Boundless Necromancer

Chapter 140:

Chapter 140:

The state of discipleship.

The state in which I entered with the exclusive effect of the relic was truly divine.

To tell the truth, my sight disappeared for a second and I couldn’t not retain my thoughts.

It was because a wave of overwhelming pleasure washed over me.

As if it denied my previous existence, an absolute delight dominated my body.

It was not a type of mental contamination, but rather being moved by myself.

Ascending into the ruler of the heavens from a mere insect of the ground.

The instinct acquired understanding.

Just from speaking, every nature will obey my command.

If I command it to kill, it will kill; if I command it to save, it will save; if I command it to cut, it will cut.

After understanding the divine ability, it was almost as if my mind got reset.

Why I chose to fight, why I desired strength, why I went against oppression….

I didn’t know anything.

The feeling erases everything.

I just desired to get drunk at this moment and enjoy this feeling of being above everything else, believing in myself….

But a flash of unforgettable memory went by my mind.

The city demolished by the dungeon break.

‘I have to…. Get it together…..’

Followed by memories of my deceased parents, my senses came back to me.

‘I can’t… end it… like this….’

My memories of those contempt filled looks replayed and my thoughts slowly drifted back into me.

Why I chose to fight, why I desired strength, and why I went against oppression.

I could remember now.


―Win, win again, and win against them all…. And prove that your path is correct without regrets…..

I remembered the final will of the martial artist of the 11th floors’ trials.

Would I be able to say that my path was correct after being consumed by this feeling?

I could not.

This was but a momentary sensation, and it was not my own feelings either.

‘This is a power that the relic, the god of dark, allowed me to have momentarily.’

And it was not like I actually became a divine entity either.

The system labeled me as ‘divine affinity’.

Which meant that I did not reach strong enough divinity compared to the god of battle nor god of dark.

Thus a fake.

I was not strong enough, and this wave of moving sensation could crumble any moment.

Furthermore, if the god of dark did not permit me to enter the state of discipleship, I could never reach this point.

Of course, I do not believe that kills or powers are fake, unlike Nam GungHyuk.

But powers that I myself can not control can not be called real.

Especially if the powers are controlled by other entities.

「Strongly activating the power, ‘Calm’.」

After recovering some of my mind, the power of calm activated and my feelings settled down.

I realized how much of a delusion it was after waking up from the haze akin to being drunk.

‘….I barely reached the divine affinity too. All this is that I got a few more decent powers.’

After analyzing the understanding of my instinct, the state of discipleship was not as grand as real divinity.

Only that it can affect the nature surrounding you like Nam GungHyuk’s Sword Aura.

‘…..I’m not even sure why it moved me that much now.’

Since it only added a few more decent powers I could use, it couldn’t even be called divinity.

‘It’s true that I got stronger than before though.’

Right now, I could not use divine powers properly due to being in the state of discipleship.

It’s supposed to be unauthorized power, but now at the state of discipleship, it became a different story.

I should be able to manipulate the mana of nature like Nam GungHyuk…..

If I were to estimate the range, it would be around 70 meters.

‘Well, it should be better than that lousy Sword Aura that he used….’

But I had no time to enjoy the state of discipleship.

「State of Discipleship ending in <00:12:47>.」</00:12:47>

This state occurred through the exclusive effect of the relic.

Thus it had a time limit. free

At that moment.

―I’ll make sure you pay the price of opposing the authority of gods.

A voice filled with divine powers rang out from the sky and something got thrown at me.

「Activating skill ‘Fire Dragon’s eyes’.」

I could analyze it without looking at it thanks to the skill.

And after a momentary pondering on what to do, I decided to simply stop it.

[ ……Swallow it. ]

I did not use divine powers.

After all, I used up all my divine powers and I was in the process of producing it by refining my mana.

This was another method of skills I acquired from achieving the state of discipleship, but I did not really know how it worked.

I did it because I thought I could, and it disintegrated the mana within the body to the extreme and converted it to divine powers.

And while accumulating divine powers like that, I told the mana surrounding me to stop the spear and it obeyed my command.

「Using divinity <dark>.」</dark>

「The darkness is swallowing up the specified target.」

―……Huh? uh, uhhh?

The surrounding mana tinted with the darkness grasped the holy spear thrown at me.

[ ……Ah, You─. ]

After turning my head towards the dumbfounded voice, I could face the man named Gerhan as told by the system.

At that, I felt my hazy memory come back.

[ ……Right, I remember now. You were, an enemy of mine.]

Without holding back, I used up all the divine powers stored in my heart to make a command without hesitation.

[ Die. ]


「Using divinity <dark>.」</dark>

「The potential of the grim reaper reacts to reinforce the affinity of death within the divine power.」


The surrounding mana formed into a single attack and halved Gerhan’s body.

……It might seem like I did something grand, but the truth is, even if Gerhan was not in a state of discipleship, they could’ve been killed quite easily.

‘They can easily be killed using a Light Saber.’

But the issue was the god of battle who descended with <advent>.

Even if they can’t use the actual powers of divinity, that single attack that they showed was beyond logic.

Of course, right now, they are no longer under <advent> so there was nothing to worry about.

‘But there’s no way that lunatic of a god would end things here.’

I did not believe that the god of battle dispelled <advent> and left completely.


[ Damned thing. And here I was trying to not kill my reserve disciple despite descending. ]

Gerhan’s corpse that was split in half reattached itself into one mid air.

It would seem like a revival going against the flow of nature, but it was merely attaching the corpse back together.

In the voice filled with divinity, I could predict that the <advent> was occurring again.

Of course, the god of battle used <advent> at the cost of an extraordinary amount of divine powers…..

[ I will kill you with everything I got now. ]

I wasn’t planning on getting killed so easily either. </advent></advent></advent></advent></advent>

»————- ★ ————-«

「Activating skill ‘Indomitable’.」

To tell the truth, battles were disadvantageous to me at the state of discipleship.

「Activating the myth <reversal hero="">.」</reversal>

「 +18 on every stat.」

「Activating special buff <no retreat="">.」</no>

「Additional +18 on every stat.」

After all,

Even if I was in the state of discipleship, I did not become a divine being myself, and other than the fact that the number of using divine powers increased, nothing else changed.

It is true that I got additional abilities….

But even if all those abilities got combined, it’s not like I could win a losing battle.

「Using Divinity <immortality>.」</immortality>

「ignoring regeneration impossible messages and immediate death messages.」


The slash from the god of battle enlarged and destroyed my left arm.

But, with the divine keyword of state of discipleship, the temporary ability disregarded the verdict of regeneration impossible.

「Activating skill ‘Ashy Blood’.」

But that did not mean that I could act rashly.

[I will cut you until you can no longer regenerate! ]

Because the god of battle descended into the corpse shot out beams of light.


To be honest, its power was on the weaker side of the light attacks from the counter shield.

But the issue was that they were able to use that attack without a delay unconditionally.

‘Damn it, avoiding it is going to be a pain.’

Even at the state of discipleship, my stamina was not immense.

If I continued to activate Ashy Blood repeatedly, I will reach the limits shortly.

The god of battle prevented me from regaining my stamina and mana through absorbing the blood splattered on the battlefield.

[ Do you think that I’ll let you do that?! ]

I frowned seeing the blood get destroyed with rays of light

‘I can’t even go with attrition warfare anymore.’

I wanted to replenish more blood, but no priests from the cult of battle could be seen.

As well as the church of dark.

They must’ve realized their situation and rank for it to not be swept up.

….. The issue was that I myself was also one that should’ve ran.

There were about two methods to get out of this situation.

The first was to break the corpse that the god of battle descended upon.

It’s not certain, but they must be under advent at the cost of an extraordinary quantity of divine powers.

And if I could harm the corpse one more time, the <advent> could be impossible to occur.

‘But this is hard to do realistically.’

The second method was to wait until the divine powers being offered to the tower runs out.

I’ve seen a message before that the god of proof has spent a sum of divine powers just to talk to me.

Which meant that the god of battle was also spending a large amount of divine powers.

If I could buy enough time to deactivate <advent> and make the god retire, it could solve everything.

‘But this is also impossible because of the limited time with the state of discipleship.’

I checked the time left at the corner of my sight.</advent></advent>

「State of Discipleship ending in <00:09:11>.」</00:09:11>

Regardless of which option I chose, both had a high probability to end in a disaster.

But it was good to try something at least.

‘……I’ll make them unable to keep the state of <advent>.’

I chose the former option to do my best to destroy the vessel of <advent>.


―Dam Cheonwoo, wake up. We’re both about to die.

I sent a stealth-communication towards the sword and brought forth the consciousness resting deep within the space.

―……Hahaha! Hath the time of battle cometh?! Tis been eons! Tis the time for this great one to….?

He must’ve realized the situation while yelling out loudly since he began to shout in dismay.

―……what on earth? W-what on earth?! Why hath the level of the trial gone up?! And who is that lunatic of a god to descend into the trials of the 10th floors?!

―It’s too long to explain. I’ll be direct. Please use every supportive ability that you have on me.

― this is not something that can be solved from….! W-wait. Have you…. Are you in the state of discipleship?!

―……So you know about it. Well, it just ended up happening this way.

― What kind of situation is this…. It’s not like the state of discipleship is common either… for a challenger of mid level 10’s trial floor to achieve it….. Damn it.

Dam Cheonwoo muttered as if all reason escaped him and then spoke in a determined voice.

―Fine! This great one won’t back down as the Blood Demon! This great one will give you support!</advent></advent>

「Activating the True Blood Demon Sword(A-)’s Soul Ego skill <mana berserk(a+)="">.」

「Increasing the mana within the body.」

「Activating the True Blood Demon Sword(A-)’s Soul Ego skill <thought acceleration="" (a-)="">.」

「Accelerating the thoughts.」</thought>

「Activating the True Blood Demon Sword(A-)’s Soul Ego skill <small heart(b+)="">.」

「An artificial mana facility that supports the movement of mana is created.」

「The durability of the True Blood Demon Sword will decrease by 0.4% every second.」

「The True Blood Demon Sword’s soul ego could be destroyed.」</small>

All the skills activated by the blood demon sword affected every part of my body.

Damn Cheonwoo started to support me at the risk of self-destruction.

‘……So these are what Dam Cheonwoo can do for me.’

I’ve never received the supports of Dam Cheonwoo with sincerity until now…….

But now I realized.

That the ability of the soul ego imbued in the blood demon sword was beyond my expectation.


Having <thought acceleration(a-)=""> added on top of the mind already on alert from the battle, made time flow slowly from concentration.

A state in which the world began to feel as if it had stopped for me.

And using the increased perception made it possible to manipulate mana and divine power more fluidly.

The sword flame surrounding the blade flickered stronger than before, and the effects of the myths became stronger.

Furthermore, the mana within the body got strengthened through the <mana berserk(a+)="">

After deciding that this could create potentials, I concentrated my will and activated the Sky Break on top of the sword flame.</mana></thought>

「Activating skill ‘Sky Break’.」

「The limit on breakable things are dispelled.」

The skill that can destroy mana itself, and can break anything without a limit, covered the blade.

But it did not end here.

「Using Divinity <death>.」

「An unavoidable death is imbued within the sword..」</death>

The sword became more violent after being added with the energy of death from using divinity.

Theoretically, this was not the best of my skills, but in this battlefield, it was.

After concentrating, I glared at the god of battle and swung my sword.

[ Hahaha! Do you think that i’ll get hit from that obvious attack?! You should’ve used the mana of nature instead!]

God of Battle mocked me and attempted to tilt their body to avoid the slash, but…..

‘White Sword Island Sun.’

The blade contained a strong will and started to pull the god of battle onto the path of the sword.

Furthermore, this attack was strengthened by divinity so it was stronger than the usual.

[ Kuh!? What is……! ]

The god of battle let out divine powers to rip out a space to escape, but it was impossible.

After all…..

「Activating exclusive skill of ‘Harmonic Soul Demon Sword’, ‘Double Attack’.」

The attack that I poured my soul into duplicated twice to suppress the god.

[w-wait……!I never saw anything like this on the 13th floor……! ]

The god of battle attempted to resist while yelling desperately, but it failed.


Gerhan’s body, which was cut into half before, got cut into two pieces yet again.


「 Congratulations. You have overcome the Tower of Trials floor 15. 」

「 As a reward, you have received ‘Protection Bracelet of a God without Name(S+)’ 」

「 As a reward, you have received ‘100,000 points.’ 」

「 As a reward, you have received ‘5,000 SP’」

「 As a bonus reward, you have received additional ‘5,000 SP’」

「 As a bonus reward, you have received ‘Holy Bead of a God without Name(S+)’」

「 Please move to the waiting area. 」

A message of trial completion rang out with the body of Gerhan falling apart.

The battle that seemed undefeatable was won.

[To be continued.]


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