Broad World

Chapter 46

Chapter 46 Slave trade

The chaotic night passed quickly, and Luskan in the early morning was much quieter than other big cities. The gangsters, thieves, robbers, and various criminal gangs who had been busy all night returned to their lair to rest. Only scattered drunks and robbed people got up from the ground and returned to their boats. Captain Hawk got up early, and he directed the sailors to move the cargo boxes onto the deck and emptied the cargo hold. Because a large number of slaves will be received on the ship soon, he also needs to prepare enough clean water to give these guys a bath. Otherwise, if any infectious disease occurs at sea, it will be great fun.

Henry also got up very early, and Vaughan appeared a little more cheerful after the conversation last night. In the morning, he took the initiative to ask Henry to receive weapons and armor. A human half-length armor appeared tight on his body, but it did not affect his movements. Two large axes made of pure steel were hung around the waist, and a fully enclosed helmet was worn on the head. Henry looked at the mighty orc and smiled: “If you fall into the sea with your current weight, I can’t save you. It only takes three minutes for you to sink underwater.” Vaughn opened his visor and opened his mouth wide. He smiled and replied: “I don’t need anyone to save my life. I can swim even in armor. When I was in the North Land, I dragged a little whale in the ice sea alone.” After finishing speaking, the half-orc showed pride and confidence. “Vaughn, don’t be a crew member and be my escort. I need a fighter with strong martial skills to help me withstand sneak attacks and assassinations.” The orc patted his armor and said, “No problem, you are the boss. Forget it.”

When the two were chatting, a long line came from the dock, and a large number of slaves with only a few cloth strips all over their bodies were brought over with their hands tied behind their backs. An obese middle-aged man walked in front. As soon as he saw the captain and Henry standing on the deck, he opened his hands and said loudly, “My friends! I’m bringing the best goods to trade. I hope this time It will make you and I satisfied.” Captain Hawke went down and hugged Bruce, pointed to the wooden box on the deck, and said, “Look at the spices, silks, and drugs all prepared for you, but I don’t know what you brought. Can the slave satisfy my boss?” Bruce smiled and patted his stomach and said, “Don’t worry, my slave is always healthy and there will never be any disease.” Then he broke off the next slave. He continued to say: “See that the teeth are healthy, there is no wear and tear.” Then he patted the slave’s chest and said, “The body is strong and there is no disease.” Finally, he squeezed a female official Ru Fang and said: ” The plump **** have not been abused or violated. They are healthy and have undergone sexual abuse. Don’t worry about rioting or disobedience.”

Henry also walked over at this moment, and the mighty orcs followed him closely. He said to Bruce: “Sir, I’m quite satisfied with your slaves, now we can start trading.” After he said, he motioned to the sailors to start carrying the boxes down. The obese businessman carefully opened the contents of each box inspector, flipping it with his hand from time to time and smelling it. When he got the drugs, he motioned to the guard next to him to lick it, and the guard gave an affirmative answer before being resealed with the wooden strip. The goods were quickly moved and loaded into the carriage. Bruce walked over and said, “The goods are okay, especially the drugs are all first-class goods. I should pay you 220,000 gold coins at the price agreed yesterday. Now you can Started to accept slaves.” After speaking, he asked the guards to start rushing the slaves aboard. The people who were **** with these hands had their eyes dull and silently obeyed the order without any resistance. It seemed that they were being raped very well as the businessman said.

After carefully counting the numbers, Hawke said to the businessman: “One thousand two hundred adult men, one thousand adult women, five hundred children from ten to fourteen years old, no old people. Ninety-six thousand plus fifty thousand plus ten thousand. The total of five is 160,000, and you still need to pay us 60,000 gold coins.” Henry walked over and said to Bruce, “Mr. Merchant, I don’t want these gold coins. Can’t you get more slaves? “Bruce smiled bitterly and said, “Sorry, this is all my inventory. Who doesn’t want to have such a good business, but most of Luskan’s slaves are monopolized in the hands of the five leaders. If you If you need more slaves, you need to contact them directly.” After finishing speaking, he commanded his entourage to carry a few large wooden boxes. Pointing to these boxes, he said, “These are the balance of the goods, please come and click.” After a careful inventory, he did not find any problems. Henry said to the businessman: “So happy to cooperate, Mr. Bruce.” The fat businessman nodded. Said: “Happy cooperation, I hope that next time there is such a deal, he will come to me again. Hawk knows where to find me. Then I will leave first.” After speaking, he slowly left the dock with the caravan.

The sailors on the deck have begun to let the slaves wash their bodies. Some rude guys wanted to get some advantage among the women and were thrown aside by the barbarian leader with one hand. According to the rules of the barbarians, these men, women and children are Henry’s private property, and no one can move around at will. Wanting to take advantage here is tantamount to provoking him. After the slaves took a bath, Henry sent someone to buy some old clothes for the slaves to put on, and prepared some food for them to eat in the cabin. After everything was set up, he said to the old captain: “There are only more than two thousand people, and half of them are women. This number can’t meet our basic needs at all.” Hawke took a deep breath of the pipe and exhaled a burst of mist. “There is no way, we can only buy so much at present. If you want more, you can only risk trading with the boss here, but you must be careful that they are all villains who cannibalize people without spitting out bones.”

Henry nodded and said: “I understand, let the ships full of slaves set sail and dock outside the port. Once something happens, you can retreat. As for these empty ships in the port, you can give up if they don’t work.” The old captain Agreeing to his idea, he stood up and started commanding a pirate ship full of slaves out of the port with supplies. Seeing a ship safely out of the port, Henry left Amy back to Bend Dagger alone, waiting for news of the halfling. Three days later, Henry is now watching a thrilling fight in this broken hotel. From **** to sailor, from wine bottle bench to dagger and woman’s sharp nails. The bartender lowered his head and hid under the bar, while Henry smiled and blessed himself with Shi Fu and sat and watched. No one dared to come near here, because the arms of the two strong men on the ground had been corroded by acid and saw the bones.

Suddenly a short halfling flexibly passed through the fighting crowd and came to Henry. He tidied up his clothes and said, “Hello, respected Mage. I hope you remember poor Jimmy. Commander Baram. Let me tell you that he has agreed to the transaction with you. I hope to personally discuss the details of the transaction with Mr. Master in the sewer tonight, and I will come here to show you the way at night.” Henry looked at the short halfling and said “Okay, I see, and I look forward to seeing you tonight. Besides, this is a reward for you.” As he said, he took out a bottle of magic potion and threw it over. The halfling sensitively caught the bottle and sniffed it lightly with his nose. He recognized that it was a bottle of invisibility potion. For a little thief like him, this potion is equal to his second life. After carefully putting the potion into his pocket, Jimmy bowed deeply and said: “Thank you for your generosity, then I will leave first. I will see the powerful Mage at night.” After speaking, he bypassed unharmed. The chaotic hotel went out.

After a while, Luskan’s soldiers came here. All the people except the bartender and Henry were taken away and put in prison. These guys have to stay there until tomorrow morning at least, and then pay a fine to get out. The bartender was not caught because the tavern had some connection with the thieves’ union in the city, and Henry was not caught because they saw the acid on the ground. As ordinary soldiers, they don’t have much ability to recognize spells, but when they take office, the officers will tell them one thing is not to mess with mages in this city. Obviously they performed well. Henry sat quietly in the corner sipping fresh juice, UU reading, which he specifically asked the bartender to squeeze him. Night fell quickly, and the previously empty hotel began to lively again. The masquerade and the rude sailor performed here day by day the repertoire of being drunk and drunk now, and it didn’t take long for Jimmy to walk in. He said to Henry: “Mr. Master, are you ready? If you are ready then we will set off now.” Henry nodded at him, stood up and put on his hood.

Jimmy took Henry and turned to the street. He carefully stared at the tramp and beggar on the street and walked forward quickly. After a while, he came to the entrance of a sewer and pointed to it and said, “The entrance is here. Please follow me. There will be some monsters and robbers here occasionally.” After the halfling went down inside, Henry He felt a stinky smell, which made him almost spit out the juice he had just drunk. I quickly blessed myself with an air filter, so I dared to breathe smoothly. Jimmy ran fast in front of him. Every time he came to an intersection, he would look back at Henry and then take out a small mirror and shake it against the intersection for a few times. He would run again after confirming his safety. In the criss-crossing sewers, two people walked for half an hour and came to an iron gate. The halfling stepped forward and started knocking on the iron pillar on the gate with a special rhythm. Two minutes later, a masked thief came out from the shadows and said, “Jimmy! The man has brought? The commander has been waiting.” The halfling nodded quickly and said, “Yes, I brought this Master Mage. Yes. Look at him right behind me.” The thief opened the door and motioned to Henry to let him go in, and then made Jimmy turn around and leave here.


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