Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1091: Meeting The Sky (1)

Chapter 1091: Meeting The Sky (1)

There was once a young man born to a very wealthy family, in a rather prosperous world.

He lacked nothing in his infancy to his youth. From toys, to food, to education and strength, his household was powerful enough to secure him with the means to acquire all he desired.

He never lacked anything but a father, yet even that seemed to be a luxury he didn't need, as his mother was the only family he ever needed.

She was enough.

She had always been.

Because she too never lacked anything all her life, she made sure her son would never have to expend effort in order to get what he wanted. All would be handed to him on a platter.

However, she had more to impart upon her son.

Knowledge. She did not want him to be a simple rich boy from a rich family.

She wanted him to understand the common forms of power in their world and outside it, so that when he was ready he would make the most of it.

Thus, each night she read to him tales of the experts from their world who breached the barrier that kept them bound to mortality, becoming Divines.

Many from their world had achieved the so-called Divinity and vanished into the void where they made names for themselves.

The boy's mother wanted him to attain the urge to attain something similar, after all, he had yet to lack anything.

However, she also had another lesson to impart.

'Death is a gift. It is the only thing our family cannot afford to take lightly and give wantonly. Death is sacred,' she had said. 'That is why, our mission in life is to heighten the value of death by prolonging our lives as long as we can. After centuries, after millennia, after eons... that is when death is worth seeking, for us or for the common man. That is why I want you alive and healthy, my son.'

The boy had taken this to heart, after all, when his mother spoke of it, he could see that she too carried this message in her very soul, and day after day, she would bring him to the roof of their mansion and have them look at the stars after the blue sun set, dreaming about what could be out there; what others who had left found the great void to be.


Actuass and Vohnvolt's bodies were pulled on by a heavy suction force into a dark space littered with star-like lights. However, these lights soon turned into elongated threads because of the sheer speed the two were travelling at.

It was unclear whether they were headed forward or backward, but it was certain that they were going somewhere.

Somewhere that was inside Aigas apparently.

Because of the constant motion, Vohnvolt soon found that his hand, which had borne through the necromancer had been forcefully pulled out and the two were now spinning in their own patch of the dark space.

The amalgam was mortified.

What exactly was this place?

This wasn't Stagnant Space.

From the irritation raiding his body just from being in this unfamiliar space, the amalgam could tell he wasn't supposed to be here.

What was Actuass after?

Vohnvolt had had guesses but most of them were voided after he discovered that the necromancer didn't seem to want keep these powers he had sought for so desperately for the long term. His body was a mess, yet he seemed elated when he created the tear in the sky, as though just that had been enough.

So, what was it?

He tried his best look at the necromancer.

To his surprise, Actuass looked as though he was... afraid. Or perhaps nervous.

Now that he was out of the thick of combat, he could afford to be more honest with how he felt. There were no longer benefits to hiding his emotions and thus he wore them on his sleeve now.

Seeing this made the amalgam anxious.

What were they about to meet?

At that moment, Actuass turned to him and said in a barely discernible voice:

"I was rather surprised that we share similar circumstances. I would have never dreamed that you too are chasing the past in order to move on."

Vohnvolt's sockets flared.

He didn't want to hear any crap about how they were similar from this bastard. Not after what he had done.

Actuass chuckled at the amalgam's rage.

"Of course, in this life we can never relate to each other," he added.

A few seconds later, the dark space around the two seemed to collapse or perhaps come to an


The two felt their feet land on solid ground.

However, in the next instance, they found their knees buckling, forcing them to kneel.


Vohnvolt was shocked.

When he took the time to inspect his surroundings, he found that all of it was nothing but...


Thick, bright clouds on a blue canvas of space made what was above and what was below, and they moved rapidly as though fast-forwarded.

However, this wasn't the most shocking thing in this place.

A gigantic figure stood above him.

It was difficult to describe and even try to make sense of it. The only thing Vohnvolt could truly say about it, was that it was humanoid and even then, he wasn't completely sure. It was hard to explain where it began and where it ended; if it even had one.

The amalgam wanted to back away, but his knees seemed glued to the ground.

'WHAT IS TH...WHAT IS THIS...?' he asked himself in horror.

There was something awe-inspiring about the pressure coming from that figure in the sky. Once he felt it, Vohnvolt felt something within him brighten and also collapse at the same


This great presence, so vast that it almost seemed to be absent altogether...

Was this a...

Was this what he thought it was?

In contrast, Actuass by the amalgam's side didn't seem all that flustered. His eyes remained glued to the figure above sternly.

He didn't even pay attention to the dozens of men and women with carts and carriages

bowing to the giant figure around him, like Vohnvolt.

In fact, he boldly opened his mouth to address the deific existence with his face growing

solemn and hard.

"I have come to save you, mother."

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