Broly In Naruto

Gathering Even More Power!


Broly was standing in front of a lake with his tail hanging freely in the wind. With his Byakugan activated, he saw the Three-Tails slumbering at the bottom of this lake. Broly was currently thinking about how he was going to transfer this beast to his village. He didn’t see any sort of organs or a chakra pathway system inside the beast. From what he could see it was entirely made of chakra. Broly found the location of this tailed beast thanks to Jabie’s disguised clones gathering information. He planned on visiting the Four-Tails Jinchūriki after this one. He was excited about facing him. He is a well-known powerful shinobi. Broly’s palm starting to glow a lime green color before forming a small green orb above it. Broly lightly tossed the ball inside the lake. As soon as it left his palm it started to flicker on and off. It started to speed up in intensity of flickering as it sunk down into the lake.

The previous peaceful and serene like scenery suddenly descended into chaos as the lake exploded from underneath. A massive amount of rushing water rose high in the sky. The water rose so high it eclipsed over Broly and the surrounding forest behind him. As if it was a rushing furious dragon, the water crashed down back into the sea. An enormous figure rose to the surface of the water glaring at Broly. The creature looked unharmed, but Broly’s Byakugan saw the drop in chakra levels from the beast.

The large spiky turtle opened it’s mouth and shot two huge water balls towards Broly. Broly smirked as he was impacted by the ninjutsu of the Three-Tailed. He held out his palm and was slightly pushed back as he forced the two from blasting him out of the forest. He held the balls in front of him and with a loud


And a flash of green, the huge water jutsu was sent flying back at the Three-Tails who curled up into a spiky ball. The attack impacted the giant spiked turtle and only splashed upon it’s shell. The tailed beast uncurled itself from it’s shell and looked for its attacker. It noticed the small human trying to harm it was missing and suddenly felt something heading towards it. It quickly tried to curl up into a ball once more, but Broly was faster. With his hand coated in blue chakra and seven black hoops floating behind him, he grabbed the head of the tailed beast and had his seven hoops attach themselves to the three tails and the four legs of the beasts. The giant turtle immediately tried to retaliate and free itself from the human child, but realized that the child was sucking its chakra along with those strange circle things he created! It struggled and roared while using the remaining chakra to free itself.

“Release.” Broly stated as his grip on the beast increased over tenfold and forced it to remain still as he drained it’s chakra dry.

The Three-Tail’s struggle quickly died down after Broly released his fuinjutsu seal and soon the beast was unconscious when Broly’s previously black chakra rings turned bright green and he sucked most if not all of the beasts chakra.


With a large puff of smoke, the Three-Tails suddenly transformed into a much smaller version of itself as it slept in Broly’s hand. The chakra rings stopped sucking up the beast’s chakra as they shrunk down to fit the beast’s new size.

“This thing better be able to transform back..” Broly muttered before coating himself in wind chakra and flying towards his village.

As Broly was flying to his village, he noticed a small a group of shinobi facing off against two other shinobi. He couldn’t see from so far up, so he activated his eye and saw a very pleasant surprise. It was two Akatsuki members. From the info they got from Deidara and Sasori, those two were Hidan and Kakuzu. Two immortals would be very useful for his village. If he could have his slaves and people benefit from their immortality then he could have even more choices in taking over this planet.

‘Interesting! Good! This planet has so many powerful abilities despite how weak it is. I haven’t even left this planet yet. I’m sure there is much more to explore throughout the galaxy…’

Broly watched as Hidan pulled out a necklace and started to mutter something. Kakuzu looked annoyed while he did this. After doing that strange action in front of enemy ninja, Hidan extended his scythe and caught one of the enemy shinobi off guard. He slashed his cheek and made his scythe return with the long metal cable attached to it. Black threads filled with chakra extended from Kakuzu’s wrist and started to choke the remaining four shinobi. Hidan licked the blood on his scythe from his attack and created some strange symbol in the ground with his blood and suddenly his skin color changed. He had dark black skin and white bone-like markings.

“The Ritual is complete…”

Kakuzu finished up with his enemies by strangulation and carried their bodies behind him for some reason. Hidan pulled out a retractable spear and stabbed himself in the thigh. The shinobi he sliced earlier on the cheek after a few seconds grabbed his thigh and started to shout in pain. Hidan with his face in glee started to stab himself multiple times over while laughing maniacally. The shinobi started to spew blood from his mouth and leak blood from the same places Hidan stabbed himself in.

‘I see.. So that strange circle and licking the blood of his enemies links his injuries towards his opponents. Kakuzu has 5 separate hearts and his body is filled with those black threads filled with chakra. Capturing them all along with this tailed beast should be fun. But not easy.’ Broly thought to himself before smiling.

He created a clone and gave it the beast. The clone then flew away towards Broly’s village as he stayed hovering above the two Akatsuki members who no doubt were after the Three-Tails. Broly slowly floated downward from the sky towards the two Akatsuki members. Broly saw Kakuzu sense him, but his partner was blissfully unaware as he stabbed the last shinobi one more times finally putting him out of his misery.

“Hm another bounty just walked into my hands.. And it’s one of the nuisances that’s been bothering our group.” Kakuzu said nonchalantly.

“This kid has a bounty? Impossible. It still looks like he still wears diapers!” Hidan remarked.

“He’s one of the kids that’s suspected of defeating Sasori and Deidara.”

“Well. Lord Jashin doesn’t discriminate with his sacrifices. Blame your own luck kid.” Hidan said before taking out an accessory and muttering a prayer.

“You two will become mine. Your immortality with be a great boon for my village. If you resist it will only make this even better.”

The two ignored the ramblings of Broly as they suddenly started arguing about who should get Broly first. Kakuzu wanted Broly for the 20 million ryo on his head, and Hidan wanted Broly for his sacrifice to Lord Jashin.

“If you won’t come to me, I’ll make it easier on you.” Broly said.

Broly landed on the ground and then disappeared from the sights of the two Akatsuki members.

“What the?!” Hidan shouted.

Broly kneed Hidan in the face and launched him far away and into the lake he just came from. Kakuzu’s arm detached and shot towards Broly’s throat while he was still recovering from his attack against Hidan. Broly smacked the incoming hand away with his tail and with a brief explosion from his back, he shot towards Kakuzu who had only one arm currently. Broly saw Kakuzu covered his skin in earth chakra and turn his skin darker. He only smiled as he briefly turned Super Saiyan and stored explosive chakra in his hand. Similar to the famous technique of a certain female hokage. Kakuzu kicked towards the incoming saiyan and clashed with his fist briefly.


With a green flash of light, a massive explosion occurred when Broly and Kakuzu clashed. The nearby trees were blown apart and Kakuzu was sent flying in the same direction as Hidan. Broly was left at the blast site softly laughing while returning back to his normal state.

“You’re pretty strong.. I didn’t know earth chakra could be used in such a way.. Good to know..” Broly said to himself before rushing towards the lake.

Broly saw Hidan hiding underneath the water and throwing his scythe that was attached to a cable. Kakuzu was still recovering from his attack. He acted as if he didn’t see the attack coming and at the last second, swayed his head and grabbed the cable the scythe was attached to. He pulled the cable and brought Hidan towards him at incredible speeds while on top of the lake. With an devious laugh from Broly and a very surprised angry Hidan, Broly caught Hidan by the throat and from four chakra points on his back, shot out four green chains made completely of chakra that pierced and chained up Hidan. Rendering him unable to use his chakra and any use of his limbs.

“Uzumaki clan huh… How useful..” Broly muttered to himself.

“Kakuzu! Help me out!! I can’t give Lord Jashin his sacrifice if I’m chained up!” Hidan shouted.

Kakuzu appeared on top of the lake’s surface with his body completely torn apart and held together by his black threads. A demonic tiger-like mask appeared on his shoulder. Broly saw that he managed to destroy 3 of his hearts with his last attack.

‘He isn’t as impressive as I thought. I should let him go all out. I might be lowering one of my new slaves potential..’

“It has been… a very… very…. Long time since three of my hearts… were destroyed… and in one hit no less… You are much more dangerous than what we previously thought…” Kakuzu said before his black threads filled with chakra suddenly expanded and became even thicker and numerous.

It appears he became much more cautious. He refused to take the offensive position against Broly.

“Hey hey Kakuzu don’t be scared of this brat! Hurry up and save me!” Hidan shouted.

“Fool. This is no easy bounty. He is definitely worth at least a 100 million bounty…” Kakuzu muttered.

Broly disappeared. Kakuzu instantly jumped in the sky and watched for any signs of the dangerous brat. Broly saw Kakuzu’s mask turn 180 degrees around and shoot out a blast of flame from it’s mouth towards him. Broly used his chains and forced Hidan to take the intense flame storm.


Kakuzu clicked his tongue before piercing towards Hidan and Broly with his multitude of tendrils. Two tendrils pierced through Hidan’s torso and headed towards Broly.


Broly quickly weaved through some hand signs and mouthed the words, ‘Earth Style: Trapping Meteor’ before spitting out a pin-sized silver colored marble that shot through Hidan’s chest and blasted both him and Hidan away from Kakuzu’s incoming tendrils. Broly returned Hidan back to his original spot behind and above him hovering with his chains pierced and chained through him. Kakuzu stayed where he was and continued to watch Broly like a hawk as he stood on the lake’s surface.

“Scared you little bug? No matter. I’ll play along with your game. Try not to die too soon.” Broly said as his hand started to glow green.

He created green chakra orbs and filled with them explosive chakra and started to rapidly toss them towards Kakuzu. Kakuzu, being cautious, shot a fire blast out of his demonic tiger mask at one of the orbs and watched as it exploded with dangerous force. He quickly started to run while closing in on Broly and shooting more fire ball jutsus out of his mask. Broly just laughed maniacally as he threw more and more orbs that caused the water to rise out of the water and high in the sky.

Eventually a large wave formed on the lake’s surface and was headed straight towards all three of them. But they all ignored it. Hidan was continually cursing Broly and sometimes Kakuzu while he was trapped in Broly’s Adamantine Sealing Chains. Kakuzu jumped above Broly and shot towards him with his tentacles. Broly ceased throwing his attacks and from numerous chakra points in his body, shot out even more green chakra in the form of chains that clashed against Kakuzu’s tendrils.

The large wave was nearly upon the both of them. Broly’s chains that he got from the Uzumaki genes surgically put inside his body, overtook Kakuzu’s threads and pierced through his final mask and his body before tying him up in chains the same way he chained up Hidan. But in a less fatal manner.

“Impossible! How can you seal the chakra in my threads!? What is that jutsu?!” Kakuzu shouted as he was chained and captured next to Hidan who was even more surprised than Kakuzu.

The large wave was about to crash down upon the three. Broly slowly raised his hand. A brief gentle breeze flowed out of Broly’s palm.


An explosive gust of wind burst from Broly’s palm and easily tore apart the wave and scattered it into numerous tiny droplets of water.

“Welcome to my Empire. Your immortality will be used to benefit my people and my soldiers. Once I gathered everything I could out of you, you will die. Unless you two show a use besides immortality, consider your lives on borrowed time.” Broly stated as he chained their mouths and started laughing manically as he flew away.


“Oh my god. Why can’t I shoot fire that never extinguishes out of my eye…. I was ripped off god damn it!” Esumi whined while Fu, Khael, and Sho were training.

“I can’t even turn it off! Everything is in red! At least with the Hyūga eyes I can turn it off. Who would want these dumb eyes!?” Esumi whined even louder.

“Master I’m trying to train. Could you shut up please?” Sho asked while sparring against Esumi’s silent clone.

“Like you three even need to train. You’re basically always training with the seal on ya! It trains your chakra and body all the time until you get strong enough to need to go to the next level.” Esumi said.

“Esumi-san, that would make us stronger yes, but it would only force us to rely on it and not increase our actual skills and techniques.” Fu said in a strangely intelligent manner.

“Tch! Whatever! I just wanted to complain about this eye and you three gang up on the poor sweet cute ole adorable me. Such heartless kids..” Esumi whined while taking the pose of someone who has been wronged.

Fu and Sho had a look of slight annoyance on their face, while Khael had her usual cold look. While on the inside she was quite happy to spend time with her friends.

Khael was training with her bone puppets and Sasori’s hundred puppet technique. She had formed over 100 animals with her Dead Bone Pulse kekkei genkai Broly told Jabie to give her. She controlled them all with a 100 chakra threads from chakra points. Most if not all puppet users can only use their ten fingers to manipulate puppets. While Khael can use 10x as that currently. Although her Byakugan gives her a huge advantage in seeing all of her bone puppets, she still has to work on strategizing with her puppets/teammates, reducing the time-lag between her and her puppets, and her general skill of puppetry as a whole.

She was supposed to be trained by Sasori, but Aomatsuna told her they had to extract information from him first before he could become her teacher. So for now she had to train gradually with Esumi-san. At first, Khael wasn’t too fond of Esumi, simply because she was too friendly. It made her nervous and confused. She used to hide behind Aomatsuna whenever Esumi was around. Before meeting Aomatsuna, Khael rarely interacted with any humans. She was abandoned by her parents and forced to live inside a forest near her parent’s village. She had to scrape by and salvage any type of food she could get her hands on. Even if it meant stealing from her old village.

Khael never really understood why she was banished from her old village. She doesn’t like to think about the past ever since she came under the tutelage of Aomatsuna. She is much happier now. Even if she isn’t a fan of violence and cruelty like her master. But she would never express that around him. She’s terrified of the thought that her master would abandon her if she proved useless or worthless. She still doesn’t understand what he saw in her that day.

“How are the eyes Esumi?” Jabie said as he walked in the forest clearing along with a red-headed pretty boy.

“Until I get the chance to test these babies out, I have no clue. But right now slightly annoying.” Esumi responded.

“Why is that?”

“My entire left eye only sees in red. It drains my chakra when my eye is open, but this is barely anything at all with my amazing chakra. And I can’t shoot flames out of it!!!”

“I told you before that the undying flames thing was only a rumor. And those seem negligent from the benefits it must give.”

“Yeah! But! So what! It should do it anyway! And oh you brought Sasori with you.”

“Yeah. I haven’t got him to give me all the information he has yet, but your mission is more important than his knowledge currently. So here ya go.” Jabie said.

Esumi looked at the human/puppet hybrid in his same old Akatsuki robes, but just painted a different color. Instead of the usual red and black, it was painted purple and green.

“Alright. Well you know the deal Sasori-chan. We leave tomorrow to meet up with your spy and then we’ll go find and kill Orochimaru with him. Alright kiddies! The beautiful, chubby, and smart Jabie here will be taking over your training for now. I’m going to go rest for my big revenge tomorrow.” Esumi said as she waved and left the group with Sasori following behind her. Dispelling her clones as well.

“Alright. I was planning on finding the six-tails, but I guess I can train you guys instead. I’m sure one of my clones will dispel and let me know when they find it later. Tell me what you all want to work on.” Jabie said.

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