Boundless Necromancer

Chapter 128:

Chapter 128:

Sky Breaking Sword.

It was not an overstatement to have the title of a sword breaking the heavens.

With this type of effect, it wouldn’t be surprising to have a title beyond its current one.

Cutting force, charisma, attack speed, mana movement….

Its multiple buffs were amazing in itself, but its exclusive effect was more amazing.

「When mana is applied, exclusive effect ‘Sky Break’ can be activated.」

「When ‘Sky Break’ is activated, the sword will be applied ‘absolute destruction’ status and can cut through mana itself.」

「However, ‘Sky Break’ will require more mana the harder the item is to be cut, in return of having no limits on things it can’t cut.」

Starting with the exclusive effect ‘Sky Break’….

「When activating the Body and Sword as One, its exclusive effect ‘Sword Sense’ can be activated.」

「When ‘Sword Sense’ is activated, you can choose an item within the blade category to learn it as a form of a skill.」

「However, ‘Sword Sense’ can only be used twice, and the same skill can not be learned twice.」

Now even the ‘Sword Sense’ that helps the growth of users outside of items.…….

‘Just what are all of these……?’

It was incomprehensible to see these insane items be the bonus reward of the 15th floors.

Of course…….

―The bonus rewards will be reinforced from attaining victory facing a formidable opponent outside of the presented enemies.

It wasn’t like it was totally inconceivable at all.

Because I can clearly remember seeing a message like that after finishing the challenges of the 14th floor.

It’s just that, it was a bit bizarre seeing all these crazy rewards just from defeating Nam GungHyuk.

“How crazy.”

At this point, Nam GungHyuk and my bad relationship benefitted me more.

I held my Sky Breaking Sword softly and started to concentrate.

It was to activate the exclusive skill ‘Sword Sense’.

The ‘Sword Sense’ that can convert exclusive effects within the blade category as a skill..….

If it works according to my theory, then it would certainly create an interesting situation.

Of course it did have the fine print of requiring the concentration of Body and Sword as One to activate it…….

‘Body and Sword as One is not difficult at all now.’

Body and Sword as One was not difficult.

I have understood about it previously.

And at this point, I have grown a lot more than before to understand it better.

I quietly settled my mind to organize the concept of Body and Sword as One again.

The existence that controls the mana within the body is will, and the foundation of that will is the thought.

‘Body and Sword as One is a state displayed through how well you can manipulate your thoughts.’

Body and Sword as One can never be reached from putting in mana inside the sword.

The mana within the body turns into a controllable state through a strong thought.

Of course magics and martial arts differ in their manipulation methods….

Their basic manipulation concept was the same.

So by reinforcing the thought that my sword is my body while connecting my mana to the sword, Body and Sword as One can be activated.


Just like this.

‘Body and Sword as One is a lot smoother than before now.’

I softly touched the trembling Sky Breaking Sword resonating with the mana.

Although the sword ki was not manifested, seeing its rather complete appearance was pleasing to the eyes.

Perhaps a change of heart or reaching of enlightenment about sword flame could’ve brought this on.

Putting aside the momentary appreciation, I activated the exclusive effect of the Sword Sense.

「Body and Sword as One has been reached.」

「Activating the exclusive effect of Sky Breaking Sword (A+), ‘Sword Sense’.」

「You can choose an item within the blade category to learn it as a form of a skill.」


「Selection Complete.」

「You’ve learned the skill ‘Sword Sense(A+)’ completely.」

「Number of Sword Sense left – 1/2」

I laughed bitterly seeing the skill acquired through the exclusive skill of Sky Breaking Sword.

“It actually worked.”

To be able to absorb Sword Sense through Sword Sense….

Of course its usage was limited to a total number of two, but it was still surprising.

『Skill – ‘Sword Sense(A+)』

『Proficiency – none』

『Effects – You can choose an item within the blade category to learn it as a form of a skill. However, ‘Sword Sense’ can only be used twice, and the same skill can not be learned twice. Currently you have two uses left.』

The skill effects were the same as exclusive effects of Sword Sense.

Down to the fact that once its allotted number is used up, you can no longer convert exclusive effects as skills.

Of course, having no limits on its usage would be a cheat level skill…..

‘We have the Harmonic Soul Demon Sword so I thought it would be possible for a skill with no limits.’

It couldn’t be helped to feel disappointment.

After shaking off the thought, I activated Sky Breaking Sword’s other exclusive effect.

「Activating Sky Breaking Sword (A+)’s exclusive effect ‘Sky Break’.」

「The limits on things that can be cut disappeared.」


With a chilling sound, I analyzed the Sky Breaking Sword sharply.

“This is basically the higher compatibility of Sword Ki.”

The purple light coming from the sword was not a normal sight.

Almost as if the cutting element of sword ki has been reinforced to its limits?

It was only a hypothesis but this should be able to cut through the Sword Flame as well.

‘An absolute destruction affinity….’

The thought of Sword Aura by Nam GungHyuk flashed through the mind.

My theory suggests that the sword aura worked by dispersing the law altering nature to its surroundings.

In other words, it could also mean that it should be able to meddle with other affinities.

And perhaps that’s how Nam GungHyuk was able to use the Flying Sword of Blue Sky to block my Rolling Sword of Blue Sky.

Then perhaps its affinity for destruction could also be similar.

‘If you think about it, the destruction affinity is no different than ignoring other types of affinity.’

It could be thought that Sky Break is a category of Sword Aura.

I thought about how it would be if I were to ascend it to Sword Aura.

Piercing through defense, its cutting affinity, refracting space…..

Thinking how it had the potential to neutralize every bothersome affinity made me laugh.

‘If I can really use the Sword Aura, then I should be able to use the Sword Break without using an item’

Now it would be difficult to reach the state of Sword Aura, but there is never an easy way out.

‘How exciting.’

It was the moment a new path opened.

»————- ★ ————-«

The review for Sword Aura did not last long.

After organizing all the new information regarding Sky Break, I activated Sword Aura.

「Body and Sword as One has been reached.」

「Activating the exclusive effect of Sky Breaking Sword (A+), ‘Sword Sense’.」

「You can choose an item within the blade category to learn it as a form of a skill.」


「Selection Complete.」

「You’ve learned the skill ‘Sky Break(A+)’ completely.」

「Number of Sword Sense left – 0/2」

「You’ve confirmed the remaining usage of Sky Breaking Sword (A+)’s exclusive skill, ‘Sword Sense’.」

「Sky Breaking Sword (A+)’s exclusive skill, ‘Sword Sense’ has completely perished.」

I continued on to learn Sky Break as a skill to own it myself.

At first glance, it could seem like I wasted the two skill usages since I can already use the Sky Break by using the Sky Breaking Sword….….

‘It can’t be helped. If I wanted Sky Break for myself, I had to learn it as a skill.’

If I wanted to have complete control and also increase its versatility, it was better to learn it as a skill than keeping it as the exclusive effect of an item.

That ought to enable me to reach the state of Sword Aura.

After finishing all the process, I unsheathed the Blood Demon Sword and observed the <imprint skill=""> that I absorbed from Nam GungHyuk.</imprint>

「Blood Eat Exclusive Slot (2/3)」

「<imprint skill="" :="" will="" reinforcement(b+)="">」

「<imprint skill="" description="" :="" with="" the="" skill="" absorbed="" from="" challenge="" ‘nam="" gunghyuk’,="" you="" can="" reinforce="" the="" thought="" that="" can="" affect="" the="" mana.="">」

「<imprint skill="" effects="" :="" when="" thoughts="" are="" reinforced,="" every="" technique="" that="" manipulates="" mana="" will="" receive="" a="" big="" adjustment="" and="" mana="" use="" will="" also="" become="" stronger.="">」</imprint></imprint></imprint>

Without a doubt, it was a skill that improved martial arts.

It was guessed from reading the description and effects, but using it made it make sense better.

‘The number of affinity that can influence Sword Flame increased by one.’

It was a useful skill.

Sword Ki had the affinity of cutting through everything, and Sword Flame had the affinity of shredding sword ki. Both affinities couldn’t be given up, so it was necessary to add another affinity for different situations.

Furthermore, <imprint skill=""> had no concept of costing mana, so you could indefinitely reinforce the Will or Thought itself.

‘I got something good.’

Feeling satisfied, I activated the Myth using the divine powers. </imprint>

「Activating the myth <reversal hero="">.」</reversal>

「Effect <indomitable> is applied to Divinity Manipulation.」</indomitable>

「Effect <reversal> is applied to Divinity Manipulation.」</reversal>

The myth acquired from the battle with Nam GungHyuk and this was quite useful as well.

From <indomitable>, I was able to bring out the maximum strength, enabling me to fight at my best stats.

And according to its description, <reversal> would buff me depending on how disadvantageous the battle is.

‘The myth this time is practical.’

Of course it’s not like <stop regenerating=""> or <exorcism> like the <vampire slayer=""> are unusable.

It would be useful facing opponents with vampiric features and I am certain that exorcism could be used sometime in the future.

But it was a fact that <reversal hero="">, as a skill useful for any battle, was more versatile.

‘I think this should be the end of the reward.’

There were a few growth of minor skills like Chaotic Sword-fighting Play and Mana Circuit……

Chaotic Sword-fighting Play said something about attack speed rising when overlapping,

And Mana Circuit had nothing else that changed in the description.

But that was not to say that I did not feel the growth at all, I felt with the leveling up of Mana Circuit, the mana energy solidified further and expanded.

It was just not important enough for growth to be mentioned.</reversal></vampire></exorcism></stop></reversal></indomitable>

「Permanently increasing your stats using the soul of challenger ‘Nam GungHyuk’.」

「 Strength increased by 4. 」

「 Agility increased by 4. 」

「 Stamina increased by 6. 」

「 Mana increased by 7. 」

「 Tenacity increased by 4. 」

Followed it up by absorbing the soul of Nam GungHyuk, but unfortunately his skills were not absorbed.

Minor skills were not an issue since I’ve had a huge stat boost.

‘It’s about time to climb the tower again.’

After deciding that everything was reviewed, I stood up.

The battle with Nam GungHyuk was a formidable battle, but my desire for growth did not stop there.

And since I’ve acquired a lot of new abilities through this challenge, I wanted to test out the extent of my growth.


「You’ve received a new message from your friend ‘Baek RyunHwa’」

To conclude, I was not able to go back to the tower.

「You have 17 unread messages from ‘Baek RyunHwa’.」

It was because I found messages from an acquaintance that I forgot about.

-Baek RyunHwa(9th Floor) : Really now…! Not even a single message and you leave to the tower? Have you gone mad?

-Baek RyunHwa(9th Floor) : I can’t even contact you properly, and when I do, apparently you’re on a death bed! So I go to nurse you, and the moment I take my eyes off you, you’re GONE!!!

-Baek RyunHwa(9th Floor) : Everytime I look at you, another concern gets added to my list. Even if we’re not from the same guild, we’re still partners. Can you make sure to give me updates at least?

It was Lee Hayeon.

I felt guilty seeing her messages.

‘……Come to think of it, I never sent a message before coming into the tower.’

It was too harsh considering she’s been worried for me even before departing to Japan.

She helped me get guild benefits despite never being an official member.

And always asked me if I ever needed anything.

Lee Hayeon has been the only one on Earth who has always been supportive of me in all manners.

“……I should at least leave her a text before moving around.”

But the guilt lasted only a short while before spotting the message below.

-Baek RyunHwa(9th Floor): SungYeun-ssi, I don’t know what’s going inside the tower, but I have news.

-Baek RyunHwa(9th Floor) : We got another challenger from a different dimension.

-Baek RyunHwa(9th Floor) : What’s confirmed is that they hail from Ares, and recently caused a massive annihilation at London.

It was because another dimensional challenger appeared on earth.

I was concerned that it was a martial artist associated with Nam GungHyuk,

But reading the message confirmed that it was not.

-Baek RyunHwa(9th Floor) : So because of that, the hunters association proposed the high ranking challengers to subjugate them, and made a proposal to you as well.

-Baek RyunHwa(9th Floor) : For the subjugation reward, the hunter association is offering 4 of B- ranked Skill Proficiency Potions and an increase of rank into A ranked hunter.

-Baek RyunHwa(9th Floor): It’s up to you if you want to accept it or not, I’m just relaying the message from the Hunter Association.

-Baek RyunHwa(9th Floor) : If you accept the proposal, after returning, just shoot me a text. I will meet you at the Hunter Association.


Perhaps it was because a challenger that has gone to the 11th floor appeared?

I was highly intrigued by this.

-Baek RyunHwa(9th Floor) : And this is a matter separate from the hunter associations proposal…….

-Baek RyunHwa(9th Floor) : ……Can you give me a message when you’re back on earth?

-Baek RyunHwa(9th Floor) : Please. I’ll be waiting for your text.

After this message, there were no more texts from her..

I felt guilty, but there was no need to mull it over.


“What a perfect timing,”

I just decided to return to Earth.

It truly was exquisite timing.

The fact that I managed to kill Nam GungHyuk on the previous floor, and the appearance of Ares’ challenger.

Along with countless skills recently acquired.

It was almost as if the universe was telling me to go wild.

I smiled faintly to open up the Contact Store.

“And here I was wondering how much I’ve grown.”

Without hesitating, I bought a lowest ranked return stone.

「You’ve purchased the Return Stone (F+).」

With this return, I should be able to analyze my skills better.

[To be continued.]

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