Boundless Necromancer

Chapter 156: Light Swordmaster (4) ————-«

Chapter 156: Light Swordmaster (4) ————-«

The Light Swordmaster bestows challenger Han Sungyeun with the right to be tested as an heir.

Light Swordmaster.

The moment that the divine entity said to have ascended a long time ago bestowed me the right to take the heir test.

Path of True Heaven is opening.

Between the rift of a completely severed dimension, a new portal emerged.

The god of dark is congratulating challenger Han Sungyeun by clapping like a seal.

The god of proof is warning the Light Swordmaster to stop the nonsense.

The god of dragon is pouting asking why you are not taking their heir test but taking this bastards heir test.

Light Swordmaster is growling and chasing everyone out for being too nosy and bothersome.

Additionally, more higher entities eyes were included now.

Just what was happening? for this many divine entities to be involved?

I wish they all just disappeared right now.

To be honest, I just wanted to yell at them to all get lost.

But all of these divine entities looked at me favorably or were on the neutral stance.

So it was inadvisable to oppose them.

what sins have you committed in your past lives to have brought forth such disturbances?

Perhaps Dam Cheonwoo also felt the presence of multiple eyes on us.

His tone portrayed that he was very tired of it.

I have the same question myself actually.

Dam Cheonwoo, who spoke of the candidate that the tower selected and whatnot, should know more about this situation than I.

From all the information that Ive gathered so far, the candidate selected by the tower meant that it was a divine entity that the tower had chosen..

Then wouldnt he know more about the reason for this gathering of gods from other dimensions?

And per my theory, Dam Cheonwoo spoke with a hint of knowledge.

I get it since youre a candidate, but its definitely not common to attract the attention of this many gods.

But he stopped talking after that, seemingly being unable to tell me more.

This great one cant say more, so lets focus on finishing this trial first.

So, after ending this meaningless conversation, I flew towards the newly opened portal.

Entering Path of True Heaven of Heavenly Armory.

The scene changed from shangri-la to a quiet cave.

Pitch-black, where nothing could be seen.

What is this now?

They said that I got the right to test to be an heir.

But this sensation of discomfort washed over me seeing that no messages emerged despite the change of location.

I was suspecting that this could be a trap laid by a divine entity.

But that discomfort did not last long.

[ We finally meet. ]

Within the sublime voice that cleared up my head like a bright light.

A sensation that I was too familiar was being emitted.

Divine powers.

It was the one trait that every divine entity Ive come across had.

I quietly spoke looking towards the small light that appeared at the center of the cave.

Light Swordmaster.

It was not in the form of a person, but the divine powers being emitted from that small orb of light could not be ignored.

Which meant that that light was the divine entity of Light Swordmaster that created this Heavenly Armory.

As if to answer me, waves of light flickered throughout the area like the waves of water.

[ Correct, I am the Light Swordmaster. Challenger Han Sungyeun, well done reaching this place.]

I had too much to ask to participate in the pleasantries.

Why the existence of hidden rites of passages, and how does that secret rite connect to the test to become the heir?

And what purpose was there to make me take that test?

And countless more questions other than that.

However, all the thoughts in my head vanished at what followed.

[ Ahh, Acting seriously is definitely not up my alley. Tsk, how bothersome ]


Am I hearing things?

It was so absurd that I briefly thought that I was hallucinating.

Its bothersome to act serious?

I couldnt understand the reasoning behind that.

All the divine entities Ive encountered so far had personalities befitting the presence that they held.

But hearing them talk like a person who found everything in the world bothersome was preposterous.

But what ensued was even more ludicrous.

[ Thus, Ill just decide that youve passed the test. Congrats on passing the heir test.]

Youre truly insane.

Right after hearing that, I realized.

That this divine entity was truly the definition of insanity.

- -

And honestly, there was no need to discuss things keenly with them.

After all.

This dimension being that of Murim instead of Ares, but there was a possibility that I could add another enemy of divine entity.

But there was a reason why I chose to speak so frankly.

I need to figure out just how amicable Light Swordmaster is towards me.

If they felt disrespected with just this, it meant that they were never friendly in the first place.

But it didnt matter even if they were hostile towards me.

Since having to use a worshiper to harm me meant that they could be used as a stepping stone to help me grow stronger.

Those who borrowed the power of divine entities were powerful, but it also meant that the rewards would be great.

So I have nothing to lose.

After the god of battle retired from being my enemy, at this moment, adding one god to oppose was not a big deal.


[ Insane, am I.? What sharp tongue you have. Although. It doesnt feel too bad hearing such a direct insult in a while.]

Despite the lack of respect, the Light Swordmaster demonstrated interest rather than anger.

Definitely not normal.

I asked with narrowed eyes.

Are you serious?

[ Well, a bit, I suppose. But with the amount of curses I got when I was young, it doesnt really affect me.]


[ Anyways, the heir test is done, so lets get to the point.. ]

An attitude unfitting that of a divine entity.

For a brief moment, I was flabbergasted by such an informal attitude

[ Ill give you a few options for the reward. ]

I grasped the thread of my mind at the mention of the word reward.

The small light continued on with a relaxed voice.

[ Since you passed the trials of the hidden rite of passage, you have the right to take over my position. ]

By taking over your position.

[You have the authority to take over my divine powers. If you accept, I can immediately declare you as my apostle to start educating you as.. ]


[ I see. ]

Light Swordmaster continued on like they expected this response, and didnt bother latching on unlike the other gods.

That in itself was rather interesting, but I was set on getting that reward.

But youve said that I had options for the reward. So what are the other options?

[ You catch on really quick. Correct, the other reward is this. ]

At the end of that sentence, a necklace with a small blade as a pendant appeared mid-air.

The small blade glowed dimly like moonlight, and I immediately realized what that item was.

A relic.

An item that had divine powers.

[ Compensation, the Flashing Blade Master. Its a type of relic. ]

I quickly followed that up with a question.

What can it do?

[ By using the divine power, you can summon a blade made up of light.]

Is that all?

[ And the summoned blades can track the selected target, and once it hits the target, it can ignore a part of the enemys defense and cause damage. ]

Then Ill gladly accept this

I calmly said my thanks and immediately grabbed the Flashing Blade Master.

If my theory was correct, this had the similar ability as the rays of light that came for me back at the Path of Heavenly Light.

Which meant that I could also use those rays of light that bypassed my defense stats to pierce through my body.

I couldnt say no to an item like that.

I need to get everything thats usable.

With that conviction, I quickly put the Flashing Blade Master inside my inner pockets. Then the small light flickered brightly.

[ Hahaha! What a rascal you are! You accepted it without an ounce of hesitation! Usually, people decline at least once before accepting it! ]

I have a tenet of not rejecting whats been offered.

Ive learned that no amount of pretentiousness would keep me alive.

So I had no intention of rejecting it.


But to be honest, I think this is not enough.

This is not something that Im getting for free, but as a reward for passing through the rites of passages that the Light Swordmaster set.

Since this is a reward that Im receiving instead of the right to be an heir, I thought that this was lacking as a compensation.

[ Not enough.huh. You sure are greedy. But rather, I assume thats how you managed to get here thanks to that greed of yours. ]

But that mustve excited the Light Swordmaster as the small light started to tremble with laughter.

[ But I dont hate it. Ill give you the lacking reward, and also compensate you for entertaining me. ]

They stopped laughing with a drawn out tone, and the small light emitted a golden energy.


The golden energy let out an unnatural sound and flowed into the Flashing Blade Master in my pocket.

[ This is the reward for entertaining me. ]

The Light Swormaster added on.

[ I added a tracking ability to the relic. Now you can track the target that the blade of light injured. ]

Thank y.

[ And a more interesting ability got added. ]

Interesting ability?

[ Ive added the function to find my other provisions.]


[ You might want to go find it later. ]

Other provisions?

I had no idea what they were, but I thanked them.

No, I tried to thank them.

Provisions my ass. All youre doing is trying to pass down your thieving collections.

Until Dam Cheonwoo interrupted me.

[ And who are you? ]

The 7th Blood Demon Dam Cheonwoo.

[ Ah, the leader of the Blood Demon Cult. I remember now. Ive heard of your name among the candidates before.It seems like you failed though. ]

Great. Since you know, Ill get to the point. Get rid of the provision detecting ability from that relic.

I frowned at that cold tone of voice.

Take back the reward that theyre giving me?

It was incomprehensible.

Why are you trying to get rid of that?

Youre going to get robbed in broad daylight. The provisions of Light Swordmaster is not something that you can take lightly.

What do you.

This guy had really bad stealing habits back when they were living. So a lot of people are hostile, including those of Murim, plus a few divine entities.


It means that they just tried to pass down the ticking time bomb of a provision, full of precious things that have been stolen from other divine entities.

Is that so?

At that, I stared down at that small light with a cold gaze, which then the Light Swordmaster replied.

[ Some parts are true, but it wont harm you at all. ]

Ha! Wont harm my ass! Theres still countless out there trying to recover all of their stolen techniques, spells, and relics!

[ Well, it just means that theres tons of precious treasures. ]

Those treasures would be precious only when they can be protected.

Dam Cheonwoo turned towards me.

The moment you accept the provisions, you will be exposed and targeted by all kinds of organizations and divine entities. Thats why Im telling you to not accept the provision.

That would certainly make things difficult for me.

Just difficult? Death would be obvious, and youd suffer even after death. The Light Swordmasters provisions are synonymous to a disaster.


The Heavenly Armory uses the techniques of Light Swordmaster as bait, but those provisions are the true inheritance left by them. Which is precisely the issue.

To sum it up, the provision detection ability was a white elephant.

[ I wont deny the fact that it could be a little dangerous, but all the treasures of the provision are real. ]

And the Light Swordmaster did not deny that fact either.

[ And if youre reluctant to find the provisions, you just dont have to. The only time that youll be in danger is if you try to find the treasures. ]

Is that true?

Yes. But theres no reason to carry a time bomb. You never know what will happen. Im sure youll agree to that.


I did not.

I had a different opinion from what Dam Cheonwoo said.

But in the end, if I have the power to handle it, then I can take those provisions for myself, correct?

The treasures that the Light Swordmaster tempt even the divine entities.

The benefits were too great to give up.


Ill look for those provisions when Im strong enough. You dont have to take back that detection ability.

I wont decline that reward of provisions.

Since that was my growth method.

- -

A silence rang throughout the cave, but it did not last long.

This great ones advices is as worthy as gold. Forget it. Youll be held accountable for your decisions.

Dam Cheonwoo spoke with unwilling compliance, but accepted my decision.

[ I havent had this much entertainment in a while. Right, challengers ought to have this much determination at least. ]

Light Swordmaster lit up in excitement.


[ It reminds me of the times I was climbing the tower. How nostalgic.]

Threw out a bombshell of a statement.

Times when they were climbing the tower.

I spoke without processing the thought..

Nostalgic? Youve climbed the tower?

[ Yes, I have. Just like you, I climbed the tower with the conviction of attaining higher status. Of course, now Im tied down to the tower. ]


I was surprised, but not dumbfounded.

After all.

Ive assumed that the tower created divine entities.

I created this conclusion based on the few pieces of information that Ive gathered before.

Of course, it was only a theory, but now that has changed.

The tower has really been giving out opportunities for challengers to become a god.

I almost began to be submerged in deep contemplation, but I had no time to continue thinking.

[ How many floors have you climbed so far? By the looks of it, you mustve climbed at least about 30. ]

The Light Swordmaster asked me for my number, and before I could reply, Dam Cheonwoo answered for me.

17th floor.

With a tone of boastfulness, full of arrogance.

But the Light Swordmaster gave no reaction at all.

[ . ]

To be more specific, they stopped speaking, and then asked with a trembling voice.

[ Which floor? ]

This time, I answered instead of Dam Cheonwoo.

Im currently challenging the 17th floor.

It was not an important information, so I answered truthfully.

Since the reward was more important to me.

[ . ]

Anyways, about the lacking reward. Id like to receive this in the form of information.

[ . ]

You mentioned that you were a challenger before, then you must also know about the concept of the candidate chosen by the tower.

[ . ]

I wish to get more information about that. Just what does it mean by the candidate belong selected by the tower?

I attempted to negotiate with the Light Swordmaster.

But perhaps there was something that stopped him?

[ Which floor did you say that you were on? ]

They asked with a dazed, faraway tone of voice.

I said that I was on the 17th floor.

[ But you already know about the concept of candidates? ]

It ended up happening somehow. Thats not the important part, about the information.

[ Youve only climbed up until the 17th floor, but you already know about the candidacy, and gathered up this much divine powers already? ]

Light Swordmaster muttered as if talking to themselves, and quietly followed on.

[ Ill . ]


[ Ill give you. ]

youll give me what?


[ Ill give you a part of my divinity. ]

The moment that the Light Swordmaster clearly spoke out.

[ Since that would be the best of the rewards I can give you. ]

All I could do was to frown in confusion.

[To be continued.]

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