Broad World

Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Trade and leave

When Henry walked into the guild hall, Henry found that the thieves here were obviously a lot more than the previous few times. After seeing the puzzle on his face, Alatus explained with a smile: “You must be very surprised why we are here all of a sudden. There are so many people, right? In fact, because there are fewer people taking to the streets in winter, many pickpockets and thieves can’t act. They gather here to rest for a few months, exchanging some information with each other and they will leave when the spring starts next year. I went out to work. Our business has been bleak in recent months, so I hope you can bring us some good things today.”

Henry nodded in understanding and said: “I did bring you some good things, but you have to promise me one condition.”

“What are the conditions?” the thief leader asked subconsciously. He was cheated in the last transaction.

Henry pointed to Robert who was standing behind him and said, “I hope he will join the guild for a while. After all, he has too little actual combat experience.”

Alatus looked at Robert astonished and then shouted at Henry: “Damn it! You paired this rookie with a powerful magic leather armor! Do you know that I have been the leader of thieves in this city for so many years? Not mixed with a decent armor.”

“Don’t get excited! Calm, calm. You see, I also brought you a few.” Then he took out a few condensed versions and put them on the table, thinking, “Fortunately, I made a cover for Robert’s weapons. Otherwise, the thief leader might start to grab it.

Alatus greedily stroked the surface of the leather armor and almost licked it with his tongue. With his recognition level, he could only confirm whether it was a magic item. As for the effect and whether it is strong, it is not his professional expertise. After confirming that a few of them were magic leather armors, he raised his head and asked: “Tell me about the special functions of these treasures, and then I will ask for the price.”

“Uniform production and uniform enchantment. A layer of energy is formed on the leather armor to offset some physical damage. At the same time, invisibility can be used once a day. Because the pterosaur skin is hard enough, it is also very good at fighting toxins. “Henry gave a brief introduction to the thief leader.

Alatus stood up, took off his leather armor and threw it on the ground, then picked up one and quickly replaced it for himself. After doing a few simple actions, he said: “Very good, very fit. The materials themselves are rare enough, and the spells are more suitable for thieves. I want them all for 18,000 gold coins. But I don’t have so much cash on hand for the time being. , I hope you can accept some ore and alchemy materials. And I have agreed to your terms. I will try my best to ensure the safety of Robert.”

Henry nodded and said, “No problem, I have never too much of rare materials. When do I go to see the goods?”

The leader of the thief stood up and took the magic leather armor up and stood up and said to him: “Just now, we will evaluate the price after you have selected it. I will use gold coins to make up for the shortage.” After that, he took a group of people to the underground warehouse of the guild Up.

This is a cave built in the second underground level, and the door is guarded by two confidant thieves of Alatus. They confirmed that the boss personally led him, and opened the huge iron gate without any threats or spell control. Walking into the treasure house, Alatus found a few shelves to put the magic leather armor, pointed to the ores piled aside, said: “Those are rare ores, including fine gold, mithril, cold iron, and some of us. Did not recognize it. There are some magical plant seeds and some special poisons, medicinal drugs, and aphrodisiacs on the shelf over there. If you are interested, you can choose some very cheap ones.” After that, he stood aside with Robert and Amy. to chat with.

Henry began to wander around the treasury, looking at this and that. He quickly understood the classification of items here, most of which were raw materials such as ore, tendons and hairs of gems and animals. There are also a small amount of thieves’ supplies, some strange tools. Magic items are basically zero, and some books on the high-level shelves are covered with a thick layer of dust. He took down the hands of the mage and looked at it and found that most of them were some experience notes and poison formulas, and then he put them back in his head. When selecting the ore, he found a large pile of gray fragments with a special luster. When I picked it up and observed carefully, it was very brittle. These were all pure silicon. I glanced around and found that this pile was about five tons piled up in the corner. It seemed that the thieves didn’t know what it was for. With this he can make hundreds of millions of transistors, which can be pieced together into a transistor computer. As for electricity, that is not a problem.

In order not to arouse suspicion, he chose some cold iron and fine gold and then walked over and said to Alatus: “I have chosen, that pile of gray ore plus these cold iron and fine gold. You can estimate the price.”

“Why did you choose that pile of useless gray ore? Do they have any special purpose?” the thief leader asked suspiciously.

Henry answered cautiously: “Oh! I found that the gray ore has good magical properties. You can take it back and try if it can be added to the magic item manufacturing. Where did you get this thing?”

Alatus smiled and said, “That’s an unlucky thief. When he was digging a hole to enter someone else’s home to steal, he suddenly dug a huge gray stone. He chiseled hard and took note and the stone broke. I smashed him into a crippled man, and later found someone to transport these strange ore back and put it here. These ore is about five tons and counts you two thousand gold coins, plus cold iron ore and fine gold ore, which counts you two. Ten thousand gold coins.” Henry did not counter-offer and nodded his head in agreement. Then the leader of the thieves asked him to count 52,000 gold coins in the vault and give them to him. After putting all the things into the dimension bag, the transaction ends.

A few people returned to the ground and Henry prepared to leave. Before leaving, he said to Robert: “Follow Alatus and learn all his experience. Don’t perform too dangerous missions. You’d better not let others see you when you use magic weapons. “Here.” The boy nodded and said: “Don’t worry, Master, I will work hard to become the dagger behind you.” Then he turned to his sister and said, “Amy, take care of yourself when I’m away. Don’t be naughty. , Listen to the master’s words.” The girl nodded and said, “Brother don’t worry, I will.” After saying goodbye, Robert came to the thieves leader’s side, and Alatus opened his hands and gave him a hug and said: “Welcome to join. Guild, my dear apprentice. Goodbye to the respected Master Master and the lovely little girl. I hope you can bring more good things when you meet next time.”

Henry waved at him and said, “Goodbye Mr. Arates, I hope your business is prosperous. Then I’ll leave.” After that, he took Amy Ares and Banburk out of the thieves’ union. After passing the Julong Bridge, he looked back at the city and thought: “Next time I come back, it will be the day when I go out to search for islands. I hope it won’t be too far.” The arm simply rested for one night. After all, camping in the wild in winter is not a good idea. Hungry beasts are searching everywhere for anything that can eat their stomachs. It is said that winter wolves in the north will go south this season. He is not like these cunning guys in the wild. It’s a pity that things went counterproductive. On Coastal Avenue they encountered a pack of wolves led by two winter wolves attacking a caravan.

Seeing that someone was attacked, Henry pointed out that everyone listened, and then Banburk flew over and made a mockery: “Lovely puppies! You are naughty here again. Let Banburk’s father teach you something profound. !” When the headed Winter Wolf heard it, he turned his head and stared at the red-haired parrot. Then it opened its mouth and said: “Smelly bird, close your mouth or I will tear you to pieces.” “Shards? Use it. Is your ugly mouth? Can you catch me? Can you fly? Don’t make me laugh, your poor IQ is not as smart as a feather of mine.” The parrot flew in the sky and continued to mock . The winter wolf’s eyes were red with anger and it howled angrily, and the wolves put down the merchants and began to gather.

Henry found that the opportunity was a direct fireball technique. The huge explosion took away all the evil wolves. Only two cunning winter wolves escaped, and one of them took the opportunity to rush over. “Aris! Go!” After he yelled, the brown bear slapped the winter wolf. The poor winter wolf rolled out several meters in the snow, and then struggled to get up. This is another winter wolf rushing towards Amy. The little girl appeared panicked and directly activated the Missile Wand, and a magic missile hit the Winter Wolf’s nose with precision. The severe pain suddenly stopped it and started wailing. Ares rushed to the Winter Wolf who had just stood up and was about to give it a fatal blow. The Winter Wolf turned his head fiercely and used the frost spit The brown bear rolled on the spot but was still sprayed a little. The thick fur has begun to freeze.

Henry saw that Ares was in danger and threw the prepared monster directly to the winter wolf. Then he drew a scimitar and stabbed it into its eyes, destroying the brain. After Amy interrupted the other one’s sprint, she became calmer and released a threat after the winter wolf began to turn around and run away. The parrot flying in the sky chased after it to make up a colorful rainbow, and the winter wolf stood in place dumbfounded. Henry walked over and took the opportunity to pierce his eyes and destroy its brain. Henry checked his animal companion and found that there was nothing else but a little frostbite. The merchant on the opposite side found that the wolves had been wiped out and walked out from behind the truck.

“Hello, respectable Mr. Master. My name is Bobby, thank you for saving us. We would be dead today if we hadn’t met you.” A fat middle-aged man saluted Henry.

Henry nodded slightly and said, “It’s nothing, the travelers on this cold winter road need to help each other. In addition, I think you’d better set off quickly. The **** smell here will soon attract more carnivores. .”

Poppy nodded and took out a sapphire brooch and said, “This is a little thanks. Please accept it.”

After accepting the gift, Henry installed the bodies of the two winter wolves. After all, the fur of the winter wolves is still very good and can make two coats for his sister and mother. After saying goodbye to the caravan, he continued to move towards Belgoost.


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