Born Tech Mad

Chapter 5

Rose continued to search for suitable positions in the talent market. After an hour and a half, Rose had forgotten how many times he touched the wall.

Rose was not mentally prepared, and he still knew too little about the world. He never expected that finding a job would be so difficult.

不同 The rules of this world are different. People’s ability to judge a person is judged by their age and education. All this is caused by the exam-oriented education system.

In this era, students compete through examinations, paper grades are the norm, and people with good grades can enter better schools and get better education. So a diploma is very important. A good diploma represents that you have been killed in the army and stood out from the others.

And in the future world, the diploma is the waste paper. Everything depends on the ability to use it. No matter how good the diploma is, it may be forged. Only ability can represent strength.

Two worlds, one on paper and one on hands.

Depressed wandering aimlessly in the talent market, Ross is in a bad mood. Without a diploma, he does n’t say a lot of work, and he needs to undergo a medical examination. This requirement is also very fatal for Rose.

公司 No company will recruit a heart patient, and their active brain cells have been identified as neuropathy by silly doctors in the hospital.

If these two hidden companies were known, Rose estimates that even the most common job of a waiter can’t do it.

“Is it that the genius of science and technology of my future world will be reduced to the most common job? It’s ironic.”

“I don’t believe that living people can make you die of urine. It’s really hard to find a job, so I start my own company. But for 7,000 yuan, what company can I start with … What technology can I develop? It can’t, only through the Internet Coming to sin, I can’t starve to death. “

Rose was upset, and this body annoyed himself.

“This company urgently recruits skilled CNC lathe workers, apprentices also, they need to pay for food and work, pay more and work harder, pass by, don’t miss it!”

Rose was depressed. In the talent market, a girl held up a small wooden sign and called anxiously.

That girl is very beautiful and tall. It may be because she is too anxious to recruit people, so she has no time to cooperate with the talent market. She just started holding a small wooden sign to recruit. Many people were attracted by the girl’s beauty and squeezed over.

Environment cannot adapt to people. People can only adapt to environment. In this new world, under the rules, Rose has a great ability. If he is not willing to break the law, he can only follow the rules of this society. Aside from all the thoughts, Luo Rui also tried to squeeze through the crowd.

Luo Luoru’s body was too thin, and the rushing crowd crowded Ross and almost fell to the ground.

我 “I … I’m a lathe worker, and I want to go to your company.”

Rose’s mind is not stupid. If he doesn’t lie, this job can’t compete with others. He waved his little hand and shouted anxiously.

Sure enough, after Rose’s words were shouted, the girl’s eyes looked at Rose.

“Everyone makes a let, we give priority to recruiting skilled workers, please make a let.” The girl waved to Ross, and the crowd separated automatically.

Rose was sweating a lot, and the opportunity finally came.

“Little brother … are you really a skilled worker? I think you are only 17 or 8 years old!”

The girl huddled in front of Rose, and only a glance at Rose gave rise to suspicion, and Rose’s age was now again bruised.

Rose explained in a hurry: “Miss, don’t look at me when I’m only eighteen years old. My dad is a lathe. I watched my dad play with the lathe from an early age. So, don’t judge my ability by age. I can talk to you Go to your company and let you see my capabilities. “

Rose’s little lie really played a role. If really, as Rose said, the boy had watched his dad play with the lathe since he was young, then his ability could not be judged by his actual age.

The girl smiled: “Excuse me, what’s your name?”

“My name is Rose.”

哦 “Oh! Hello Ross, my name is Tan Li. Do you really understand lathes?”

“Yes, I know 100%, no matter what kind of lathe I know.”

“Hehe, Ross, don’t brag about Haikou! Our company’s lathes are CNC lathes, not the ordinary milling machines, drilling machines, punching lathes that are operated manually … but by software. You may look at it from a young age It ’s a skilled lathe job like your dad, but that’s not the same thing as a CNC lathe. “

“Miss Tan, I understand CNC lathes. Please give me a chance. I do n’t need to waste you much time. I only need to enter your company for an hour. Then you will let me operate the lathe. If I cannot operate it perfectly, You do n’t hire me. If I can, you let me work in your company, can you? ”

Tan Li looked at Rose’s naive face, and then looked at Rose’s white tender hands, not even a calluse. Tan Li was spotted by his lies.

“This boy is lying, his hands are so tender, where is it like a lathe.”

Tan Li would like to say: You are lying to me, you are not suitable for work in this capacity.

But the words came to her lips, she held back.

少年 The impatient expression of this boy is not pretended. It seems that he needs a job to survive.

In the news, there is news that young people who cannot find a job are going astray every day. Maybe it should really give him a chance. He only needs an hour anyway. Even if he doesn’t understand, as long as he is willing to learn, he can start as an apprentice. It would be a shame if such a handsome young man embarked on an evil path.

Tan Li has always been kind and she has moved her heart and decided to give this boy a chance.

“Rose, what’s your phone number?”

“Phone … sorry, I don’t have a cell phone.”

As soon as Ross said this, the migrant workers around them laughed. There are still people in this world who are too poor to afford a cell phone.

“Well, I’m lying to you. I’m not good at lying. I don’t have a dad. I was actually an orphan. I grew up in an orphanage. I was able to afford school because of social assistance. . “

Rose made the weakest resistance to the mocking voices around him. His lies seemed to be insufficiently persuasive, and Rose simply admitted that he was lying.

“Damn, this kid doesn’t know how to pretend.”

“I rely! I learned to lie to such a young person, UU reading is definitely not a good thing in the future.”

Many people laughed and sneered at Rose all around.

“Miss Tan, I’m sorry!” Rose knew that the job had nothing to do with her, and then turned despondently.

“Okay, Ross. That’s it. This is our business card. If you want, you can go to the interview at any time. Even if you don’t know a lathe, you can start as an apprentice if you are willing to work.”

Tan Li was worried that the laughter around him would stimulate the boy to do something irrational, and he handed the business card to Ross.

谢谢 “Thank you, thank you, beautiful lady, I will remember your generosity, and I will repay you in the future.”

Rose also saw that this girl gave herself a chance because she had pity on herself. Taking the business card, Rose was excited. As an all-powerful genius, all he needed was a job opportunity, gold, which would shine wherever he was, and Rose’s faith was back.

不 “You’re welcome, I have to hire other people, you can go back and prepare.”

“Thank you!”

Holding a business card, Rose left the talent market happily. Although this job is just one of the most common technical workers, the ability to operate is Rose’s strength. This kind of CNC lathe controlled by software is definitely not a problem for Rose.

“I won’t be content to be a skilled worker. I need to take a good look at this company and see if there is an opportunity for me to rise.”

Rose held his business card and looked as he walked, thinking about many things in his head.

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