Boundless Necromancer

Chapter 129:

Chapter 129:

The hunters ranks are divided into a total of 7 different categories.

From the F rank, E rank, D rank, C rank, B rank, A rank, to S rank.

It was truly a ranking system with no effort put into it.

But while many different laws concerning hunters were passed, these 7 categories of rank were absolute.

It had every reason to.

Since it classified the pure talent and skill of each hunter to separate them.

And all the hunter associations around the world did not have the option to hand out the ranks.

It was because the higher ranked you were, you could get tax exemptions, better benefits, etc.

Of course, it did not matter to me that much since status or wealth of reality no longer had any value.

It was an unspoken rule of the hunter association that you could demote a rank, but you could not advance a rank.


‘To think that they would raise my rank into an A ranked hunter.’

According to the message from Lee HaYeon. The hunter association was offering me a raise of rank as a reward for the subjugation mission.

This could only mean one thing.

That the Earth was currently in such chaos that giving out an A rank as a reward was not even a big deal.

We do have a record of Nam GungHyuk causing a city to be nonexistent.

The remaining question was, why would a challenger from an alternative dimension create chaos now of all times?

‘I was sure that we had a method for preventing dimensional invasion……’

When the earth was registered as a ‘formal climbing dimension’ in the tower of trial, a system for dimensional invasion prevention method was created.

And so it was assumed that we’d never get someone like Nam GungHyuk running about trying to cause chaos.

‘I can’t understand it.’

it’s not like they’re trying to get rewards from the trials on each floor.

There was no reason for them to create chaos on earth as there was nothing for them to gain.

It’s not like the tower would give them rewards out of it.

I knew that it was meaningless to think about this.

After all, seeing is believing.

‘Rather than thinking about it, it’d be better to see it for myself.’

I stopped thinking and activated the return stone.

「Challenger Han SungYeun , The will to return has been confirmed.」

「You are returning to earth by using return stone.」

From now on, it was time to act as a hunter rather than a challenger.

»————- ★ ————-«

I realized that I was back in my house as I opened my eyes.

The last place I was at was in a hospital room in Japan…

The tower teleported me to the place I considered home.

‘To think you can return like this….’

I started to assess my items, surprised.

Blood Demon Sword, Vampire Count’s Tail Coat, Sky Breaking Sword, Wind Spirit’s Boots, Ancient’s Emperors Gray Crown, etc…….

I managed to bring every useful item, including normal items that were equipped back on earth from last time.

‘Luckily, every item that I possess seems to be able to move along with me.’

I’d be in such a pinch if I were to ever lose my phone….

If all my items were good to go, then I didn’t have to waste any time.

‘I should be able to move right after notifying Lee HaYeon.’

I sent a brief text to her and immediately moved to the hunters association.

There were few people on the streets as usual, and few businesses have closed down completely.

It felt odd to see Korean stores closing down when it was Japan that was hit with the disaster…..

But it was understandable.

‘They’re probably worried about what Korea will do if we also get challengers from alternative dimensions.’

And according to Lee HaYeon, London also had a massive annihilation.

Other than the hunters, citizens of Japan were not injured. But London was on a different topic altogether.

As it was mentioned, London’s death toll was so high it was proper to be called an annihilation, and thus it instilled a fear of such cases happening in Korea as well.

And this unrest would most likely span outside of korea too.

‘I’m sure other countries share a similar sentiment.’

As challengers from alternative dimensions are akin to natural disasters that show up without a warning..….

This unrest would surely continue until their safety would be guaranteed.

It once again reminded me how much the tower of trials affected the entire world.

‘And this would be the reason why the hunter associations are fine giving out ranks as rewards.’

And that thought was confirmed through reading a few articles while moving towards the hunter association.

[The Hunter Association reported that “we will actively recruit challengers to reinforce the defensive measures….” so that citizens would have nothing to worry about….]

[Specialist Lee HanGil’s comment on the London’s Disaster “If these disasters continue happening, Korea will no longer be safe.” brought forth massive amounts of attention……]

[Carpediem Guild’s Leader, Andrei Tarkovsky warned “If we do not invest in a challenger with proper potential, we will have to face another disaster of cataclysm level…..”.]

Perhaps the situation on Earth was worse than I thought.

But that did not change what I had to do.

In fact, it made it even clearer.

‘Let’s defeat that challenger in London.’

This time, I had no intention of killing the challengers indiscriminately.

I was planning on figuring out the reason for their invasion despite the lack of rewards.

Of course, that process would not be a merry one, but it did not matter.

I was prepared to dirty my hands.


After walking through the streets pondering, I arrived at the hunters association.


“……it’s been a while, SungYeun-ssi.”

Was faced with Lee HaYeon, emitting a freezing aura at the entrance of the association.

I was quite surprised.

‘She did tell me that she’d meet me as soon as I contacted her, but she’s so fast.’

It hasn’t even been an hour since the text, but she was already here…..

I smiled bitterly at her speed that seemed as if she was waiting for me near the area.

“……It has been a while. Um, I’m sorry for not letting you know before leaving for the tower.”

Lee HaYeon flinched at that, but eventually sighed and spoke.

“……At least you know what you did. Can you at least treat me like a partner from now on?.”

Then she continued on seriously looking my way.

“Since you’ve accepted the subjugation mission in London, you can head towards the London’s hunter association..”


“You ought to know it well. Most magic based hunters come from the UK after all.”

“Ah, the magicians of the clock tower.……. I suppose, since it’s a national disaster, the magic tower would also get involved.”

“Since magicians are hunters too. They can not decline the summons of the government during these situations.”

A wave of tiredness washed over me hearing that.

“That reminds me, I have to go through the airport if I want to get to the UK..”

It was bothersome having to use the airport like the last time when I went to Japan.

But the tiredness did not last long.

“Actually, no need for that this time.”

Lee HaYeon smiled brightly as if she had something to brag about.

“After you returned to the tower, I also climbed up the tower as well.”

My eyes widened in surprise after hearing something unexpected.

“I learned supportive magic for space traveling. It was pretty difficult to learn…. But as long as I have the coordinates, I can travel to different countries. And I’ve already gotten permission from the association to use it.”

Teleportation magic.

A skill considered to be the cream of the crop in terms of support magic category.

“We’re partners. I should do this much at least.”

I realized that my errands on Earth would run much more smoothly after hearing that.

“We can leave as soon as we hand in the report to the association..”

Much more smoothly indeed.

»————- ★ ————-«

After wrapping up the minor procedures of handing in the reports.

Lee HaYeon put a hand on my shoulder and spoke in a calm manner.

“Setting up for teleportation is done. We’re teleporting now to England..”


“Space traveling magics tend to be dizzy. Close your eyes for a bit.”

「You’ve been selected as the target of support magic <teleport>.」</teleport> free

「Moving to the selected coordinates with support magic <teleport>.」</teleport>

We arrived at the destination with her teleportation magic.

It was observed that we were on top of a building.

A man approached as if aware of our arrival while I was surveying the surroundings.

“By any chance, are you challenger Han SungYeun?”

Despite seeing their foreign appearance, seeing them speak in fluent korean, I realized.

‘He’s a challenger.’

That this man with a professional attitude was a challenger.

It was certain from seeing the meaning of different languages get translated so perfectly.

They did not seem like they accepted the subjugation proposal, but rather a personnel of the UK hunter association.

When I replied to his question, he bowed down and spoke.

“Thank you for your acceptance of the proposal. It is an honor to meet the famed ghostblade.”

I freaked out at that title acquired from hard work back in Japan.

It was uncomfortable hearing such titles.

And it was not like I was deserving of being addressed with titles like ghostblade.

“……no need to call me that. Please, just call me challenger Han SungYeun.”

“Ah, if you’re more comfortable with that, then I will. And, the lady next to you…?”

“Another challenger of the tower, and my partner. She is in charge of different errands.”

“I see. Please follow me to the meeting room.”

After the business-like speech, the man finally led us inside the building.

At the end of the path, we went inside a large conference room with about ten or so people.

I concluded after quickly analyzing the room.

‘They all seem like challengers.’

It was assumed that every person in this conference room were challengers that had accepted the subjugation mission.

But, a few of them wore magicians attire…..

They were challengers from the clock tower, also known as the magic tower.

The magicians inside the room glanced at me and looked away as if they saw a pebble in the road.

As if they had no interest at all.

Ignored me.

Of course, I was not the only one they ignored, but all the other hunters.

They also had supporters from other countries seated at the furthest location at the table.

It was ridiculous to see the magicians seated at the highest location.

(TL’s notes: in korea (+ many asian countries) there’s a higher and lower place in the room/table. Those in higher status or the host of the event would sit at the highest place, and those who are at their lowest status or those who have very little relation to the host would sit at the farthest location.)

‘What are they trying now…….’

Treating people who came in their aid like this.

Even the ones seated at the lowest seatings must be a high ranking challengers.

‘This is absurd.’

People say that magicians are the consolidation of pride when they try to belittle them, but that truly fits this situation.

‘They’re the ones who called us over, and this is how they treat us?’

In that atmosphere, I frowned and was about to say something.


Suddenly the magician seated at the highest seating stood up.

“No way…! Y-you are…!”

They shook violently and hurriedly took off the robe that covered their face.


“Huh, I never thought that I’d see you again like this….! I’m honored to see you again….!”

Seeing the revealed face of the magician, I realized that I’ve seen them before.


David Taylor.

A great magician that I met during the 13th floor group challenge.

His eyes were shining brightly as if he was rejoicing in seeing me.

[To be continued.]

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