Bow and Arrow

Chapter 70 — Pure Immortal Fairy Angel

Pure Immortal Fairy Angel



"Tell you what, I'll help you all but, only because you aren't dislikeable. Let them now that, yes?" Tongqiu had his head lowered while he spoke this surprising words to the man.

But then, the man was confused to what his last words meant as he asked: "Let... them know? W-what do you mean?

"Ah, right. Ehem, I don't like talking, I don't like to mingle and I despise courtesy... sigh, just that."

Noticing he himself became a little heated, Tongqiu did his best to calm the situation, anyways; the man didn't took it to heart and introduced himself, before briefing him- after all, he had already committed to help: "Obelisks have a ton of HP, even now, our stats are too high and we can't even confirm how much HP it has. In fact, the description is rather vague and has nothing to do with what we initially though it would. Then there's the many skeletons of all kind coming at us to impede our advancement. So far, only 3 Obelisks have been taken down."

"Here, follow me, I'll take you to our camp. Oh damn, I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. Call me Kalen. I operate the Eviscerate League, though it's only a group right now, just for your information." As he spoke those words, he took lead towards another area at the perimeter of the core area which made Tongqiu think these players were somewhat of a bunch of pussies.

Tongqiu remained unmoved for a second in utter silence as he looked towards where Kalen was walking before slowly start walking behind him. 'Heh, they treat me like a dog without even meeting, sigh, can't say I missed this.'

Their journey to the 'Journeyer's Camp' was almost completely silent. Kalen was okay with this, but he felt that befriending this trending celebrity wasn't going to be in vain, he also felt that Tongqiu was quite someone different from those big shots he's had to met every now and then. Overall, his view on Tongqiu was so good and understandable that he didn't ask for his name; he has already given his own, if the other party was okay with mentioning their name then, they would've talk- that's it.

Appreciating the silence, Tongqiu lazily answered to Kalen's small talk as politely as he could without feeling irritated. 12 minutes later of plain, boring walking, Tongqiu finally got to see what their camp was all about.

There were at least a few dozen or so huge tents in the middle while it was surrounded by 1,000-2,000 medium-sized tents. The spot they chose was also one that was clearly only a hundred meters away from where the enemies were roaming, making it seem as if they were ready to engage in battle at any moment. Yet, Tongqiu could see that the enemy area they were close to was merely of LV26 with LV27 as its maximum, while also having one skeleton totally isolated for at least 40 meters in radius-

'Pretty hypocrite.' With a condescending gaze going from the mobs to the camp back and forth a few times, Tongqiu then began to nonchalantly walk towards said encampment.

Kalen, upon seeing Tongqiu to be non-committal and carelessly going directly in, hurried in to speak a little about their soon-to-be meeting: "There's some people here that are quite well-known. Whether is at videogames or just New Earth, really, there is quite the 'important' amount of scions in there. Um..."

Waving his hand slightly, before creating an awkward silence for about 5 seconds, Tongqiu then spoke in a lazy manner: "It's not important."

Slowly starting to sweat, Kalen started to become somewhat bitter, he could already smell the incoming drama, ah.

. . .

Over their time walking through the huge amount of tents, many people came to recognize Tongqiu as he walked with Kalen. Some looked at him wide eyed and some others in unnecessary hostility, or rather, merely some stupid provoking intention.

Most of them, however, merely reunited in groups of at least three before blatantly speaking out loud while pointing at him and making snobbish remarks, criticizing- to no end. Vulgar, yes, but Tongqiu couldn't even bother himself to move his eyes away from his front out of boredom, let alone giving a fuck about such stupid 'welcoming the newbie' event.

However, there was this strange peculiarity once Tongqiu was already getting closer to the huge tent located at the core of this 'Journeyer's Camp', he heard a vulgarly speaking yet of a gentle, cordial tone sound from inside the tent which made him stop still one meter before the tent's entrance: "Haah! It's such a pity Little Phoenix Maiden didn't managed to come here, argh! I would've loved to see if she has nice legs hahaha."

Oh well, not that bad of a start, Tongqiu rolled his eyes as he then used his left forearm to lift the tent's entrance before casually walking in. As he was doing so though, he heard a rough yet gentlemanly voice speak in response to the man from before: "Haha, brother Rilu that's right, I also heard she's quite young, eh..."

"Hahaha, Genfo you're..."

"Hey, ladies, you mind if I intrude?" As Tongqiu's voice traveled through the entire tent, he looked at the two people who were speaking respectively. With his intentions clearer than water, everyone inside simply started at him, some in disdain, some in silent astonishment, some indifferently, some in rage and some even giggled.

'Rilu' was about to storm the shit out of whoever dared to humiliate him like that, but then he saw who it was that spoke and somehow managed to calm down. He took a sip from his stupidly elegant glass of wine before speaking in a loud voice: "Ah~! Is the so famous loose trigger bowman! Ah! Aaah! What a great entrance... hey? Kalen, I don't think this fucktard is on the known of who's boss, teach him, would you?"

Kalen obviously was not content in the slightest with the uttered words of this fucker, and he wasn't going to simply bark back in contentment, so he responded: "Rilu, don't bother me, also don't bother this brother here. You should behave properly."

While Kalen was 'politely' responding to Rilu, Tongqiu gave Rilu a glance before looking away to the rest of the people in the tent.

Rilu was a tall, slim young man with effeminate features. He had a strangely feminine wavy orange hair and light blue eyes. His persona was obviously one full of conceit, lecherousness and more than anything, disgust. Handsome? Sure, handsome. But Tongqiu also 'saw' a repulsive, reproachable feeling towards said young man. Besides... he and the other guy, 'Genfo', relished upon a certain someone young age which just made him not like it nor them at all; no, no, no and no.

Tongqiu first looked towards that Genfo, an ugly idiot, somewhat fat, tall and muscular. He also exuded arrogance, conceitedness and lecherousness.

As for the rest, he gave them a forgettable glance before turning to look towards Kalen. At this moment, Kalen had already finished talking and was silently looking towards Rilu.

After what seemed to be a full minute of silence, Tongqiu's voice was the one to be heard rather than anyone else's: "Isn't this a bit awkward, eh?"

Everyone once again turned their eyes towards him, whether or not they intended to intimidate him, Tongqiu was already about to leave this weird shit and just do 'him' alone.

But then, he saw a familiar face as he spoke while tilting his head to his right and yelling out: "Oh?! Lewd woman-ah, no, girl! Is that you?! Have you gotten yourself into any trouble lately?!"

The 'girl' he suddenly yelled at was Sylda, the young girl who had once spent a few seconds inside a gecko's stomach and still managed to get out alive! However, at that time, she was incredibly flustered and had a lot of... ehem, liquid, and could not properly speak towards Tongqiu. Since she couldn't speak, they could easily have a misunderstanding, let alone the fact that she was indeed acting flustered and angered in embarrassment back then.

In any case, Sylda responded by opening her mouth as wide as a 'O' while unconsciously standing up in a flash! Embarrassment and even hatred was born in between her eyes as she yelled out: "Shut up! It's not like that! It. Is. Not. Like. ThaaaaAAAaaaat!!"

With a little crack in her voice right in the middle of her painful scream, Tongqiu cringed in an apologetic manner before abruptly turning around, leaving another insufferable, long silence to flourish once again.

A minute or five went by, before someone else finally spoke. Rilu and Kalen were still having a staring contest while Tongqiu was seated on the ground, like the monkey of the party.

"Eh-ehem-ehem! Alright, let's get to the point... please."

Ah, but was it so easy to remain in peace? Rilu's voice sounded out again, this time in an irritating, high-pitched tone: "Please wait Mr Edorn! This mongrel here even refuses to tell us his name! He must be here to ruin our plans, surely, everyone els-"

As Rilu was talking, some clamoring started to rise up from his 'not at all staged' little speech of his; whether it was people starting to shout out their 'grievances' and pains ever since Tongqiu entered the tent standing up in utter shame... anyway, Rilu had a lot of time and Genfo was there to act as an accomplice to start on messaging everyone in the room, with some immediately agreeing to support him in his next 'move' by a contract in which Rilu would present to them a nice sum of riches. Typical young masters' antics, of course.

But, as he was talking... the sound of a bowstring being casually drawn was heard. Everyone seemed to stop at the mere sound of it for some reason, even without knowing what it truly was...

Everyone here had seen more than once, Tongqiu's show of power with his magnificent bow, everyone here wanted it. The moment they were 'informed' that his direction was that of the core area of the Somber Tree region, every single one of them had already begun to scheme in order to obtain it, sigh. When they received Rilu's message through the system's features, they were ecstatic! This idiot, rich idiot, would test the waters for himself and allow them to level out Tongqiu's personality and disposition, they may even be able to politely 'convince' him of lending out his bow!

Ah, these poor rich idiots couldn't even fathom that it was 2 items instead of one the reason behind such mighty power, and that it wasn't necessarily an item, how laughable was that? How drolly can they get?

In any case, the sound they just heard made the back of their little brains flinch in absolute, unknown terror- as it happened.




'Oh look at that! Free stacks!' For Tongqiu, this was a nice surprise.

A small current of air passed through those close to Rilu's seat and to Genfo's face in particular as he was the closest to Rilu. What came next was the sound of something very nasty being pierced yet stuck at the same time with the guilty weapon... effectively, Rilu's head was impaled from his seat, all the way to the air as he made a beautiful reversed 'U' before finally being impaled to the dirt as well.

Everyone: "..."

Kalen: ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?

"Ah, didn't even liked you. Your type, I really show no mercy... you're lucky."

Tongqiu's indifferent voice sounded in their very own hearts as their bodies relaxed from their previous stiffened stance. It wasn't long before the arrogant Genfo lashed out: "YOU! How dare you send brother Rilu back to the city?! Agh! I'll kill you, you retard!!"

Genfo lunged at Tongqiu, nice choice, since Tongqiu was an archer-type hidden class then he'd only have a little higher amount of HP and defenses than a normal one, that for a Battlefrenzy like him would be an easy ant to squash!

Again, life is truly comical in the sad end sometimes...

Tongqiu purely punched towards Genfo's face, his fist surrounded by a grey-platinum, bright-metallic aura and energy-like weird, unknown substance which easily shocked every onlooker to the core. Specially Kalen, Sylda and Edorn, which seemed to have a kind of inspiration being fueled up just by looking at Tongqiu imbue his fist with such... thing. There were also some other who seemed to somewhat get it  too, but Tongqiu either did not know them at all or they simply failed to truly grasp upon such 'inspiration'.


Genfo bounced from Tongqiu's fist, his back easily smashing some chairs and even people that were completely defenseless from their ignorant behavior of this 'sudden' fight.

Once Genfo sat up in his bum in clear confusion, as he had been affected by a heavy hit in a weak spot which the system had him get into an actual Confused negative effect, a mercury-like colored fist mark was left on his forehead. At first he himself didn't even noticed, but after seeing how everyone was ducking their necks off in response to such an idiosyncratic peculiarity, he suddenly felt himself feeling a scorching yet chilling liquid, goo-like substance on his forehead.

He was about to touch it with his fingers as he raised his hand towards the extremely scary -from the unknown- injury on his forehead when he suddenly felt a 'clink' go off, and that was the last thing he could remember before his most unforgettable living nightmare commenced...

"AAAAAAAAAAHHGGTGRRHHGH-T-T-TATATA-AAGHAH AA-AAAAHH." There was a sudden, ear-raping type of howl completely filled with terrible pain and lament.

Everyone inside the tent had their hearts abruptly jump out of their rib cages, they were so stupidly turned dumb that when Genfo started to truly become crazy and began uttering 'ta and tas', their one and only reaction was a gruesome grin with some of them even giggling.

Genfo wasn't bleeding, had his arms cut off nor had his organs imploded... how was he being inflicted such kind of... 'pain'?! Fake. It could only be fake! Right?!

It was insane how surreal this entire tent suddenly felt as they themselves felt their own eyes begin to show signs of sweating as a dreamy sensation invaded their every hearts and mind.

As for Tongqiu...

'Damn, he has good HP, I couldn't even Critical Hit or Pierce Attack him even once! Oh well, at least his howls are as expected.'

After Tongqiu finished his evaluation of a 'true expert' among the players' capacity for resisting his naked fist and his mercury-like mark activation, he nodded in plain, expected results before turning to look towards that previously called 'Mr Edorn' as he moved towards the not-that-far-away almost 0 HP Genfo.

He then put his right foot on his stomach before stopping, just to give another sweeping glance at his surroundings; then, just as he was about to squash the ant below him into mingled bones, flesh and blood, light sounds resounded outside of the tent.

Tap, tap, tap, tap...

Tongqiu was only distracted by it for less than a moment merely just to probe into whether or no it was an incoming hostile, then as he suddenly started putting pressure into his right leg, a fairy-like, melodic and gentle voice spoke with her words aimed at him: "Wait! If you kill that player, you'll definitely put yourself in a tro-"



A muffled sound of a real heavy object falling onto the ground, followed by the splashing sounds of a weird mix from liquid and a gooey substance, were hear as Tongqiu simply stomped down his right foot onto the ground as if Genfo's body was nowhere to be seen.

"Ah, meany." The female intoxicating voice responded in a manner Tongqiu definitely didn't expected her to.

Tongqiu then had the chance to stop looking at the gruesome figure of Genfo, and instead gaze towards the general direction of the female voice.

It was a young girl, easily 15 years old yet was quite tall, already reaching Tongqiu's eyes in height. Her skin was pure white immortal, it had a touch of the utmost pure white that one of his essences is so characteristics which only served to fuel Tongqiu's eyes in beautifying her. Her body was of a lithe, delicate tender figure. Short pale-white wavy hair, creating a dreamy contrast with her sky-blue iris and glowing white pupils. Though they would swap from time to time every a little more than a minute, giving her a killing move and a charm that only an immortal could ever posses. Finally, for the most attractive features of her body -for Tongqiu-, where her small lips, small nose and small ears that were cute to the utmost at that!

She wore a kind of long-sleeved, bright white sun dress that reached all the way down below her knees with an additional grey colored mantilla completely covering her entire upper body, that being her flat cleavage, shoulders and even neck, all the way up to before her jaw. It may seem too much, but it was rather easy to notice her comfort in wearing such stylized addon on herself.

Tongqiu: ◉_◉ ---> ♥‿♥

Everyone else: ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

The girl: (◕‿◕✿)

Awestruck, it was a nice word... but it wasn't enough to demonstrate Tongqiu's complete and utter astonishment. All right, Katia is one of the most incredible women he's ever met, and her beauty wasn't unrivaled nor the most unique in certain aspects yet she is definitely Tongqiu's weak spot if ever mentioned. Now, he has met a person that gave him that feeling once again, no- not only feeling but also, attraction.

Meanwhile, anyone else was both, utterly shocked and infuriated! Even Kalen and Sylda!

Why? Well, she was a special case among the entirety of New Earth, not only Rising Essence. She became known once in a meeting between the 13 Founding Clans a few months ago, even then, her appearance was genuinely accidental and it was no longer seen ever again. Her looks that deities would go mad for, her extraordinary aura the she exuded, just by existing alone! She became the true embodiment of an immortal, its true image, to the every single eye of all in New Earth!

When she was seen at Rising Essence, she was soloing a Lord grade BOSS, a Lord grade BOSS!! And it was nowhere near what the word 'struggle' was ever meant for, she was doing it so at ease and with complete easiness that she became a TRUE Immortal then and there, in everyone's hearts.

Unfortunately, as of this day, her backgrounds or whereabouts -yes, creepy- were mysterious and without the slightest trace of existing. As if she had evaporated from New Earth itself, or maybe even reality. This young, very young girl became New Earth's greatest sensation that the thirteen Clans, for once, had not enough time to bury it from the public's knowledge as it was spread all over New Earth without control.




V1: #2 8/10

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