Broly In Naruto

A Brewing Storm??


Broly has returned to his village with Hidan and Kakuzu still chained up. He walked through the crowd of civilians to get the Palace. The Palace, or more commonly known as the Councilor’s Castle, is where Broly, Jabie, and Esumi regularly stay. Although Sho, Khael, and Fu got rooms of their own as well.

Although Broly was walking through the streets with two men impaled and chained up, the looks of the villagers were no different. Some of the children even cheered and greeted Broly. Their parents tried to stop them but Broly allowed it. He doesn’t mind giving his subjects some time. He wasn’t in a hurry after all.

“Haio Councilor Hakuseki!!” One of the children greeted him.

Broly nodded towards the boy who was nearly his size.

“Who are they?! Are they our enemies? Are they going to be our friends? Or are they going to be part of the super cool police force?” A little girl asked.

“They will be used to support our soldiers. They were my enemy, but now they have become slaves. They were weak and paid the price for it. Power is everything.” Broly said as the children were awed at one of the Councilor’s strength and set a goal to themselves to become as strong as possible.

“Lord Councilor Sir! How can I become one of the apprentices under the Councilors?!” An academy student asked Broly.

Broly looked at the red-haired boy. He noticed the boy was under the effects of Jabie’s alcoholic medication. This medication was only used for a certain fighting style.

“There will be no more apprentices. I will give you all the tools needed to become stronger. In the future, I expect many of you to rival Jabie and Esumi and some lucky few to even best them.” Broly said before lightly laughing.

“If you manage to reach my power in the future, I wouldn’t mind letting you be my rival. But there are many fighters for you to defeat before you can dream about that.” He finished before walking away and leaving the children and any nearby listeners to awe even more at one of their leaders.

“Just watch me Councilor Hakuseki….. I will get as strong as I can… I won’t let you down!” The red-haired boy said before heading off too the library, where most of the techniques the gang knows are listed.

Broly arrived at his home and went to find a Jabie clone to get started on extracting Hidan and Kakuzu’s knowledge and jutsus. He walked into an unused lab and found just the clone he was looking for. He told him what he wanted him to do and watched as the clone put on a Crown of Servitude on both Hidan’s and Kakuzu’s head before giving them very specific orders so that they won’t cause trouble in the future and listen to their orders. The Crown of Servitude injects a special type of chakra that integrates itself with the victim’s chakra system, but mostly the brain. This special chakra could be said to be linked to genjutsu, due to the fact that it controls the victim’s senses and thoughts. But it is not a genjutsu. Just similar to it. Jabie only managed to create this type of chakra through pure luck.

Broly found a strange ore after one of his adventures across the nations, and gave it to Jabie after not being able to figure out how to use it. Luckily for him, Jabie managed to figure out the uses for the mineral. He soon left after making sure nothing went wrong with the “ceremony” and met up with his clone that held the three-tails.

“You won’t get away with this, you monster. A woman’s voice said filled with hatred.

Broly ignored the Two-Tailed Jinchūriki as she also had the crown on her head. Broly noticed the three-tails was still in it’s small form and resting state. He had to figure out a way to get this beast under his control. He doubted the crown would work on a Tailed Beast without a host. He didn’t have any knowledge of fuinjutsu to seal it inside someone. He told himself to remind Jabie to recruit a fuinjutsu expert inside the village sometime in the future.

‘I will just have to keep it in this weakened state until I can find a way to take over this beast’s mind.’ Broly thought to himself.

Broly soon left the underground parts of the Palace and returned to his room. Broly’s room was rather plain. Just a simple king-sized bed, a large drawer filled with clothes he never wears in favor for his classic look, Pictures of him, Jabie, and Esumi in a photo taken by Akira. Some pictures were just him and Akira or him alone. He looked in the mirror at his still child-like figure. He crushed his hand.

‘Soon. I will return to my previous appearance.’

‘The Akatsuki should be preparing themselves for a more frontal assault against the Jinchūriki or my village. The village won’t be able to build itself quietly for much longer and my slaves won’t be able to match up against a member of the Akatsuki without dying or nearly dying in the aftermath. Going after more Jinchūriki at this point would be pointless. I’ve captured three of them. That’s good enough. For now, I should just stay here and continue to strengthen the village while increasing my own power. I’ll have to send a clone to watch the chunin exams and inform Jabie and Esumi about my decisions.’

After deciding his next plan of moves, he got out of his room and headed towards the academy with a Jabie clone behind him.


Jabie had a clone that was currently more than 20 kilometers away from Konoha. The clone reached into his bookbag with his hand and with his new kinjutsu gained from “borrowing” Deidara’s techniques. His new mouth hand started to crunch, chomp, and chew on the various steel inside his bookbag created from his steel release kekkei genkai he “acquired” from the village of steel users. After the hand finished chewing it formed a pure pitch-black arrow laced with pressurized water chakra. After spitting out the arrow, the mouth hand also spat out a similarly colored bow made of the same materials.

The two items suddenly poofed and enlarged to a normal size. The clone grabbed the two items and activated his Byakugan. He saw his target in his regular underground base.

‘I’ll need to allocate a large amount of chakra if I want this to reach Danzo…” Jabie muttered to himself.

Jabie dipped the arrow in a special type of poison he made after gaining knowledge of Sasori’s massive knowledge of poisons and mixing his own. This poison will effectively shut down the body’s movements in seconds and soon kill them afterwards. After doing that, Jabie equipped the bow and arrow and aimed at the stationary Danzo. With a brief burst of red chakra, Jabie’s clone grew sharp teeth and had two slight protrusions from the back of his head. With a grin that looked like a standard mad scientist smile, Jabie increased the amount of chakra formed around his arrow to improve the piercing power of it as much as he could. After a few second of infusing his “gathered” tailed beast chakra into his arrow, the red chakra aura dispersed and his physical condition returned back to normal. He was slightly sweating as he aimed down Danzo who was currently sitting in a throne-like chair talking to his henchmen.

‘Those eyes of yours will be put to better use inside the people of my village. I’m sure those eyes were gained through a rather unethical scheme of yours anyway.’ Jabie’s clone thought to itself before releasing the arrow from his bow.


And with that the arrow tore through the air and ground easily. No matter what was in the way of the arrow, everything was completely ignored and passed through as it homed in towards Danzo. As if the arrow had a mind of it’s own. Which was somewhat true. Due to the arrow being created from the mouth hand of Jabie, Jabie could remotely control the materials created from the hand. The arrow was steadily getting closer and closer to Danzo as it finally made it a few meters near Konoha. The arrow finally started to aim down and head towards Danzo’s underground base.

And with an arrow through his heart, Danzo has met his end as his henchmen immediately got into action and set off. Jabie was about to turn off his Byakugan there, but suddenly… Danzo’s body faded away and reappeared next to his throne. Jabie saw one of the Sharingan on Danzo’s arm shut.

‘Impossible… The Sharingan couldn’t possibly be able to rewrite life and death… But.. How did he see my attack coming? Is it automatic?’ ‘I don’t have enough information! How infuriating…..’ Jabie thought as he controlled the arrow to shoot towards Danzo once more.

Danzo removed his right eye wrap and revealed another sharingan eye. He swayed his head to dodge the arrow instead of catching it or breaking it.

‘He can see the poison as well…’ Jabie’s clone thought as it made the arrow continue to shoot towards Danzo. Danzo continued to dodge easily until Jabie’s clone made a Seal of Confrontation hand sign and made the arrow burst apart into tiny metal pieces that skewered Danzo.

‘What about this one Danzo?’ Jabie thought with a smug smile.

But once more Danzo’s previous skewered body faded away and reappeared somewhere else.

‘He realized he wasn’t in an advantageous position.. He’s running. Another sharingan on his arm closed as well.. I think I’m starting to get it… Lethal methods aren’t going to work against him.. And it seems a henchman under Danzo managed to spot me.. A Hyūga Root member.. This isn’t turning out so well.. I’ll have to try again another time.’ Jabie thought as his transformed clone dispelled before it could be caught by Danzo and his henchmen.

“I will use your body to build up my village even more. Those eyes and that arm will be put to much better use in my hands Danzo.. Just wait..” Jabie muttered to himself before taking off towards the joint chunin exam between Konoha and Suna.

‘I hope Esumi is doing fine. Although I never fought Orochimaru, I heard from Suna that he’s good at running away.’


Esumi was currently hiding a few distances away from the bridge as Sasori met with his spy that was a cloaked Kabuto in disguise. They started conversating before Esumi managed to see a certain snake hidden behind some trees on the opposite side of the bridge.

“Release.” Esumi said with her activated Byakugan and now unsealed Sharingan.

Esumi’s four gravity seals were released as her face took on a rare serious look. She equipped herself with a regular sword and took off in the blink of an eye as Orochimaru appeared on the bridge. He attempted to capture Sasori, but was kicked in the stomach by a sudden new entry. Orochimaru was sent flying away rapidly, crashing and knocking down plenty of trees. Kabuto attacked Esumi while her back was turned with his chakra scalpel jutsu.

Without even turning to look, Esumi dashed after Orochimaru while Sasori’s red cloaked puppet intercepted Kabuto’s attack.

“You betrayed the Akatsuki for some little girl?” Kabuto asked.

“I betrayed no one. My actions aren’t mine anymore. I am a puppet in it’s purest form.” Sasori replied.

Kabuto and Sasori’s puppet clashed and sent each other sliding back on the bridge in opposite directions.

“What do you mean? Does that little girl have power over you somehow?” Kabuto asked slightly interested.

“I am Yada Esumi’s tool. If you wish to fight against her, expect to go through me first.” Sasori replied.

“I’ll get the answers out of you myself then.” Kabuto stated as he pulled out 3 scrolls and summoned three identical looking bodies.

The three silent, strange moving Kabuto clones used the chakra scalpel technique and ran towards Sasori and his puppet.


Esumi saw Orochimaru exiting his own body. Like a snake shedding their skin, but in a more slimy manner.

“Orochimaru. This is for my mother and little brother… that you and your scientists killed in pursuit of power. I will end you for their deaths.” Esumi said solemnly.

“You’re the little girl that hangs around Aomatsuna-kun… How is his little “village” going? I’ll be sure to visit soon.. You wouldn’t be the first to come after me for some of my experiments. And you certainly won’t be the lassssst.” Orochimaru hissed.

“Tch. Shut up! Get ready to die creep!”

And with that hate-filled shout, Esumi suddenly appeared under Orochimaru and slashed towards his throat. Orochimaru smiled a disgusting smile as he grabbed Esumi’s blade.

“You need more than this little toy to face me girl.”

“Die!” Esumi shouted.

Esumi put even more force into her blade.



Orochimaru put more force into his grip as well and they both watched as Esumi’s sword was about to shatter. Esumi surged lightning chakra into her blade and sliced through Orochimaru’s hand and torso. However, Esumi knew it was far from over. Her Byakugan caught Orochimaru’s cut in half body reattach themselves together with snakes. Esumi stopped watching Orochimaru regenerate and in a blink of an eye sliced towards him again.


Her blade shattered against the fist of Orochimaru and from his mouth shot out a sword at a blinding speed. However, it was useless surprise against someone like Esumi who possessed both a Sharingan and a Byakugan. She swayed her head to the side as the slimy surprise attack sunk into a tree behind her and immediately reequipped another weapon. She slammed it into the gut of Orochimaru and blasted him even farther away than before.

“Interesting….” Orochimaru mused to himself as he crashed through multiple trees with a hole in his stomach.

Esumi was now holding a steel anchor as a weapon. She disappeared from her previous location and managed to reach Orochimaru as he was spitting up another version of himself completely healed.

“It’s time to end this Orochimaru. Even you won’t be able to heal from this.”

“What are you planning little girl?”

“I told you already. Your death!”

Multiple weapons shot out from the sword sheathe on Esumi’s waist. The sky was filled with a sea of silver. Blades of all kinds of shapes, sizes, and color rained from the sky. The blades had no discernible direction as they torrented from the sky. Orochimaru dodged any blades that came near him while no blades came close to Esumi.

“Sea of Unending Wraith. Start your Rampage..” Esumi said as the shadows of the blades stretched towards Orochimaru’s shadow.

“Shadow Possession Jutsu!? Impossible! You aren’t from the Nara clan!” Orochimaru shouted as he jumped in the air.

A bright yellow light formed at the tip of Esumi’s finger as she smirked.

She pointed her finger at Orochimaru as both the shadows picked up the numerous blades launched them at Orochimaru.

“This is the end Orochimaru! You won’t live through this one! Combination Ninjutsu: Penetrating Metal Beam!” Esumi shouted as she blasted an unperceivable ray of intense heat and light towards Orochimaru and her storm of blades shot towards Orochimaru, intending to skewer his entire body.

Orochimaru’s face turned grim.

‘If I’m not careful this could kill me….’ Orochimaru thought before he suddenly realized there was a hole through his throat.

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