Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1090: Intertwined

Chapter 1090: Intertwined

There was no mistaking it!

Actuass' head had exploded into a mass of scorching heat when the [Neutral Acumen] - as the guidance field decided to call it just now, when Vohnvolt used it for a second time - crashed into it. The necromancer's body followed, quickly getting disintegrated with barely any parts to it left!

It was all but certain. The necromancer had lost.

But no one relaxed.

Benzard continued his way towards where the masked man had been - the platform of conjoined undead.

Grim devoured his way towards the same target.

It was all but certain... and yet no one was going to take any chances. Even if the necromancer was permanently dead, they still had to take care of his main thrall - Eobald Minobu.

However, this thought was stifled by a very concerning fact.

The undead... were not disappearing.

Was this supposed to happen?

Would the undead linger for a little while even after their summoner's death?

Uncertainly immediately set in.

Perhaps Actuass had not perished when everyone else expected him to!

His body had been obliterated but...

The only ones to realise what was happening clearly, was the bundle of three individuals who were hidden from common, mortal sight; Yagrina, Bassbion and Vohnvolt.

The two Spirits were very adept at hiding their presences. They were spirits after all. They were a lot like souls, only a lot more intricate and harder to perceive unless certain measures were used to bypass their innate invisibility and intangibility.

Once freed, the mechanism used by the cult of women who had captured them, binding them to Aigas and not the Yormuness, where they belonged, was removed. The two Spirits could toggle their innate properties as they wished while under Yuyui's service, and they were capable of masking their presence even from Actuass as they had done when they restrained him several minutes ago.

Their role this time, however, had been to make sure that Actuass didn't manage to react to Vohnvolt's [Neutral Acumen].

As fast as it was once launched, it took a second or two to prepare it, and the necromancer would notice and prepare some countermeasure in that time.

Thus, the two Spirits had helped mask Vohnvolt's presence, and the amalgam, to make doubly sure Actuass couldn't dodge, had used his Spatial Lightning to alter the trajectory of [Neutral Acumen] after he shot it!

It had been a great strategy.

First to confuse the formerly masked necromancer, then to hit him with an attack he couldn't perceive.

However, the three hidden assailants discovered the missing link.

Actuass' body was destroyed... but his soul wasn't.

But that wasn't the problem.

After having their bodies destroyed, most experts would be drawn to the Yormuness.

But Actuass' vibrant soul remained. It seemed death steered away from him.

Vohnvolt noticed this unexpected situation with his newly acquired [Soul Sense] while the two Spirits could innately see and sense all souls - as was part of their task as Spirits in the Yormuness.

The two Spirits hurried towards Actuass' soul. Unlike everyone here, they could actually do something about it as long as it wasn't protected by a vessel.

However, they soon discovered that they were too late.

Beside the necromancer's soul, a familiar undead creature appeared.


Vohnvolt scowled.

The Definer of Causality!

The moment it appeared, Actuass' soul glowed bright and a bloody mist appeared around it, beginning to form blood, flesh and bone!

In less than a second, the battered body of the necromancer was reformed... but he looked worse than before.

His blood, poisoned by Grim before, poured from his orifices and he wretched. The cut on his neck and chest remained, as did a shadow of the cleaving he had received from the head to the centre of his torso by Benzard.

However, Actuass' eyes remained focused!

What he had just done could not be repeated.

The Definer of Causality was a creature that allowed him to modestly manipulate cause and effect in his favour.

This time around, the thing to go in his favour was the fact that he managed to heal once more without his body completely collapsing immediately after!

One chance.

It was one chance to ward off a certain loss.

But it was enough.

Even though his undead were being devoured and slaughtered by the millions every second, Actuass could feel it. He was so close.

When a stunned Benzard finally reached him and attempted to hurl a small dagger in his face, Eobald-Minobu came to the necromancer's rescue. Crimson lightning attempted to smash into him but he simply warded it off with his nigh unbreakable body!

Benzard grit his teeth.

He had vastly underestimated how powerful Eobald was!

'It's really not that simple to kill this bastard, huh?' he thought. But that was fine. He wasn't

the only one who wanted a shot at this.

With Eobald preoccupied, the severely weakened Actuass was left on his own.

Right before him, two figures flashed at high speed.

Yuyui appeared while riding Eaniss' back.

Actuass was stunned to see a face suddenly touch his. He and the Head Faction Leader were so


Eaniss wore a grin.

She and everyone else had considered that a struggle of Territories might end up being a bust one way or another because of the unpredictability of their enemy. They had to think that way.

Of course, they were right. The constant explosions rendered their plan uncertain.

In the end, the Territory plan worked as a ruse for a series of contingency plans to kill the necromancer, one of which had already failed.

Eaniss' body bubbled.

Her eyes had turned dark like before, and she hurled a fist at Actuass.


The necromancer didn't know why, but he felt that there was something rather sinister about

this woman's blow.

If it touched him...

Actuass hands moved quickly.

At the slightest micro-touch with Eaniss' wrist, he attempted to unravel her hand into

nothingness with Brunt Divide, but...

An icy blue eye on Yuyui's forehead shattered the effects of the blessing at once, allowing Eaniss' fist to continue making its way to Actuass' chest without a hitch!

But... there was a hitch.

At that moment, Actuass felt the portion of Jerthrax's soul he had taken in fully assimilate

with his!

With this came not just immense strength, but knowledge about the Herald's powers!

And with this at his finger tips...

Terribly fast shadows exploded out of the masked man in all directions!

They were the dragon, Jerthrax's shadows, which he had decked himself with throughout the

battle in the Null Remnants!

They dyed everything black and pushed Yuyui and Eaniss away in the nick of time!

Actuass groaned. His body tensed. He was approaching terrifying limits.

'I have to do it now!' he thought.

His shadows died down, clearing the world, and then he pointed at the sky. Actuass then

fuelled all the power he could amass from his soul... into the Brunt Divide.

All of it.

At once, a fierce volley of energy cast itself on the world and then tore the sky like paper,

revealing some place behind it.

Some place that wasn't the darkness outside Aigas.

'Finally...' Actuass thought with a sigh of relief.

Past the sky he knew, was another sky that was revealed in the irregular tear above.

This was it!

He had achieved it. His goal for the last four centuries!

Actuass instantly made to rush towards it when... something stabbed through his body!

He turned his head with a scowl.

Vohnvolt stood behind him, decked in [Neutral Maximum], his hand boring through the

necromancer's chest!

"Where do you think you're going?!" he said with a wrath-filled voice.

Actuass spat blood, but then adopted a chilling grin.

"Let's find out together! After all, we are intertwined by more than just our powers!" he


And in the next instant, Vohnvolt felt himself get pulled as Actuass had them fly rapidly through the tear in the sky... and then they were gone.

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