth.


At least that was what I thought other possibilities included the consumption of high-energy beings which was similar but also different as the sun qualified as a high-energy being.


The older I got the stronger I became, the idea of man-handling a vault beast wasn't so far off given enough years. 

While I hadn't experimented with my powers yet, time would tell. I needed to eliminate the Atlas threat before self-development. There would be no point aiming to become a king with no subjects. 

While the risks of saving Joshau were high, the failure to save him would be detrimental to my plans. No other individual had the loyalty, skills and capabilities that Joshau offered. Hopping inside I saw the metre slowly tick.

[Pumping Aether]

[Aura drained]

[1 unit incoming -1 unit outgoing]

[Aura: 999/1000] - 0 aura per minute 







Turning off my armour shields, the battery drain was lowered allowing my aura to return to a usable amount. 

"Hi Killer, heard your friend was in trouble." Lilith voiced, the vault hunters gathered outside awaiting me. 

"What are you doing here?" I inquired, I hadn't called for them.

"Come on, man. No need to be so cold, we're here to help. From one brother to another, we owe you one." Mordecai smiled.
"I don't remember owning favours?" 

"You've given us jobs, would've had to fight longer for a holiday if it weren't for you." Roland calmly pointed out.

"The jobs were fun too - crushing heads was all I needed to hear. SO WHO WE KILLIN' BOSS?" Brick screamed cracking his knuckles.
Having a look over my ECHO device I sent the coordinates to the vault hunters.


A few bodies of meat wouldn't hurt.

"The Atlas cooperation, nothing has changed. The enemy remains at large with General Knoxx now frontiering the campaign. Unfortunately during Joshua's expedition outside Ironhold, he was captured - He managed to ping his location before his capture and thanks to one of our legionaries we know their not just lethal but also sadistic." I informed.

"So what's the plan?" Roland inquired.

"I'll have Roland and Lilith remain here, I can't risk Ironhold being attacked while I'm gone. Brick and Mordecai I'll need you to scout these particular coordinates here, bring two or three squads with you - I'll go to Joshua's ping." I voiced.

"You're going alone?" Lilith asked confused, "That sounds like a death wish if you ask me." 

"Not a death wish, an educated maneuver. I'm not kidding when I say you'll only hold me back." I explained.

"You got to trust us, we can help." She continued.

"Then I'm going to ask that you trust me. I'm exactly going alone." I voiced turning their attention to the sky.

Above numerous Rakks circled the location, their shoulders bandaged and marked with the legions symbol. Similar Beasts returned to my side, a large Skag armoured with metallic maws and shoulder bands. With a thick hide and sharp teeth, the beast was transformed into a tank that decimated any bruiser on the field. 

"Wow...." Brick voiced.

"I didn't know you were that elusive beast tamer the guard was mentioning... Sick partner, man." 

"I wouldn't exactly call them my partners, more like minions." 

"Is that how you see us sometimes? I can see where claptrap gets the concept from." Lilith murmered.

"Sometimes, now hurry. He's most likely going to be executed or tortured the longer we wait." I urged before heading towards the Delta sector, more specifically Marcus's shop.

Arriving I was first met with the departing figure of Moxxi whose hair was dishevelled with her make-up 

"Heh, that tongue of yours can do wonders. Do be sure to visit again~," Marcus smiled.

Moxxi swaying her hips she ensured that each step was done with purpose a sultry undertone apparent.

"Ahem," Angel alerted.

Noticing her disapproval I merely played dumb.



"Weren't you busy with something?" she stated disappointed. 

"I was?" I joked. 

"Stop being stupid." she voiced sighing. 

"As long as it's making you jealous." I continued. 

"Ah, if it isn't my favourite customer! Welcome friends, tell Markus what you want. I'll be sure to deliver!" He voiced, eccentrically.
"I'm surprised you could recognise me under the visor and helmet." 

"Hoh, I knew you were going to come by, in fact, I overheard your project from Scooter a few nights over. Business has been well, supplying to your soldiers." He smiled.

"Then do you have what I want?" I asked, normal weaponry is ineffective while inside the armour.

With the gauntlets large, my fingers wouldn't be able to fit through the trigger holes. 

"The finest weapons just for you friend, It took quite the struggle but here it is." He voiced showcasing a large ballistic Jakobs rifle its barrel capable of firing 66-cal bullets, the weapon semi-automatic.

Dropped on the floor it took three grown men to assist in grabbing the weapon, its estimated weight of around two hundred kilos. 

"Normally, such weapons never hit the market due to the high recoil and large frame but knowing you I had to grab the weapon. It's a repurposed Canon prototype, the Jakobs Corporation was going to remove it but I knew otherwise. Every weapon has a market! It's capable of piercing through the average shields its firepower is unmatched! That I can guarantee. While reloading takes time, you won't need to do it often, one hit and boom! Dead." He affirmed.

"How much?"

"For you? Thirty-five thousand credits." He answered.

"Hmm, quite the expensive amount." I voiced, that translated to around Thirty-five hundred thousand Pandoran dollars. 

The average weapon without speciality was around a thousand or two thousand dollars, prices increased from there - this was due to the strong economy the average rifle costing around a hundred credits.

"Look, give it a try - I try you'll love! I swear on it." He continued, his gaze serious.

"You've convinced me." I voiced.

Time was of the essence, there was no telling what the Lance was doing to Joshua he had to make a move. 

Transferring the amount I watched as my bank account decreased.

[Credits: 2'699'110. 00 -> 2,697,110. 00]

It would cost an arm and a leg to recover from this loss.

Having held the weapon with ease he watches on with a slight surprise.

"I have to say, you've got quite the armour. Maybe I should get one too." He murmured.

"It ain't just the suit," I answered walking away.

Thinking once more of Joshua I mentally swore at the timing.

Things were not going according to my plans. 

I couldn't afford to regain a broken product - he needed to be brought back alive.

What was needed was not his body but his spirit, time would see which one would break first. 
Author note:
Hope everyone is having a fantastic day, just asking if you can leave a review on your experience with the fanfic. Interacting more with the book does numbers to my motivation. This means either posting comments or favouriting it. 

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