Broad World

Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Create magic items

After a quarter of noon, the archmage appeared on the second road alchemy platform on time. He took out a wooden stick, a red crystal and a small amount of gold from the dimensional bag and put it on the table and said to Amy: “Come on, lovely Miss Warlock. I have prepared your main materials and put them here. Now, you have to find other auxiliary materials on the alchemy table yourself. Henry, go to the table on the other side and start making your leather armor. When making leather, you can use some of the energy of the mage tower. Now start moving. .”

Henry nodded to Amy and came to the table on the other side of the hall. He poured out the body of an adult pterosaur and began to peel the skin. Use a sharp knife to pull down the skins that are six to ten feet square, and use the energy of the mage tower to dry them. After drying, he began to test and engrave some magic patterns in each piece of leather. After the engraving, he evenly smeared the special oil on the leather surface. Finally put it aside, let the mage tower use the power of the wind element to let it dry as soon as possible. He took out some Mithril ore and added some combustion aids to the stove, and waited quietly until it melted and filtered out the slag, took out the hot Mithril and poured it into the abrasive tool. After cooling down, he got about fifty rivets, and then made some special magic marks on these slightly hot nails. Soon the originally soft leather became hard, Henry recalled Robert’s figure, and after simple cutting and rivets, they were connected to form a simple double-layered leather armor. He carefully went to the burr and clamped two round alloy plates on his chest and abdomen. This was based on the original ideal of the goggles to better protect the fragile internal organs. After the crafting process was completed, he began to prepare to cast spells, first with four-level spells, high-level invisibility, then soul armor, secondary spell deflection, protection from long-range weapons, protection from negative boundary damage, freedom spells, and protection from flames. After casting the spell, he almost sat on the ground collapsed, and a huge force was drawn away from his body.

After he turned his head and saw that Master Habassah was instructing Amy, he secretly opened the system and took a look and was directly extracted five thousand points of experience. After resting for a while, I was going to finish the final process of wrapping the leather armor. Use a cloth made of spider silk to gently wrap the outer layer of the entire wallet and then the whole was completed. This is a skirt armor, the upper body is made of hard leather sandwiched with metal plates. The lower demigod only reaches the thigh, and several pieces of leather are connected in series to form a skirt shape. This magic leather armor provides a high level of invisibility once a day, as well as permanent freedom and fire protection. Two positions formed around the armor have very good protection against physical attacks and low-level magic attacks. He nodded in satisfaction and then turned to look at the girl making a missile wand.

Amy has already carved the magic pattern of the entire wooden staff, and she is carefully inspecting the staff to ensure that there will be no mistakes. The production of the Missile Staff is very simple. Find a wooden stick that uses magic to pass the ability, a slightly larger red crystal and finally use gold to connect them together and cast a magic missile. But for the little girl who was new to alchemy, the complex carvings already made her sweat profusely, but fortunately, it is now finished. The Grand Mage Habassah smiled and comforted: “Don’t be nervous boy, you have done a great job so far. Now you only need to heat the gold and carefully set the crystal as the energy storage.” Amy points. I nodded my head and picked up the tongs pan with tongs, put the gold nugget in and started heating, the gold soon became soft. Amy took the opportunity to use tools to change its shape, and a slightly ugly three-fingered claw was ready in a while. The crystal was put in to fix the whole wand and it was made. The girl then cast a magic missile at the crystal. The red crystal flashed a ray of light to absorb the spellcasting and the production was completed.

Henry walked over and said to her: “Very good, the first time I can successfully make a missile staff. I believe you will be a good assistant in the future.”

“Haha, indeed very talented. Especially the personality is calm and cautious enough, and the inspection is very careful. Most warlocks do not have such a good patience, they are either enthusiastic or cold and ruthless, and their personality has changed too much.” The old man also Give a high rating.

Amy blushed happily and said, “Thank you very much, Master, for your praise. Master, I will become a good assistant in the future.”

Habassah nodded and said to Henry, “Okay, now let me see your results.” As he said, he walked up to the leather armor and began to examine it carefully. While checking, he used spells for some detection, and finally looked at the lines on the inner side. After reading it, he said to Henry: “The pterosaur skin itself is strong enough. You also used grease on the surface to make its hardness continue to increase. After double-layer production, the metal plate is slightly redundant. In the link part, you used Mithril, and you can see that they carry the most spells. This time your materials are not wasted. The leather armor itself has too much magic. In fact, only one soul armor is enough to protect ranged weapons. I personally suggest that you can replace it with acceleration next time. Generally speaking, it is a good work.”

Henry nodded and said, “Master, I added a long-range protective weapon because I wanted Robert to avoid the arrows flying from behind when he was escaping. But the acceleration technique you mentioned is a very good choice.”

The archmage stroked his beard and said, “Okay, the practical class is over, Amy, come over and I will fill up some basic courses for you. As for Henry, you can move around freely. I allow you to use some energy quotas to make items.”

“Thank you very much for your generosity, then I will continue to make some leather armor to exercise my craft.” After that, he began to continue the process of making leather armor. It’s just that I didn’t care so much this time. A simple single layer of pterosaur skin was added with a mage armor and invisibility. This is considered complete. After Master Habassah finished teaching Amy, the little girl stood up with a dozen pieces of parchment. Henry also produced four simplified pterosaur leather armors and put them into the dimension bag. Each of these leather armors consumed 1,000 experience.

The great mage touched the girl’s head and said: “Today’s lesson ends here. From tomorrow on, it will be practice in the morning and afternoon like this. You are tired today and take Robert back to rest.”

Henry nodded and said, “Thank you again for your teaching, so I will leave today.” After he said he took Amy, he went to the first floor and found Robert who was dismantling the magic trap. As for Banburke, he threw it on the third floor. Let Ares be your company. After taking the two of them back to the hotel for some dinner, they went back to the house to sleep.

For the next more than a month, Henry and Amy were listening to classes in the morning on the second floor of the witchcraft grocery store and conducting practical operations in the afternoon. The level of alchemy is advancing, Henry here also forged Robert a mithril dagger and a three-sided adamantine thorn. Giant black fangs are added to the triangular thorn. Anyone who is cut will be quickly poisoned. If there is no antidote potion or magical magic to neutralize the toxin, they will quickly die within two minutes. The Mithril dagger was enchanted by Henry with weapons and flame knives, which made this dagger possess a certain magic-breaking ability. The wounds in the stab would show flames and burns and could resist cold damage. The skin of the Shadow Leopard made a cloak for himself, the buttons used two diamonds and attached an undetectable magic and protective ranged weapon.

Amy also had a very fulfilling life, she has more than sixty notes in a stack. The front and back were densely filled with words, and finally the Great Master gave her a rope to sort out these scattered handwritings and put them into a book. The Missile Staff was also given to the little girl as a gift. Relatively speaking, Robert was much miserable. After finishing his theory class, he went to the basement to conduct a practical test. A short passage was filled with magic traps by the apprentices, perhaps out of a mischievous mentality. Most of these traps do not directly harm the body. For example, if you step on it, you will spray a puddle of stench on your face or spray a puddle of dirty water when the demolition fails. Robert was tortured by these traps and almost went crazy. Fortunately, Henry gave him a powerful magic leather armor and two magic weapons, which gave him a lot of comfort and persisted in training.

The Northland was covered with heavy snow in early February, and the cold wind was blowing wantonly. The witchcraft grocery store is still warm as spring, and tomorrow is the day to say goodbye. The Archmage Habassah deliberately prepared a ritual to summon the demon chong for Amy to perform today. After a day of magic rituals, she got a ferret, which is a very flexible little animal. UU reading They are proficient in theft and can be competent for some reconnaissance activities, especially in narrow underground caves. Amy liked it very much and gave her a cute name Shirley. This little mink usually stands on her shoulder or gets into the pocket of her jacket.

After a day’s rest, the three of them bid farewell to the master, and the group of people walking on the street attracted the attention of passers-by. It’s not because of Henry’s handsome appearance, or Amy’s cute little face. It’s Ares, a huge brown bear. After a month of adequate feeding, it has grown into an adult. With a body length of nearly five meters walking in majestic manner, Bamberk stands on the bear’s back triumphantly. Fortunately, in a big city like Baldur’s Gate, there are occasional druids and rangers. The existence of animal companions did not cause panic. Henry did not choose to leave the city directly, he had to go to the thieves’ union first. Robert’s actual combat experience is too little, he needs to leave the boy here to follow the guild to do some tasks to accumulate experience, by the way, send the four pieces of leather armor promised to Alatus. In the next period of time, he will take Amy back to Koryo Castle for the final magic study, and then he will graduate. After all, he is already an eighth-level mage, and it is time to start the territory plan.

A group of people came to the door of the thieves’ union. The thieves who were in charge of letting out saw a few people carrying a huge brown bear and thought that someone was coming for trouble, so they sounded the alarm. In the blink of an eye, Alatus walked out with his little brother, and laughed when he saw Henry, “Oh! I thought who was causing trouble. It’s so cold, let’s go in and talk about it.” “After speaking, he dispelled his younger brother and walked into the guild.


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