Bow and Arrow

SS 3 — They Matter, Too (3)

They Matter, Too (3)






It was the 71st year of the Lineage Era, when an unusual but well welcomed peaceful atmosphere accompanied the whole New Earth's Human Civilization and only the cheers when the expedition armies came back to resupply after a successful advancement were the only source of great news while all other people studied double the time in Main Kingdom to even quadruple for some others.

In these instants, one of those who had been studying for decades about triple the time of even a committed person to study, was in front of a 700 meters tall and about 120 meters wide from the base to all the way up; building with large windows that could be seen from the outside in a rectangular shape and with some walls stopping any view from outside other than a dozen meters of space.

Right now, as a couple of young women were waiting outside that building, whose ‘identification’ couldn’t be seen in any way, and only by knowing very well themselves as the family members of the people working here; they could directly know.

In their hands, taking turns with each other, they held a little baby with red and silver hair; silver on the left half of the top of her head while red wine on the right half of the top of her head. Each time that she was brought to another one of her grandma’s embrace, she would lean over the opposite color from their hair color towards them and continue sleeping like the flawless beauty of life that the baby is indeed.

“Oww, you think Daniel will come back home? That silly little wife is about to have his son, he wouldn’t be so insensible, would he?” Right now being her turn, Udes, the silver haired grandma that looked like a 20-something year old incredible beauty and of long, smooth natural hair said as she looked at her wonderful granddaughter.

“Mn, I’m guessing he will tart running downwards and take the urge of testing whether he could suddenly fly out of nowhere as soon as he knows that he is about to have his second child, ehee. Sigh…how times pass by,” the red wine haired beauty, Kayla, said as it was now her turn and Udes began giving the sleeping tiny beauty away into the hands of her wife.

Remembering their first times at taking care of their child, born in the most magical of ways, they looked at the tiny daughter of their son in Kayla’s hands some more, their faces so close to each other that made the already comfortably warm day even more calid, the tiny baby striking at them with a tiny smile that made both grandmothers smile even more with grandeur.

“Oh, prince charming is coming~!” Udes said, suddenly turning her head to the left and seeing a strong, slightly bulky and goddamn handsome man with brown eyes and hair come out of the building. His suit looked to not be that much of a big deal, but as the boss of this building; he is the big deal and hence, anything that he wears is the big deal consequently.

As he came out, he looked left and right a few times before setting his gaze onto his mothers’ eyes, smiling like a child and hurrying over to embrace them, making sure to not wake the little daughter up. Which was in vain as the tiny baby directly opened her eyes when sensing dada’s smell and presence, to which startlingly bell-like giggles began resounding all around them.

Now, with a koala locked at his neck, Danny held each of his mothers’ hands with his own, looking at them while a tiny baby was falling asleep while locking his neck and jaw in place, he said with rather joy and fully glad of this visit of theirs. “Mom Kayla, Mom Udes, why come here? Is everything alright with your granddaughter-in-law?”

“Oh, everything’s fine, son.” Udes smirked and shook her head at this prodigal son, ah. While Kayla, on the other hand, spoke to her baby darling with a eskimo kiss and a concerned, spoiled face and pair of eyes more than anything else. She then continued, saying softly and lovingly while rubbing the baby’s back, “In the next 20 days, your son will most likely come out, so as the father, make sure you’ll be there to welcome him into the world, alright?”

“So soon?! Great! I’ll be there, yes, yup yup yup!” Nodding like a chicken pecking on drug-addictive rice, Danny made a sleeping tiny beauty giggle a bit more before subsiding. Then, with his hands working wonders to make the lock of the koala on his neck give in and hold her in a proper embrace for a baby, Danny looked up at his dazed mothers with their eyes filled with beyond relief and pride.

“Even if I’m the chief of this building, I’ll still get embarrassed if you look at me this much.” Though Danny said so, his mothers cruelly remained in the same way and looked at him with endless loving, motherly appreciation of this incredibly well talented little son they managed to bring up; ah.

The Peaceful Rain Corporation, as the ‘one and only in the world’; they would have to count with eyes, ears and brains all over the entire world in the future. So, of course, they would begin training lots and lots of groups of people to be just that; that way, they wouldn’t need to let the Black Lotus waste their time reuniting information in the easiest and most boring of ways.

Like this, many buildings such as the one that Danny came from were planned, structured and then fully built. Right now, this one that was the closest to the Peaceful Rain City within the Nascent Herb City was the major and base headquarters of all intelligence departments of the Peaceful Rain Corporation.

It wasn’t ‘just’ another intelligence department building, but the base of them all, and though it wasn’t as tall as some others yet was tall enough already on its own, it couldn’t be underestimated of how incredibly advanced the Peaceful Rain Corporation was a couple decades ago to make an underground base which basically held no actual deficiency in terms of the work that was executed within such departments.

It was the same with the rest of such intelligence department buildings, but none as incredibly advanced nor as vast as this one. And who was the very boss of the main headquarters of the Peaceful Rain Corporation’s intelligence department? None other than big Danny, who ended up marrying a Flick Clan’s precious daughter that was fortunately let go of the clutches of Chief Yun Beishang.

Not that he was taking anymore of those Clans’ people for his own though, as they had become more like a family and Chief Yun Beishang himself has enough wives from each Clan to exhaust an ordinary, elite athlete’s stamina in just one day - to death. Let alone those new and extravagant gold-orange skinned beauties that were 100 times better models in the entire Human Civilization than the Flick Clan and the Kernti Clan as a whole.

“Mother, Mother too, ahaha. Ahem, Tomorrow I’ll ask for a leave in about 10 days, okay?” Danny’s proposal suddenly left them surprised, yes, but also shocked and even worried for his extremely important job. They immediately began, “Son, wouldn’t that affect you too much? Take some time and…” - “Aw, Little Danny, is alright. We can take care of your little wife and child, just stop worrying, we’re not that old~!”

“Oh, Mothers, it's alright.” Danny waved down at them, to calm down, before proceeding with his extremely well trained, expertise and charm at speaking. “I’m not alone anymore, and I even have a few subordinates with Bloodline that are learning from me, I can’t always be the Chief of intelligence, right? I still wanna make more and more of these types of ‘works’ for the Peaceful Rain Corporation in the path of humanity. Can’t just do one and call it a day, hm?”

“...” - “...” After a little more of chit-chatting and treating their baby son as such, the big mommas and granddaughter left, with the granddaughter pouting all the way as she saw daddy go back to the big building. Her grandmas were making noises with their faces again, and as she heard their soft, loving and care sound waves, she thought to herself— more or less, as a baby —: ‘One day, I will be the one in those buildings that I will build, and have Daddy at my side, always!’.

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … …




13th year of the Lineage Era, in front of the Peaceful Rain Household’s territory entrance. On a slightly darkening afternoon where the sun was just about to set down.


Step, step, step, step.

“...” Yun Beishang walked up to the entrance of his home, where dark castle-like gates separated him and a woman with incredible proportions but, to which many would consider such an appearance a lot of lesser points for beauty, she was bald and had no hair whatsoever all around her pretty hair or face. Only eyelashes and eyebrows were the remaining hair all around her head.

“...” With his silence, the woman before him who was once violated after taking care of tens of thousands of her fellow comrades and was even allowed to let go right at the end of it all, she could only look back at him directly into his eyes with her unwavering eyes slowly beginning to moisten, become clearer and tremble from barely anything to quite a bit.

“You kept the…baby.” Yun Beishang finally spoke, his words directly lunging at her heart as she even sunk her chest for a couple of seconds right after. Once she recuperated, all that she could, she then nodded her head and lowered it for a moment before lifting it back up to meet his gaze and in a soft, broken tone. “Yes, but I almost aborted him when everything was still so…confusing.”

“...When you couldn’t decide what to do with  your life?” Yun Beishang suddenly said, the gates of the ‘dark castle’ finally opened without her even knowing, for as her full attention was in his eyes. Reflecting within her own, there were images of her past 15 years or so that she has been going through, the sudden feelings of danger disappearing, the sensation that nothing bad was happening to her and the sudden ‘good natured’ doctors and scientists that allowed her to use a last gen cryo capsule while working on a cure for his child…

“Well, get in.” Yun Beishang, after looking back at her while she reminisced of all those times, said with the tiniest of grins in his face that wasn’t noticeable by her. And when she heard the words that were totally contrary to her expectations, with such a totally opposite feeling, sensation and tone speaking them; she became so dumbfounded that she stuttered while trying to gesture with her head towards the shabby car she came here with.

“A-ad-ah-uh, but bakhind-back- no, behin-back. Back! But my-d- no- our son is-s-s at the bac-behind, he’s still in the car and only has a few mo-re hours-ss of a-uh…” Her voice became lower and lower as she went on and on, not reacting even as she saw black robed people carrying a smallish cryo capsule whose mere act of touching it with their hands bare should’ve directly frostbitten their hands to consequently directly falling off.

However, the one holding it, which was a lanky young man’s figure behind those tight black robes seemed totally unfazed by the situation, and amply carried the dear son of his Leader with utmost care towards his home. Meanwhile, Yun Beishang took the woman’s wrists and with her calming down and her panicked feelings leaving her once she felt herself being dragged into his-but now their home. She relaxed bit by bit until she slowly calmed down, her breath however, intensified bit by bit evermore as she was brought closer to Yun Beishang’s body by him.

“What name did you give him?” Yun Beishang asked, turning her around and then turning himself around while hugging her from behind, his chin on her right trapezius muscle as she became overly sensitive…but weak at his touch. “Yun…Brick.”

Barely managing to get those words out, she then closed her eyes and walked forward while the back of her body was just that close to his front body, images of back then flooding her mind as she felt that incredible warm that she lacked and longed for but couldn’t get the guts to bet her life and child for. That lack was also more formidable than ever, and as she fell into his embrace, she didn’t notice that she was already in the middle of a room with a lot of mature and experienced eyes looking at her.

Our son might be sick, his life in danger, but with me here…he’s so safe. So are you.” From her right ear, Yun Beishang’s whispering voice came right through and into her being, the warmth from the room and being emitted from everybody within it already making her dizzy, let alone now that she was being treated so ‘specially’ by him right at these moments.

“Though your Specialist body is limited and even hurt because of it, that, I can also cure it. But for that…” Yun Beishang’s whispers then came from her left, her left ear reddening, yet, she opened her eyes a little only to see a bunch of ‘evil’ smiles on the beauties all around her. All of them…had a bulging tummy. “Take a rest first, I will then bring you to our healed, safe and sound child. Let’s go get some rest.”

Finished saying that, Lachelle, whose name was now known to her that it was already long ago in this man, father of her child’s mind all along… Wanted to squeal a little as she was brought up to his right shoulder and carried like heavy luggage without wheels, but she only remained quiet and let her body be brought into a bedroom with the newfound and undeniable trust she suddenly had in this man.

Before long, she found herself once again under a bed’s blankets, after more than a decade of lacking any of them and also on top of a nice mattress; not too tough, definitely not squishy. And was better, her whole back body was being spooned by that warmth from before, it seemed to never cool down, it seemed to be unique to all of this man’s women…now it was all his as well.


As a tear dropped down, Yun Beishang’s left thumb went over and picked it up, under the senses of Lachelle, he brought it to his mouth and ‘drank’ it. Then, without saying anything, he kissed the back of his head before embracing her tighter against his body; both of their adult bodies on top of a bed, clothed, she quickly fell asleep knowing their son will be alright.

‘Such a strong back, and what a resilient woman.’

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … …


[Lasha & Yun Darcel]


In the 23rd year of the Lineage Era, in the Nascent Herb City and right in front of the Peaceful Rain Corporation Headquarters, where there used to be a monument before, some time ago.


In a dark space, hidden from all eyes and senses; from ordinary people at last. A pair of hidden figures in darkness were visibly holding their left and right hand respectively. It was a female figure on the left, and that of a male on the right, the female figure had a dress of her own which wasn’t the traditional type ones from the previous era. While the male was simply wearing a formal yet comfortable tuxedo.

The male figure’s body was slim yet showed extreme solidness as if not even a meteorite could make any scratch on his godly body should it even dare to fall on him without fear of failure. The woman, on the other hand, with her long, red curly hair; she didn’t really have much muscle to show but she still emanated off a dangerous warning from her true prowess.

Clearly, these two weren’t a normal couple of motherfuckers, and both of them were dressing for such occasion; too. At this moment, the male figure looked down and to his left, where his left hand connected to the beauty’s right hand. A strong, formidable and yet lovingly soft voice came from her as she detected her man’s gaze on her small hand, actually making her embarrassed.

“Hm-m, what~?” The young man looked back up and then shook his hand, swinging both their arms a bit and only stopped when her left canine was shown without being able to help it. He then spoke coldly, yet his words were always deeply embedding themselves into her heart and whole being. “Father already knows of our child in that tiny belly of yours, he’s waiting for a grandson.”

“Oh… I see.” Naturally understanding that Yun Darcel was referring to his father’s godly capabilities, Lasha was still a bit baffled by such uncommon things but…she gave her soon-to-be-husband a smile that even under the darkness seemed to be full of endless love.

“Then a little boy it will be, guess your position in the kingdom will be secured, ah?” Lasha teased Yun Darcel, the latter shaking his head with half a smile from the left corner of his mouth, she became silent out of nowhere as she turned both their bodies to face each other with her palms softly, lovingly gripping his shoulders.


Amidst the small obscured room, Lasha almost stuck her body close to Yun Darcel’s, her voice speaking as her lips charmed him. “Let’s debate what his name will be…tonight, and the ‘tonight’ after ‘today’, and so on and on and on…will that be ok-”

“Mpph…mmph💓~…” Lasha was suddenly kissed the air out of her lungs, body and brain altogether. Her eyelashes fluttered before doing anything else as she then went limp and let him old her lower back while kissing her so deeply in love. Meanwhile, the dark room around them slowly ceded to exist, and the pitch-black of Yun Darcel’s eyes began going away as well; though both of them were with their eyes closed already.

“WOOOOHUUUUUUU!!!” - “That’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout!!” - “Congratulations~~!!!”

Suddenly, from all around them, cheers and a few dim flashes went off and off as the millions of people around the entire plaza celebrated the man’s wedding. Pretty much unconventional, but it was still their wedding. As they ignored the crowd, the gaze from their Father/Father-in-law was what made them separate at last.

As their lips made a bit of a smacking sound, they then bowed towards Yun Beishang, letting the world know…the Peaceful Rain family had become bigger yet again!


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