Broad World

Chapter 47

Chapter 47 Grand Commander

Henry walked along the dark and damp road. There were many holes in the walls on both sides of the sewer. He can feel someone behind him, and if there is an enemy, he believes that countless arrows will be shot from these holes, turning the offender into a hedgehog. Ten minutes later, the narrow intersection suddenly widened, and he came to a hall in the sewer. There were many people holding weapons and wearing armor standing on both sides, and a tall man was sitting in the middle seat, beside this man stood a mage in a long robe. Henry smiled and walked out to the tall man and said, “Hello, Honorable Commander Baram. I heard that you want to talk to me about the transaction in person?” The Commander stood up and said, “Yes. Master, I heard that you bought a large number of slaves this morning, and you are still interested in continuing the acquisition. Can you tell me what to do with so many slaves?”

Henry smiled and said: “Of course, my leader population is too small and requires a large number of healthy labor. However, because of the geographical position does not attract too many people to immigrate, so I came to Luskan the only one in the entire Northland. The port of slave trading is allowed.” The general leader glanced at the mage behind him and said, “How many slaves do you need?” Henry also glanced at the mage secretly and said, “A lot, I can eat as much as you have. How much?” Baram sat down and thought for a while and raised his head to Henry and said: “I still have close to 6,000 slaves in my hands. If you need them, take them all. But I hope there will be a batch of magic when I pay. The potion and the scroll are used to pay for it.” Henry lowered his head and considered his inventory and said, “No problem. I will pay for a part of the spell scroll and potion. But the scroll may contain a part of the magic scroll. I hope you can understand.”

The originally silent mage suddenly said, “Can I ask you about the level of the spell scroll?” Henry took a deep look at Baram and said, “I have one to six magic spells and one to five spells. There are a lot of scrolls.” After hearing these words, the wizard turned and whispered a few words to the commander. Then Baram turned around and said to Henry: “If you agree to let my wizard adviser choose some first In the case of advanced scrolls, I can increase the number of slaves to 8,000. If your ship cannot be shipped at once, I can sell you two cargo ships. But I need to see your sincerity first.” Henry took out from the dimension bag Two pieces of Death Cloud Technique and two Healing Techniques were gently held in his hand. The people around were obviously tense, and the mage also hid his hands in the wide sleeves, so as to prevent others from seeing his spell-casting gestures. Henry gently put the scroll in his hand on the ground, and then slowly backed up until the people around him released their guards before stopping. Baram came over and picked up the four scrolls and handed them to his adviser. The mage picked it up and appraised it and nodded and said, “It’s quite powerful Dead Cloud and Healing. We accepted these scrolls. . When the settlement is made, payment will be made at five times the market price. In order to express my gratitude to me for giving you a personal warning, don’t think that all the slaves can be safely taken away after the transaction is carried out in the leader of Baram. This The city has five chiefs, of which Kurze is our enemy. If he finds out that you are trading here, he will definitely send someone to destroy it at sea.”

“Thank you for the reminder, if he dares to come in person, then he might lose his good opponent, if he dares to come in person.” Henry replied. Baram laughed and said, “This is really a good joke, but I am looking forward to this day. Tomorrow I will let my mage advisor take the slave to the dock to trade, you can exchange secret marks with each other. If If you have any other needs in the future, you can contact me at any time.” Henry gave a mage ceremony and said: “Since the agreement is reached, I will say goodbye today and see you at the dock tomorrow morning.” Balam called a thief and asked him to lead the way. . After Henry disappeared into the sewer, Baram asked his advisor, “How about Orson? How strong is this wizard?” The wizard named Orson took off his hood and said, “It’s very powerful, at least better than me. He is. The ability to easily take out the fifth-level magic scroll shows that he is at least a ninth-level mage, and the sixth-level magic shows that there is an eleventh-level druid or priest standing behind him. It is not us in any way. It can be used.” Baram smiled and said: “That happens to be that we can establish a long-term cooperative relationship with him, and if Kurzer dares to destroy the deal this time, he will definitely be beaten up. I have been more recently. I want to kill that guy more and more.” The assistant looked at the scroll carefully and said: “He will definitely do it. Maybe he can remove his power from the dock area this time.”

Henry followed the masked thieves out of the sewer, and after saying goodbye to each other, the thieves quickly returned along the same path. Now he was walking alone on the noisy pier at night, and after walking along the path for a while, he finally saw the Sword. Hawke stood on the deck and waited quietly for his boss to return. Others might not know the power of the leader, but he did. The entire city is divided into five parts, respectively, ruled by five lords Terrell, Baram, Kurze, Sujek, and Resenor, all of whom are descendants of pirates. In other words, each of them has one-fifth of the power to be a city, and Hawke is very worried that his boss will be blackmailed. When he was worried, Henry returned to the ship. He said to the captain, “My captain, you haven’t rested at this late?” The old man stood up and asked after seeing him come back, “How is the deal?” He He smiled and said: “Yes, tomorrow Baram’s wizard consultant will personally lead the team to send 8,000 slaves. But can our ship still hold so many people?” Hawke smiled and said, “It doesn’t matter us. The boat is big enough and only has a voyage of less than a month. It’s okay to squeeze it.” Henry took a deep breath and said, “I’m relieved when I hear your answer. It’s getting late and rest early. “After speaking, he turned and went back to the room to sleep.

The noisy night passed quickly, and the sun rose again in the early morning. Henry got up very early and he knew there was an important deal today. After washing, he came to the deck and waited quietly, with the orc warrior following him. An hour later, Master Orson came to the dock with a long list of slaves and troops. The huge number of slaves aroused the idea of ​​spies from all sides, who hid in the corner and watched carefully. Orson saw Henry and the guard behind him standing on the deck and walked over with a smile and said: “Good morning, Mr. Henry, your guard is really mighty. I brought the goods are all slaves who have gone through sex, men and women. Half of the five hundred children have no elderly. Do you need to check their teeth?” Henry glanced at these slaves and found that they were still in good condition although they were hungry and a little weak, but overall they were healthy without disease. He said to the mage: “No need to send it directly on the boat, please count the amount. After you click, I will start to pay.” Orson commanded the people behind him, and the army began to drive the slaves onto the boat. Captain Hawke was in charge of directing the sailors to wash them clean.

The huge number of slaves caused the work process to be very slow, and it didn’t end until the afternoon. Henry had invited the mage to the captain’s room and simply ate lunch and was sitting and chatting together. This is the captain who came in and said to Henry: “The boss has already ordered the order. There are three thousand five hundred women, four thousand men, five hundred. Children. Now they’ve all been bathed and loaded into the boat, and they can set off at any time after a simple supply.” Henry thought that he finally made up enough labor in the territory. With these slaves, his city will not take long to be established. . He took out the dimensional bag and took out the potion that was pre-packed into the box, and there was a stack of scrolls about one hundred and fifty on the table, and then opened and said: “Thank you for me, Chief Baram, without him. It’s impossible for me to buy so many slaves at once. This is the magic scroll and potion I promised. Please check it and estimate it.” Orson looked through each scroll carefully, and then opened the box to check the potion. After more than an hour, he finished, please point to Henry and say: “The first, second, third level spells and magical scrolls are based on the market price, and the scrolls from level 4 to level 6 are five times higher plus this box. The total value of the magic potion is 350,000 gold coins. After deducting these, you will pay another 170,000 gold coins and we will pay them off.”

Then Henry paid 170,000 gold coins. After the two exchanged secret marks with each other, Orson took the gold coins, potion and scroll and was escorted out of the dock by the army. Henry saw the completion of the transaction and said to the captain: “Replenishment immediately. We will set off tonight. Otherwise, we may not be able to leave.” Hawke nodded and agreed, then stood up and went to the market on the dock to purchase supplies. Henry He took the Orc Vaughn and stood on the deck in case of accidents. In the evening, the captain returned to the ship with a large amount of food, water and wine, and after putting the supplies in place, he directed the four ships to leave the port.

After taking the slave ship that had been floating outside the port on the sea, the five ships formed a fleet and slowly headed towards the open sea. Henry knew that he might be attacked by pirates at any time within two days, and this time, the commander of Kurzer himself would not be a mob like the pirates when he came. Maybe there will be a fierce battle at sea. He instructed all sailors in the fleet to prepare for battle and carry weapons with them to ensure that the watchtower is left guarded at all times. And get Amy ready to cast spells and scrolls when necessary and let her attack alone. Soon the ship left the Luskan waters and headed towards the deep sea taking advantage of the moonlight. No one was asleep, they waited nervously for the pirates’ attack. The pirates, composed of three large ships behind them, have already begun to leave the port. The mage is monitoring the movement and following the prey behind them, ready to launch a fatal blow.


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