Bow and Arrow

SS 3 — They Matter, Too (2)

They Matter, Too (2)




Taking off all of his clothes, the young man was left with only his dingdong erected and threatening to poke the young girl's eyes a few times already, as it even poked the tip of her nose once, and pushed against it for a long time. The young man was so dumbfounded but numbed from how good it felt that he couldn't react, while the young girl was dumbfounded as well, but she only took 0.5 seconds before recomposing herself with a slowly, softly...blooming smile.

“Okay, get down, ahem; sit down. I’ll start cleaning you, your clothes are right behind him, I’ll help you into them as well…why aren’t you sitting down?” The young girl innocently asked the young man with a pair of eyes looking up at him. But without realizing, she was massaging the sides of his thighs and even the front of such, rather close to the crotch!

Looking down at the little pool she brought him, if he sat down, his weapon would be aiming right at her tummy if she didn’t sit down, but she would have to if she wanted to help him. And then, his weapon would aim at her ammo reserves…too dangerous.

“I see…then…first, do let me take care of you. Gulp. How does that sound?” The young girl innocently blushed, but her intentions weren’t as such. She gulped down as her right hand, the one she is proficient with, took a hold of the large buddy and her left hand kept massaging his right side, front and inner thigh…as well as his large pearls filled with pumping seed.

“Ag, huaah~!” The young man was already confused by these arrangements, let alone now and with these things happening, he could only look down at the brown-haired beauty of light blue eyes as she looked back up at him and never left his eyes with her own. She was totally inexperienced but, for some reason, she was giving it her all to please and accommodate him.

“...!” Biting her lip while looking towards him, the young girl gave the young man endless stimuli unbeknownst to only her, but seeing his pleased and even more pleased facial features…she smiled gladly and proud. Such a thing drove the poor young man who considered such acts, with himself, a huge sin to the bitter other end of his ideologies.

“...💓…💓💓.” Sighing out in short, hushed breaths of relief, the young girl had her neck completely soaked with his sperm, his phallus trembling and thanking her palm and fingertips with his veins pulsating, sending off a steam that made her crazy; for a moment.

“Let it calm down, only 27 minutes, Mister.” The young girl said, letting the young man before her gasp and gasp heavily and quickly over and over again, a sense of pride and contentment filling her up in her chest while not giving a damn care of her dress being stained by him; this time, by his most ‘essential’ part of his male body structure however.

“Mn, oh, okay.” The young man stabilized himself, and from blatantly resting his back opposite of the little pool to the young girl, showing his whole parts she enjoyed her hands with; he then sat up properly with a sponge directly going after his arms and shoulders.

…Time passed, just a few minutes, and the young girl never once cleaned her neck, only moistening it a bit from time to time so that it wouldn’t dry off. Amidst her arduous, serious cleaning of his dirty body without frowning once but frowning whenever she needed to exert strength against certain parts of his body, he suddenly spoke.

“I’ve helped you, a few times…be…fore. Were you chosen,” the young man looked back at her as she cleaned off his neck and lower back at the same time, the young girl returning the gaze with blatant attention and even…affection?

“For this, doing this because you were the only one to ever speak to me?” The young man looked at her without resentment or shame, it was just…simply the truth indeed. Before, ever since they both entered the training regime of the Peaceful Rain Corporation at around a decade ago, she has every now and then practiced with him.

Be it warm up, exercises, stretching, sparring and even learning from each other’s moves and exchange of information; she was the only one talking to him. While nobody else talked to him, nobody dared talk to her, unknown why, the young man could only ask after his private parts were washed by this seemingly uncaring young girl.

“Mn!” The young girl nodded strongly, her beautiful eyes closing and then abruptly opening, charming the young man right away, before saying with a calm tone that suddenly became anxious. “You could even say that- -! You were chosen because of this, too…”

“...” - “...”

Scrub, scrub, scrub~!!...

“You know,” after a bit of comforting, sleep-inducing even- silence; the young girl resumed their chitchat. “If that other girl could let go of her discrimination masked as fear towards ‘us’, she would be accepted too. She is as smart as you, maybe not an epic allrounder like you, but still very amazing. And there’s many others like her that are like you in some parts but dare not let go of such a mindset.”

“Even those that do let go, only have the heart to do so but not to brave themselves for challenge and pain. Everyone goes through it, you’ve seen it before. If you could convince them,” the young girl suddenly hugged him from behind, her body slender and well proportioned; bare. She whispered the rest of her words into his right ear, her lips moving and flapping right behind his helix. “You would make things so much easier.”

“...Sigh.” The young girl’s clothes fell to the left of the young man outside the pool, he heard her sigh and from the contents of her words, he was about to say something after semi-turning his head to the left a little bit but then stopped. Lowering his head and thinking for a while, he then finally said as his hair was being massaged with shampoo.

“I don’t think we deserve that.” His voice wasn’t melancholic, lonely nor self-deprecating…just…solid like steel as he said such words.

“...” The young girl stopped moving her hands with care all over the top of his head, enjoying and loving playing with his incredibly adorable hair, when she stopped as well and thought it for a little with her head lowered, against his and sharing some of his shampoo on her hair. “Salvation is not something you gain or obtain, it is something one looks for and attains for themselves.”

Splash~, gurgle gurgle…

“On their own; you know?” Cleaning his hair from all the shampoo, the young girl then hugged his back with her bare body from behind, her arms extended outwards with his neck in-between and right in front of her neck before saying as she appeared on the left side of his field of vision. “I read it from Miss Selina’s book, rest in peace.”

“The one that speaks of all the things that Chief Yun Beishang spoke to her during their ‘bedtime period’?” The young man responded, his head turning to the left as their faces became ever so closer, the young girl’s eyes widening like saucers with joy but not only because of his demeanor; she said with a high-pitched tone. “See?! And you were telling something of not being worthy? You’ve read it too~!!”

“Well, ‘that girl’ you spoke of adores that book the most. It says that from the times that she spend her most inexplicable, wonderful moments of her life, Chief Yun Beishang told her of all his doings in New Earth and Main Kingdom, the section of New Earth is all filled with the hottest scenes of all books up to date in New Earth, how could people not read it simply out of curiosity? Thanks to that book, many wonder if all it says it’s tr-ahem.”

The young man lost himself alright, but the young girl maintained her calm stance as the young man went on and on. Clearly, it wasn’t just that girl they spoke of nor some other of his people, he himself was overly taken by such a massively distributed book across the ‘slave’ group.

“Well, you’re finished, it’s my turn now.” Without specifying anything, not ‘help me now’ nor ‘you can watch if you want’, the young girl pushed the young man away directly to a few towels and where his clothes were at. Her naked bum, small, dangled as she got into the pool, while her side boobs were too much to not be taken notice of.

‘Such a grown up-...mmm…’ Just as his thoughts were flying, the young man stopped them for as…he was still a person with sinful blood flowing through his veins. Yet, that did not stop him from seeing the young girl turn around, ‘ignore’ his face and begin washing herself; even pulling her sweet rosy-brown nipples before looking at him and then once again back to ignoring him.

The young man was beyond charmed, she appeared seductive yet shy, embarrassing yet willing; what else could he think? She even showed him some extracurricular female anatomy to the fullest, he was that lucky.

…After a few more minutes, they both finished showering and drying their bodies before finally clothing themselves back,  the young man, as intelligent as he might be, his current emotional quotient was at the lowest and could barely figure out a thing or two. Not just from the young girl, but of the whys of all these arrangements needing to be so luxurious and…whimsical.

In the end, they finally arrived before their destination, and before the young man knew it, they were both looking rather…simple but still clean and well, he was handsome as hell on his own as well. After being cleaned up, ‘relaxed’ and shown such wonders of the universe, he was now completely different than before, only a meteorite could lower his stability right now.


Opening the limousine door, the young girl hugged the young man’s left arm against the right side of her right breast. Just as they were about to step down, the young man’s brows frowning and the light seeping into his retinas, the young girl looked to the left and up before asking in a hushed, sincere tone. “Tell me now, what is your name?”

“...Asarn.” Not knowing why, the young man Asarn straightened his back, fully, at last as he looked to his left and down deep into the young girl’s eyes. The young girl, upon hearing his name at last from this stubborn mule, smiled dashingly as she dragged him out and set her gaze to brilliantly remain on his whole face the entire time.

Click click click, kassh!

“Mr Asarn, what is your thought of becoming the first SLAVE in joining the Peaceful Rain Corporation?!” - “Mister, are you planning something heinous against the PCR?” - “Mister As, will you be willing to betray your people and-...” While Asarn got instantly stunned by the very too many flashes that shouldn’t even be allowed from their intensity and quantity, he only remained like so for a few seconds before adjusting, estranging the ones whose cameras didn’t even have lenses but flashed the most…

“Ignore them, these are the kind of people that die fast and accomplish nothing.” Hearing such a vulgar comment and critique from the young girl beside him, Asarn became soothed out by it and then, with his incredibly tall height, continued on walking forth.

“...Daddy!” At last, when they were close to the stage and podium up ahead, the young girl ran away from Asarn and she lovely threw herself at one of the kinda prominent Commanding Officials of the Peaceful Rain Corporation, Chris Landsk-and another 20 letters-long-last name, aka ‘Little Chris’!!

Asarn: ⊂(゜Д゜ ⊂

“Okay, he is here, go and do your thing! Don’t waste his time anymore!” The young girl embraced ‘daddy’ a bit more before scurrying away from his evil clutches, not allowing him to use her to delay this one act of what was next. Sighing, and under the shocked eyes of Asarn, Chris looked at the ‘boy’ before putting on a polite smile. “So you’ve met Clara, I hope she didn’t make you uncomfortable before.”

“...!!-” Just as Asarn was going into shock and Chris was feeling something funny in his fatherly instincts, Clara hit Asarn’s left shin which woke up the ‘I’m gonna die’-faced Asarn right away. “My name is Asarn, Asarn, my name’s Asarn.”

“...” Blinking twice, Chris nodded slowly once before suddenly saying in a polite demeanor. “Okay, Asarn, I will set the stage for you, be prepared. Don’t waste ‘his lordship’s’ opportunity, you have to demonstrate that his thoughts on your people weren’t for nothing.”

Finished saying that, Chris nodded once yet again before turning around and walking up to the stadium, with the father-in-law gone, the naughty wifey came to his left once more and uncaringly dropped her body to lean on him publicly. “He likes men who act with straightforwardness and do not idiotically stutter in the face of power, growth or problems. Even if that makes one emotionless and a tyrant.”

“You are…the first wife of Colonel Chris, Oli’s daughter?” Asarn asked, now knowing where the incredible body and beauty she got came from, for his future father-in-law had a nice ass so to speak, while his daughter…anyway.

“Mhm, stop thinking about my Mom before my Dad senses that and kills you, shhh! He’s about to start~!” Grabbing his left arm into her humongous breasts, Clara then jumped up and down, massaging his left arm while drawing eyes of furious envy, jealousy and heartache. Meanwhile, her daddy began giving a speech.

“Today, the 50th year of the Lineage Era, on this 1st month and 30th day… I, Colonel Chris, am going to be the one to relay this news to the entire civilization of humanity on New Earth.” With his wordy introduction, the entire surroundings filled with half a million people were silenced, and the few billion watching became extremely focused.

“Today, Slave Asarn, the first Slave from the sinful blood of the past has finished his training. Overall, I can say with certainty about the prospect that this kid has, it’s enormous and…letting go of it or letting it rot is the same as ignoring humanity’s progress.” Chris then looked at his right, stopping momentarily and blinking at his daughter’s behavior, before professionally continuing nonetheless.

“With Chief Yun Beishang’s orders, words and wishes; the kid has shown a desire for not only cleaning and making amends for the blood that flows through his veins right now; but to also bring humanity and this whole world into the greater stages of our future! With that cleared up, according to Chief’s command, he will now enter the army of the Peaceful Rain Corporation to let him fend for himself. And only time…will let us know the truth of what he’s capable of.

There was still silence all around by the time that Chris finished his speech and began stepping down, Clara gave one last hard grip at his left hand with both of hers, strong and yet fragile, before being walked away by her grumpy daddy. Then, Asarn instinctively moved up the stage to stand in front of so many people’s eyes all around the Human Civilization.

“...As a Slave…” Asarn took a bit of time to start, his eyes with indications of blindness darting around for a bit before setting themselves on a few cameras, “I know of what the horrible things my past people have committed for…hundreds and hundreds…of years.”

“I cannot help on those things,” Asarn stopped momentarily as he felt the eyes of disdain, alienation and utter desire to beat him to death from everyone around him as well as as he heard their words of hatred and disgust directed only at him. He then continued still, “But my people of today, I will make sure to send them in the correct way.”

Remembering Clara’s words, the guard’s loud shouting which made the current shouting inefficient and Clara’s…unmistakable care for his being; Asarn had newfound courage and…longings, ambition for life!

“We will always wear a little something on our bodies, faces and beings that will tell everyone where we came from, and we do not intend on getting rid of it. Instead, we will wear it! But as we do, we will also create a path for all steps of humanity to be walked on with ease and calmly, with pride and honor!!”

The crowd now went silent, and only Asarn’s passionate, intense words were resounding around the entire conference stage and from the screens of so many people. Unbeknownst to even himself, Asarn’s people were hearing him; too.

“We might always be remembered as enslavers for our past, but in the future, we will find ourselves with the heavy duty of keeping humanity alive, and sending it to lengths that it should reach. My people, they, ME- We will all be overwhelmed with glory and respect that our past of today is drowned and overcome by them!!”

“Heyyaa!!” - “WOOOOOOOHOO!!!” - “That’s what I’m talking ‘bout!” - “Clap my cheeks! You fuckin’ deserve it!” - “For the glory of humankind!!” - “For a future we all deserve!!” - “UAAAWAAAAH!!!”

All kinds of cries and heartfelt emotions were being emitted from the crowd, but who knew what kind of skin-numbing reactions would there be through the entire world?

At the very least, a few dozens of meters away, Chris stopped walking away grumpily while Clara had already turned around. Feeling her father stand abreast to her left, she whispered while looking at the lights of the afternoon becoming night soon, coming from the simple lightning of the stage and around; they were dancing flamboyantly in all directions as if celebrating a new landmark in humankind’s history.

“Sigh, let’s talk to your mother. She’s the one that got more in her sides of the dice, let’s go.” Chris called out, his daughter swiftly obeying as she got into a car, but her face was always in the direction of where she could see  a tiny silhouette being moved back into the limousine where her previous dress with her scent was left…on purpose.

‘Remember me.’

…Meanwhile, underground bases all over the Nascent Herb City, images of Asarn were being transmitted by the Insomas of some guards who made all the Slaves currently resting begging…crying, sobbing and wailing as some covered their mouths, some tightened their fists and others silently made vows of life and death…to and in - Asarn’s name.

A brand new future for humanity was coming, indeed.


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