Boundless Necromancer

Chapter 157: State of Divinity (1) ————-«

Chapter 157: State of Divinity (1) ————-«

The moment that the Light Swordmaster decided on the reward with an overwhelmingly delighted voice.

What on earth?

All I felt was confusion.

After all.

Giving me a part of divinity all of a sudden?

If it meant what I assumed, then this reward was none like the other.

Divinity really meant powers stemming from their souls.

The god of battle raged and tried to kill me just because I possessed my individual divinity.

And what I found out while fighting against him, was that this power was way too dangerous.

The more I trained with it, the more god-like powers I demonstrated.

Just from that fact alone, I concluded the dangers that came with it.

So it was natural for me to be wary of the reward that the Light Swordmaster offered me.

Theyre trying to give me a part of their divinity for no reason. Id be a fool to just accept it as it is.

Perhaps there was a misunderstanding between us.

After all, I didnt know what it really meant by giving a part of divinity.

I understood it as giving me a part of the total capacity of the permanent powers attained while being a divine entity, but that might not be what they meant.

So I tried to ask for the exact meaning.

What does it mean by giving me a part of divinity?

And the Light Swordmaster gave me the exact meaning.

[ It means exactly that. I am giving you a part of divinity that Ive acquired as a divine entity. ]


[ There would be no harm for you to take this divinity transfer. Since my divinity is not strong enough to consume the divinity of yours that is sleeping within.]

It was an answer outside of my common sense.

Even the gods watching over me sent me arrays of messages.

The god of proof is yelling at the Light Swordmaster for their sudden choice.

The god of dark is warning the Light Swordmaster that they wont end up in a good place if anything were to go wrong.

The god of dragon is expressing strong discontent asking why the sudden offer of divinity.

Of course.

[ Shut it. ]

Once the Light Swordmaster quietly muttered, the gazes of multiple gods were immediately gone.

Activating the Divine Realm Ability.

All the divine entities that are not within the Divine Realm will be restricted from observation and sending messages

But just because the other gods disappeared, didnt mean that my questions were gone.

I dont get it. Why are you willing to give me such powers?

I had no idea why they were intent on giving me such a reward.

The Light Swordmaster only saw me at the 17th floor for the first time, and had no reason to be amicable towards me.

Thus I had no reason to accept such hospitality without doubt.

And that doubt further increased from the response that followed.

[ I cant answer that. ]

Within this hospitality, an evil intention could be hidden.

Then I wont accept your divinity. Please give me an alternative reward.

I had no intention of downing a poisoned alcohol and facing a meaningless death.

[ Denied. ]

But the Light Swordmaster denied an alternative reward, to which Dam Cheonwoo growled.

And what kind of bullshit is this now? Even if you ascended through the tower, if you touch him, you wont be safe.

[ Im not joking. ]

Bullshit! You know damn well what it means to give divinity!

[ I do indeed. And thats precisely why Im intent on giving it. In fact, even if you declined, Ill force it on you. ]

Dont cross the line, youre only a dog of the tower. I, nor this brat will stand here and just take it.

I started thinking amidst the hostile atmosphere.

Is there another layer of meaning in giving divinity?

Dam Cheonwoo spoke as if giving divinity was toxic.

And I had no way of foreknowing the result of receiving the divinity.

While I was contemplating, I heard the voice of Dam Cheonwoo in my mind.

By giving divinity, it means more than just transferring a part of their power.

He spoke after seemingly having read my thoughts.

Could you explain it more?

Its simple really. Divinity is the power possessed by divine entities. Giving that means either one of the two things. Declaring the receiver as an apostle, or destroying the receiver using the divinity.

[ You need to explain things better. Its not that the divinity is used to destroy the receiver, but only that the receiver is consumed if they are unable to accept the divinity. ]

I intervened to ask.

Consumed by divinity? What does that mean?

Light Swordmaster arguing to explain.

[ Divinity holds a type of concept, or an idea. The divinity of light holds the Ideals of light that the god of light has. While the divinity of darkness holds the Ideals of darkness that the god of dark has. ]

So what does that have to do with being consumed by divinity?

[ Divinity holds Ideals and concepts, and those are thoughts. To sum it up, if you accept the divinity of other gods, your mind could be corroded by the thoughts of those gods. ]


It was not too difficult to understand just how dangerous being corroded by the ideals of gods was.

So basically its the perfect method to die psychologically.

Rather, it could be more than that.

If I were to accept the divinity of Light Swordmaster, I could be controlled by them.

Now I understood why Dam Cheonwoo was so aggressive in opposing this.

But Light Swordmaster was still very intent on giving me a part of their divinity.

[ But you have nothing to worry about. You are strong enough to overcome the divinity that I will give you. So you need to receive. ]

But they could not finish that sentence.

Dam Cheonwoo scoffed and immediately rebutted.

Do you truly believe that this brat can handle your divinity thats been accumulating for the past few hundred years?

[ I do. Hes been chosen after all. Blood Demon, you ought to know as well. That a talent such as this might just be the one that could accomplish the goal of the tower. ]

Ha! Do you know how many got selected by the tower?! Hundreds, no thousands got chosen! But what happened to them all? They all failed! Every single one of them!

[ Which means that its about time it succeeded.]

After answering, the Light Swordmaster urged my decision.

[ You wont regret it, so you better accept this offer. ]


I decline.

I grabbed my two blades and declined their offer.

After all.

Why would I accept something that could potentially take over me?

The risk was too great.

Experiencing near death was fine.

That could be overcome.

But can I truly overcome the divinity thats been accumulating for centuries?

Not a chance.

[ You decided to accept my provisions, so why not this offer? ]

But Light Swordmaster mustve thought differently as they continued the inquiry.

Of course, the answer was already decided. freeweb(n)ovel

I am greedy, but I have no desire to drink a poisoned drink thats forced upon me.

[ Is that so? So you accepted my provisions since you could always throw it away. ]

The Light Swordmaster finally seemed to accept my answer, but did not relinquish.

I guess it cant be helped. Ill have to escape this place.

I gathered up every mana within my body and got ready to activate my myths.

The blood in my body warmed up and my thoughts raced.

What do I do? Even if I got the favor of the tower, its my first time actually facing off a divine being in their entirety.

Was it truly possible to escape from the clutches of a god?

Many thoughts came by, but in the end, it was not a matter of ifs.

But rather must.

After concluding my thoughts, I got ready for battle, but.

That battle prep got immediately halted after hearing what Light Swordmaster said.

After all,

That Light Swordmaster that seemed so intent on forcing divinity on me.

[ So then whats important is the ability to choose? Then Ill give you options. ]

Changed the course of their actions to give me an inconceivable solution.

[ Flashing Blade Master. ]


[ Ill put in my divinity in that relic, so accept it when the right time comes. ]


[ isnt this what you wanted? ]

Are you being truthful?

[ I am. ]

From the absurdly simple solution, I let out a laugh.

Are they an idiot.?

They want me to absorb divinity when I want to?

At this rate, they were going to spoon feed me after cooking up a 12 course meal.

In suspicion of hidden intent, I asked Dam Cheonwoo for advice.

What a lunatic, I cant figure out what theyre thinking. However, even this great one believes that that method wont have an issue.

Even the ex veteran challenger acknowledged that there was no hidden intent.

Thus my question piqued.

Why would you go to this extent?

I understood how important the concept of candidacy was in the tower.

But what other meaning was there that I was able to grow this much in the lower floors of the tower?

But Light Swordmaster did not reply.

[ Because I have to. ]


[ I cant go into the details, so just think of it as a contract with the tower. ]

What a convenient way to not answer me.

The only explanation that they gave me was that it was due to an unknown reason related to the tower.

It was rather difficult to accept as things were, but I had no other options to avoid a fight.

Ill accept your offer then. But please make sure to keep true to your words.

[ No need to worry about that. Itd be impossible for me to harm you since my leash is held by the tower. ]

At the end of that sentence, the Flashing Blade Master suddenly let out a bright light and shook.

The Light Swordmaster is transferring a part of their divinity per the contract with the tower.


Requirements met.

Exclusive Effect Divinity Storage is imbued within the Flashing Blade Master(S+).

Divinity <harmony> is stored within Flashing Blade Master(S+) and can be absorbed through the will of the user.</harmony>

However, in order for the item to store a new divinity, the preexisting divinity must be emptied first.

The new abilities got added to the Flashing Blade Master and it glowed with a faint light.

Since I too possessed divinity, I knew.

That this was..


A Real Divinity without a doubt.

Divinity of Harmony. I never thought that youd accept the divinity of Light Swordmaster in this manner.Really, I still cant figure out what they want at all.

I agreed.

I never thought that Id get such strong divinity.

And since the ability imbued in the relic has been officially recognized by the tower of trials.

I basically got divinity without needing to pay a price.

[ This is all. Now Im feeling rather faint. You go on and continue the trials. ]

Light Swordmaster mustve been affected by it as they spoke with a weak voice.

After all,

It is a part of their divinity that they just handed over all of a sudden.

It would be more weird for nothing to happen.

Youve cleared the Path of True Heaven of Heavenly Armory.

Youve met the requirements. The doors are opening.


I hesitated to speak while a new portal appeared at the center of the cave.


For some reason I thought that they would say more things after passing on the divinity.

And my hesitation melted like snow at what followed.

[ No need to say anything. I got what I wanted, and you got what you wanted.]

I meanThat is true

[ If you ever have a burning question in the future, reach my provisions. I should be able to tell you the truth then. ]


I gave up on getting more information from Light Swordmaster.

And seeing that manner of speech, they seemed to have no intention to do so either.

They were very tired from throwing away a chunk of their divinity after all.

I nodded to that. Then the Light Swordmaster floated around the Blood Demon Sword in the form of a small light.

[ And you, Blood Demon. Youve previously acquired the rights as well, so when you find my provision in the future, Ill also bestow you the right to become my heir.]


To sum it up, it meant that they were giving the opportunity to live as immortal by becoming the apostle of Light Swordmaster, but.

Stop the nonsense. This one has no intention of becoming someones pet. That goes to the tower, and to you as well.

[ I suppose, youve already declined the position in the tower, so what else can I offer? Fine then. Ill watch over your journey from here on in expectation of your future.] freeweb .co m

Dam Cheonwoo immediately declined that offer, and Light Swordmaster did not persist either.

[ The next rite of passage will be the end of the trial. So you must be more careful than ever.]

With that last sentence, the small light vanished into the darkness.

I let out a laugh while standing in place momentarily, but offered my thanks.

Thank you for letting us know.

They did give out lots of information until the very end, so I was slightly grateful.

I immediately entered the portal into a new area.

It was a hallway made of stones located between the rites of passages.

It doesnt look like I arrived straight into the area for the rite of passage.

And seeing how no messages appeared, I was most likely near the target destination.

While I started to head towards the location, Dam Cheonwoo suddenly spoke.

You must have lots of questions, why are you so silent?

It felt as if Dam Cheonwoo was looking at my reactions at the sides but pretending to not.

I answered that question honestly.

You cant even answer me, so why should I?

At least you can ask.

I can ask you in the waiting room, no need to ask right here, right now.


And you said it yourself. That theres a crazy genius named Heavenly Demon or something.

That I did.

So I thought that I needed to focus there, and rearranged my priorities. Thats all.

The test of Light Swordmaster was pretty dangerous.

But since most martial artists always had a few tricks up their sleeves, I could never let down my guard.

The man from the previous rite of passage managed to hit me with an invisible force, after all.

Itd be best for me to be on my guard.

My best option was to give my all for this.

At that, Dam Cheonwoo suddenly brought up an unexpected remark.

Dont die. It might not look pretty, but as long as you live, you will get opportunities. Survival should be your top priority.

To that sincere worry, I lightly answered with a smile.

Ill do that even without you telling me. So no need for worries.

For some reason, Dam Cheonwoo did not bother coming up with a rebuttal and continued the silence.

So I stopped talking and silently walked through the hallway.


The moment I passed through the door to the final rite of passage.


With a heavy blow near my neck, the entire world shook.

Activating Advanced Defense, the exclusive effect of Protection Bracelet of a God without a Name(S+).

The Bracelet takes the force of unavoidable single strike.

Remaining uses -3/4

A single hit, strong enough to activate the exclusive effect of the Protection Bracelet of a God without a Name.

What on earth!?

The force spreading through my neck got immediately absorbed by the bracelet, and I regained my balance.

The surprise blooming in my mind lasted very briefly.

After organizing my thoughts, I immediately started to analyze my situation.


The countless corpers without heads throughout this area showed that this was not a unique experience to me.

Entering Path of the Last Heaven of Heavenly Armory.

Only the last remaining can acquire the martial arts technique of Light Swordmaster.

Eliminate all enemy approaching the Path of Last Heaven and be the last one surviving.

And the system message that ensued notified me of the reasoning behind this series of events.

Current number of survivors 2.

In fact.

To withstand my Minds Blade. You are a skilled one unbefitting this boring place.

That young beauty standing at the center of this cave was the cause of this massacre.

With the youthful appearance of just reaching the age of adulthood but with an arrogant manner.

In those eyes akin to black pearls, I was overwhelmed.

Ive never heard of such a young one being from the orthodox factions nor the unorthodox factions..

But it only lasted for a second.

If youre not from either faction, then who are you?

After regaining my composure, I grasped my two swords and growled out the question.

Isnt it basic manners to introduce yourself first?

Basic manners. You speak as if you do not know this one.

Thinking that a stranger will recognize you is being too self conscious.

Hm, seeing by the interesting choice of your words, you do not hail from orthodox faction.

She chucked as if she found something funny.

I like it.

She smiled with a chilling expression then introduced herself by putting a hand over her heart.

Ill answer your question.



From her came about an energy akin to the darkest of the dark sky.

And I finally realized.

This one is deemed to be the strongest of the Demonic sect, the strongest of the world, and soon will become the strongest of the universe.

Why Dam Cheonwoo advised me to focus on just survival.

This one is named the Heavenly Demon.

The Heavenly Demon.

Among the ones from Murim, she was the most vicious entity of all.

[To be continued.]

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