Bow and Arrow

Chapter 71 — I Like Big Brother Wolfy

I Like Big Brother Wolfy



Once this young girl made her appearance right in the noses of some of Rising Essence's big shots, the entire atmosphere within the tent became first one of silent shock before becoming full of excited, quiet-elation.

Specially so for 'Mr' Edorn and those sharing similarities with Rilu and Genfo; those were the ones truly getting 'invigorated'. As for Edorn, his head became stiff with his eyes almost popping out from his square faced head... he was a tall person and had somewhat of a bulky, large figure while he emanated some kind of slightly honorable aura and with his previous intention of being the mediator for Rilu and Tongqiu, Tongqiu could still sense a kind of lust for pleasure in many ways. In other words, though apparently gallant, this man was one driven by his own lust and that of which can be induced into him; whether is for the naked female body at his pleasure or riches and power, his lust wasn't all that evident, but it was there and not hard at all to notice.

Well, at least for Tongqiu. Edorn was utterly quiet through the entire Rilu-Tongqiu scene and it wasn't until quite the too long and unnecessary time has passed when he suddenly felt like talking, uh-uh. These kind of people is one that Tongqiu would very much like to get rid of.

But, did Tongqiu knew of this girl- HA! No, he's still the little Tongqiu that cannot seem to fathom... news. Not really easy to blame, since he spent his days doing only what didn't gave him a need to kill himself when he was still 'fallen', back on those days.

In any case, when Tongqiu have had set his eyes on this pure immortal fairy angel with moon-like incredible pale-white skin, eyes that were simply surpassing reality and a hair color worthy of easily becoming the center of the universe; his heart and entire being first became engulfed into a trance.

If her hair was already so spectacular and heavenly, then the fact that her hair color was quite the 'taboo' so as to speak, of Tongqiu, made it even more impactful towards his own very weak and vulnerable heart; easily making it into his brain and booked a room 'until further notice'.

Then, the fact that she had an age along with her extremely young features demonstrating her specific age made him go even madder to the innumerable coincidences. Still, something like this couldn't get him to go actually mad and in a trance... for long.

The girl obviously noticed this, but her intentions didn't turn for the worst or an arrogant stance. Instead, her expression remained unmoved as she still appeared indifferent to the oh so many gazes on her yet at the delight of Tongqiu's with a calm, composed while her eyes appeared cheerful, though only when Tongqiu gazed at her.

Upon noticing that he not only gazed away in neither shame nor embarrassment but instead looked at her as if he wanted her all for himself in much more than one ways; she instead of frowning or exuding disgust, made a little, somewhat silly pose with her right leg slightly raised on her front and her left shoulder somewhat protruding downwards, allowing Tongqiu -and only him- to have a clear, cute sight of the girl.

Everyone else, even Kalen and Sylda which had more or less had an encounter with him- and even Kalen himself had the chance to speak with him a little; were instantly maddened, yes, truly maddened. New Earth's brand new found little pure immortal princess was having a 'fell at first sight' kind of meeting?! NO! They couldn't allow that to happen.

As if to stimulate their rage and envy, Tongqiu's voice resonated once more, this time indifferent and emotionless: "Um, sorry. When I have to do something, I do it. Besides, why would you ever help up a pig waste like him or his daddy?"

The girl: ≧☉_☉≦

Everyone now were truly incensed, well almost, after all there were women too among the onlookers, ehem. This time they all truly wanted to jump out of their seats and improvised platforms which had a superficial touch of 'superiority' from being elevated from the ground level. However, just an instant before that, the soothing, gentle and melodic voice sounded out yet again: "Ah! No, no. Of course I didn't for them! I did it for you, are you silly? Ow, you're so silly!!"

With a little frown and waving her left arm up and down towards Tongqiu, she spoke like that, also unintentionally melting everyone's heart in a trice. She then, however, added up: "If I, for some reason or by some misunderstanding made Big Brother mad at me or misunderstand me, I implore Big Brother to let it go! I'm not like that. Also, say sorry~! You just maligned me, how dare you, silly? Aish."

As she said that, she remained in a proper and upright stance with her back slightly arched back. Not that it mattered as she was a little sweet thing, yet a table. That stance however, did work for Tongqiu to look at like a real, cute little sister, he was totally smitten, ah.

"Uhm, alright. Hey, it was my bad, alright? I didn't consider your feelings and... well, I never consider feelings, ahem. But as I was saying, take my words as a defensive stance from me, alright? That way I never said any bad words to you nor of you." Little girl coaxing Tongqiu was once again instinctively coming out from the deepest parts of his very being as the girl's face went from a slightly reddening to a cheery expression.

"Hee~, my, alright! But... uhm, since Big Brother is so strong, take me out to see how you pum pum and also do pow! pow! killing bad bugs, okay?" She said with an innocent smile in her half-closed eyes looking towards Tongqiu, appearing very spoiled yet polite.

"Mm, ah? Wait, do you just ask any 'big' strong boy out there to take you out? Am I just slightly fun for you, little girl?" However, even if this girl was secretly very smart and clever, how could she compete with Tongqiu and his undefeatable devilishness?

The girl: ಠ~ಠ

"Eeeeh! You meeaaany!! I'm telling you! That's not what's going on here, oww~. Seriously, that of being strong is just a facade, how could I care?! It's only because it's you that I want you to take me out, aaah! I'm telling you!" Not giving an easy time, Tongqiu cheekily added: "Then how come I am that great, could it be you know me or simply want to use me?"

The girl answered with a befuddled tilted head to her right, first in a low voice before suddenly gaining a strong yet cute bravery to her tone: "Hah?! Nope, don't know you. But you are you, no? Mhm! That I like. I can't explain it! My sister says that's how love works, so it does! Any other sully question, meany Big Brother?"

'Alright...' Well, Tongqiu played with fire, that's the conclusion he got from trying to trick this little girl. His intentions weren't bad but whether or not she realized of them, she spoke with genuineness and complete sincerity, no trick whatsoever in between her wording and speech.

With his arms wide opened he answered her in a soft and somewhat guilty tone: "Ahem, well... yes, of course, this Big Brother will take you out. All you want! Is that enough, my little princess?"


For some reason, when the girl saw Tongqiu being so nice to her and open his arms at her direction, she felt an impulse and urge to fall into his arms. Which she did.


The girl: (っ˘ڡ˘ς)

Everyone else: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

In the middle of their spontaneous, warm embrace she suddenly spoke: "Ah! Before I forget and some weird uncle speaks up uninvited, my, this little princess of yours, name is Zyv. Make sure to like me a lot too, alright?!"

"Ah... yes, nice to meet you." Smitten Tongqiu only answered after a second of enjoying both her touch and fairy-like, gentle voice.

'Mmm, I really, really like gentle voices.' It was a revelation without any suspense, Tongqiu also noticed her strange mention of someone about to speak out, possibly with her name in their mouths, but it wasn't something he'd be stupidly confused about. Indeed, she is nowhere near dumb.

"Uh- this, Miss Zyv, why don't you allow us adults to speak, mm? This man has just committed atrocities and has acted so indecorously! Please remain from approaching him, or at least from showing closeness to such individual in front of everyone here. Or, otherwise... people will treat you like the... the... the- lover! Of a, ehem, a mental, a criminal. Please! Respect yourself!" Indeed, such a thing happened as well. Tongqiu looked at the Zyv's little head as he instinctively and thoughtlessly patter her little head twice before rubbing it a little as he also unnoticeably nodded in heartfelt satisfaction.

"Mmm, mm. Ah!" As Zyv was enjoying the newfound yet well receiving source of affection from Tongqiu, she suddenly put herself away from him with her slim arms, yet still remained attached to him as she added: "Was your name Edorn? Well, would you mind stop getting into others' business? After all, surely you haven't forgotten your incident with the Fosk Clan. Besides, my Big Brother over here did those 'acts' in a game, not real life. He could kill you countless times and you'd still not lose anything. Why are 'we' so concerned with this event, why not continue to what you all were supposed to attend this meeting for? Hm."

Something magical occurred; her previously heart-melting, fairy-like voice viciously morphed into the cold, indifferent and detached utter extreme, elevating everyone from their previous 'saving the damsel in distress' once-in-a-lifetime opportunity into a state of chilling shock.

Her mention of Edorn previous scandal and her 'hidden' meaning of him not being able to even lose face when being killed inside the game alone were already shocking to the every onlooker inside this tent, let alone when she instead aimed her words at every single one of them and their pretty snobby antics. None really knew about her, with having seen a photo of her looks while looking around and laughing from back then being their only source of information from her. Her name being the only information digged out from who knows where or by whom.

Seeing no one brave enough to speak up, Zyv added: "For what I know, there's a need to clean off the mobs responsible from facing off the 'Journeyers' in the siege against the Obelisks, since my Big Brother wanted to help then he'll help! But only if he wants to. Goodbye!"

With that, Zyv walked off with a silent and mild Tongqiu in hand in a spoiled and annoyed manner out of the tent.

Everyone: "..."



After coming out from the 'Journeyer's Camp', Tongqiu and Zyv traveled in peaceful quietness for about 15 minutes, with Zyv being the one leading Tongqiu.

They slowly came to a stop in their tracks. Zyv didn't turn around and maintained her body facing towards somewhere. Taking a hint, Tongqiu also decided to stand besides her and look in front, to which he processed in his mind to be one of those so-called Obelisks' territory. There was a huge tower-like structure with a strange deformation at its base, something with the appearance of an already matured tumor, giving the 'tower' a 'b' shape and also giving Tongqiu a feeling of the Obelisk not being a simple structure... as if it was alive.

Right at the instant he set his gaze on said 'Obelisk', its information popped up for him to read:

[Basic Communication Device]: Type: Demon Race Structure, Grade: Powerful, Durability: 400,000. A structure set for exchanging information with the Demonic Obelisk it is connected to. The signal seems to be awful, yet still capable of working as intended.


'It wasn't even an actual Obelisk, merely a 'basic' structure from the Demon Race; and it was already of a Powerful grade!' Tongqiu was deeply astounded, not even the system gave information about it as if it was merely passing on the formalities. No wonder these idiots don't even know what to do! Since they don't even recognize the truth and are merely being led by their 'voices', they would stupidly ignore the probability of an irregularity!

He inadvertently sighed in derision as well as a bit of delight: "Sigh, the pride of the poor." 

"Uhm, what was that, Big Brother?" Zyv suddenly took a step closer and had her little head tilted to her left almost resting on his chest.

After delighting his eyes for a few seconds, Tongqiu gently shook his head and remained silent.

"Oh. You see that structure? Those are the things, pity they don't know is not the structure they thought it to be, aish." Somewhat surprised albeit almost nothing, Tongqiu's gaze landed once again at her before inquiring: "Eh, Zyv. Can you see the thing's information? What about its durability or description?"

"Wow! Big Brother can even read all of its information? Amazing! Ah, no, I am only able to read its name and grade... why?"

Seeing her excited yet slightly confused response, Tongqiu involuntarily snorted with a little laugh before answering her: "Mn, it is nothing. Has a durability of 400,000 and is barely functional... it is a bit weird though, anyway."

"Mn, mn." Zyv responded with a couple of nods before her gaze became absentminded. Her gaze became vacant and her mind visibly flew away from her body from then on.

Tongqiu felt like bringing her back as he softly spoke once again: "Zyv is your name, since you like me sooo much, why don't you ask for mine? I won't trick you, just as-"

"Nyaah! Don't wanna, I... I think it's fine, really!" Vividness came back to her as she enthusiastically interrupted him before continuing: "I'm fine with how it is, Big Brother... Wolfy! Heh-hee~."

Tongqiu: ಠ_ಠ

'Oh well, what the hells. Why not?' Befuddled, Tongqiu did his best to not fall off onto the ground in speechlessness before saying: "Pwahahaha, did you just really called me that?"

Jumping here and there with Tongqiu's hand in hers, she cheerily responded:"Hehe!! Yesss~! Because your mask is really cute, Big Brother, so you have to get me a little female wolfey mask too, alright?!"

"Hmph~, Wolfy this, wolfey that, are you trying to tell me that I should call you my Little Wifey then?"

"Nooooo! That's too embarrassing, too embarrassing! You're not allowed to embarrass your little wifey! Ah, no, me- ah, what! Kyaaaaaah~~"

'This girl...' Tongqiu could only be the better person and endure this cheeky, little pure immortal girl for a while, before asking her with a devious smile once again: "Why don't I tell you my name instead, then? Just call me by my name..."

"Nope! I like Big Brother Wolfy!" Her words made Tongqiu roll his eyes, but he couldn't afford making her feel annoying so he rapidly said: "If I take you out, would you please not call me that?"

Adorably shaking her little head left and right, Zyv willfully answered: "Nope, nope, nooooope! Can't change that, won't change that, because nothing can!"

"Sigh, well you can also call me Tongqiu, alright?" Tongqiu vaguely introduced himself with the hopes of crushing a little girl's silly behavior.

"Oh, mn. I'm Zyv, hello, hello~." What he received in exchange, however, was the same little girl acting formal and politely, out of nowhere. Also smoothly ignoring his introduction, somewhat.

Nevertheless, Tongqiu tried to do some slight move in order to slightly scare this little brat a bit: "Is Zyv your real name, ah?"

Her eyes widened and her little mouth went '0', Tongqiu was about to sing victory when she suddenly crushed his hopes: "Yes! Only Zyv, nothing else... why?"

Bitterness, despondency and downcast feelings emerged in Tongqiu's blackened heart as his masculinity took a huge hit down. With nothing to retaliate against this incredibly clingy young girl, he restrained his inner impulses of 'dealing' with her in the manner would educate their spoiled brat as he suddenly, and sharply questioned her: "Are you this easy to talk to? Do many people add you to their friendlist and you accept them all? Seriously..."

Using both her hands to say 'no' in a flustered manner while she closed her eyes and shook her little head left and right, she hurriedly answered: "No! Who do you think I am? I don't need that many friends, my sister is enough! Oh, and you of course, my Big Brother Wolfy. tehee~."

Before Tongqiu could even think of anything in particular, she stood upright while tilting her little head to the right and answered in a low, husky voice: "But there are some weird uncles and strange aunties telling me to be with them for a moment. Oh! There was this auntie who asked if I've ever had all of my fingers put at the same time inside a bottle full of honey! That was strange, but no, I haven't. When I told her that, oh you won't believe me! Her eyes started shining so bright that she became somewhat stupid even! Never seen her since ever again though, that was really one of a kind, am I right? big brother Wolfy?"

Tongqiu blinked, twice, in tranquil exasperation. He shakily spoke out: "Di... d-did you ever followed... any of th-"

"BWRAAGHAAAAAAAKK! Stupid big brother Wolfy, stinking big brother Wolfy! How dare you!! Grrrrr." Her body instantly turned violent, her little fists came at him as she threw her fists at his chest and shoulders with some hammer-fists rather than actual punches.

'Phew~' Feeling relief on this little Zyv mix of innocence and cleverness, Tongqiu decided to keep this fantastic specimen free of all worries through both of their lives, he then spoke out towards her in a rebuking, 'big brother' manner: "You can no longer spoke to those people! I won't allow it, also, if you want me to let you stay by my side you must obey me at all times! Understood? You can't go on like that, hear me?!"

"Oh..." Zyv's eyes could only speak of admiration, adoration and worship as they fell on Tongqiu's sudden big brother imposing manner, she then subconsciously closed her eyes and made a full-of-merry smile, enlarging those pale-cherry thin lips into an inviting delight for his eyes as she also clung to his neck like a lazy sloth with only her slim arms. After a little while, she half-opened her eyes to a captivating narrow of her eyes, whispering into his face: "Absolutely, yes! With big brother, how can I fear any weirdo or strange person? I only ask of big brother to take care of me, mwaaaah!"

Tongqiu received a little peck on his lips from her sneaky, naughty mouth. Feeling both, stimulated by her slightly moist lips barbarically pulling his lips apart by the combination of dry and wetness of her lips, and heartwarming because of the innocence of this act of pure affection of hers; Tongqiu could only take it 'bitterly' as he rebuked her once more: "Sigh... It's okay to call me your big brother wolfy. But you can just call me big brother, okay? After all, If I'm going to be your big brother, it'll be because of me and not my mask right?"

Nodding like a chicken pecking on rice, Zyv did her best to comfort her silly big brother: "Mn, mn, mn!"




Author's Note: I've been using 'Big Brother' instead of 'big brother'... I think the latter is less tiring for the eyes than the former, so I'll stick to the latter. Yeayupyo, never mind, I went back to B B later on.

V1: #2 9/10

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