Borderlands: Conquest

Chapter 34: Retaking Helios (2)

Moments earlier...

The echoing sounds of gunfire and explosions reverberated through the corridors of Helios as the Vault Hunters made their way deeper into the space station. Wilhelm, Jack's body double Timothy, Aurelia, and Nisha moved as a unit, their actions honed by the battles they had faced together on Elpis. As they paused to catch their breath in a momentary lull between firefights, the conversation turned to their enigmatic ally, Alexander.

"So, what's everyone's take on our mysterious friend?" Nisha asked, her voice carrying a hint of amusement as she reloaded her pistols. "Gotta admit, he's got style. All dark and broody, like some kind of space vampire."

Wilhelm grunted, his cybernetic eye whirring as he scanned the area for threats. "Don't care much for style. He gets results. That's what matters."

Aurelia chuckled, her aristocratic accent dripping with disdain. "Oh darling, you wouldn't know style if it bit you on your robotic posterior. But I must admit, Alexander does have a certain... presence. It's almost regal, in a terrifying sort of way."

Timothy, Jack's doppelganger, remained silent, his eyes darting nervously between his companions. The others noticed his reticence, and Nisha couldn't resist prodding him.

"What about you, Not-Jack? Got any thoughts on our dark knight?"

Timothy flinched at the attention, his hand instinctively touching the device on his face that made him look like Jack. "I... I don't know. He seems... intense. Dangerous. But then again, so does everyone else around here."

Athena noting their opinions remained silent although they called on her regardless.

"What about you Gladiator? What's it like working for the space vampire? He any good?" 

"He's effective." She answered curtly her response earning Wilhelm a grunt.

"Haah.. Guess, I expected too much..." Nisha commented, only to be interrupted by the presence of Alexander who appeared to suddenly materialise before her, "Holy sh-."

"I see you've arrived, let us begin." Alexander interrupted his swift actions over the Hyperion elevator allowing quick access to Jack's office. 

Arriving inside they saw Jack quickly Fast travel in, the fast travel station brimming to life.

"Alright, kiddos. Time to get back to work. Let's head over to my office pronto. We've got some catching up to do."

"So here's the deal, for some freakin' reason even though the jamming signal is down I still don't have access to the eye of Helios... Now I'm no freaking genius... Correction, I'm no god but one and one aren't adding up to two. So we'll need to manually shut down the eye from the main console. I know it sucks but it's the only way we're going to shut down the laser and save the moon. After that, we'll find the vault on Elpis and gain riches beyond our wildest imagination. Sound good? Sounds good." Jack informed his eyes darting to Alexander who appeared standing afar with Athena and his troops. 

Suddenly the holographic display on Jack's desk flickered to life, revealing the nervous face of Gladstone. "Jack! We need your help!" the scientist's voice crackled through the speakers. "The Lost Legion has taken over key areas of the station, and we're trapped!"

Jack rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you can handle it. We've got bigger fish to fry, like taking back control of the Eye."

Gladstone's face fell. "But sir, without access to our research and equipment, we can't lower the defences to the Eye. We're completely cut off!"

Jack paused, his cocky expression faltering for a moment as he realized the implications. He planted his feet firmly on the ground, leaning forward. "Alright, fine. We'll come rescue you, eggheads. But this better be worth it."

Turning his head up he noticed Alexander stepping forward, his deep voice resonating through the room. "I'll handle this, Jack. My team and I can extract the scientists efficiently."

Jack shrugged, a hint of relief crossing his face. "Suit yourself. Just don't screw it up." As Alexander turned to leave, Jack called out, "Oh, and try not to kill them, yeah? We need those nerds alive."

Watching Alexander disappear from afar alongside his men, they turned to view Athena remaining. 

"I guess I should've realised by now but you're his mole, huh? Little fly on the wall? Look, there's nothing wild happening here." Nisha voiced towards, the gladiator who with her shield and twin blades merely remained firm in her position.

"With Alexander taking care of our pumpkin Gladstone and his tech buddies I need you Kiddo's to lower the output of the eye. While you can go ahead and make your way over the core, it'll be a wasted effort without removing the coolents and resistors around the station. Head over and dismantle those before returning." Jack informed them before marking their maps, "Oh and Athena my offers still stand you know... Hyperion could use someone like you. We pay pretty well on this side." 

"I don't need your money, Jack." Athena spat offended before following behind Wilhelm who took charge. Nisha the last to leave couldn't help but voice a thought that had been nagging at her.

"Hey, Jack. Don't you think it's a bit convenient that Alexander just happened to show up right when we needed help? And now he's off rescuing your scientists... seems like he's trying awfully hard to play the hero."

Jack's eyes narrowed, a flicker of suspicion crossing his face. "What are you getting at, Nisha?"

The Lawbringer shrugged, her voice casual but her eyes sharp. "Just saying... might be worth keeping an eye on our new friend. You know what they say about keeping your enemies closer."

Jack was silent for a moment, his mind visibly working through the implications. Finally, he nodded. "You might be onto something there. We'll keep tabs on him. For now, though, we've got a job to do."

With that, the group moved out, making their way through the station towards the marked areas. As they fought through waves of Lost Legion troops, the Vault Hunters couldn't help but notice the efficiency with which Alexander's forces had cleared many of the areas they passed through.

"Damn," Wilhelm grunted after they passed through a particularly devastated section. "These Iron Legion guys don't mess around."

Aurelia sniffed disdainfully. "I suppose there's something to be said for brute force. Though I prefer a more... elegant approach."

Every lost legion appeared to have been shot ten times over, with their bodies sliced and diced. The Iron Legion was brutal as they were efficient, a lethal combo when in mass. 

As they neared the control centre for the coolant areas, Jack's voice came over their ECHO devices once more. "Heads up, vault hunters. We've got a situation. Looks like Gladstone and his team are in a bit of a pickle."

The group exchanged glances before Timothy spoke up, his voice hesitant. "Should... should we go help them?"

Jack's laugh crackled through the comm. "Nah, let Alexander handle it. We've got bigger fish to fry. Keep pushing towards the Eye."

As they continued their advance, the sounds of distant fighting grew louder. Suddenly, a massive explosion rocked the station, nearly knocking them off their feet.

"What the hell was that?" Nisha shouted, steadying herself against a wall.

Jack's voice came through again, a mix of excitement and nervousness evident in his tone. "Looks like the Lost Legion just blew up part of the station. But don't worry, everything's under control. Mostly."

The Vault Hunters pressed on, fighting through increasingly desperate Lost Legion forces. As they neared their objective, they couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The resistance they encountered seemed almost... half-hearted as if the enemy troops were distracted by something else.

It was here they overheard the conversation between Jack and Tassister.

"John," Tassiter spoke hesitantly.

"Mister Tassiter, we've retaken a section of Helios. We're only steps away from taking back the laser and saving Pandora. Because I'm awesome." Jack revealed.

Tassiter slightly disappointed at the words he was going to voice, reluctantly spat it out, "Ugh, yeah. Great. I'm calling to tell you that... the board has decided to reverse your termination. You -- ugh... have their support." 

"Ha-HA! Alright! Pleasure to be working with you again, ASSHOLE. Now why don't you go pour yourself a big tall glass of I-told-you-so and SUCK IT!"

With his head held Jack, with a renewed passion pressed on, the vault hunters moving with a bizarre string of destruction. 

The Vault hunters finally, reaching the coolant areas burst through the doors, weapons at the ready, they were met with an unexpected sight. The room was already clear of enemies, with Alexander's troops standing guard over a group of terrified scientists, led by a visibly shaken Gladstone.

Quickly shutting down the coolants with the Help of Gladstone they were interrupted by Gladstone's quick burst of enthusiasm. 

"You did great! With all the scientists rescued, we can help you get to the Eye laser. I'll meet you back at Jack's!" Gladstone voiced shakily but still optimistic. 

"Gladstone, why does Zarpedon still have control over Helios's defences? We shut down the jamming signal on Elpis -- Alexander and his big-headed crew shouldn't even have to be saving your asses right now just so you can lower the shields. No offense." Jack inquired concerned.

" Uh, Zarpedon might have a weaker signal jammer on her person. She could have another mole on Helios, like the Meriff. Or she probably just manually rewired the security system--" He explained.

"--Wait wait wait. There might be another traitor on Helios?" Jack asked concerned. 

"That's only one possibility, I -- Jack? Jack, you there?" Gladstone replied.

With the interaction over, the group of scientists were quickly transported back alongside the Iron Legion soldiers who looked on at the scientist with slight disappointment.

"You'd think that with moolah like that, they'd be normal..." One Legion member commented staring at Dr. Torres.

"Pencil Pushers, the whole station is filled with freaks... And I ain't talking about the altered fauna." Another agreed glaring daggers at Nisha and Wilhelm, "I think the small ones got a thing for Jack."

"Yah think?" 

"I know."

"Look quit your gossip and make a move on it.... Days like this I wish the clock would get movin' - can't wait for my holiday..." 

"Amen to that brother, need me some good ol' soju, the only thing that gets me more hard these days." 


Arriving at Jack's office once more they were greeted by the site of Lilith and Roland.

"Ro and I just fought our way across the other side of Helios. Hope you guys didn't have all the fun on this end."

"It wasn't much fun-." Timothy voiced only to be interrupted by Nisha.

"Heh, don't get me starte-."

Interrupted by Jack's authoritative voice he quickly made his way to the side of his office near the bookshelves. 

"The scientists just shut down the defences leading to the laser. I have one last thing to wrap up before I send you off, though. Let's talk." Jack explained to the vault hunters, his eyes darting to the books in front. 

"You'll want this, it was personally created for your use." An Iron Legion member commented handing Jack an item.

"Cloaking device, huh? From who?" Jack thanked Grayson, the item personally created for Jack. 

"That's uh be me. Dr Grayson. Still alive, thanks to you and the Iron Legion. Much obliged." Dr. Grayson thanked Jack.

"No, YOU are great. YOU'RE great. You guys disabled the defences leading to the big-ass laser. Uh, we're gonna head off and shut it down, but I'm gonna summon my personal escape ship to get you guys the hell outta here. Vault Hunter, hit that button over there." Jack explained, snapping his finger to his body double who made his way over. Pressing the button beside his desk it slid the bookshelf away quickly opening to reveal an Airlock with windows, the saved scientists inside. 

Airlock sealed. Preparing to vent contents of the airlock.

"Huh?" Dr Langois huffed looking around confused.

"Waitaminute!" Dr Grayson cried out. 

Jack watching their desperate attempts to smash through the glass revealed his truth, "New plan, everybody! Doctor Gladstone here informed me that one of YOU might still be a traitor working for Zarpedon."

"MIGHT! I said MIGHT!" Gladstone protested. 

The Iron Legion members surrounding the area looked on with confusion unsure of how to proceed.

"Should we save em?" 

"I don't know... Not our place to be honest." 

"Yeah, knowing the boss he might even agree with the maniac." 

"Heh, who knows he might have a change of heart."

"Are we talking about the same guy here?" 

"Hundreds of innocent lives are on the line here, kiddos. I just can't take the risk. Shoot me in the back once, shame on you. Shoot me in the back TWICE... For what it's worth, I AM really sorry." Jack informed his voice dimming at the end, the airlock opening.

With it, the others were seeped away, the oxygen within the room quickly leaving. With their attempts at holding on, they were quickly swept from their feet into the cold abyss of space. 

It was at this moment that Alexander strode into the room, his imposing figure filling the doorway. He took in the scene before him, his gaze moving from the empty airlock to Jack's triumphant expression.

"What have you done, Jack?" Alexander's voice was cold, filled with barely contained fury. Having seen the man push the button what he saw was merely their desperate cries for help before dying. 

Jack shrugged, seemingly unfazed. "What needed to be done? You of all people should understand that."

Alexander's eyes narrowed behind his mask. "You're a fool, Jack. Your paranoia and shortsightedness will be your downfall."

With that, Alexander turned and strode out of the room, his troops following close behind. The Vault Hunters were left standing there, trying to process what they had just witnessed.

Jack, seemingly oblivious to the horror he had just inflicted, clapped his hands together. "Alright, kiddos. Now that we've taken care of that little issue, let's get back to business. We've got a space station to secure and a moon to save."

As they moved to follow Jack's orders, each of the Vault Hunters found themselves wrestling with their own thoughts and doubts.

"Shouldn't we do something he just-." Lilith argued only to be silenced.

"We follow the mission, Lilith. Don't make a scene... Especially with them watching..." Roland warned his voice barely a whisper his hand pressing her back.

Suddenly, Jack's ECHO device crackled to life. A sultry, familiar voice filled the room. "Well, sugar, looks like you've gone and made quite a mess."

Jack's eyebrows shot up. "Moxxi? What do you want?"

"Oh, just checking in," Moxxi purred. "And maybe offering a little... proposition. Seems to me like you and Alexander aren't seeing eye to eye. I might be able to help with that problem if you're interested."

Jack's eyes narrowed. "I'm listening."

As Jack stepped aside to continue his conversation with Moxxi, she took the opportunity to address the other Vault Hunters privately through their ECHO devices.

"So, what do y'all think about Jack's little airlock party?" Moxxi asked, her voice low and serious.

Aurelia was the first to respond, her tone dripping with disdain. "Well, it was certainly... effective. Though, I can't say I approve of such crude methods. There are far more elegant ways to dispose of one's enemies."

Timothy, Jack's doppelganger, remained silent for a moment before stuttering out a non-committal response. "I... I don't... it's not my place to..."

Wilhelm grunted, his voice gruff. "He did what needed to be done. Sometimes you gotta make hard choices in war."

Nisha's voice was breathless, almost excited. "That was hot. Didn't know Jack had it in him. Makes me want to..." She trailed off, leaving the rest to their imagination.

Roland and Lilith, working secretly for Moxxi, maintained their silence. Their disgust at Jack's actions was palpable, but they knew better than to voice their true feelings. 

"Y'know, if I hadn't airlocked those scientists, one of 'em mighta turned those defenses back on just as you were walking through. Woulda fried you like a skag steak. Think on that." Jack explained to the vault hunters.

 "Don't gotta explain yourself to me. I thought it was a smart move." Wilhelm assured. 

"Yes, of course. Uh -- whatever gets you there, darling." Auralia smiled, hesitant. 

"Jack, that was the sexiest damn thing I've ever seen. Amazing what you can do with a little ingenuity and a big-ass airlock."


"Oh, man. This. Just. Got. Real." Tiny Tina commented. 

"Mmmmhm." Brick hummed.

"Uh, I feel like I know what's going to happen next." Mordecai voiced. 

"Well, where did this Alexander guy even go?" Gaige inquired.

"We'll get there." Athena voiced. 


"Just get to the other end of the inner hull and we can shut down the Eye of Helios," Jack commanded.

They moved swiftly, entering the Hyperion Hub of Heroism.

Springs's voice crackled over the comms, directed at Athena. "Heya, Athena. Everything going alright up there?"

Athena responded, her tone grim. "Not really. Jack just killed... What does it matter? We're close to completing the mission."

Springs sounded concerned. "Oh. Okay. Well if you need to talk, you know where to find me. I don't like hearin' ya all sad."

Athena's voice softened slightly. "I, um. Thanks. For checking on me."

Moxxi's voice broke in, addressing the Vault Hunter. "Vault Hunter -- what did you think about that... thing with the airlock?"

Timothy's voice was tinged with discomfort. "What Jack did to the scientists... man, that did not feel good."

Athena sighed. "I understand his logic, but... after this job is finished, I'm done."

Wilhelm sounded enthusiastic. "It. Was. AWESOME."

Nisha laughed. "It was amazing! The looks on their faces, the noise they made? So hot."

Aurelia was dismissive. "I was, uh... not really a fan, no."


"Even after the airlock, you still worked with Jack." Gaige inquired slightly confused.

Athena responded defensively. "Pandora had to be saved, regardless of how horrifying Jack's decision might have been."

Tiny Tina's voice chimed in, curious. "So, you knew you were working for the bad guy right about then, right?"

Athena admitted, "I suspected I had done so for a while. But there was still work to be done."

Tiny Tina was nonchalant. "Pff. I ain't judging. My best friend's a bandit king."

Brick's voice was affectionate. "Awwwww!"

"Alexander's role/Still undefined with this story/ What is this Iron Legion?" Zero cut shortly. 

"We're getting there." 


As they approached Helios Access Tunnel #27-B, Jack briefed them. "So. Welcome to the access tunnels. Had to shut them down a while back cause of some sorta viral infection. I'm sure you'll be fine, though. Just don't, you know, inhale."

Using the console, they accessed the next section.

Jack continued his briefing. "These tunnels woulda housed a high-speed shuttle system, if we hadn't stopped construction. That said, the tunnel leads directly to the Eye of Helios. It'll be a schlep, but you can make it."

Entering the Veins of Helios, they encountered resistance. The battle short and quick. 

Jack explained, "This section of the station suffered some sort of 'infection' a couple of months back -- got locked off from the rest of Helios. The workers might have gone a little, uh... cannibal-ish."

They encountered the infected, fierce and relentless.

Jack warned, "See you've met the infected. The other workers call them 'boils' -- whatever. Angry bastards, really dig eating people. Keep your distance."

The team pressed on, navigating through the chaos.

Jack added, "These Lost Legion are fighting some boils -- sweet! Try not to get caught in the crossfire."

Passing the first airlock, they entered the maintenance area.

Jack provided guidance. "Welcome to the maintenance area! It's not done yet. The central complex is occupied by Dahl, but it's the only open route to the Eye. I'll mark the entrance for you on your map."

Jack attempted to assist further. "I'm turning on some worker bots to help you out. Just follow the worker bots -- they'll lead you outta the hull."

Hyperion's system responded, "User: 'Jack' has been locked out of worker bot control."

Jack cursed, "Zarpedooooooon! Stupid as that name is, it's still pretty fun to yell. Anyway, I guess you're on your own -- just work your way through the hull, I guess."

Reaching the central platform, Moxxi's voice came through. "Hey, sugar. I hear you're trying to shut down that laser."

Jack responded, "Yeah, that's the plan. Knock it off with the 'sugar' thing, will ya?"

Moxxi was insistent. "Look, whatever you're about to try isn't gonna work. A laser of that size, using that much power? There's no way the Colonel hasn't rigged it to blow the entire station if you try to disarm it."

Jack was frustrated but realized the truth. "She -- yeah! Of course she did! Dammit, how did I not see that coming?"

Moxxi reassured him. "Good thing you've got a tech whiz on your side, sugar. I'll help you get that laser down, no muss, no fuss, no explosions."

Jack was grateful. "Thanks, Mox. I appreciate it. I'll send you the blueprints now."

Moxxi took charge. "Alright, I've got a plan. Roland and Lilith -- head to the station's reactor. Jack, I need you and your Vault Hunters at the Eye of Helios itself. Once everyone's in place, we should be able to shut the laser down and save the moon."

Jack couldn't help but flirt. "God, you're hot when you're technical."

Moxxi, slightly playful, replied, "I know."

The Vault Hunters moved toward the forward central maintenance airlock.

Jack briefed them again. "Lots of Dahl troops in Central Maintenance. You're gonna have to fight your way through."

As they progressed through the tunnel, Zarpedon's voice boomed. "Detonate the charges! NOW!"

Jack's concern was evident. "Ah, for -- are you okay? You alright?"

The Vault Hunters assured him of their status.

Athena responded, "I'm fine. What now?"

Wilhelm was impatient. "I'm good. What now?"

Nisha was sarcastic. "Aw. Didn't know you cared."

Jack thought quickly. "Ugh, we need to get to the laser some other way. Um... okay, what about this? If we set off a chain reaction in the plasma conduits, it'll blow a hole in the station and you can climb through to reach the laser. You'll have to destroy the plasma regulators -- find 'em and break 'em."

Tassiter's voice interrupted, alarmed. "Woah woah woah -- did I hear you right?! Blow a hole in the station? What are you--"

Jack cut him off. "Yeah, that sounds crazy irresponsible, huh? You should probably fire me, OH WAIT!"

The Vault Hunters destroyed the regulators, causing a controlled explosion that opened a path to the laser.

Jack guided them. "You far enough away? Awesome, let's do this. And a-one, and a-two, and a-- Wait for it... Skadoosh! Pretty fun to mess stuff up with reckless abandon, gotta say. The path's clear now -- get to the laser."

Reaching the Lunar Launching Station, Moxxi provided further instructions. "Make your way to the command center, sugar. You might be able to shut the laser down from there."

Jack added, "Hey, I need to test the loaders, so I've just got a few hiding around as maintenance bots. Ignore 'em."

As they reached the Moonshot Supply Depot, Jack made a final adjustment. "Hey, I just uploaded the GUN program to the hidden loaders. Feel free to activate a few to test it out."

They reached the Fast Travel station.

Jack prompted them. "Oh, yeah, right. Duh. I locked the place before Dahl took over. Uh, go ahead and power up that fast travel and I'll let you in."

Athena powered up the Fast Travel. "Fast travel online. You're free to arrive... if you must."

Wilhelm added, "Fast travel's up. Come on in, Jack."

Nisha was eager. "Fast travel's working. Let's be heroes."

Aurelia was less enthused. "Certainly. Always happy to be in the company of another egomaniacal murderer."

Jack fast-traveled to their location. "What's up. Follow me, we got a world to save."

Inside, Jack illuminated the darkened area. "Friggin' dark in here. I can fix that."

The room lit up, revealing the Eye of Helios. Jack was almost reverent. "There she is -- the Eye of Helios. The weapon of weapons."

Athena questioned, "A laser powerful enough to crack the moon... what powers it?"

Wilhelm was curious. "That thing's gonna destroy the moon? What's powering it?"

Nisha admired it. "Dig your laser. What's it powered by?"

Jack dodged the question. "Oh, it's just -- you know. Stuff. Usual thi... normal... y'know, let's just let it shut down. Let's shut it down."

Jack instructed them to log onto the control systems and attempt a remote shutdown.

Hyperion's system responded, "Remote shutdown failed. Systems lockout."

Moxxi's voice came through. "Zarpedon locked you out? Sounds like you'll need to shut it down the old-fashioned way -- with your hands."

Jack agreed, frustrated. "Ah, for -- she's right. Get over here."

The Vault Hunters followed Jack's lead to the core of the laser.

Jack urged them on. "You gotta get down to the laser core and shut 'er down manually. Good luck."


As the Vault Hunters moved toward the Eye of Helios, Alexander led his own team, ensuring they were ready for any resistance. They entered the Helios Targeting Centrum, where Jack's voice broke the uneasy silence.

"Huh. The Eye is... right through there. Seems kinda easy though... I expected more resistance—"

Zarpedon's voice interrupted. "Initiate lockdown! Raise the force field!"

Jack groaned. "Oh, you're just the worst... Mox, any ideas?"

Moxxi's voice crackled over the comms. "There should be a fusion reactor nearby feeding power to the force field. If you can disrupt it, the field should come down."

"We'll have your back. But know this Jack, after we shut down this laser. We're done with Hyperion." Alexander spoke, arriving to assist for one last time. 

"Hmm, sure bud. Whatever you say." Jack dismissed. 

The Vault Hunters and Alexander's team split up, working to disable the reactors. Moxxi guided them. "Alright, that's an HY-26 mini fusion reactor. To disable it, you'll need to damage the blue coolant – NOT the red thermal charges."

The teams got to work, carefully targeting the blue coolant. Moxxi's voice encouraged them. "Easy peasy! According to the blueprints, there are three more of those babies. Two of 'em just need a little love tap and you'll be able to get to the Eye and shut it down."

As they fought through waves of enemies and disabled the reactors, Alexander's power armour began to overheat. He winced as warning lights flashed inside his helmet. His internal cooling systems struggled to keep up with the intensity of the battle.

"Alexander, are you alright?" Athena's voice cut through the chaos.

"I'm fine," he replied, though his voice was strained. "Keep pushing forward."

Finally, they returned to the Helios Targeting Centrum. Moxxi's voice rang out. "That's the big reactor. Just access the system and it'll start draining power from the force field."

Alexander moved to the console and activated the system. The force field began to power down, but Zarpedon wasn't done yet.

"You will NEVER reach the laser core! Soldiers – KILL!"

The battle intensified as waves of soldiers flooded the area. Alexander's armour continued to overheat, steam hissing from the joints. Suddenly, an alien figure materialized from the shadows, striking at Alexander with lightning speed. He staggered back, his armour's systems screaming in protest.

"Ambush!" he shouted, swinging his halberd to fend off the alien. The figure disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, leaving Alexander's armour in critical condition.

"Alexander!" Athena's voice was filled with concern.

"I'm alright," he gritted out, manually disengaging the armour. The metal plates fell away, revealing his form, "This ends now."

He gripped his halberd and charged at Zarpedon, who was already engaged with the Vault Hunters. Zarpedon's power suit clashed with Alexander's halberd, sparks flying with each impact. The fight was fierce, their movements a blur of steel and energy.

With a final, powerful strike, Alexander shattered Zarpedon's power suit. The Colonel stumbled, her suit falling apart around her. Alexander still wielding his Halberd felt the weapon suddenly shift to the side, an unknown force controlling the flow of battle. 

It was most likely the alien that had led him astray and helped save Angel - but for what purpose was it now attempting to agitate him? Regardless he let go of the halberd and confronted Zarpedon with his fists.

Zarpedon was formidable, her strikes precise and deadly. But Alexander's determination was unyielding. He moved with calculated ferocity, his fists a blur as he parried her blows and countered with devastating force. With a powerful kick, he swept her legs out from under her, sending her crashing to the ground.

"Yield," Alexander commanded, standing over her. Zarpedon spat defiantly, trying to rise. Alexander's face hardened. "Very well."

His men throwing his weapon back to him, allowed him to once more carry his Halberd this time without much force pulling back. 

With it he swung his halberd, severing her legs. Zarpedon screamed, collapsing in a pool of blood. Jack and the others approached, Jack's eyes gleaming with triumph.

"Hold your fire – I'm not done with her yet," Jack ordered.

Zarpedon's voice was weak but defiant. "It doesn't matter what happens today... your fall is coming."

Jack knelt beside her, his tone almost mocking. "Yeah, yeah, cool. Where's the Vault?"

"Hidden beneath a tangle of chemical filth! I've seen what lies inside it. You can't—"

Jack interrupted, his interest piqued. "Wait, wait, wait, you've seen inside it? The Vault's open?"

"You must turn back. The power within the Vault will trigger a chain of events that—"

"Bored!" Jack said, pulling out his pistol and shooting Zarpedon in the head.

Alexander watched, his expression unreadable. The Vault Hunters exchanged uneasy glances, the weight of Jack's ruthlessness settling over them. 

"The Vault's already open, huh?" Jack grinned, standing up. "Cool. Now let's deal with that laser core."

As they moved to complete their mission, Alexander couldn't shake the sense of foreboding that Zarpedon's warning had instilled in him. The battle was far from over, and the true challenge was yet to come.


Author note:

Can you guys guess what's going to happen next chapter? Leme tell you now some of you might get a little cranky.

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