Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 11 - return

After Zhang Chengchuan got the money, he left the county seat, took advantage of the dark to remove his disguise, took out his bicycle from the farm, and hurried home.

It was almost dawn now, and he had to go home quickly.

When Zhang Chengchuan hurried back home, it was already dawn. Fortunately, it was not busy in farming at this time, and everyone would not get up to work too early. When Zhang Chengchuan returned to the village, he put away his bicycle and returned home avoiding people.

After Zhang Chengchuan got home, he told his parents that he would not be working today, and asked his parents to ask for leave for him, and then he fell asleep.

Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying have long been accustomed to Zhang Chengchuan’s behavior of not going to work. In the past, Zhang Chengchuan often went up the mountain to catch some pheasants, hares, fish, etc. and sold them on the black market before dawn. They all knew it.

So today Zhang Chengchuan said that he would no longer go to work, and Zhang Deping and his wife understood that their son had gone to the black market again.

Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying have supported Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying’s practice of being “delicious and lazy” and often not working over the years, because he often goes to the black market to make money, and he is not afraid that he will not be able to support himself and his family without work points.

Zhang Chengchuan is not really a white-eyed wolf with a heart and soul. He relies on his parents to work to support himself, and he can watch them work hard. He knows to sleep without doing anything all day.

The reason why he doesn’t work is, of course, because there are other ways to make money. If he does, how can he make money? Relying on work points, you can only starve to death, but you cannot have money.

So Zhang Chengchuan was used to this kind of behavior, and Zhang Deping and his wife also condoned him and gave him cover. Even if the son’s reputation is not good, that’s okay, they have confidence in their son.

No, with the reputation of being lazy, isn’t their son still married to a daughter-in-law in the city?

Before going to bed, Zhang Chengchuan also asked his daughter-in-law to take some bread for his parents, saying that when he went to the black market, he encountered such foreign buns for sale, and he wanted to give his parents a taste and bought them back.

Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying would not accuse their son of spending money or anything. His son used to buy things back for them, and they were used to it.

Chen Xiayue didn’t say anything after watching it. Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying can be said to be very democratic parents, and they are condoning enough to their son, and they also support his deviant practice in the eyes of the world.

Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying didn’t make breakfast today. After having the bread given by Zhang Chengchuan, the two of them can eat bread, and they don’t need to cook other meals.

Chen Xiayue also tasted the bread made by a processing workshop on a farm. It was the ordinary one-dollar caterpillar bread from the previous life. Chen Xiayue thought it was delicious.

However, because this bread is only made of wheat and processed in the workshop, the sweetness is not so high, and there is no chocolate sauce, ketchup, etc., so Chen Xiayue thinks that it should be more delicious if you add some chocolate sauce or ketchup.

After Zhang Deping and his wife ate the bread, they went to work with the kettle, while Zhang Chengchuan was still sleeping. Chen Xiayue looked at it and decided to wash her clothes.

Of course Chen Xiayue doesn’t know how to wash her in-laws’ intimate clothes, but she also has to wash those dirty coats, so she will soak them in water first.

In the previous life, Chen Xiayue was used to washing clothes in the washing machine, and the clothes did not fall off when washed by hand, but Chen Xiayue was very annoying to wash this kind of coat.

Just like when Chen Xiayue washed the blanket by hand when she was a child, washing it while crying, it was too difficult to wash the blanket.

After Chen Xiayue soaked her clothes, she didn’t care. Looking at the time, she felt bored and didn’t want to move, so she took a book and sat in the room to read.

She wanted to watch it in the yard, but she was worried that someone would pass by and see her sitting and reading without doing anything like this, saying that she was doing something with In fact, she couldn’t really see it. After all, she had been away from school for too long in her previous life, and her academic performance was just average. Being able to get into college was the result of crazy tutoring before the college entrance examination.

At the moment, Chen Xiayue can only read books such as Chinese texts, poetry collections and prose collections. Chen Xiayue is a little curious whether books such as “The Analects of Confucius” and “Mencius” can’t be read in a few years?

What about ancient poetry, poetry collections, and prose collections? Can’t see it too? Anyway, Chen Xiayue doesn’t know much about her wife. Who told her that she was born in the 1990s, and she was still born in the 1995s, so she really didn’t know much about the 1960s and 1970s.

Chen Xiayue read the book for a while, then got up and went to the yard to wash her clothes. She washed it with soap. At this time, Chen Xiayue missed washing powder and liquid detergent very much.

After washing the clothes and drying them, Chen Xiayue carried a small bench and a straw hat to pull weeds in the vegetable field in the yard.

After the corn harvest time, Chen Xiayue continued to plant corn, and she planned not to plant wheat until the next crop was unlocked.

After all, there is still enough wheat to eat now. Today, Zhang Chengchuan just sold 2,000 catties of flour. She decided to stop selling flour in the near future.

Corn is also good, and the yield of corn on the farm is also quite high, and the yield per mu can reach about 2,000-3,000 catties. Chen Xiayue planted seventy percent of the land, and one harvest can also harvest more than 2,000 catties of corn.

Chen Xiayue processed 50 catties of cornmeal, which she planned to make with flour, and almost all the rest of the corn was sold to the system.

In fact, the farm can not only harvest the fruit of wheat and corn, but also the straw and so on, but the farm system automatically processes it into feed and fertilizer.

Otherwise, the land of the farm has always been so good and the yield is so high? The farm system automatically decomposes the wheat straw and corn stalk into fertilizer and fertile land, and part of it is processed into feed for the poultry and livestock on the farm.

Chen Xiayue was quite satisfied with this situation. The farm system was still humanized and did not treat the host Chen Xiayue badly.

When Chen Xiayue was pulling weeds, Zhang Chengchuan finally had enough sleep. After yawning, Zhang Chengchuan stretched out, looking at Chen Xiayue, who was sitting next to the vegetable border and pulling weeds seriously, and smiled.

“It’s quite diligent, how is it? Are the grass in the vegetable field pulled up?” Zhang Chengchuan asked with a smile.

Chen Xiayue looked back after hearing his voice, nodded and asked, “Is it noon?”

“No.” Zhang Chengchuan shrugged, “It’s just ten o’clock in the morning, and it’s still early before twelve o’clock.”

“Don’t sleep for a while?” Chen Xiayue asked.

“I can’t sleep anymore, I can’t sleep at night if I slept too much.” Zhang Chengchuan walked to the well in the yard and washed his face. After washing his face, he looked at Xia Yue and said, “Are you bored? Do you want me to take you up the mountain?”

“Going up the mountain?” Chen Xiayue was a little moved, she hadn’t gone up the mountain for a long time, not to mention the time she passed through, even in her previous life, she hadn’t gone up the mountain for several years.

“Yes, I’ll take you up the mountain to see.” Zhang Chengchuan said, “It’s still early, let’s go up the mountain, we won’t cook lunch, just leave some bread for my parents, they can cook soup when they come back. Just eat it with bread.”

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