Born Tech Mad

Chapter 3

He Ross dragged his suitcase and walked out of the dormitory.

Even before he can come and feel the student life in this world, everything is over.

The students around me looked at Rose with sympathy. Rose was young and became mentally ill. From now on, he will not be able to enter any school to study. Rose’s life is almost doomed to be a tragedy.

After looking at everything in the school, Rose shook her head and smiled.

In another world, at the end of the 21st century, human learning methods have long entered the era of electronic intelligent teaching. Since the development of nano-biotechnology, humans have manufactured nano-biochips with a size of one billionth of a hair. The chip was implanted in the brains of all students in the late 2000s. With the help of the chip, students can easily receive education at home through the Internet. The knowledge gained in a year is dozens of times that of modern students.

Even in a highly developed future world, Rose has already stood on the pinnacle in terms of knowledge and technology. Being a student in this school is a complete waste of time, and it’s not bad to leave.

The students felt that Rose was pathetic, but Rose didn’t care, and everyone in the world was drunk and I was sober.

“Well! The only advantage of modern schools is that the green environment is very good, with a kind of cultural atmosphere, students can communicate with each other. In the era of network intelligent teaching, these things can not be felt. Maybe, that era is too intelligent , Lack of real communication between people, so let me develop a personality defect! Two worlds, two teaching methods, there are advantages and disadvantages. Well, I can not judge too arbitrarily, which teaching method Better. There were two worlds before and now. “

I sighed a little, glanced around, and Rose was about to leave.

Suddenly Wang Hao ran over and he apologized apologetically for Rose.

“Sorry Ross, I’m sorry, I’m very sorry, I don’t know if you have a health problem. I knew you had a heart attack. I would never pull you to drink.”

Rose, who already has a soul in his thirties, has gone through many difficulties and suppressions. What is happening now is just a small episode in his new life.

Rose smiled calmly: “Long Wang She, you don’t have to apologize to me, and I didn’t blame you. Instead, I want to thank you, you are the first person to apologize to me. The world has previously sorry for me, but no I apologized to you alone, but it was you that made me feel a sincere apology. Really, I want to say thank you. “

Now that you have been treated as a neurosis, you don’t need to pay attention to any tone or method.

What Luo Shi said about ‘the old world’, and his apology, made Wang Hao stupid.

“You … are really sick, so take a good rest!”

Wang Wanghao is now convinced that Rose’s spirit is really out of order.

Rose smiled: “Long Wangshe, goodbye! Yesterday, you really don’t need to mind. My personality is a bit flawed. I’m introverted, I didn’t tell you my condition, and I really don’t blame you.”

“Rose, what did you drop out of school for?”

“Say it again, bye!”

He smiled and waved goodbye, dragged the gift box, and walked out of the school gate.

的 Everything outside the school, strange and novel, Rose was as interested as discovering a new continent.

On the side of the road, breakfast stalls, a group of aunts and uncles, were yelling and selling breakfast, the air was filled with the smell of soot and the smell of food.

“Air pollution is seriously over the standard, and there are 32 kinds of harmful substances. Humans! No matter which universe we have, there is only one earth, so we must cherish the environment!”

Frost frowned and held his breath. The quality of the air made him very dissatisfied, but there was no way. The development of the early stage of the industry would definitely cause environmental impact. At present, the level of the earth’s civilization and science and technology is not high. To manage the environment, a large amount of funds and science and technology system are needed. You cannot ask for too much.

Rose blushed and finally couldn’t hold his breath. Hypoxic Rose took a deep breath and ignored the air pollution. Rose was attracted by the smell of food in the air.

He walked quickly to a morning stall selling quiches, and Ross rose his nose and stared at the pan. The scorched egg pie was swelled by the maggots in Ross’ stomach.

“It smells so good!”

Rose’s mouth was open, and drool was almost running.

In the future world, for health, all foods obey the standard of health first. As for the problem of taste, it is easy to solve. You only need to use a taste bud stimulating liquid, and everything becomes delicious. If you don’t use that stimulating fluid, artificially synthesize food and eat it, just like cotton is tasteless.

的 The fragrance from the food in front of the eyes is drilled through the nostrils. This color and fragrance is not a substitute for the taste bud stimulation solution.

Rose could not help but said politely to the aunt: “I … I want this one, I want to eat.”

Aunt smiled, clipped a quiche, packed it in a plastic bag, and handed it to Rose enthusiastically: “I said, young man, what are you so nervous and excited about, haven’t you even seen the quiche? What a weird word! “

“I … I haven’t seen an egg cake. How much is it? Do I need to swipe it?”

Holding the cake, Rose resisted the urge to bite, Wen Zhibin said.

“Ouch! Boy, you amused me, haha, I’m the first time I’ve seen anyone buying an egg pie credit card. We hawker hawkers, how can it be so high-end, one pie three dollars, you pay cash Now. “

The aunt ’s ridiculous laughter made Rose’s aunt, the future of the world will be highly developed, and cash transactions will be banned in various countries, because the various bacteria carried on banknotes will cause great harm to the human body, and cash transactions are likely to breed power money transactions. Conducive to financial transparency, so in the future, business transactions will almost always be electronic. The card payment habit developed over the years has made Rose a joke.

“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.”

Blouse blushed, took a hundred dollar bill from his pocket, and passed it.

Auntie Ma gave Rose a small change, and after saving the money, Rose started to eat.

Taking a bite, the oil scented, and Ross’s tongue was already shaking.

“It’s delicious, it’s so **** delicious. This is the food that humans should have! What synthetic food is simply feed, hell.”

Rose’s eyes cleared, and after a few mouthfuls of egg cakes, Rose couldn’t resist the temptation of food | confusion, automatically ignored the health problem, ran to the stalls one by one, and madly bought breakfast.

“Come in Xiaolongbao, come with root fritters, one soy milk, two roasted wheat, one bowl of porridge, one stick of glutinous rice and meat rice balls, one salted egg, oh! I also want that pickle cake, and the tea egg is also good , Tofu brain also comes in a bowl, ah! That, what’s that called … Yes, it’s called steamed dumpling, right, give me a copy … “

In the surprised eyes of passersby and stall owners, Rose was crazy, ordering breakfast madly.

“Man, appetite is good!”

“Boy, aren’t you hungry for a long time?”

Squinting at Rose’s hungry ghost eating food, those aunts and uncles who sold earlier were a little worried.


With a sack of breakfast, Toulouse simply ran into the park in order to avoid people’s unusual eyes.

“Cool! The food I used to eat was simply pig food. This time I finally lost money.”

Rosie laughed contentedly until the stomach swelled until he ate.

No one can imagine that the giggling food in the park is actually a great genius scientist.

The belly was too much to bear, and Rose had to lie on the marble in the park, facing the rising sun, and feel the breath of this era.

The bright sunshine was shining on the body, warm and very comfortable.

“I haven’t seen the sun for a long time. This warm and sunny day is too luxurious for me.”

In the past, he studied technology in the dark, where he stayed, UU reading www.uukanshu. In addition to the actual research room, com is also a practical research room.

Rose, who sees time as precious, even rushes to eat, where she can spare time to bask in the sun.

After putting down everything at hand, Rose realized that he had missed too much in his life.

Life is like a journey, you don’t care about the destination, you only care about the scenery along the way.

“In the past, I missed too many beautiful scenery in my life, but am I really wrong? If I don’t study technology so hard, I will have the opportunity to come to this world and experience the life now?”

I have never experienced life before. Now when I put down my scientific research work, only to find out how wonderful and wonderful life is, Ross has missed too much.

“Perhaps, I was too stubborn, impersonal, and overly rigid. Eating, drinking, playing, and having fun has nothing to do with me. I’m like a machine. I don’t understand anything except work. Maybe I was wrong Jiasili married me, just like marrying a robot. I delayed her beautiful life and disrupted her life, so she hated me so much. “

“Oh, don’t worry about him! This world is no longer Capri, love and hate is a thing of the past. I have to thank Capri, she let me begin to understand that life is to experience, to know how to enjoy. , I do n’t understand the style, I do n’t understand life too much. I should stop hurriedly, look at the scenery in life, and experience the joy of life. I have to change my lifestyle. Thank you, Kasili! Thank you for giving me a new understanding of life. “

He is just a ray of rising sun, so that Rose has realized his life and unloaded the burden of life.

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