Born Tech Mad

Chapter 4

He lay on the marble floor next to the fountain in the park and lay there for an hour. After the feeling of bulging belly disappeared, Rose climbed up.

The strange world in front of me was new and interesting to Rose, and he became interested in everything.

Interests can’t change reality. Rose soon began to calmly consider realistic issues. He can only live for three to five years. Heart problems are not solved. How can I enjoy life?

Without money, no matter where in the world, he cannot live freely.

Rose must face the reality of life. Now that he grew up in an orphanage, he had no family, no friends, no relatives. He was supported by the welfare home and supported by society to enter East China First Middle School.

Rose has always been a poor worm. When other students talked about Apple phones, he could not even use ordinary domestic smartphones. It was because of his lack of various cares since childhood that Ross had caused extremely low self-esteem and had serious flaws in his personality.

Rose, now pitiful, has reached the limit, has reached the age of 18, and is no longer a student. Social assistance will end, and everything in life must depend on itself. But apart from the seven thousand dollars that dropped out of school, it has nothing to do, no connections, no education, almost nothing. Rose felt the pressure of survival for the first time.

还是 “Let’s first understand the basic situation of this world, and then think about other things. I don’t want to be treated as an idiot and mental illness all the time.”

Rose dragged his suitcase and left the park. On a nearby street, he found a small Internet cafe, handed in his ID card, and paid ten dollars for the Internet fee. Rose sat in front of the computer and began to check everything in this era.

查阅 Looking at history, Ross knew where the branch of this world and its parallel world was.

It turned out that after the wrong moment of the Cultural Revolution, the world was delayed by 10 years and set back by 10 years. It was also suppressed by the United States. As a result, China ’s current economic aggregate has a tendency to catch up with the United States. Small difference.

In another world, Huaxia did not experience the mistakes of the Cultural Revolution, and did not delay 20 years. In order to fight against Su Xiu, Huaxia formed alliances with Europe and the United States.

As a result of the introduction of various technologies from Europe and the United States, after development, China ’s world in that world has far surpassed the United States in terms of economic aggregates. In terms of science and technology, it has kept pace with the United States and has a tendency to surpass it. After the two superpowers became the solidest allies on the planet, the two countries took over almost the entire planet and all the problems of the world were solved. Human civilization has entered a more advanced era, and technology and economy have entered a high-speed stage of sustained development.

的 In China of this world, scientists are the representatives of nerds and poor sours. People are more interested in stars than scientists. A concert of a star may be a scientist’s income for a lifetime.

In another world, science and technology are paramount, and scientists are the cornerstone of the development of human civilization. Scientists are madly worshipped by countless people just like stars now. That world can only become a civil servant if it has scientific research results. It was an age of supremacy. Officials and heads of government of all countries were, without exception, scientists. The pursuit of science and technology by mankind has caused an explosion in science and technology.

After reading Rose’s history, he felt a little bit emotional. Parallel worlds are different versions of the earth. A small difference or mistake can change the history of the earth, and human beings are fickle creatures.

Continue to check the information about this world on the Internet. After checking for a while, Ross left the Internet cafe.

I found a hotel nearby. After staying for a while, Rose began to lift herself in the mirror.

脸 The face in the mirror is a bit delicate, youthful, and the body is a bit thinner. In all aspects, Rose is still very satisfied.

罗斯 Rose, who has a special concept of time, does not intend to waste time after only an hour’s rest, and is prepared to find a job first and talk for a while.

He was very sensible. He recognized the reality. Now he is not the famous scientific genius. No one would wave a check and cry for cooperation with himself. At present, I only have 7,000 yuan of capital. If I do n’t have any financial resources, I ca n’t afford to live for two months. It ’s helpless to find a job first.

I took a bath and never cared about the image of Rose. For the first time, I sorted out my hair, bought a cheap shirt and a suit, put on it, and started to go to the talent market in the city.

Ten minutes later, the taxi arrived at the talent market.

人才 This talent market is overcrowded.

Job seekers include workers covered in cement, white-collar workers in suits and leather shoes, youths, and uncles and aunts.

The entire talent market is a large variety of people, forming a crowd of people. In recent years, global economic growth has slowed, unemployment has risen, and employment has been difficult.

In the talent market, there are many electronic screens around, and there are scrolling broadcast recruitment information.

The recruitment information is also various, including all walks of life, including ordinary construction workers, waiters, and various managers and other positions that require professional knowledge.

Rose roughly observed that the entire talent market, the most demanding personnel, or those skilled workers, or engineers.

“Well! Yes, with my knowledge, finding a job is definitely not a problem.”

Rose was full of confidence. He went directly to a window and picked a top job. In the recruitment information of this window, a large circuit board manufacturing company is hiring the head of the technical department, and the monthly salary reaches 30,000. Rose once participated in the development and research of excess subcomputers, and knew the circuit board calculation and production technology well, and Rose was determined to be qualified for this job.

In front of the window, Rose said confidently to the job introducer inside: “Hello Miss, please trouble me. I want to apply for the job of” Research and Development Leader of Circuit Board Technology “, please contact the boss of this company.”

The intermediary in this window is a woman in her thirties who wears glasses and is very temperamental. She just smiled at Rose and smiled.

“Boy, stop joking, you are not suitable for this job.”

Rose suddenly became a little angry, and even the design of the quantum computer, he knew it. This backward circuit board design is an old antique for himself, and he can design it with his eyes closed. When the other person looks at himself, he thinks he is inappropriate. This is simply an insult to herself. If it is in the future, she can definitely be charged with an insult.

Rose resisted anger and remained polite: “Miss, if you think I don’t understand design, you can contact the other party to send an expert to evaluate me. I need this job. Please don’t judge people by their appearance.”

“Cut, lad, do n’t make a joke, look at your appearance, just grown up. It has been said in the recruitment information, you must be forty years old, you are too young, you are almost an ordinary employee on the production line, want to be Supervisor, not qualified. “

“Why do you say that I am not qualified, my experience is richer than anyone, my knowledge is better than anyone, and you … rejecting me like this is simply insulting me.”

Rose is now in puberty and is very angry. The opponent’s rejection has angered Rose.

“Boy, please don’t waste your time. You want to be a technical director of a technology company at the age of seventeen or eight. Are you crazy, or am I crazy? If you really want to find a job, change to another position, don’t make any more sense of reason.”

“I … I am going to sue you. I am applying for a job and you are introducing a job. When I come to apply for a job, you have the obligation to contact the other company and not even give me a chance to be assessed. You are deceiving me.”

Ross trembled with anger, and the female recruiter rolled her eyes and ignored Rose.

“If you want to sue, just sue! The job information said above, you must be at least 40 years old and have at least ten years of working experience in circuit board design. Where can I deceive you, you will be fooled, and I will call the police Now. “

I ran into a wall when I first applied for a job. My age was hard-wounded. Rose knew that he was too young. No one would believe that he had rich circuit design experience and super knowledge.

I endured it, and Rose left the window unequivocally. The job recruitment information of another window attracted Rose.

一条 A message posted by this recruitment window is very tempting. One software company is recruiting software development engineers with a monthly salary of more than 15,000. Rost pays attention to the information, there is no age requirement.

“Well! I’m definitely competent for this job.”

Rising his shirt, Rose politely walked to the window. The recruiter inside was a middle-aged man with glasses and a suit.

“Sir, I want to apply for the position of software development engineer above, please. Please help me contact that company.”

The middle-aged man only glanced at Ross, then shook his head: “Young man, don’t be whimsical, you are not suitable for this job.”

“I’m not suitable … Why do you say I’m not suitable. UU Kanshu” met another guy who looked down on the dog, and Ross’s anger was a bit uncontrollable.

The middle-aged man was a little impatient: “How old are you and what school have you graduated from?”

“I am eighteen years old and have just dropped out of East China First High School.”

“Nima, funny Lao Tzu, before graduating from high school, I came to apply for a software engineer. Get Lao Tzu!”

The recruiter felt that the kid was purely playing with himself, and now roared.

你 “You … you are dog-eye-looking people. Since there is no age limit on the recruitment information, why do you think I can’t do this job at the age of 18.”

“You have a good look. The recruitment requirements stated above must be a prestigious university and a computer major. You did not graduate from high school and you want to be a software development engineer. I said, do you have a low IQ? Do you think I Will it be stupid to help you contact this company? “

“Academic qualifications do not represent ability, I can do the job.”

“You can do what you say? You are an idiot! Hurry up and **** up here, I’ll ask the security guard to blast you out.”

“You …” Rose was so angry that these jobs, in the future world, even if others ask for themselves, they will not do it. Some people reject themselves, and their attitude is so bad, it is difficult for Rose to not be angry.

Ran’s job search two times in a row, frustrated Rose’s confidence. He has inquired about the basic situation of this world on the Internet, but life and work, dealing with people, all aspects of details, only to contact people to learn, Ross obviously has more to learn.

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