Boundless Necromancer

Chapter 139:

Chapter 139:

What I saw after opening my eyes was an endless darkness.

But it did not feel repulsive nor intimidating.

It felt as if my body was submerged under warm water and felt rather comforting.


After a momentary observation of the darkness, my thoughts came back to me.

And realized.

‘I see. I’ve…. Died.’

I’ve died once and went into a waiting period until revival.

This must be a short session of the so-called ‘life flashing before one’s eyes’ before death.

Perhaps it could be what The Night Veil that Devours Fire caused.

Regardless of what it was, I had no intention of staying there any longer.

‘Let’s wake up. And fight with all I’ve got.’

I have not used everything I’ve got yet.

My myths were unactivated, multiple skills and powers were yet to be used.

I havent lost yet.

‘It’s small, but I do have a probability of winning.’

But spending more time here might result in something unexpected.

I had to quickly gather my thoughts and get back to the battlefield.

‘This is a visualization of my imagery in the first place. If I concentrate hard enough, I should be able to leave this place.’

I’ve done it back on the 11th floor so it shouldn’t be difficult to do so.

After concentrating using my fighting spirit, a sword appeared in the black space.

It was a type of switch.

Like the place of imagery from the 11th floor, if I were to grab that sword, I should be able to get back to reality.

No one has taught me as such, but it was something I’ve learned over time.

It was cool that it worked just by concentrating, but that was it.

‘…..i should immediately activate the counter shield after getting back, activate the <reversal hero=""> and look for an opportunity,’

I came up with battle strategies while moving towards the sword.

…..Rather, I attempted to move towards it.

[ Fufu, attempting to leave alone. What an impatient child. ]

Until I felt something squishy on my back.

‘What is this…!’

After realizing that someone was hugging me from the back, I immediately got out of their grasp.

I got goosebumps.

Even if this was a place of imagery, I had my senses on high alert.

It was a habit from continuing to use skills to have maximum perception.

But to not realize that someone was hugging me from behind…

I began to think quickly with raised alertness.

‘Who is it? God of battle? No, perhaps the god of proof? What is…..;

Just who was it to appear in my place of imagery and the reason behind their appearance?

Before I could continue my thoughts, the person spoke.

[ There’s no need to fear me. Child, I am not your enemy.]



After getting out of their hold, I turned my head to see the other person.

Their face were concealed behind a black robe.

But seeing the clearly revealing curves, and their gentle manner of speaking, I could tell that it was a woman.

But that was the extent of it.

Just with the current information, there was no way to figure out who this person was.

“Who are you?”

So I asked directly, to which the woman answered.

[Even if this situation is a replica, you’ve participated in a holy war for me, and yet you can’t recognize me. How disheartening. ]

“……Are you the god of dark by chance?”

[ Fufu, you’re correct. You got it faster than I expected. Good, good. How smart you are. ]

“……Please don’t touch me.”

I avoided the arms that the god of dark raised as if to praise me.

Even if this is a place of imagery, it was another form of battlefield.

‘If I die here, my mind might be destroyed.’

Furthermore, for some reason, most gods were hostile towards me.

Without knowing their intentions, I had no plans on going along with them.

[ ……Right, it’s not the correct time yet. But you will soon know, that I am not your enemy.]

The god of dark said while snickering then started to step backwards.

[ The tower is bothering me, so I will take my leave. Child, I hope that you’ll entertain me with the powers I’ve lent you. ]

A whisper of her voice rang out once her figure almost disappeared .

[ The moment you open your eyes, everything surrounding you will change. ]

Before I could question them, the god of dark completely concealed their presence.

Just what were they talking about, and the reason for their presence in front of me.

However, my corpse must be rolling around the battlefield as we spoke.

‘…… I have no time to be doing this.’

After that thought, I perished the god of dark from my mind to grasp the sword.


「You’ve revived.」

I realized seeing the darkness surrounding my body after opening my eyes.

「Successfully entered the State of Discipleship.」

「The presence of potential of discipleship is greatly moving to reveal its presence.」

「From now on, the divine powers within the heart will have the affinity of death.」

「The traces of god engraved in challenger Han SungYeun will completely disappear.」

Why the god of dark told me that everything will change when I open my eyes.

「Challenger Han SungYeun will be accepted as a divine affinity during the duration of the state of discipleship.」

「Temporary demonstration of authority will be permitted under the keyword ‘divinity’ 」

「Keywords of divinity will be <death>, <dark>, and <immortality>.」</immortality></dark></death>

With a satisfaction blazing my mind, my sight soon settled into darkness.

»————- ★ ————-«

Gerhan Nevia was one of the warriors from the Twin Winged Kin also referred to as angels.

Until they became a reserve disciple of the cult of battle, they’ve never lost a battle.

And possessed great might to the point of never having the word ‘defeat’ be a part of their thought process.

After battles with countless priests, until the moment they became a reserve disciple, they’ve never thought of being defeated or being tired.

But at this moment, Gerhan couldn’t help but to become weak.

―C,cough… Urghh. Cough. D,Damn it all. I can’t breathe….

Gerhan breathed heavily while grasping over their heart.

The divine powers from the god of battle went wild and pained them.

It was an issue that arose from attempting <advent> with a reserved disciple instead of an official one..

‘A,as expected…. So this is the power that our god of battle possesses..….’

The duration the god of dark descended into Gerhan’s body was very short.

And even that flash of energy before Gerhan’s death was not at full power.

But that minor attack caused Gerhan’s body to be completely unusable.

If it was a different reserve disciple, their heart would’ve exploded immediately.

The only reason why Gerhan was alive was due to their innate body of warrior.

‘……But with this, I received the blessing of god, and my divine powers also got stronger.’

While Gerhan attempted to not fall from the air, they enjoyed the side effects of <advent>.

As if it was a reward of surviving, they managed to acquire great power.

The number of powers they could use increased, and the divine powers were akin to an official priests’ as well…..

After the pain, Gerhan looked down to the ground with an expression of superiority and spoke.

“….. Henceforth, the strongest being under the heavens will be me.”

That they will be the strongest excluding the gods.


「The god of battle is telling the reserve priest Gerhan to stop the bullshit and get ready for battle!」

Right after speaking, Gerhan saw a message that popped up at the corner of their sight.

Gerhan let out a scoff seeing the message with a sign of haste as if being chased by something.

―You have nothing to worry about. That man called the slaughterer has been taken care of, so the church of dark is nothi……

At that moment.


A loud noise erupted from the ground and the mana within the air started to vibrate violently.

Even Gerhan, strengthened from the side effect of <advent>, was at an alert .

Gerhan looked down to the ground, astonished.

―What…. What on earth is…….

The ground was now completely enveloped with darkness.

Seeing the darkness that swallowed up the shadow of sunset, Gerhan exclaimed.

―The god of dark is descending here as well? No way! I thought there were no disciples here!

That only lasted a moment.

The darkness that swallowed up the earth receded into a single point.

And in the place the darkness disappeared into, remained a figure surrounded by darkness.

[ ─. ]

It was a cluster of ominous energy so eerie you could lose your life just by witnessing it.

Gerhan shook off the feeling from using their divine powers and looked directly towards the dark energy.

‘Damn it……. What is that? Why can’t it be seen…?’

No matter how much Gerhan tried to see through its nature, the view was unclear.

But Gerhan figured it out eventually.

That the black energy was a great entity, but not a divine being.

If it had divinity within it, it wouldn’t take this long to make its appearance.

<advent> is the appearance of divine entities within a very short period of time.

And it was impossible to prolong it unless it was okay for the vessel of divine entity to die.

―……As long as it’s not the god of dark, it’s not a problem. There will be nothing else here that can oppose me.

Gerhan opened up their hands to manifest a crimson spear.

All fear disappeared after using god’s power that they never could use.

―I’ll make sure you pay the price of opposing the authority of gods.

Gerhan threw the spear with a bloodthirsty expression.

The long spear created by the authority of god traveled towards the ground with an explosive sound.

The dark figure stood still at its original place.

‘In the end, it was just a flashy entity with nothing to show.’

Gerhan smiled in victory.

With this, that black entity will die from being pierced by the spear.

It was an irreversible ending, is what Gerhan thought.


[ ……Swallow it. ]

The situation changed within a blink of an eye.

The moment the dark entity spoke, the holy spear that flashed towards the ground stopped mid-air.

Stopped by an unrecognizable black energy.

And then the black energy started to consume the holy spear.

The newly acquired divine authority disappeared just like that.

Gerhan exclaimed dumbfoundedly at that scene.

―……Huh? uh, uhhh?


[ ……Ah, You─. ]

The entity surrounded by endless darkness spoke looking towards Gerhan.

[ ……Right, I remember now. You were, an enemy of mine.]

It was incomprehensible.

But there was no need for Gerhan to understand it.

Since that was not something that was said to Gerhan, but rather a type of a command.

[ Die. ]


Gerhan’s body split in half with a fountain of blood bursting out. </advent></advent>

[To be continued.]

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