Borderlands: Conquest

Chapter 16: Retribution (2)

- Alexander - 

Claptrap's birthday had been planned and numerous invites were sent out - although what jarred me was the countless individuals who requested to join.

This wasn't typical behaviour from the Ironhold populace. 

Guards, Legionares, civilians and merchants all joined the birthday bringing many gifts that were otherwise unorthodox to their relationship with the robot.

Marcus joined due to his greed, the party was more a networking event than anything else. 

Moxxi would similarly join but only to offer catering services.

I had hired her for the event, not as a participant. 

Certain soldiers off-duty fought for the privilege to join, the tension inside barracks leading to brawls. Why?

Well, it was due to their alcohol addiction. 

From here we could deduce that it was due to my presence that many who would normally decline the softhearted robot's invitation joined.

Civilians likewise overhearing the invites from the guards had inquired for more details. 

While the party wasn't at all private I didn't want it to be a security threat where numerous individuals could walk in.

I offered claptrap to personally pick the few civilians allowed. 

Despite his eccentric personality, many found the robot's behaviour to be obnoxious and otherwise annoying. 

I would agree if it were any other Claptrap unit.

This particular unit often had insights and quips that were uniquely present to itself. 

Having come across the other claptrap units across Pandora their roles were merely auxiliary. 

This particular Claptrap offered insights that were unique to the vault and his experiences were oddily human. 

Whatever Siren that the robot came across, it had left an imprint on the robot. 

Arriving at the hall I was greeted first by the guards who merely waved me in.

Security had been made tight with numerous guards stationed around. 

Legionnaires who had lost were tasked to help support the guardsmen. 

There were no new expeditions set today, a few exceptions have been made to protect and escort supplies between the mines and Ironhold.

"Greetings, boss."

"All is well?"


Inside numerous tables were set with a diverse set of beverages and foods given around. 

Fisitivies were at an all-time high with many people dancing and enjoying themselves with the food and drinks. 

I found these crows to be bothersome and draining.

I'd rather be in my office or somewhere quiet than be in this social pool. 

"Hey boss, you bringing another one of those bottles?" A legionnaire inquired, his crew behind him waddling their thumbs like children.

These were the victors of the brawls, five men who had battled a hundred and came out victorious. 

While I hadn't placed the order myself, it didn't mean their struggle was for naught.

I would reward victors, regardless.

For it had been in my name. 

"Please, sir. We've been doing good the past few days. Can't you cut us some slack?" 

"Who created the tournament?" 


"It was me!" Brick exclaimed walking past, his muscles tensing as he grabbed a drink.

"Oh come on, man! I was going for that bottle!" Mordecai shouted.

"Snooze you lose sucker!" Brick huffed. 

Watching the duo go back and forth I returned my attention to the soldiers. 

"Don't go too crazy," I murmured handing them each a bottle from inventory.

Checking the label they smiled with intensity.

It was one of my early creations meaning the dilution hadn't been watered down, it was a strong sixty-eight with the taste of a tenner. 

"Thank you so much!" He exclaimed the grin on his face igniting a fierce smile.

I would most likely regret my kindness here although they did need a break. 

The bottle was more of an incentive for the other legionaries who looked on with envy. 

If you worked hard you would be rewarded, this was the message I sent across. 

A tool would only be useful if given time to cool. 

A heated blade would only become brittle if not maintained. 

"Hey, sugar~." Moxxi smiled holding a stack of drinks.

"Greetings Moxxi." I voiced.

"Well, aren't you so wrapped up? Not one for candles?" She inquired.


"Oh, don't give me the silent treatment, sugar. Can't a gal crack a joke here and there?" 


"Oh, you're breaking my heart here. Won't even ask poor little ol' me about my day?" 

"Fine, how is the catering?" 

"Oh, nothing much, sugar. I enjoy keeping people company, my special touch in every dish~." She hushed. 


"So I was wondering about our prior dealings, you know that... Big ~. Juicy~. Dome~."

"I'll have it done soon, once the Atlas threat is relinquished. As much as I want the dome to be completed, the atlas menace must perish before we make any more expansion on the current infrastructure." 

"Oh, I'm sure. Was just making sure you didn't forget that night together~."

"Don't make people confused Moxxi." 

"I'm just playing with you~. Try and enjoy yourself. You seem tense, have a little break. No one is breaking your balls here, well besides me~." She winked before leaving. 

"Man, even the boss got with her..." One of the guards murmured. 

Not bothering to correct their statements I walked past a crowd that seemed to bolster attention.

"Step right up, folks! Get your hands on the finest weaponry in all of Pandora! You never know when you'll need a little extra firepower!" Marcus's voice boomed,

A wary civilian approached, eyeing a particularly menacing-looking rifle. "How much for this one, Marcus?"

Marcus grinned, his eyes twinkling with the thrill of the sale. "Ah, an excellent choice! For you, my friend, a special price. Only 500 credits! A steal for such fine craftsmanship."

The civilian hesitated, glancing around nervously. "I don't know... money's tight right now."

Marcus leaned in, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "Listen, pal, can you really put a price on your safety? Trust me, this beauty will keep you alive when things get rough."

Money was neutral in his eyes and as long as a willing buyer was present he would facilitate the purchase. 

He had quite a gip tongue and was an excellent salesman, it's a shame he often sold his weapons to anyone regardless of background.

If I wasn't personally sabotaging his exterior sales of weapons and munitions I would've ended the man - loose ends weren't needed.

Moxxi was a similar threat in my eyes her gip tongue and seduction a lethal weapon to those around me. 

While Legionnaires and Ironhold guardsmen had been cautioned on spilling internal policies and plots, certain words would spill regardless of how tight their mouths were. 

This was how powerful her hips were, each sway was an almost hypnotic frequency to both men and women.

She was dangerous but not a threat as he livelihood also depended on the success of Ironhold. 

The town had become a sanctuary for all Pandorans regardless of background, previous prisoners and marauders giving up the mantle to find a better life. 

Turning to face the dance floor I found claptrap having fun. 

"Wooohoooo!" Claptrap exclaimed, his wheels turning back and forth.

It would appear the party was a success as many followed suit in dancing with the robot. 

"How goes security?" I voiced to one of the on-duty guards.

"We've captured an "ex-lance" assassin and await your orders. She refuses to speak to others and methods of torture don't seem to work." He revealed.

"You didn't think to make me aware of this earlier?" I asked.

"You were celebrating Claptrap's birthday we proposed it would be easier to alert you after the party." He explained.

"Have you made her swallow 'that' ?" 


"I'll make my way over then." 

Hidden underneath one of the guard's stations were housed numerous prisoners.

Atlas soldiers were immediately placed here with a few exceptions left atop due to spacing. 

Making my way down to the cellar I spotted Athena whose arms and legs were tied to steel chains. 

We locked eyes with one another, her gaze cold and unforgiving the life of it now devoid. 

"You're alive." I voiced stoically.

"I am." 

"So what do you want? Jess should be with you, no?" I inquired.

"She's dead..." 


"I see and you've come here seeking help."

It would appear they had killed her, either by tracking her down or following Athena. 

Seeing her seethe with anger they most likely killed her in front of them. 

A shame, truly, the child was intelligent and naturally curious.

Had she been born on another planet they would've been blessed with a possible inventor or nurse.

Unfortunately, she was born here where no such opportunity was given.

Only the fortunate were blessed. 

She was not. 

"You are correct. The Atlas corporations must pay for what they've done. I'm willing to do anything to rid them of this planet." 

"Anything?" I asked.

"I'm willing." She voiced content, keeping her cold gaze locked with mine I smiled.

Her will was strong. 

"I'll oblige then." 

About to further my command I was suddenly interrupted by a frantic and anxious Scooter. 

"Boss! They took mah damn sister!" Scooter voiced stumbling in, tumbling from the flight of stairs he lay on the floor dazed.


"Damn, that hurt... Anyway, boss! They took mah damn sister!" Scooter continued the panic in his voice leaving him strangely worried. 

I had seen this man weld without safety glasses and touch molten metal with his bare hands - this was a genuine concern. 

"Who are you referring to?" I questioned.

"Those damn stinkin' Zaford bastards I tell yah! Just cause me and Ma' were once part of the Hodunks, they think we'll slip em' a favour or two." He spat. 

"Well it appears you're first mission is in order. Retrieve Scooter's sister and return her here."

"I will do so my liege." She voiced.

"None of that nonsense." I voiced.

"Then boss?"

"I don't consider you a part of the legion, prove yourself worthy, and maybe I'll have a change of heart."

"By your command." She voiced.

Opening the cell door she was free to walk out, her so-called torture merely waterboarding. A bucket of water and a wet towel at her side. 

"I'm guessing the torture didn't work on you." 

"Well to be honest they mostly just wanted to paint my nails and talk about boys all of the time. I almost sort of like it here. They were like the sisters I never had because Atlas killed them. Wow, that just got heavy." 

"I don't care." 

"Scooter this here is an elite assassin trained from birth to kill. She'll be the case officer regarding your situation. I'll have legionaries follow alongside you." 

"You're trusting me?" She voiced mused.

"No, I've planted micro-bombs inside your stomach when they drenched you and forced water inside your stomach.

They'll naturally leave your body around forty-eight hours, but until then I could detonate them at any time.

Seeing as you lack sufficient equipment scooter will assist you in this regard. I'll await your competition." 

Naturally walking away I left the scooter to the Lance assassin.

"Ah, man. Did he just leave me with you?" Scooter sighed gulping. 

- Third person -

General Knoxx stood unfazed by the growing destruction of his military operations, he had done everything his admiral had ordered him to do and with the growing lack of orders descending he merely cut the child off. 

He wouldn't be part of the nepotism that they scorched, the company had been ruined.

The internal bracket and investors had gone far too greedy without the necessary capabilities to back it.

He had seen his outposts destroyed, countless of his soldiers crucified, and numerous of his supplies being ambushed.

Yet he remained stoic biding his time, if there was anyone that would be worthy of killing him on this planet - it was the Iron Monarch.

He had found the location of Ironhold or Fyerstone numerous moons ago but decided not to attack it.

He instead left it to the last four crimson-lance assassins who while ruthless still hadn't managed to track the town down. 

Although he wouldn't blame them fully the day that Ironhold revealed their electronics shut down, an almost invisible electromagnetic pulse had managed to flush their systems wiping out existing databases and coordinates. 

Any reattempt led to a similar reaction leaving every order to be made manually, no order could be trusted over the communication drives as Legion members frequented and sabotaged data. 

The kid was good, that was something he liked.

He was ruthless yet charismatic enough to pull the local populace to push his endeavours.

He was efficient and coldhearted the perfect soldier and commander. 

The Atlas corporation would've loved to have employed the man had he not killed numerous soldiers and opened the vault. 

Although he wouldn't complain if they still tried, at this point their options were limited.

Victory had made the Crimson Lance weak and with incompetent leaders on the top numerous failures were bound to happen. 

"I'm getting too old for this shit," Knoxx murmured sighing. 

He had been a soldier his whole life and with nothing left, he could only bide his time.

The ship that he had come in had been destroyed by an electromagnetic pulse leaving him stranded. 

He couldn't escape unless Atlas themselves came and sent reinforcements but he knew they wouldn't.

That would admit that they were losing to a backwater planet infested with stink bugs and diarrhea marauders. 

It wouldn't be good for their image or their sales. 

"I'm sure you know of Athena's betrayal, general?" His assistant spoke. 

"Of course, she would often ramble about someone called 'Jess', and said she'd leave the Lance once she found her." Knoxx voiced.

"Well, headquarters found out and tasked her associates to kill her themselves." 

"Idiots." He murmured. 

"Excuse me?" She asked confused.

"This was the worst possible action present, they made a possible threat into an actual threat. Athena was the most gifted assassin in the lance, she was the statically the most gifted assassin in the lance with the necessary leadership to not be entirely blinded by emotion. The rest had been mentally handicapped and forced to fight their minds broken. It wouldn't be insane to say they're all sadistic freaks. Given enough time they could've convinced the girl to remain." Knoxx monologues.

"I see..." She murmured.

"Look I don't need you to understand." Knoxx sighed.

"So what should we do? Nearly fifty per cent of our forces have been wiped out by The Monarch's legion."



Continuously surprised by the general's orders she couldn't help but feel a certain treachery arise in the man she followed.

"Are you betraying the company?" 

"No, I just no longer follow their interests." He voiced.

"Would that in itself not be treachery?" 

"I don't care what you define do what you want. I'm no longer interested in this world or the company. The crimson lance used to mean something now it's nothing but a shadow of its former self."

"I'm going to report this to your superiors..." She threatened.

"You won't have to worry I've also alarmed them of my concerns." 

"Then they've allowed you free reign over Pandora?"

"No, they're going to retrieve possible assets of interest. I have a suspicion they're selling the planet rights to Hyperion." He continued.

"Thank god! I won't have to be here anymore." She sighed relieved.

"Unfortunately you've been marked as unneeded and expendable. You've been terminated."

"Excuse me?" She inquired gasped. 

"You were never valuable to Atlas in the first place sweety. Why else would they assign you to me?" Knoxx snickered. 

"Then what are you doing?!" 

"I'm waiting, while my interests no longer serve Atlas. I shall continue as your general, I remain loyal to the crimson lance." Knoxx smiled.

"Have you not told the others?" 

"And what would that serve? Would you have the rest desert and abandon current operations?" Knoxx furthered.

"Then.... Fuck!" She swore she had served Atlas faithfully her entire life. 

Now they would allow her to die on the worst planet possible. 

"Don't worry you're free to leave at any time. I won't tie you down any longer. I'm old most likely going to kill myself if things go south."

"I can't believe they would do something like this..." 

"Well wake up to reality. This is your new life. It ain't grand but it's something, Most don't get as much as you do. I know soldiers who were killed in their sleep." 

Rubbing her brows she felt her heart pace back and forth, the taste of bitterness rushing to her tongue. 

Abandoned, betrayed there was nothing she could do now but survive.

"You know I was thinking about that kid, Alexander... He could've made an excellent general if he were under the lance. A shame how things went."

"You even pity the enemy?" 

"No, I respect him. There's a difference." Knoxx rebutted. 


"But then again, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference." Knoxx continued. 

General Knoxx heading towards his armoury looked over the countless weapons stockpiled an eridan weapon secretly stored within.

Looking over its unique and intricate design it was oddly light, and thin with a mere pull of its trigger sending a power pulse of energy that incinerated through shields and enemies with ease. 

Elsewhere on Pandora Athena now travelling with Scooter they conversed abiet awkwardly.

"So, what's a badass and sexy lookin' assassin like you doin' around this here parts?" 


"Cool. Cool. So, you like single?"

"I would prefer not to talk about such ideas." 

"Oooh, I see... Okay, look this might sound a little weird but... If you're open-minded to it. Let me say that one again. Open-minded to it, can you help me get a date with one of your lady friends?" 

"They would gut you before they touch you."

"Ouch, you really think so?"

"They would do it to me first. I wouldn't be sure how they would handle you."

"Ah, fair enough. Can't blame a lonely man for tryna' can yah?"

"I can."

"Note taken."

"Listen Scooter I need more information about these two clans, what can you tell me about them?"

"Well, The Hodunks is where mah sis, mah Ma' and I come from. Grew up there before we decided to move out. Couldn't handle the heat Ma would say."

"And these Zaford they are the opposing faction, correct?"

"Yes mam, That'd be the right description. The Zafords are a load of turd-eatin' bastards, the whole lot of em'. I don't know when the feud started but it just never stopped. Especially this one punk-ass bitch named Lucky Zaford. Mind mah, language but he's an ass eater who ruined Mah Ma's lady parts, one time. If you see him leave him alive, I've got dibs." 

"I understand. So why exactly are you driving me out here could you not have given me the coordinates?" 

"Well, I wanted to see a few friends of mine. I can't just leave my sister's safety to some stranger you know. While I trust the man on top he can be kinda crazy."


"What's that? Is that some kind of cool assassin Tatic, I hear that word from the others a lot." 

"No, it means explain more."


"Oh, mah bad. Yeah, the boss can be a little... Twitchy at times. He doesn't talk a lot and he's often cooped up in his office. Although, sometimes I wonder what's goin' on in that head of his. Sometimes he kills people other times he lets em' live like you. While I know he's got his reasons, I can't exactly say that everyone he's let live was a good guy, you know?"

"Good guy? You think I'm good?"

"Don't toot your own horses lady, I was talkin' about some of the people that come in. You're fairly good lookin' but I wouldn't say good."

"I don't see where you're going with this."

"Look here partner, it's just some you got to see for yourself. I don't know how to explain it in normal folk terms." 


"Talking to normal folk is hard."

"I share similar sentiments." 

"What'dya say?"

"Never mind." 

Arriving at the Hodunk faction territory they were interrupted by a large man, his height towering over the both of the two.

While stoic the man seemed to await a command before hunching over.

"Ohhhhhh, Hi Scooter!" The man greeted, his voice deep yet slow. 

"Heyah' partner what's crackin'."

Slow to respond the man took a few moments to continue, "I'm good thank you." 

Smiling he allowed us through, the scenes of numerous trailers and vehicles stationed. 

Athena gazing towards the vehicles noted the modified engines, rims and tyres. 

it would appear this was where Scooter had been first inspired. 

"Well if it ain't little ol' Scooter! What brings you round ere' part's, aye? Your old lady wanted for more spice?" A man greeted rolling through, his slightly slim figure being assisted by another larger brute.

"Hmm." The larger brute voiced.

"Ah good seein' yah Tector and Jimbo, been a real while ain't it." Scooter smiled.

Athena unsure of the new character inquired shortly, "These are?" 

"Ah, I'd be a little careful around these two here Athena. These two are the leaders of the Hodunk clan." Scooter whispered.

"Understood, I'll be sure not to raise flags." 

"Ah, who is this lady? This your partner?" Jimbo smiled licking his lips.

"This right here's Ah Scooter exclusive."

"Surely we can't sort some out? I rub yours and she rubs mine kind of deal~." Jimbo huffed.

"No can do, old man."

"Who you calling old? Mah balls are still heavy and my cock's still long. Whose can stop me?" 

"I will." Athena spouted disgusted by the man's advances.

Suddenly surrounded numerous members of the Hodunk family surrounded the pair.

Men and women alike are ready to slaughter the pair, their cold gazes set. 

"Dammit," Scooter swore.

"Don't worry I'll slaughter them all." Athena voiced drawing her weapon.


"Hahhahaha! No, need to create some drama. Look I'm just breakin' your balls m'kay. What's the trouble? I know you ain't here for a welcomin' greetin'. This fine lady got more ball than ten of you combined." Jimbo laughed. 

The members hearing his command were disappointed.

"Damn, it could've done with a new pair of shorts." A woman complained.

"I can give you mine if you give me some toppy." 

"Shut it Weaser, you're mah cousin!"



Athena was continuously disgusted by the environment and couldn't help but just state her intentions to their leader. 

"We're here to look for Ellie," Athena explained.

"Ellie? That fat thing? She left months ago. We haven't had a single clue of her whereabouts since June." Jimbo voiced. 

"She was kidnapped." I continued.

"Kidnapped? Ellie was kidnapped!" 

"It was probably those damn, Zafords..." Jimbo snapped.

"Was too ain't it." Tector huffed.

"Listen ere' partner we'll show em Zaford's what we folk around here do when one of our one gets napped." Jimbo raged, his anger irrefutable.

Suddenly the large crowd erupted.

"Death to the Zafords!"

"Death to the Zafords!"

"Death to the Zafords!"

"Death to the Zafords!"

"Death to the Zafords!"

"Death to the Zafords!"

"Death to the Zafords!"

"Death to the Zafords!"

"Could ya quiet down there? I'm kinda busy screwing Suzie!" 

"Shut it Weaser! And that's not just your Cousin, she's your half-sister!"

"I don't care about that!"

"We still need to find her," Athena alerted, her face scrunching at their conversation.

"We'll she said she would head north from here around the planes. Kept her shop open, some of mah boys would usually head down there to tussle if you get me." Jimbo flirted winking.

"I don't."

"Well anyway, wherever she went, she most likely went down there. I don't think she travelled far so you might even spot her before you even know, HAHAHAHAH!" Jimbo laughed out loud, his hands continuously slapping his thigh.

Tector sending the coordinates to Scooter looked on at his departing figure unsure of what to say next. 

"Oh, and Scooter," Jimbo called out.

"Yeah?" Scooter replied. 

"Don't be a stranger, you're always welcome back to the Hodunk clan yah hear. You're family and family's gotta look after one another. Tell yah mama I miss her, lord knows I've been lonely." Jimbo smiled, the two's departing figures growing smaller and smaller. 

"You ever gon tell him?" Tector inquired.

"Hell, I ain't never tell a soul. Seems his momma ain't tell him none either, best we keep that way." Jimbo sighed watching Scooter depart.

"You know it ain't ever too late right, kid deserves truth." 

"But what's truth gotta do with this Tector? What's even gotta do? Not even worth a Skagg's breath yah hear. Best we leave it, else a turd and two munches come around ere ground." 

"Now ain't that they tell you that's a legend?"

The two adventures now outside the clan headed towards the coordinates given their sights set on Ellie.

"Your sister... what's she like?" Athena inquired.

"Well, she's always looked out for me when the others used to pick on us. If I were to, uh, simply say what she was like - it'd be she's the best. The best sister in the world." Scooter smiled.

Letting the moment sit the two continued after some time.

"How many siblings do you have?" Athena asked curious.

"Well to be fair I ain't know, as you know my Ma... She's got a big heart and sometimes you just don't know." He answered honestly.

"What was it like growing up?"

"Well, it ain't easy to be fair. Had our fair of struggle but I'd as the clan looked after us. Until my Ma got sick of the fights and drama. From there she set it out to make her own thing. Been lovin' er since. Ain't nobody perfect, I just hope she's happy, heh. In this world, there ain't much besides family. You?" Scooter asked.

"I... Had a sister. She was killed by the Crimson lance..."

"Well ain't that a bitch." 

"Yeah, a real bitch." 

Arriving towards the coordinates they were met with a ruined workshop an ECHO recording was spotted hidden underneath a wrecked car.

"If you're seeing this Scooter then I was most likely ambushed by one of those Bastard Zafords. A bunch of em' came around asking for help on their cars. I'm leaving this here just in case I don't make it back in time." Ellie voiced from the recorder.

"Well, I'll be damned. I was right. Damn, Zaford bastards took her," Scooter declared, his voice thick with a southern drawl.

"Do you know where they are stationed?" Athena inquired, her eyes narrowing with determination.

"I don't know fer sure, but I definitely know where they drink," Scooter replied a spark of hope in his eyes.

"Then we'll head there," Athena voiced, her tone leaving no room for argument.

They left Jimbo's trailer, stepping back into the chaotic environment of the Hodunk camp. Scooter led the way, guiding Athena towards a ramshackle vehicle that seemed held together more by hope than engineering.

"This here's mah pride and joy," Scooter said, patting the hood of the vehicle. "She might not look like much, but she'll get us where we need to go."

Athena nodded, climbing into the passenger seat. As they drove through the desolate landscape of Pandora, she reviewed the plan in her mind. The Zafords were notorious for their secrecy and brutality, but they had one glaring weakness: their love for drink and revelry.

The drive was uneventful, the barren terrain passing by in a blur. Scooter's vehicle handled the rough terrain with surprising ease, a testament to his mechanical skills. After what felt like an eternity, they arrived at a decrepit bar nestled in the shadow of a rocky outcrop.

"This is the place," Scooter said, his voice low. "The Zafords come here to drink an' blow off steam. If yer friend is still here, someone in there will know where she is."

Athena nodded, her hand once again resting on the hilt of her blade. "Stay here. I'll handle this."

"Be careful," Scooter cautioned. "These guys ain't exactly friendly."

Athena smirked. "Neither am I."

She stepped out of the vehicle, her movements fluid and silent. Approaching the entrance, she could hear the raucous laughter and clinking of glasses from within. Steeling herself, she pushed open the door and stepped inside.

The interior was dimly lit, the air thick with the smell of alcohol and unwashed bodies. A dozen pairs of eyes turned to scrutinize her as she entered. Athena ignored them, her gaze sweeping the room until it landed on a group of Zafords huddled around a table in the corner.

She made her way towards them, her steps confident and unyielding. As she approached, one of the men looked up, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"What do you want?" he growled, his accent thick and unmistakably Irish. "You lost, lass?"

"I'm looking for information," Athena replied, her voice cold and authoritative. "Where is the woman you took from the Hodunks?"

The man sneered. "And why should I tell you?"

Athena's hand moved with lightning speed, drawing her blade and pressing it against his throat before he could react. "Because if you don't, you'll be dead before you hit the ground."

The bar fell silent, the other patrons watching with bated breath. The man's eyes widened in fear, and he swallowed hard.

"She's with one of our underbosses," he stammered. "Liam wanted to marry her, but she said no. He's keeping her at his place, a couple miles north of here. Please, don't kill me."

Athena withdrew her blade, her expression unreadable. "Thank you for your cooperation."

She turned and left the bar, the eyes of every patron following her until the door closed behind her. Back in the vehicle, Scooter looked at her expectantly.

"Well?" he asked.

"She's being held by one of their underbosses, Liam. He wanted to marry her, but she declined. We need to head a couple of miles north," Athena replied, her tone matter-of-fact. "Let's go."

Scooter nodded, starting the engine. As they drove towards Liam's place, Athena's mind was already working through the details of the rescue. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was prepared for whatever lay ahead.

The Zafords had made a mistake by trying to force Ellie into marriage, and they were about to learn just how costly that mistake would be.

"Ya know, these Zafords, they ain't just gon' hand her over," Scooter drawled, glancing at Athena. "We might hafta bust in there, guns a-blazin'."

"I'm prepared for that," Athena replied. "I don't expect this to be easy."

Scooter chuckled. "Good, 'cause easy ain't a word that exists on Pandora."

As they neared Liam's hideout, the sounds of rowdy voices and raucous laughter reached their ears.

The place was a chaotic sprawl of makeshift buildings and tents, with Zaford gang members milling about, many with drinks in hand.

"Alright, here we are," Scooter said, parking the vehicle a safe distance away. "What's the plan?"

"We need to create a distraction," Athena said, scanning the area. "Something that will draw their attention away from Ellie."

Scooter grinned. "I got just the thing." He reached into the back of the vehicle and pulled out a small, makeshift explosive. "This baby'll make one hell of a boom. Should give ya plenty of time to find yer friend."

Athena nodded. "Do it."

Scooter set the explosive and handed Athena a remote detonator. "You get in there and find Ellie. I'll set this off when you give me the signal."

Athena moved stealthily through the camp, her keen eyes searching for any sign of Ellie. She spotted a large tent in the centre of the camp, heavily guarded and likely holding something of value—or someone. She made her way towards it, keeping to the shadows and avoiding the drunken Zafords.

When she reached the tent, she peered inside and saw Ellie, bound and guarded by two Zaford members. Athena signalled to Scooter and waited for the distraction.

Moments later, a loud explosion rocked the camp, sending Zaford members running in all directions. Athena took advantage of the chaos, slipping into the tent and dispatching the guards with swift, precise movements.

"Ellie, are you alright?" Athena asked, cutting through the ropes that bound her.

"Who the hell are you?" Ellie drawled, her southern accent thick as she stood up, rubbing her wrists. "And what the hell's goin' on?"

"I'm Athena. Scooter and I came to get you out," Athena replied. "Let's move before they regroup."

Ellie nodded, though confusion flickered in her eyes. "Alright, let's get the hell outta here."

They made their way back to the vehicle, where Scooter was waiting, engine running. "Y'all ready to skedaddle?" he asked, grinning.

"Let's go," Athena said, helping Ellie into the back seat.

As they sped away from the camp, the sounds of chaos and confusion fading into the distance, Athena allowed herself a small sigh of relief. They had rescued Ellie, but she knew the fight was far from over.

"Thanks, Scooter," Ellie said, leaning back in the seat. "I owe ya one."

"Ah, shucks, sis. Don't mention it," Scooter replied. "Just glad yer safe."

"Ah say before we disappear too far out. Can you drive Athena?" Scooter inquired.

"I can?" 

"Then here take the wheel. I've got some, uh. Unfinished business."

"Where you going Scooter?" 

"Trust me, Sis. It'll be quick."

"Then get too tootin before they start shooting!"

"I hear yah." 

Watching the man disappear into the Zaford's base the two looked on unsure.
"Would you know where he's goin'?" 

"Most likely to Kill Lucky Zaford..." Athena murmured,"Should we wait for him?" 

"Hmm... Nah, he's got it. I've seen my brother walk out of worse. Zafords got nothin' on him." She voiced.

"Are you sure?" Athena questioned.

"Well if you said against the whole of em I would've been worried. But, Luck Zaford? Ain't a soul in this world that wouldn't him dead. Hell, his brother tried killing him when they were four. Left him quiet ever since." Ellie stated. 

"Then let's head home..." 

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