Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 10 - sell flour

After Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan finished grooming, they went back to the house. The couple looked at the more kilograms of wheat on the farm and processed the wheat into flour.

“Go to bed earlier, you have to go to the black market tomorrow morning.” Chen Xiayue patted Zhang Chengchuan on the shoulder.

Zhang Chengchuan looked at his beautiful daughter-in-law, thinking that her health was not very good, so he didn’t plan to torment her. She was right, in the early morning he had to go out to sell the flour while it was dark, and he had to go to bed earlier before the sun came back.

Chen Xiayue looked at him and was envious when she saw him fall asleep with a pillow. She really wanted this skill of sleeping with a pillow.

In her previous life, she was under a lot of pressure, and because of the need to shoot and edit videos, she turned day and night upside down. She often stayed up late, and her nerves were weakened. So she also insomnia, sleep is very bad.

And now the body’s nerves are not exhausted, but the heart itself is not very good, of course, the sleep can’t be too good, so Chen Xiayue is really envious of this kind of people with good sleep quality.

However, Chen Xiayue closed her eyes for a while and fell asleep in a daze, because she was woken up by the system’s alarm clock when she didn’t want to sleep, so she did not plant wheat at night, but corn.

The corn will be harvested in 3 hours, so Chen Xiayue only needs to get up twice at night, instead of having to wake up every 20 minutes to harvest the wheat.

It was a good night’s sleep. In the early morning, Chen Xiayue’s alarm clock rang. At four o’clock in the morning, Zhang Chengchuan had to get up and go to the county seat.

The processing workshop on the farm can still be processed into food. Chen Xiayue was too lazy to get up to make breakfast for Zhang Chengchuan, so she directly used the processing workshop on the farm to process it into food.

The farm workshop only needs wheat to process bread, not even butter and sugar, so Chen Xiayue processed the bread for Zhang Chengchuan.

A loaf of bread that is the size of an adult man’s palm, very fluffy, Chen Xiayue gave Zhang Chengchuan five, so that he would not go hungry.

“You go on a bicycle. After all, our brigade is a little far from the county seat.” Chen Xiayue urged him, “If you have flour, bring 100 catties.”

“Okay.” Zhang Chengchuan nodded while eating bread, Chen Xiayue took an enamel cup and poured him a glass of water.

The enamel quilt and the thermos are her dowry. Of course, the thermos is not new but has been used for a year or two. Chen Xiayue is embarrassed to ask for a new thermos. To know this era, thermos is also difficult to buy.

Zhang Chengchuan had a kettle, which his elder brother brought back to him, so Zhang Chengchuan filled a kettle of water from a thermos, took the remaining four breads, and went out on a bicycle with a hundred catties of flour.

Chen Xiayue sighed as he watched the back of his leaving, hoping that he would go well. It doesn’t matter whether the flour can be sold or not, Zhang Chengchuan’s safety is the most important thing.

Chen Xiayue looked at the time, it was still more than four o’clock, and she had no plans to get up early. After returning to the room, she lay down and closed her eyes and planned to go back to sleep.

It took Zhang Chengchuan about an hour to arrive at the county seat, and the county seat at 5 o’clock also recovered a little bit of movement. Zhang Chengchuan had not been into the black market less often, so this time he went straight in.

Of course, Chen Xiayue gave him permission to put away the bicycle. Of course, the flour can only be taken out after arriving at the county seat. Otherwise, what if he is seen on the road?

Zhang Chengchuan felt that his daughter-in-law’s farm system was very convenient. It was very convenient to be able to grow such high-yield and fast-growing food, and to store things.

Of course, Zhang Chengchuan entered the black market not with his original face. He disguised himself as an ordinary-looking middle-aged man.

After Zhang Chengchuan arrived at the black market, he found a place to take out the flour, then set up a stall and waited for people to come and buy it.

Grain is very popular this year, and the more than 50 kilograms of flour that Zhang Chengchuan brought out is very attractive.

Even though most of the people here eat rice, who doesn’t want flour? Soon someone came to ask the price.

The price of flour is sold by Zhang Chengchuan at the market price, which has a ticket. If you don’t have a ticket, you need a little more money. After all, you need a ticket to buy things these days.

Zhang Chengchuan didn’t want food tickets either, he wanted a lot of tickets. Any kind of ticket is fine. Anyway, there are not many tickets in his family. If you change the ticket, you can buy other things.

Fifty catties of flour looked like a lot, but only two or three people bought the fifty catties of flour in front of Zhang Chengchuan.

One of the customers, he is the head of the black market, Zhang Chengchuan has met several times, but the other party doesn’t know Zhang Chengchuan.

“Brother Zheng, do you still want flour?” Zhang Chengchuan asked. He didn’t plan to go to the black market to sell flour every day, so he planned to find someone to take over a large amount of flour.

“I still have several thousand catties of flour, which is the same as what I sell today.” Zhang Chengchuan said that his wife’s wheat planted more than ten thousand catties a day yesterday, almost twenty thousand catties, and after selling 10,000 catties to the system The rest is also ground into flour.

Zhang Chengchuan didn’t plan to sell all the flour all at once. He could probably sell two or three thousand catties, and sell the rest after a while.

Zheng Jun, also known as “Brother Zheng” by Zhang Chengchuan, heard what he said and looked at him, “What are you saying is true? How many kilograms of flour do you still have?”

“Of course it’s true, why did I lie to you?” Zhang Chengchuan asked rhetorically.

“If you still have several thousand kilograms of flour, then I will have it all.” Zheng Jun said.

“Okay, Brother Zheng, I’ll give you two thousand catties of flour.” Zhang Chengchuan said.

“Just two thousand catties? Didn’t you say that you have several thousand catties there?” Zheng Jun said unwillingly. If he can collect a little more flour, of course, the more the better.

“Do I have to find another way? Brother Zheng, you should also know that eggs can’t be put in one basket, right?” Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile.

Zheng Jun looked at Zhang Chengchuan seriously, and nodded helplessly, “Okay.”

What if he doesn’t promise? The flour is owned by others. If they want to sell 2,000 kilograms, just 2,000 kilograms is better than nothing.

Zhang Chengchuan laughed. After agreeing with Zheng Jun on the location, he began to prepare. Using the contact information of the farm system, he told his daughter-in-law that she would give him the authority to put 2,000 catties of flour.

After Chen Xiayue received the news, she gave him the authority. She didn’t expect Zhang Chengchuan to be so capable. She thought it would be good for him to sell 100 catties of flour, but this guy sold her 2,000 catties.

The location that Zhang Chengchuan and Zheng Jun agreed on was relatively hidden, and under the inspection of the farm system, he knew that there was no one around, so he directly released the flour.

After Zhang Chengchuan released the flour, he went to Zheng Jun and asked him to check the flour.

The quality of the flour was very good, so in the end Zheng Jun gave Zhang Chengchuan more than two hundred dollars.

In this era, the price of rice noodles is one cent per catty. Even if the price is a little higher in the black market, it will not be higher than two cents. Therefore, two thousand catties of flour sell for more than two hundred yuan.

Zhang Chengchuan left when he got the money, and the rest was Zheng Jun’s business, he couldn’t control it.

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