Borderlands: Conquest

Chapter 33: Retaking Helios (1)

Alexander stood at the helm of his forces, his ebony power armour a stark contrast against the vast expanse of space. The Helios space station loomed before them, its imposing silhouette a testament to Hyperion's technological prowess. As he prepared to lead the siege, Alexander's pitch-black eyes scanned the battlefield, his enhanced mind calculating countless strategies and outcomes.

Just as he was about to give the order to advance, two urgent reports reached him, halting his plans. Alexander's demeanour remained outwardly calm, but his mind raced as he processed the incoming information.

The first report materialized on his HUD and was transmitted directly from Isaac. Alexander's eyes darted across the text, absorbing every detail of Isaac's infiltration into the Silver Fangs. The report was comprehensive, detailing the gang's structure, resources, and vulnerabilities. However, Isaac's assessment of their current strategy caught Alexander's attention.

"Our current plan is too slow-acting," Isaac's report read. "I propose a more drastic approach: assassinate a gang leader and frame one of the other gangs. This will inevitably lead to war, but a war the Iron Legion needs to use to thrive - Kinda like an Aizen situation."

Alexander's brow furrowed behind his mask as he considered the implications. Isaac continued, "While many may die, I'd rather our men survive than risk our assets failing. I hate that it has to happen this way... but the Iron Legion comes first and as one of its Generals, I would rather build the Iron Legion off the remains of others than our own corpses... That last line kinda goes hard doesn't i-"

Alexander quickly skipped Isaac's banter and focused on his cold logic, his proposal - it appealed to Alexander's methodical nature. It was efficient, and decisive, and would likely yield faster results. However, it also carried significant risks. The potential for collateral damage was high, and it could destabilize the delicate balance of power they had worked so hard to establish.

"Your concerns are for naught, the Legion and thus my will always comes first, Isaac. Once my conquest atop the Helios station is complete, I shall assist you alongside our men. Continue with your plans. You have my authority." Alexander replied, his voice carrying the necessary tone to convey his sentiments.

As Alexander weighed the pros and cons, his mind already formulating potential contingencies, the second report came through. This one on the other hand coming from Xion, detailed a recent mission alongside Captain Scarlett. The Rogue variable was a foreign name that had yet to appear in the general's logs. Alexander's eyes narrowed as he read the account of betrayal and loss.

Xion's words were tinged with anger and frustration as he described how Scarlett's treachery had led to the deaths of some of his men. The report detailed a harrowing escape, with Isaac himself nearly succumbing to poison. The fact that Scarlett had managed to escape, denying Xion the chance for immediate vengeance, was clearly a source of great frustration for his general.

A flicker of disappointment crossed Alexander's mind - not towards Xion, but towards himself. He had underestimated Xion's moral code and duplicity, and it had cost them valuable resources and men. For a brief moment, he considered making Xion step down, a testament to his high standards and the weight of responsibility he felt as a leader.

But there was no time for extended self-reflection. The situation on Helios demanded his immediate attention. As if on cue, the sounds of nearby dialogue caught his enhanced hearing. Alexander focused, listening intently to the conversation unfolding nearby.

"Alright, here we go, everybody," Jack's voice rang out, a mixture of excitement and nervousness evident in his tone. "The jamming signal's down, we've got a robot army, and it's time to get back to Helios and turn off that death-laser."

Alexander noted the hint of bravado in Jack's voice, a characteristic he had observed growing stronger in recent times. It was a trait that could prove useful - or dangerous - depending on how it was managed.

Lilith's voice followed, determined and focused. "Roland and I will head up with you guys and provide support."

"And I'll be cheerin' you on from the cozy confines of this cantina," Moxxi added, her tone light but with an undercurrent of tension that didn't escape Alexander's notice.

Jack spoke again, his voice becoming more serious. "I dunno how hairy things have gotten up there, so... be prepared for anything." There was a pause before he continued, "Let's go. We'll fast-travel up there first. You follow behind."

Alexander's mind raced, quickly adapting his plans to this new information. The involvement of Roland and Lilith added a new variable to the equation. Their Siren powers could be a significant asset - or a potential threat if their goals diverged from his own.

"If we don't shut that laser down soon, we can kiss this whole moon goodbye!" Roland's urgency was palpable, underlining the high stakes of their mission.

"See ya on the other side, kiddo," Lilith said, her words carrying a hint of encouragement that seemed directed at Jack.

Roland echoed the sentiment. "What she said."

"Let's be heroes," Jack concluded, his voice filled with a mix of determination and something else - a hunger for glory that Alexander noted with interest. It was a desire he could potentially exploit, but it also raised red flags. Unchecked ambition could be as dangerous as any external threat.

As the voices faded, Alexander turned his attention back to his troops. With a series of swift, authoritative gestures, he signalled them to prepare for teleportation. His voice, when he spoke, was clear and commanding, brooking no argument or hesitation.

"Prepare for immediate deployment," he ordered, his tone resonating with the weight of authority. "Our objective is clear: secure the Helios station and neutralize any threats by any means. I will not tolerate failures."

As the energy of the fast-travel system began to coalesce around them, Alexander's mind was already several steps ahead, analyzing potential outcomes and preparing contingencies. The situation on Helios was volatile, with multiple factions vying for control. It was the kind of chaos that could either destroy everything they had worked for - or provide the perfect opportunity to consolidate power.

In a flash of brilliant light, Alexander and his forces vanished from their current position, ready to materialize on Helios and face whatever challenges awaited them. With the fast travel, he felt the energy around flucate, random whispers of data transferred through his mind. 

The disorientation of fast travel faded quickly as Alexander's enhanced physiology adjusted to the sudden shift. They had materialized in Helios' transport bay, and the scene that greeted them was one of chaos. The area teemed with enemies, their weapons already trained on the new arrivals.

Alexander's senses went into overdrive, cataloguing threats and calculating strategies even as he heard the voices of the others who had travelled separately.

"Where is everybody?" Roland's voice echoed through the bay, tinged with confusion and a hint of worry.

Lilith's response came quickly, "Crap. I think we're on the other side of Helios."

Before Alexander could respond, Jack's voice crackled over the comms, "Crap. Looks like the fast travel split us all up." There was a pause, then Jack continued, his tone shifting to one of forced optimism, "Doesn't change the plan, though: get to the Eye of Helios command centre, shut the laser down WITHOUT damaging it, save the moon, and be hailed as a hero forever. Sound good? Course it does."

Alexander's eyes narrowed behind his mask, noting the increasingly grandiose tone in Jack's voice. It was a trait that could prove useful in rallying allies, but it also hinted at a growing ego that could become problematic.

Without hesitation, Alexander began issuing orders to his men, his voice carrying the weight of authority that brooked no argument. "Secure the perimeter," he commanded. "Establish a defensive position and prepare for the push towards the central terminal."

As his troops moved with practised efficiency, Alexander turned his attention to the immediate threats. With fluid, almost graceful movements, he engaged the nearest enemies. His enhanced strength and speed made short work of the opposition, each movement calculated for maximum effect.

As they fought their way through waves of enemies, Alexander observed the fighting styles of his temporary allies. Roland's military training was evident in his disciplined approach, while Lilith's Siren powers gave her an edge in crowd control. Jack, despite his bravado, seemed to hang back, relying more on his tactical acumen than direct combat skills.

Arriving together, both Roland and Lilith appeared to distance themselves. 

"We'll meet you around, we've got something to do. Call it our own mission." Lilith voiced.

"Your own mission?" Alexander inquired.

"Our own mission." Roland finished, his eyes stoic with his mind already set. 

"Do what you will." Alexander voiced returning back to the action.

Gradually, he and his team made their way to the Central Terminal. An elevator there would lead to Jack's office, a crucial strategic point in controlling the station. As they approached, a new voice rang out over the station's speakers, filled with indignation and disbelief.

"Where's the tattooed chick and her boy-toy?" Jack asked.

"Elsewhere," Alexander replied. 

"John? W-what the hell are you doing?!" The voice belonged to Tassiter, Jack's superior at Hyperion. "I fired you!"

Jack's response was immediate, his tone dripping with sarcasm and barely contained glee. "And you'll be thanking me once Helios is back in Hyperion's hands."

Tassiter's voice grew more agitated. "And what have you done to the station? The colour scheme is all--"

Jack cut him off mid-sentence, "--Yeah, red and black were a little grim. Yellow POPS is better, don't you think? Anyway, can't fire me, sucka, you already did! Later!"

The exchange was brief, but it spoke volumes about the shifting power dynamics within Hyperion. Alexander filed this information away, recognizing it as a potential leverage point for future negotiations.

There was a brief pause before Jack addressed the team again, his voice carrying a forced casualness that didn't quite mask his underlying tension. "Well, station still seems more or less in one piece. How about you? You holdin' up?"

Alexander remained silent, his focus on the mission unwavering. He listened as the others responded, each reply providing insight into their mental state and priorities.

Athena's response was curt and professional. "Don't understand the question. Heading to objective now."

Wilhelm, ever the cyborg enthusiast, grumbled, "I'm just jealous that A.I got a cool robot body – Need a few upgrades."

Nisha's voice carried a hint of sadistic pleasure. "Killin' that AI chick was pretty fun, so -- yeah. Feelin' good. Thanks for askin'. Maybe that Jackass can let us kill his copy."

Jack's doppelganger, unsurprisingly, seemed conflicted. "Yeah -- uh, feeling kinda bad about Felicity's copy. I mean, not THAT bad. But, I dunno, yeah, kinda bad."

Aurelia's tone was dismissive, befitting her aristocratic background. "Oh, just trying to forget about Felicity and focus on enjoying my vacation."

"Alright, cool," Jack replied, his voice betraying a hint of distraction. "I'll meet up with you later, we can talk some more then."

As they continued their advance, Alexander's mind was already several steps ahead, analyzing potential outcomes and preparing contingencies. The mention of Felicity's copy had caught his attention, filed away for future reference. It hinted at ethical dilemmas within the group, and potential weak points that could be exploited if necessary.

The team fought their way through more waves of enemies, their progress slowed by the need to secure each section of the station. Alexander's troops moved with precision, their training evident in every coordinated assault and defensive maneuver.

As they neared Jack's office, the resistance grew fiercer. It was clear that whoever had taken control of Helios understood the strategic importance of this location. Alexander's enhanced senses picked up the sound of heavy machinery and the distinct hum of energy shields.

"We've got heavy resistance ahead," he warned the others, his voice calm despite the intensity of the situation. "Prepare for a significant engagement."

As if in response to his words, a new wave of enemies poured into the corridor. Among them were several heavily armoured units, their weapons capable of punching through standard defences.

Alexander reacted instantly, his body moving with inhuman speed and grace. He closed the distance to the nearest heavy unit, his enhanced strength allowing him to tear through its armour with his bare hands. The others followed his lead, their varied abilities creating a symphony of destruction.

Alexanders' oppressive fire left openings for Nisha and Wilhelm to exploit. Even Jack's doppelganger proved useful, his holographic decoys drawing fire and creating confusion among the enemy ranks. It appeared the college graduate was slowly morphing into a competent soldier regardless if he didn't want to. 

As the battle raged, Alexander couldn't help but appreciate the effectiveness of this makeshift team. Each member brought unique skills to the table, complementing each other in ways that amplified their overall effectiveness. It was a reminder of the potential strength in diversity, a principle he had always valued in building his own forces.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of combat, they reached the entrance to Jack's office. The door was sealed, its security systems active and unyielding.

"Great," Jack's voice came over the comm, a mix of frustration and forced optimism. "Looks like they've locked down my office. We'll need to find a way to bypass the security."

Alexander stepped forward, his eyes scanning the security panel. With movements too fast for the others to follow, he began to interface with the system, his enhanced mind processing the security algorithms at an incredible speed.

"Stand back," he ordered, his voice carrying an undercurrent of focused intensity. "I'll handle this."

The others watched in a mixture of awe and unease as Alexander worked. In mere moments, the security panel sparked and sputtered, its defences crumbling under Alexander's assault.

The door slid open with a hiss, revealing Jack's office beyond. As they entered, Alexander's mind was already racing ahead, considering the next steps in their mission and the potential challenges that lay ahead.

a holographic display flickered to life on Jack's desk. The nervous face of Gladstone appeared, his eyes darting around as if expecting danger at any moment.

"Jack! We need your help!" Gladstone's voice crackled through the speakers. "The Lost Legion has taken over key areas of the station, and we're trapped!"

Jack waved a dismissive hand. "Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you can handle it. We've got bigger fish to fry, like taking back control of the Eye of Helios."

Gladstone's face fell. "But sir, without access to our research and equipment, we can't lower the defences to the Eye. We're completely cut off!"

Jack paused, his cocky expression faltering for a moment as he realized the implications. He sat up straighter, planting his feet on the ground. "Alright, fine. We'll come rescue you eggheads. But this better be worth it."

Alexander stepped forward, his deep voice resonating through the room. "I'll handle this, Jack. My team and I can extract the scientists efficiently."

Jack shrugging his shoulders allowed him, "Suit yourself. Just don't screw it up."

As Alexander turned to leave, Jack called out, "Oh, and try not to kill them, yeah? We need those nerds alive."

Alexander didn't dignify that with a response, merely gesturing for his team to follow as he strode out of the office.

The corridors of Helios were a maze of sleek metal and pulsing lights, occasionally marred by scorch marks and bullet holes from the ongoing conflict. Alexander led his squad with practised ease, their movements synchronized and silent.

They encountered their first group of Lost Legion soldiers outside the entrance to the research wing. Alexander held up a fist, bringing his team to a halt. With a series of quick hand signals, he directed them into position.

In a burst of coordinated violence, Alexander's team struck. Silenced weapons coughed, and Lost Legion troops fell before they could even raise the alarm. Alexander himself moved like a shadow, his immense strength allowing him to snap necks and crush skulls with terrifying efficiency.

As the last soldier fell, Alexander accessed the door controls. His internal library quickly decrypted the security protocols, and the doors slid open with a soft hiss.

Inside, they found Dr. Langois cowering behind an overturned desk. The scientist's eyes widened as he saw Alexander's imposing figure.

"Oh thank god," Langois breathed. "Jack sent you?"

Alexander nodded curtly. "We're here to extract you and your colleagues. Where are the others?"

As Langois explained the situation, Alexander discreetly connected to the research wing's data network. While the scientist rambled, Alexander's internal systems quickly sifted through terabytes of data, copying schematics, research notes, and experimental results. He transmitted the stolen information to his R&D team on Pandora, knowing it would prove invaluable in the coming days.

With Langois in tow, they moved deeper into the research wing. They encountered sporadic resistance from Lost Legion forces, but Alexander's team made short work of them. Along the way, they rescued Dr. Torres and Dr. Grayson, each scientist providing valuable intel on the station's current status.

As they approached the designated extraction point where Alexander's transport waited, a strange sensation washed over him. He held up a hand, signalling his team to halt.

"What is it, sir?" one of his lieutenants asked.

Alexander didn't respond immediately. His eyes scanned the seemingly empty space before them, his enhanced senses picking up... something. A distortion in the fabric of reality itself.

Suddenly, a shimmering form materialized before them. The Eridian, the same otherworldly being Alexander had encountered at the beginning of this whole mess, stood there in all its alien glory. The scientists gasped in shock, while Alexander's team raised their weapons instinctively.

"Hold," Alexander commanded, his voice steady despite his own surprise.

The Eridian made no hostile moves. Instead, it slowly raised one elongated arm, pointing to a seemingly random spot in space. Alexander followed its gesture, his eyes narrowing as he focused.

At first, he saw nothing. But as he concentrated, drawing upon his unique abilities, a discrepancy began to reveal itself. A slight warping of the stars, a barely perceptible distortion in the void.

"A cloaked station," Alexander murmured. He turned back to the Eridian, but the being had vanished as suddenly as it had appeared.

Alexander weighed his options quickly. The scientists needed to be evacuated, but this hidden outpost could prove crucial. He made his decision.

"Lieutenant," he barked. "Get these men to the transport and back to our section of Helios. I'll rendezvous with you shortly."

"Sir?" the lieutenant questioned, but a stern look from Alexander silenced any further protests.

As his team escorted the scientists away, Alexander activated his suit's propulsion system. He shot out into the vacuum of space, his course set for the hidden station.

As he approached, the station's cloaking field became more apparent. It was an impressive piece of technology, far beyond anything Hyperion had revealed publicly. Alexander's suspicions deepened.

The station's exterior was a labyrinth of security measures. Laser grids, motion sensors, and automated defence turrets covered every approach. For most intruders, it would have been an impenetrable fortress.

Alexander was not most intruders.

He reached out with his power, feeling the flow of energy through the station's systems. With surgical precision, he began to manipulate that energy. Lasers flickered and died. Sensors went dark. Turrets powered down.

As the last line of defense fell, Alexander touched down on the station's airlock. He overrode the security protocols and stepped inside.

The interior of the station was a stark contrast to the utilitarian corridors of Helios. Every surface gleamed with cutting-edge technology. Holographic displays flickered with streams of data. And at the heart of it all, a lone figure floated in a containment field.

As Alexander approached the containment field, Angel's eyes fluttered open. A mix of emotions played across her face - relief, apprehension, and a flicker of hope.

"Alexander," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "You... you actually came."

"Angel," he replied, his typically stern voice softening almost imperceptibly. "When you asked me to help your father, I didn't expect to find... this." He gestured to the machinery surrounding her, his eyes narrowing as he took in the full extent of her captivity.

Angel attempted a weak smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. "I suppose I owe you an explanation. It's long overdue."

Alexander nodded, his face impassive but his eyes attentive. "I'm listening.".

"When I was young, my Siren powers first manifested," Angel's voice trembled slightly. "I... I accidentally killed my mother. After that, everything changed. Jack became obsessed with controlling my abilities, claiming he was protecting me from myself and others. But really..." She trailed off, her gaze dropping to the tubes feeding Eridium into her body.

Alexander finished her thought. "He was using you."

Angel nodded, a single tear sliding down her cheek. "This setup... it amplifies my powers. I can manipulate technology, predict outcomes, and control entire networks. I'm his secret weapon, his ace in the hole. His... Angel."

Alexander's mind raced, connecting dots he hadn't even realized were there. Jack's meteoric rise to power, his seemingly impossible victories, his uncanny ability to stay one step ahead of his enemies - it all made sense now.

"All those times we talked," Alexander said, a rare note of gentleness in his voice. "You were reaching out, weren't you? Trying to find a way out?"

Angel nodded a sad smile on her face. "You were different. Ruthless, yes, but with a code. A sense of honour. I thought maybe... maybe you could help. But I was too afraid to tell you everything. Too afraid of what Jack might do."

Alexander's jaw clenched, a flicker of anger passing across his face. "That's why you asked me to help him. You were trying to protect him, even after everything he's done to you."

Angel's eyes widened in surprise at his insight. "I... yes. He's still my father. Despite everything, I can't help but love him. Is that... is that wrong?"

Alexander sighed heavily, recognizing the signs of deep-seated trauma and Stockholm syndrome.

He struggled to find the right words, his analytical mind ill-equipped for such emotional complexities - yet even when given the most efficient set of dialogue he found it lacking, the words unable to escape his mouth. 

"It's... understandable," he said finally. "But Angel, you must see that this situation is untenable. What Jack is doing to you is abuse, plain and simple."

Angel flinched at his blunt assessment but didn't argue. "I know," she whispered. "I've known for a long time. But I didn't know how to escape. I still don't."

Alexander stepped closer to the containment field, his voice low and intense. "Then let me help you. No more half-measures, no more secrets. It's time to end this."

Fear flashed across Angel's face. "Alexander, you don't understand. If Jack finds out..."

"Let him," Alexander growled, his protective instincts flaring. "It's time someone stood up to Jack's madness. You deserve better than this, Angel. You deserve to be free."

Tears spilled down Angel's cheeks. "I... I don't know how to live any other way. This has been my entire world for so long."

In a gesture that surprised even himself, Alexander reached through the containment field and awkwardly patted Angel's shoulder. "Then we'll figure it out. You're not alone anymore, Angel. I give you my word."

Angel couldn't help but let out a small, watery chuckle at his stiff attempt at comfort. "Oh, Alexander. You really are terrible at this, aren't you?"

Alexander scoffed, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Comforting crying women isn't exactly part of my standard operational protocols."

"Well, I suppose we'll have plenty of time to work on that," Angel replied, a hint of her usual playfulness creeping into her voice despite the gravity of the situation.

Alexander raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Is that a promise of future... interactions?"

Angel's cheeks flushed slightly. "Maybe. If you can get me out of here alive, we'll see about that date you've been subtly hinting at for months."

"Subtlety is not my strong suit," Alexander deadpanned, earning another small laugh from Angel.

His expression then turned serious as he examined the machinery keeping Angel captive. "This isn't going to be pleasant, but we need to disconnect you from these systems. Are you certain you're ready?"

Angel took a deep breath, steeling herself. "I've been ready for years. Just... promise me something?"

Alexander nodded, encouraging her to continue.

"Don't kill Jack," Angel said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I know he's done terrible things, but he's still my father. Please, if there's any other way..."

Alexander's face hardened, clearly conflicted. After a long moment, he spoke. "I won't seek his death unnecessarily. But Angel, if he stands in my-... our way, if he threatens your safety or the safety of others, I will do what needs to be done. Can you accept that?"

Angel closed her eyes, a tear slipping down her cheek. "I... I understand. Thank you, Alexander. For everything."

With that, Alexander began the process of disconnecting Angel from the systems that had been both her prison and life support for so long. As the last tube was removed, Angel's body went limp, consciousness fleeing as the Eridium left her system.

Alexander caught her gently, cradling her surprisingly light form in his arms. As alarms began to blare throughout the station, he activated his suit's propulsion system. Yet, staring at her almost lifeless body he thought back to the deceitful Captain Scarlet.

His efficient mind, hesitated to end her life right then and there, his mind racing at the thought of a possible betrayal. With his hands hands hovering towards his bolter, he stared at her face for a moment before swiftly carrying her away.

"Perhaps not today... You're worth the risk." Alexander muttered though he knew she couldn't hear him. "Your new life begins now."

The station's systems began to wail in alarm, oxygen levels dropping rapidly now that the life support was no longer focused on keeping Angel alive. Alexander quickly affixed an Oz kit to Angel's face, ensuring she could breathe.

With Angel secure, Alexander activated his suit's propulsion once more. They shot out of the station, leaving behind the prison that had been Angel's entire world for so long.

As they approached Helios, Alexander made a split-second decision. He couldn't risk bringing Angel back to the station, not with Jack and his Vault Hunters still there. Instead, he set a course for Pandora.

The journey through the fast travel network was disorienting, as always. One moment they were in the cold vacuum of space, the next they materialized in the harsh sunlight of Pandora's surface.

Alexander looked down at Angel's unconscious form, noting with concern how pale and fragile she looked. Drawing upon his unique abilities, he focused his energy on her. A soft glow emanated from his hands, seeping into Angel's body. Slowly, colour began to return to her cheeks.

Satisfied that she was stable for the moment, Alexander made his way to Dr. Zed's clinic. The eccentric doctor looked up in surprise as Alexander burst in, still cradling Angel.

"Well, well," Zed drawled. "What have we here?"

"She needs help," Alexander said tersely. "And discretion. No one can know she's here."

Zed's eyebrows shot up, but he nodded. "Alright, let's get her on the table. What happened?"

As Zed began examining Angel, Alexander gave him a brief rundown of the situation, omitting certain key details about her identity and abilities.

"Eridium withdrawal, eh?" Zed mused. "Nasty business, that. But don't you worry, I'll have her fixed up in no time. Probably."

He had seen random strangers attempt to consume the substance over its recent emergence although he found it strange coming from a Siren her tatoo present throughout her arms. 

Alexander fixed Zed with a stern look. "She is to receive the best possible care. No one outside of myself and the highest-ranking members of the Iron Legion are to know of her presence here. Understood?"

Zed gulped, clearly intimidated by Alexander's intensity. "Crystal clear, boss. Not a word to anyone."

With Angel in capable (if somewhat questionable) hands, Alexander prepared to return to Helios. He looked down at Angel's sleeping form, a strange mix of emotions stirring within him.

"I'll be back soon," he murmured, though he knew she couldn't hear him. "Stay strong."

In a flash of energy, Alexander vanished, rematerializing moments later back on Helios. He made his way quickly to Jack's office, his mind still processing everything that had transpired.

As he entered, he was greeted by a gruesome sight. The Scientists pleaded for help as they were suddenly whisked away through an airlock, the Vault hunters, Roland and Lilith all seeing the scene. 

"Ah, there you are!" Jack said, his tone disturbingly cheerful given the carnage around him. "Sorry about the mess. Had to take care of a little... security issue."

Alexander's fists clenched at his sides, barely contained fury radiating from him. "What have you done, Jack?"

While he wasn't one for slaughter, it was a cold efficient one that would send a message. Mindless slaughter regardless of the end product was wasteful and a sign of weakness. 

Jack's eyes narrowed. "What I had to do. One of these eggheads was working for Zarpedon, I'm sure of it. Couldn't take the risk."

"So you murdered them all?" Alexander's voice was dangerously low. "These were your own people, Jack. They trusted you."

Jack waved a dismissive hand. "Please. Don't act all high and mighty with me, Mr. 'I Crucify My Enemies.' Sometimes, hard choices have to be made for the greater good."

Alexander took a menacing step forward. "There's a difference between executing enemies and slaughtering innocents. This... this is madness."

"Madness?" Jack laughed, but there was no humour in it. "This is what it takes to bring order to a chaotic universe. You of all people should understand that."

The two men stared each other down, the tension in the room thick enough to cut with a knife. Finally, Alexander spoke, his voice filled with disgust. 

Roland standing from afar held Lilith back, their eyes slightly wavering at the sight of both Jack and Alexander. With current conflicts within their hearts, they remained stoic.

"You're a fool, Jack. Your paranoia and shortsightedness will be your downfall."

With that, Alexander turned and strode out of the office, his mind made up. Jack was dangerous and unstable. He couldn't be trusted with the power he was grasping for. Yet Jack merely stared at the Alexander departing figure with his own thoughts.

Yours is coming real soon, bandit. Just watch...

As he made his way back to his own section of the station, Alexander began formulating plans. Jack would have to be dealt with, but carefully. And Angel... she would need protection, guidance.

For now, though, he had a war to win. The Lost Legion still posed a threat, and the Eye of Helios had to be secured. But even as he focused on the immediate tasks at hand, Alexander knew that everything had changed.

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