Borderlands: Conquest

Chapter 15: Retribution (1)

- Athena - 

It had taken days, but I had finally found her. Jess's eyes, sullen with the horrors of Pandora, still held a spark of resilience.

Her village was nestled in a remote valley, a serene oasis amid the chaos of Pandora. The sight of her brought a mix of relief and sorrow, emotions I hadn't allowed myself to feel in years.

"Athena? Is that you?" Jess inquired, scanning my figure uncertainly.

She had grown thinner and more haggard since I last saw her, but her spirit was unmistakably strong.

This planet had not been kind to her and knowing what she must've felt being abandoned broke my heart.

"It's me, Jess. Big sis is finally here," I smiled, tears dripping from my eyes as I embraced her.

The warmth of her body, the familiarity of her presence, brought back a flood of memories from a time before war and betrayal.

"It's been so long," she voiced, her arms shaking as she clung to my shirt.

Her voice was weak but carried the weight of years spent in fear and hope.

"It's okay now. I'm here. Everything is going to be alright..." I smiled, though my voice quavered.

It was a promise I intended to keep, no matter the cost.

Feeling my coarse hands, she looked saddened, realizing the truth. She gently touched the callouses and scars that marred my skin, the physical remnants of the terrible deeds I had been forced to commit.

"They made you do bad things, didn't they?" she questioned, her voice a mix of sorrow and understanding. She had always been perceptive, even as a child.

Filled with sorrow by her inquiry, I agreed, "They did."

"I'm sorry..." she murmured, tearing up. Her empathy, even after all these years, was a testament to her kind heart.

"No, you shouldn't be. They were monsters. I would've rather it had been me than you," I voiced.

The idea of her being in my place, enduring the horrors I had, was unbearable.

The acts I had to commit the atrocities I allowed, if there was an afterlife in this universe I would undoubtedly go to hell 

"But they made you a bad guy," Jess continued, her tears not stopping. Her innocence cut through me like a knife, a painful reminder of what I had lost.

"It's okay. I'm no longer their bad guy – I'm free," I smiled, hugging her tighter.

The word "free" felt foreign on my tongue, but it was true.

I had broken my chains, and now it was time to reclaim what was left of my life.

"I'm so happy," she smiled.

Her smile was a beacon of hope in the darkness that surrounded us, it was an infectious feeling I could not help but wrap around. 

"I am too, sis," I acknowledged. My hard work had paid off.

It was finally time to escape this horrible nightmare.

"We need to leave before dark. The beasts around here aren't nice like Lex's pets," she commented, holding my hand.

Her words brought a new layer of confusion.

Confused, I inquired about the mysterious person, "Lex?"

Surely she was not referring to the infamous Iron Monarch?

"Oh, my bad. His name's Alexander. He was my best friend! Until he left..." she voiced, her eyes brightening at the mention before returning sombre.

The name Alexander sparked a memory, but it seemed too far-fetched.

"Alexander? The Iron Monarch?" I asked, my mood dropping at the thought of his beasts wandering around her.

The idea of her being close to such a dangerous figure was unsettling. 

He was cold and unapproachable, the type of figure to lead millions to their death and remain unwavering. 

His ferocity and ruthlessness to follow his legionnaires onto the battlefield also insinuated his strength and bravery. 

No general led their forces from the front and most would find the act comical, these were not ancient times where heroes led armies as their bastions. 

Yet, the man did, his acts now a hybrid of general and vanguard to his battalion.

Transmissions from Atlas revealed the steel titan's appearance in destroying their outposts, his appearance was described as indomitable and equal to even general Knoxx himself.

While I found the statement exaggerated the general's Inaction was foreign and strange to his typical tours. 

The death of Joshua Graham had created a catalyst that made the man heartless to his enemies, while early battles showed that Atlas soldiers were killed before being brutalised the opposite now rang true.

Alexander would now order captured Atlas soldiers to be crucified outside Ironhold and captured Atlas outposts. The scenes were often horrific with the wildlife enjoying themselves to the soldiers. 

So hearing that such a brutal and bloodthirsty person looked after Jess, one would be sceptical regardless if the rumours were true or not. 

"He didn't do anything to you, did he?" I pressed, needing to know if she had been harmed in any way.

"Well, he did use to play hide and go seek together! But he was such a meanie. He would always cheat and open his eyes while I was hiding..." Jess revealed her innocent recollections at odds with the brutal image I had of Alexander.

"Did he do anything else?" I asked, probing further.

"Oh, yeah! He used to help around the village with fixing things. He used to help out with my carer's shop. Although he had to leave, something about a secret mission. I wasn't too sure, all I knew was that he was leaving," she voiced. Her fondness for him was evident, and it confused me further.

"Did he ever tell you what the mission was about?" I continued, trying to piece together the puzzle.

"Nah, he was really sneaky. He would sometimes leave at night and then come back stinky. I don't know why, but he was always nice to me and Ralph!" she smiled.

Her mention of Ralph brought a pang of sadness, the memory causing her to suddenly grow silent.

"Hey, do you think Ralph is still alive? He said he would come back to protect me after holding off the bandits," she continued, her hands reaching out to showcase an image.

Taking a peek at the image, it pictured a young Alexander and Ralph in the garage – the pair oblivious to the camera. 

Alexander appeared slightly petite, a gas mask covering his face. On his left, a disgruntled middle-aged man focused on his vehicle, a cigarette lit in his mouth. 

Recalling the corpse of said man burnt by Alexander, it appeared he did so to ensure Ralph's corpse wasn't dug up and violated by the wildlife.

While Alexander's face was covered, his sunken posture showcased a deep sadness, his mind blank.

"He seems nice," I voiced, though my thoughts were conflicted.

"He was the best," she smiled, her expression revealing a warmth I had felt before – she was reminiscing.

"Do you know if he's alive? Both of them?" she asked, her eyes pleading for some good news.

"Ralph was unfortunately killed by the bandits, he took most of them out before falling. Alexander on the other hand, still lives. His home stationed within Ironhold."

Saddened by the news she seemed to pause before continuing, "Does Lex live in a castle?"

It was an obvious attempt to change the subject but also continue our conversation. 

"I wouldn't call it a castle exactly, more like a town. A large town holding thousands of people, it was quite the site." 

Fyerstone now Ironhold was fascinating in its expansion the previous Dahl mining town turned into a fortress now a hub for safety to all that came. 

"Ah, it must be a lucky town then. With Alexander inside, I know he would help everyone," she nodded, satisfied with the answer.

Continuing our conversation we eventually reached the outskirts of the village my eyes quickly turned to horror at the sight of a Lance assassin. 

"Well, well, well - if it isn't the little rat. You didn't think corporate wouldn't find out?" The Assassin snickered. 

A series of people then emerged from the fast travel system their silhouettes slowly forming to reveal several soldiers, their weapons immediately aimed towards us. 

"Chloe... You wouldn't dare!" I voiced, the veins in my hands bulging.

I had ensured that my traces were covered each step into the sand hidden. 

My ECHO device was similarly destroyed alongside any tracking devices placed on me.

How did they find me?

"So this is the reason you brought us here, to save your little sister. How boring," Chloe sighed, the troops under her command surrounding me. 

Opening her visor she seemed to enjoy my rage - the delight in her eyes deepening by the minute. 

"I would've killed you myself, but the general wants you alive. Wouldn't it be a shame if you out of nowhere died before we got to you? Wouldn't that be a shame," she grinned before turning to face Jess, her grin transforming into a sinister smile.

"Although, he never said anything about keeping that little shit of yours breathing." She spat, the base of her voice deepening at the mention of my sister's presence, "I would love to see the life in your eyes drained from your body. Your skull would make a fantastic bowl."

"Get away from her!" I roared, stepping between Jess and Chloe, my weapon drawn and ready.

Chloe laughed, a cold, cruel sound. "Oh, Athena. Always so protective. But you're outnumbered and outgunned. It's over, give up."

As the soldiers closed in, Jess clung to me, her fear palpable. I had to think fast. My mind raced, scanning the area for any possible escape routes. The odds were grim, but I couldn't let them take Jess.

"Chloe, you don't have to do this. She's just a child," I pleaded, my voice wavering despite my resolve.

It was an unsightly scene for the lance assassin who seemed perplexed at my vulnerability.

"You were so mighty a few days ago - Has this planet made you weak Athena? Were those tours for naught? An act! A facade!" 

"You're nothing but a heartless monster Chole. You mean nothing to me." 

"Oh, I know. That's why I'm going to love squeezing the life out of you. I always wanted to try this new bondage kit, you'll make a perfect slut."

"But first, I'll have a little taste of your sister. Would you like that Athena? I'll keep her alive. She'll make an excellent piece right next to you," she sneered, signalling her troops to advance.

I couldn't help but gag at her monologue, her predatory sexual habits a mere snippet of the potential atrocities she would commit if left alive. 

I had to escape and with Jess alive.

Desperation clawed at my throat.

I had to buy time and create an opening.

"Jess, when I say run, you run and don't look back, understand?" I whispered urgently to her.

"But Athena..." she started, her voice trembling.

"No buts. Just run," I insisted, my eyes never leaving Chloe's.

The first soldier lunged, and I fired, dropping him instantly. 

His shields pierced under my weaponry. 

The sound of gunfire echoed through the area, chaos erupting around us.

I fought with everything I had, every move calculated to protect Jess and keep Chloe at bay.

"Run, Jess, now!" I shouted, creating a brief opening.

Jess hesitated for a split second before bolting towards the cover of the nearby ruins. I fought fiercely, each enemy I took down bringing me a step closer to her escape.

"Don't let her get away!" Chloe screamed, her composure cracking as she directed her troops.

But Jess was fast, her small frame darting through the chaos like a shadow.

My heart pounded as I saw her disappear into the ruins.

Relief mixed with the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

I turned my full attention to Chloe, my rage focused and deadly. "This ends now," I growled, advancing on her.

Chloe's smile faltered as she realized her mistake. "You think you can take me down, Athena? You're a traitor, a broken shell of what you once were. Your hearts wavered, it's made you weak. Has Atlas not taught you anything? These lowly family attachments are weakness. In this life and the next Atlas is the only family you need."

"You're wrong. I would rather die than continue living that lie," I retorted, launching myself at her.

"Then hurry up and die." She hissed. 

The fight was brutal, each of us trading blows and shots in a deadly dance.

Chloe was skilled, but my determination gave me an edge.

I fought for Jess, for the promise of a future free from Atlas's grasp.

As I lunged at Chloe, a sniper shot whizzed past me, narrowly missing my head.

I dodged the rifle's glare obviously, but the distraction allowed Chloe to land a brutal hit that cracked my shield.

The transparent layer flickered, signalling its impending failure.

"Damn it." I cursed, trying to regain my footing.

Running towards where Jess ran, I was met with her impending doom.

Another sniper shot rang out, this time hitting its true mark.

I turned in horror to see Jess collapse, blood pooling around her.

"Jess! No!" I screamed, my heart shattering as I watched her lifeless body hit the ground.

Rage and despair fueled my attacks, but Chloe used my distraction to her advantage.

She landed several blows, each one more punishing than the last.

My shield finally gave out, and I was left vulnerable.

"You can't win, Athena. Not this time," Chloe taunted, delivering a kick that sent me sprawling.

Wounded and outmatched, I knew I had to escape for Jess.

For the promise I had made to protect her.

I had failed to protect.

I had failed as a sister.

I was a failure, a monster who had failed to do anything good.

I fired a few desperate shots, creating a smokescreen to cover my retreat.

Pain seared through my body as I stumbled away from the battlefield, each step a struggle.

Using the chaos to my advantage, I managed to slip away into the shadows.

I found a small, hidden alcove and collapsed, my body trembling with pain and grief.

Digging into my pack, I pulled out a med kit.

The array of steroids and painkillers inside would have to be enough to get me through this. I injected myself, the medication dulling the pain and giving me the strength to move.

My thoughts were a whirlwind of anger and sorrow.

Why was the world so unforgiving, was I not worthy of a life of peace?

Was I not more than just a tool that could be thrown after its use?




I felt my heart quiver the sensations of sorrow emerging from my eyes, tears falling. 

I hated this feeling, I hated being weak, I hated living.

But I couldn't stop now, not when my revenge.

I would continue to do what I did best - hate.

I would hate it all, I would hate their motto, their soul, and their presence.

Everyone in the Atlas corporation would fall, they would all die no matter what. 

Until my last breath, every member regardless of their role would perish.

They would feel my pain, the pain of loss. 

With my wounds stabilized, I made my way towards the only place I could think of for help—The Iron Monarch.

He was my last hope and while I knew we left on bad terms I couldn't fall back.

I couldn't do this alone, not when I was outnumbered and outgunned. 

With my final conviction set, I travelled back to Ironhold with a promise.

A promise to Jess, a promise to do at least a semblance of good. 

- Alexander -

I was oddly tired, mentally so.

While the need for sleep never really dawned on me since my conception, for the first time I felt fatigued.

My hands seemed to waver and every action felt short and fleeting.

I didn't understand why.

Many moons had passed since Joshua's death and my campaign against Atalas increased with unprecedented ferocity.

I would never allow such a loss to occur again. 

Victory against Atlas was accomplished by any means necessary - torture, betrayal, assassination, misinformation, diversion and propaganda.

With the help of Angel, information was sabotaged, and their convoys were misdirected -she was a valuable ally in the war against Atlas. 

Numerous outposts were culled, and a new order was placed within the legion which raised brows from the common folk.

It was the crucifixion and torture of Atlas officers. 

While important information could be extracted through my powers I would now hand the tools to my men. 

They were an extension of my will and would no longer be held back. 

Knowing the casualties against the Atlas corporation they did so gladly, exceptions were of course present but none argued against the act or its effectiveness.

Atlas as of today was at its lowest since Commander Steele's death.

What raised my brows was the silence that radiated General Knoxx, whose often chatter seemed to scratch my ears at every turn. 

Updates on our forces included the retirement of Roland and Lilith after the implementation of the command. 

Slight disdain was felt by both figures.

While they seemed to pity my mind, wary arose at a similar level. 

Mordecai seemed neutral to the implementation stating that ruthlessness was needed but that it was slightly too inhumane. 

He had grown to be respected amongst the legion and earned quite the fame as the elusive hunter. 

Numerous of his drinking buddies had been similarly captured by the lance and tortured before their deaths. 

This enabled his heart to be blind to our methods. 

Brick on the other hand loved the ruthlessness and carnage that it brought stating that we should've done so earlier. 

He found the Atlas forces and corporations, in general, a force that should be smashed and murdered a million times over.

His deep and energetic voice replaced the sombre and quiet persona - it appeared he was warming up to us. 

The man would continue to run rampage after rampage against their outposts and communication centres. 

Angel on the other hand remained silent, her issues elsewhere. She seemed to skip the topic entirely.

"Have you been to bed?" Angel asked, concerned.

We had grown accustomed to one another's presence, her voice from time to time coming to agitate or question me. 

"Of course." 

"You're lying." 

"Maybe, I am." 

"You do know sleep is important right?" 

"Of course, I've had plenty." 

This fact only mattered when you were human - I was not. 

"Stop your bullshit, Lex."

"Well, have you had any sleep?" I asked.


"Like I was saying." 

"Look you've got to listen to your body. Not sleeping for the last few days is inhumane!"

"Well to be truthful I'm a robot." I continued.

"You're lying, again." 

Scoffing at her statement I questioned her conclusion, "And how would you know that?" 

"I just can tell, okay..." she proclaimed. 

Finding a random excuse I blurted a response, "Well, I've developed this trick called micro-sleeping where I'm able to squeeze nine hours of sleep into fifteen minutes." 

"I'm supposed to believe this, how?" 

"My powers work in that fashion, it makes the impossible possible." 

"So a miracle maker?"

"Something like that." 

"Look, I get that you're trying to be tough, but you need to take care of yourself," Angel insisted, her concern evident in her voice.

I waved off her concern with a dismissive gesture.

"I'll rest when I'm dead."

"Fine, don't listen to me. But don't expect me to pick up the pieces when you inevitably burn out," Angel retorted, her frustration mounting.

She had been oddly clingy during this time and often quick to anger, perhaps she was a teenager and suffering from hormonal changes.

As the night stretched on, I remained in my command centre, pouring over maps and data, my mind sharp and focused.

Sensing a presence walk over, their footsteps were oddly quiet.

"You won't be able to kill me." 

"I wasn't trying to." 

Appearing from the darkness the robotic bounty hunter Jordan Altworth appeared from the corner of the room.

"You could've knocked."

"But what fun would that be?" The robot humoured. 

"You can utilise humour, interesting."

"That's because I wasn't always one, you know," Jordan admitted.

"You've have me lost." 

"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. Today you see the perfect product." He accepted.

"You sacrificed your soul for a steel cage?" 

"I shed the confines of what mortality brought. I was once a scientist aboard Dahl's highest command. When they abandoned me here on this wasteland I was left with one alternative, to either conform or transform." He admitted.

"So you've agreed to be part of my security team. You know what it entails correct?"

"Affirmative, security of Ironhold, while I have not personally been contracted to such demands before I will oblige. I will ask that you let me continue my studies privately. Your town offers the best security and connections required." He continued.

"How about this, you denounce the role of security and instead further your research. I only require the fruits and you will be given support and resources."

"I Oblige." He agreed.

"Here is the location of our lab and workshop, you may find their characters peculiar although don't allow that to fool you they are quite capable." I voiced.

"I will note this."

Watching the metallic bounty hunter leave I turned to face the latest arrivals Dusk and Whisk who overheard our conversation.

"Aww, I told you the boss liked us!" Dusk smiled.

Whisk annoyed at his brother's antics quickly reprimanded him, "Shut up before he kills you, dimwit." 

"Who you calling dimwit you short fuck?" Dusk spat. 

"We're the same height you two brain-celled monkey!"

"Well, we got the same face!" 



Dusk stepped forward, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "We've struck gold, boss," he began. "The facility is teeming with potential technological advancements that could give us a significant edge over our enemies."

Whisk nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we found all sorts of goodies in there. Carbon generators, solar panels, you name it. And get this - we even found some crystalline energy converters that can turn Crystalline Aetherium into usable energy."

My interest was piqued.

"Crystalline energy converters?"

"Yeah, you know that crystal that makes shields hold enough power and can self-charge without needing a recharge?" Whisk inquired before continuing, "It's because of these bad boys, they're able to self-charge and power heaps of things without any influence."

Showing a small yet emerald and neon blue crystal it appeared to be held within a transparent cube, "It's able to generate ten gigawatts of power per hour! We won't need to worry about power for a long time." 

Dusk reached into his pack and pulled out a small, sleek device. "This here is the power core we found," he explained. "It's capable of supplying enough energy to power the defence grid we've been working on."

"So can the crystalline generate power for the defence grid as well?" I inquired.

"Of course but it would require us to convert watts into flux, a special type of energy capable of solidifying. It's why the shields can be transparent but require constant conversion to charge for some time. Shields of all kinds normally have the coveter but we'll need to industrialise the size to fit the generator, it's why we needed the power core. The core comes with the converter." 

I then inspected the power core, my fingers tracing its intricate design.

"Impressive. With this technology at our disposal, we'll be able to fortify our defences."

Whisk grinned, his excitement palpable. "That's not all, boss. We also found data on advanced weapon systems and armour enhancements. This could be a game-changer for us."

"Excellent work, both of you," I praised, "Prepare a detailed report on everything you've found. We'll need to prioritize our efforts and allocate resources accordingly."

Now left alone, a surprising individual rolled through.

"Hi there Alex! It's me Claptrap." He voiced cheerfully.

"It sure has been some time since we've had our flare." my eyes turned to face my wall, a wooden guitar carved from the strands and carcasses of the bodies of animals. 

Crafted by myself and with the help of the web it produced similar sounds to the average guitar. 

"You wanted to hang out?" I inquired to the robot, to which he readily agreed.

"Hell yeah!" 

Finding ourselves on the outskirts of Ironhold, I pulled a chair out for myself and sat down.

It was unusual to have a break, my usual day consisted of work.

Usually, I would've declined but ever since the confirmed deaths of Joshua and Ralph, I decided to mentally recover.

"So what's the song today Claptrap?" 

"Ah, how about something relaxing? The suns settled down just nicely!" He exclaimed enthusiastically.

Watching him zip from left to right slowly reminded me of Jess, the girl who would jump up and down in my presence.

It was heartwarming to a degree, yes.

Was she annoying, of course, but she was an innocent child.

It was what made her human, pure untainted of the horrors of life. 

I would claim this world to ensure that such children may live a better life. 

A life where peace reigns true and that my influence reaches far.

These would be the fruits of my labour not it's purpose. 

Ultimately what I sought was universal domination, a right that only I deserved. 

Humans were weak, ever-changing and inconsistent with their hearts. 

I would remain true to myself, I would be this universe's benevolent god. 

Why would help innocent people?

Why not. 

Needless evil was unnecessary, every action would be calculated. 

If helping innocent people required little effort I would do so.

But if the benefits outreached the need to do so, I would undoubtedly slaughter their lives. 

I was no hero, I was a god. 

"How about we play Stand by Me?" 

"Sure! I'll play the bell." He smiled.

"Alright, I'll play it."

"When the night has come,

And the land is dark,

And the moon is the only light we'll see~

No, I won't be afraid,

Oh, I won't be afraid,

Just as long as you stand, stand by me."

I seemed to be lost in the music, claptrap slowly decreasing the volume of his voice.

Dancing to my song, we seemed to be lost in the song.

"You know, if there was ever an afterlife, I would've sworn you were a musician." Angel voiced through claptrap the robot now possessed. 

"I didn't know you were watching," I commented.

"I come from time to time." 

"Well, what do you think?"

"If it wasn't for that nasty personality of yours I would have rated you a ten. I'll give you a humble four for now."

"Tough crowd, want to run a duet then?"

"Aha, I don't think I can." 

"I come on giving me a four but then declining when given the chance? Do you live in a glass house?" I argued. 

"Fine, what song then."

"How about... Endless love?" 


"Don't be stupid Lex, I'm not playing a love song with you."

"Fine, how about you sing by yourself and I'll judge."

"That sounds better, I'll pick my song. Look, don't judge me for it okay..."

"I won't well at least..."

"You must think that I'm stupid You must think that I'm a fool You must think that I'm new to this But I have seen this all before~."

Hearing her voice I seemed to dwell on what life could've been before my transgression.

Her voice was sorrowful yet delivered with such passion that you couldn't help but be pulled towards you. 

Listening intently, I couldn't help but be amazed, her voice was transmitting a frequency towards my core.

From wherever she hid, her siren powers mixed with her raw emotions conveyed energy that projected towards the spirit realm.

"I'm never going to let you close to me

Even though you mean the most to me

'Cause every time I open up, it hurts

So I'm never going to get too close to you

Even when I mean the most to you

In case you go and leave me in the dirt."

Perhaps her words were conveying something deeper, her trauma brought to life through her words. 

"But every time you hurt me, the less that I cry

And every time you leave me, the quicker these tears dry

And every time you walk out, the less I love you

Baby we don't stand a chance, it's sad but it's true."

Finishing her song she seemed to pause, a hint of sniffles coveted through her audio.

Doing the most optimal thing I merely wrapped myself around the robot unit, the action surprising Angel.

Feeling my embrace from afar she felt my warmth through the robot's body, her powers giving her extended senses. 

I could see from the robot's body language she wasn't expecting my out-of-character kindness. 

I had come to realise that by pushing those away and forcing them like a machine inside a cog I had removed my inherent character. 

I wasn't a machine that followed orders and commands.

I wasn't a human whose emotion dictated their every move, I was something more. 

Sitting for a few moments we seemed to sit with one another longer than we expected.

"I didn't know you had it in you to be kind." 

"I'm not a monster." I voiced.

"Maybe not to me." 

"Sometimes you need to be. Not everyone's an Angel." 

"I see what you did there." 

"I'm quite the character aren't I?" 

Silent for a few moments we sat in one another embrace. 

"Look... I won't be present for a while. Promise me you won't change." 

"I don't know if I can."

I didn't know what the world held in store, to promise consistency without any control was idiotic. 

"Please." she pleaded, her voice almost a whisper. 

A deep and hidden pain transmitted towards me, it conveyed her struggle.

Was I being manipulated?


At this very moment from start to finish, I could've cut her off and changed my mood but she drew me in.

She was capable. 

"Fine, only if you promise me a favour." 

"I promise." She stated.

"I have to go now..."

"I'll be waiting." I smiled. 

"I know you will." She smiled back.

Watching as her signal disconnected from both realms I watched as claptrap returned.

"Aww, thanks, friend! I appreciate the hug. Can you tell me what just happened? I feel like I fell down a flight of stairs." He smiled.

"Ah, might just be an optical or memory issue claptrap. We're going to outfit you with some new gear. I can't have you walking around defenceless." I explained.

"Really! Sick upgrades for me?" He smiled.

"I'll try contacting Hyperion for parts and processors. Their station is atop Elpis." I explained.

"Aww, man! Thank you so much! No one has ever been kind to me! This is a first!" He exclaimed, the noise almost deafening. 

"Try not to shout too much claptrap. I still got ears." 

"I'm sorry!"


"Sorry," he whispered.

"Hey I wanted to mention something and I thought of asking you for help," Claptrap asked.

"What is it?" I asked slightly agitated by the robot's deafening screams. 

"It's my birthday tomorrow. Could you help me?" 

"Don't worry I'll set it up." 


[Current status]

Name: Alexander "The Iron Monarch" 

Health: 100%

Aura: 1000/1000 (1 per second)

Current abilities:

Energy projection 

Physical empowerment

Mind Control 



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"The Executioner" Semi-automatic Pistol - By Maliwan & Dahl 

"The Judge" Semi-automatic Rifle - By Jakobs 

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