Broly In Naruto

Trip Down Memory Leaf!

“Hey there it is!” Esumi shouted as the gang started to descend and reach the entrance of the village.

They noticed a few figures waiting for them.

“Who knew we were coming back today?” Esumi asked confused.

“No one except one person.” Jabie said bracing himself.

“Let’s find out.” Broly said as they reached the entrance.

In front of the gang were Shino, Hinata, Lee, Tsunade, Sakura, and Jabie’s 12 year old clone. Broly’s eye brows raised at the fact that Jabie’s clone hasn’t aged a day since he left and the fact that it lasted three years without dispelling once somehow. Impossible.

‘Impossible… How could that brat look basically the same as he did three years ago?! Does he not age? Is it a transformation jutsu that works permanently like mine? Or could it be.. His kekkei genkai?!’ Tsunade thought to herself.

‘How does he look exactly how he did when he left the hokage’s office all those years ago?’ Sakura asked.

‘Wow Yada-san, has become quite beautiful over the past three years.’ Lee thought to himself.

“Aomatsuna. Nice seeing you again… Even though you soon left the village right after I came into office.” Tsunade said as if still holding a grudge.

“Tsunade.” Broly replied.

She sighed at his lack of response. “Are you planning to return to the village?” She asked.

“For now, yes.” Broly said, causing Tsunade to let out a breathe in relief at the increase in strength her village just received.

Broly looked at the water clone.

“Get Ready Jabie.” Broly said before both of the Jabie’s shivered at his tone and suddenly the sound of leaking water was heard.

The welcoming group made shocked reactions and Sakura screamed when they noticed Broly’s hand inside Jabie’s chest.

“Calm down you little babies. That was just the water clone.” Esumi said.

“Why did you do that?! I still had uses for him!” Tsunade shouted.

Broly looked at the Lady Hokage and simply turned his head instead of replying. After dispelling the water clone, Jabie grabbed his head as three years of memories assaulted his brain. With a quick poke to the forehead, and a shining bright white light he was as good as new.

“Danzo….” Jabie muttered for everyone to hear.

“What about him Jabie?” Tsunade asked interested.

“Nothing. I just didn’t know his name before I left.” Jabie lied.

Esumi and Broly must have noticed his lie because they both looked at him in a certain way.

“How did you know we were returning today?” Broly asked.

“We didn’t. We were waiting for Naruto and Lord Jiraiya.” Sakura answered.

“Oooh so it’s just a coincidence! Haha well see ya Tsunade! We got places to be and things to do.” Esumi said as she and the rest of the gang started to walk inside the village’s entrance.

“Hinata, Shino, Lee follow along with us. You’re test will be later and afterwards I’ll try and get you guys to be recommended as Jonin by the Hokage. You three are already as strong as or stronger than some of the jonin inside the village. All I need to do is confirm a few concerns of mine.” Jabie told the three.

“Hai Amai sensei!” The three said with Lee being the loudest and most heard.

“I’m going to see Mom. Khael follow along with me. Jabie, I’ll be there when I’m done.” Broly said as he walked to the very reminiscent orphanage with his new Protégé.

“I’m going to take Sho-kun and take a little trip down memory lane around the village. Tell Auntie, I said hi Suna.” Esumi said before skipping off with Sho behind.

“It seems the rest of my friends have left. Let’s go get reacquainted with each other over some food. I’m sure you guys are curious about my adventures over the past three years.” Jabie said as he brought his little apprentices along.

“Amai sensei. Am I really strong enough to become a jonin? It’s only been three years since we started training under you.. How can you tell?” Hinata asked.

“I’ve fought many jonin and escaped many jonin after leaving the village. I can tell at this point who is genin-worthy to jonin-worthy.” Jabie said.

“Wow Amai-sensei how did you manage to escape from a jonin when you were just a chunin after leaving?” Lee asked.

“Ninja rank does not equal strength Lee. An academy student could be stronger than a chunin if talented enough.”

“Talented huh…” Lee dragged.

“Don’t worry Lee. With my teachings, talent is nothing but a word or a future benchmark for my students. I use to have nothing special about me when I was younger. I just read a lot. I also was bullied when I was younger as well. But the thing is. I read about things that could make me stronger or a better ninja. I read about poisons, chakra, weapons, fighting styles, medicines, and anything else that could make me strong enough to enjoy my passions and not be bullied. With time I became strong enough to do that, and I’m currently doing that.”

“What are your passions sensei?” Shino asked.

“I’ll tell you about it when we start eating.” Jabie said as they walked into a restaurant.


“I thought you were an orphan sensei.” Khael said with an uninterested tone.

“I am. I was adopted by her. She is not my birth mother despite being with me since my birth.” Broly told her.


Broly and Khael reached the orphanage and Broly knocked on the door. It took a few seconds before three little kids and a foolish weak looking man appeared at the door.

“Hey it’s a big kid!” One of the kids said with a big dumb smile on his face

“Why do I have to wear a shirt but you don’t?” a second child who had snot running slightly down his nose asked.

“You’re pretty big sis!” The girl said with a shine in her eyes.

“Enough kids. Get back inside you’re bothering the guests.” The brown-haired man said.

“Who at the door dear?” A familiar voice asked.

‘Dear…?’ Broly thought to himself before slowly looking the man in the eyes.

“Its two kids…” The man suddenly found his throat caught in itself as he felt a heavy pressure grating down on his entire body.

From behind him, a round bellied gorgeous woman with long brown hair hugged him.

“Well what do they… want….” The woman suddenly found herself unable to continued as she stared at the young boy outside the door with a slightly taller girl that looked similar to the boy in demeanor.

“Suna…. Is it really you…?” The woman asked.

“Mom. I’m back.” Broly said before locking eyes with his mother and her… stomach....

Broly started to feel things he wasn’t used to feeling.

‘Did this weak-looking bug impregnate his mother…? Why didn’t she tell me about it? Who is he? I feel like crushing him…‘

Broly then was hugged all of a sudden by Akira and her belly. He hugged back before she kissed his forehead multiple times and let him go.

“What the hell have you been eating Suna?! You haven’t grown since the last time I’ve seen you! I’m going to fix you up something right now. Stay here with your little friend.” Akira said.

Broly grabbed her hand.

“This is normal. I will be growing very rapidly over the next few years. My kekkei genkai is the cause of it.” Broly explained.

“Oh. Thank goodness. I don’t know how you would be able to get a wife if you looked like a child your entire life. But speaking of that.. Could you stop scaring my boyfriend? He doesn’t shake like that normally and his skin color isn’t purple!” Akira said, forcing Broly to stop projecting his killing intent onto Akira’s boyfriend.

“My boyfriend’s name is Jhin. This is my son Aomatsuna. But I call him Suna cause it’s cuter.

Akira’s boyfriend took rapid gulps of air as he held his throat. He was sweating all over as he terrifyingly looked at Broly. The feeling he got from the dangerous kid was to flee and to never come back. But he looked at Akira, who had a strange look in her eyes as if asking what will you do? Will you truly run away… or will you stay.. After taking one last deep breath, he straightened his back and stared at Broly with no intention of leaving.

Broly grinned before blasting one last wave of killing intent towards him and forcing him to fall flat on his butt. Although he never turned his eyes away.

‘Hmph. Not too bad for a weak human. He has something at least.’

“Enough bullying my boyfriend Suna. Come in! Along with your little friend.” Akira said as she brought Broly and Khael inside before they all got situated inside a room.

“So, who is she?” Akira asked.

“She’s my apprentice. I’m teaching her to become stronger. Her name is Khael.” Broly said.

“Well hello Khael-chan. I see you’re matching your “sensei” with the same eyepatch and all. You two look very cute.”

“Hello.” Khael responded in a lackluster voice and slightly red cheeks.

“Hehe. You’re just like Suna. Same tone of voice. Same reactions. I don’t know how you two are ever going to get into a relationship with someone if you keep acting this way.”

Khael’s face turned red.

“I’ll be fine Mother. Is that his?” Broly asked as he pointed to her stomach. Akira nodded and her boyfriend felt a terrible premonition incoming. His body instinctively shivered as he looked towards the boy.

“Despite how spineless and weak he seems, he isn’t completely bug-like.” Broly said.

“You hear that honey? That means he approves!” Akira said.

“Yay….” Akira’s boyfriend responded.

‘Approves my behind.. It feels like he wants to wrench my bones into a pretzel!’

“I’ll go get some snacks to celebrate!” Akira said with a big smile.

“No! No. Let me.. Please.” Akira’s boyfriend said as he clumsily ran out of the room.

“Tch.” Broly audibly let out.

Akira just giggled while Khael looked on in interest at this new side of her master that she’s seeing for the first time.

“I don’t understand why it makes me angry but, since you’re happy Mother. I’ll let it slide.” Broly said.

“Awh. Don’t worry sweetie. No one is going to take your mother away from you. I’ll always be there for you Suna.” Akira said with a hug.

Broly’s tail unconsciously wrapped around her leg. He looked away from Akira’s face after she said that.

“Whose worried about something so foolish?” Broly muttered.

“Well sweetie tell me what you were up to. Unless you can’t since it was a secret ninja mission.”

“I have been creating my own village with Jabie and Esumi.”

For some reason Akira started to burst out laughing for a couple of seconds before seeing the serious look in Broly’s eyes.


Broly nodded.

“Why would you build another village when you already have this one?”

“Konoha isn’t what I consider the perfect place to begin my takeover. Soon I will take you over there Mom. But I still have quite a few things to accomplish before I head back. So for now I’m staying here in Konoha.”

“Takeover? Haha what are you planning you little bully?” Akira said while giggling.

It was at this moment Jhin returned back with chocolate chip cookies.

“I intend to take over all of the nations. With the help of my family and fri..allies.” Broly managed to say.

Jhin dropped the pan full of the delectable looking snacks. He tried to catch the pan after being shocked by Broly’s words, but realized that the pan was floating mid-air! Khael shot out a chakra thread that Akira and Jhin couldn’t see and was holding up the tray.

“I saved them.” Khael said while looking into Jhin’s eyes.

Jhin saw the haughty look on her face when she said that. She was making fun of him. Saying that he is a clumsy worthless piece of garbage that can’t even hold a tray of cookies. With a depressing sigh, he reclaimed the cookies and sat them down.

Akira’s eyes shined a fierce light and nearly blinded Khael and Broly.

“Friends!? You finally made friends outside of your brother and sister?!” Akira shouted.

Broly put his hand up to block the light while Khael was rubbing her eyes frantically.

“Allies. Not friends. But yes I have.”

“My little Suna is growing up so fast! I’m so proud of you sweetie! Hehe if you manage to bring home a little girlfriend I’ll be even more proud of you.” Akira teased.

“Mom. Would you leave this place to come live in my village?”

“Hm… I don’t know sweetie… I’ll have to think about it. I never thought about leaving the village before.”

“Okay. We will be leaving for now Mom. It was… nice seeing you again…” Broly muttered.

“Goodbye Suna! I love you too! Goodbye Khael-chan. Make sure to show off your cute side more for the boys!” Akira shouted as Broly and a red-faced Khael left the orphanage eating cookies.

“Let’s go find Jabie. I need to see where you are at.” Broly said with Khael trailing behind him.


“Ahh such good memories about this place..” Esumi said.

“I’m surprised you grew up in such a normal village master.. The people are nice and friendly. It looks beautiful. And I haven’t gotten mugged yet by anyone.” Sho said with genuine surprise.

Esumi punched Sho on top of the head.

“Quit disrespecting your master you plain-looking brat.”

Sho rubbed his hurting head as he and his master ran into two people. A blonde and a black-haired pony-tailed guy.

“Hey you two! I’m back!” Esumi said as she wrapped her arms around the two from behind.

The blonde nearly attacked Esumi while the black haired just sighed.

“Yada Esumi….” Temari says as if that name was a terrible curse.

“Shika-Baby and Tem-Tem! Yup it’s really me. Did you two miss me?” Esumi asks.

“Oh no..” Shikamaru responds as if he could see an incoming storm coming. Literally..

“Yada Esumi. Fight me!” Temari shouted while brandishing her fan.

“Sure!” Esumi responded instantly and with her usual uppity voice.

“How troublesome… Temari don’t we have to discuss more about the upcoming chunin exams..?” Shikamaru said trying to defuse the situation.

“It’ll only take a second. Shikamaru.” Temari said with a smirk.

“I don’t think outsiders can cause havoc inside villages outside their own. Maybe you should wait until we’re somewhere not in the village for this spar.” Sho said.

“Yeah.. what the kid said. You can always fight her at another time Temari, but we really should get started on our work.” Shikamaru agreed.

“Tch! Fine. Next time Yada Esumi.” Temari spat as she and Shikamaru walked away.

“You even have enemies inside your village!” Sho yelled in disbelief.

“Nah. That’s crazy. Temari just has a hot head. That might get her killed one day if she isn’t careful haha. Ninjas should always be in control of their emotions Sho. Never forget that.”

“Yeah yeah.” Sho waved her off.

He received another knock on the head.

“You’re gonna learn to stop disrespecting me. But anyway. We’re going to find my old master! I haven’t seen her in so long. I wonder how she’s doing.” Esumi said as she headed towards the dango shop with Sho.

“I’m sure your master is just as nutty as you…” Sho muttered under his breath.

Esumi and Sho arrived at the location but the only thing that was there was an abandoned building. Esumi looked around and decided to ask a random person on the street.

“Hey buddy, do you know what happened to this dango shop that used to be here?” She asked the random spiky haired tall blonde on the street.

“No. Sorry. I just came back to the village myself haha.” A familiar voice resonated in Esumi’s ears.


“Beautiful woman? I mean Esumi?! Is that you?! You look completely different!” Naruto shouted.

“Aha Naruto you don’t look any different at all. You just grew taller.”

“I changed way more than that! You’re just too lazy to care.” Naruto said.

“Yeah yeah anyway get outta my way. I need to find where Anko is.” Esumi said.

“Anko is gone on a mission.” Sho told her.

“And how in the hell did you find that out my cute apprentice?” Esumi asked.

“I made some ink bugs and had them scout around the village earlier.” Sho revealed.

“Smart. Good boy. I guess that’s all I really had to check on.. So let’s go find Jabie.” Esumi said as she patted Sho’s head as a reward.

“I’m not a child..” Sho muttered.

“When you start growing some hair down there then maybe I’ll stop.” Esumi teased.

Sho’s face redden as refused to look at Esumi and continued to walk along with her.


“They should be here right about now…” Jabie said as Aomatsuna, Khael, Esumi, Sho, and Fu arrived.

“Neat. Alright. Lee, Hinata, and Shino. I planned to have you spar with these three, but then I realized that there was a power difference between you all. So instead of that I’ll have you three battle with me later and then we’ll go and try to get you guys promoted to jonin.” Jabie explained.

“But for you three Fu, Sho, and Khael-chan are going to be entered into the joint chunin exams by Konoha and Sunagakure. You’ll be entering in as shinobi from our village.” Esumi said.

“Your village?” Shino questioned.

“Yes Shino. But anyway here are your forehead protectors.” Esumi handed the three of them a forehead protector that had the kanji for Demon etched into it.

Khael put hers around her neck. Sho put his on around his forehead, the regular way. Fu put hers around her right arm.

“What do you mean you have a village Esumi!?” Lee shouted.

“Just because you guys can’t do things doesn’t mean I can’t. Don’t you know who I am? I am Yada Esumi! The greatest kunoichi in all of the 5 elemental nations!” Esumi boasted.

“How did you make a village in only three years?” Hinata asked.

“I’ll tell ya if you can beat me.” Esumi said with a taunting grin.

“I won’t hold back.” Hinata said as she got into her clan’s taijutsu stance.

“No. Cut it out Esumi.” Jabie said.

“Blehhhh” Was the response Jabie received along with a silly face.

“Hinata, Lee, Shino we’ll conduct the battle tomorrow. You can think of a strategy and all the tools you might need in the battle. Disperse.”

“Hai Sensei!” They responded and quickly left together.

“Alright. Now that those little jumpstarts are gone. How long is it going to take to merge those sharingan eyes together into one even better one for meee?” Esumi asked as she got close to Jabie.

“Probably once we go out to meet up with Sasori’s spy. The similarities between the Byakugan and the Sharingan are strangely not few. From what my clones managed to discover, but since I already handled many Byakugan eyes it shouldn’t be a problem to create a new improved sharingan in a few days.”

“I’m not going after Orochimaru. You should be enough to handle him yourself Esumi. I’m going to look for the Three-tailed. Jabie if you catch any news of any Akatsuki members go after them yourself or tell me.” Broly said.

“Why are we going after the Akatsuki? They’re just some ninja group. Even though they are strong, I don’t see how they need this much attention.” Jabie asked.

“Besides them and the 5 elemental nations, I don’t see any other forces capable of stopping us. Taking them down will be easier than going against an entire nation. For now.” Broly responded.

“But what about the Jinchūriki and their tailed beasts? Are they just to lure the Akatsuki to us? And if so why do we need to go after the Akatsuki if we can just lure them to our village and build a trap for them? And I don’t believe that we’re strong enough to take on a nation unless we build up our village and hire lots and lots of mercenary.”

Broly suddenly laughed.

“Good! Good job Jabie! Instead of chasing some rats. Why not bring the rats to us!? Change of plans. Ignore the Akatsuki and continue to hunt the tailed beasts and their holders. We’ll hold them at our village and call out to the Akatsuki. Forcing them to fight us… and if we’re lucky they’ll attack together.” Broly said with a grin.

“Then why did we need to come to Konoha if all we need to do is get the tailed beasts?” Esumi questioned.

“We didn’t need to after all!” Broly exclaimed.

“So starting right now we’re going after the tailed beasts?” Esumi asked.

“Correct Esumi. We know the location of Naruto and Gaara so we’ll put them on hold for now. My clones will investigate for the rest of the Jinchūriki. We have Fu and the Two-tailed Jinchūriki. So if my clones receive any information about one of them I’ll let you guys know.” Jabie said.

“Esumi. If for some reason you can’t defeat Orochimaru, tell the mini-clone inside you to disperse and I’ll know what’s happening.” Jabie said.

“Hey hey are you doubting my strength as the greatest kunoichi in the world? I’ll be able to kill Orochimaru without a problem.”

“Just in case you know. Not saying you will need it, but a safety precaution. You are going up against one of the Legendary Sannin. There is no such thing as too much caution against them.”

“To state our current goals again.. Fu, Khael, and Sho you will enter the chunin exams and gain as much attention for the village as possible. You are free to choose which way you want to do that. Jabie you will be with me in searching and capturing the Jinchūriki. Esumi as you prepare for your battle with Orochimaru, you will also keep an eye on them. Once your finished with your battle with Orochimaru then you will hunt the remaining Jinchūriki with us.” Broly stated.

“Can you bring Sasori over here? I might need him.” Esumi asked Jabie.

“Yeah I’ll get on it.”

“Oh. Esumi I might have a surprise for you before you go on your journey, but I’m not entirely sure yet. I don’t know how skilled he is.”

“What do you mean Jabie?” Broly asked.

“I’m planning to kill a certain person in Konoha. I don’t know how it will turn out in the end, so I’m not placing all my bets on getting his possessions.”

“Why?” Esumi asked.

“His body will accelerate my research. He has multiple very interesting things inside his body that will be of great use to me and us.”

“Unless you can take him out in one move, don’t plan on doing it inside the village.” Broly warned.

“Don’t worry Suna. I’m not so foolish.” Jabie said.

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