Broly In Naruto

A Duel?!? Mission Preparation!

The lack of interest that the young legendary saiyan has shown towards the prideful Uchiha boy caused his pride to take a sharp hit and his anger to rise exponentially. Jabie was confused on why anyone would want to cause trouble for Aomatsuna. Surely a good portion of the village should have heard of his exploits and feats of casualties. Did this kid not take part in social discussion regularly?

Esumi on the other hand knew of the Uchiha's behavior already thanks to her chatting with Naruto every now and then. It will be a great experience for the sulky boy to know that not everyone is there for his rise to power. Or maybe he will just get obsessed with Aomatsuna instead of that person he wants to kill. That wouldn't be so good. The kid will get destroyed and Naruto would be down a teammate. Even if he's quite annoying, Esumi wouldn't want something bad to happen to Naruto if she could help it. She was about to convince the boy about his very terrible choice in confronting Aomatsuna before she saw Aomatsuna wave his hand, ordering her to cease in her actions.

"What do you want?" Aomatsuna asks with disinterest.

"Fight me." Sasuke orders.

The tone of his voice caused Jabie to hang his head and lament over the boy's poor life decisions. Jabie decided he needed to talk with his sensei about getting an internship with a medical ninja when they come back from their C-rank mission. It could be very useful for situations like this. Jabie looked at the pink-haired kunoichi cheering the boy on.

She had a slight look of worry upon her face, but kept it well hidden with a smile that said "Do your best!" She must have heard some of the exploits of Aomatsuna. Either her belief in the Uchiha boy is really strong or she's an idiot.

'Well regardless of which outcome it is I hope we can start packing up for our mission soon. I need to get some more equipment.'

"Alright fool. But don't regret making this decision. I hope you can last as a warm-up at the very least. Meet me at training ground three in two hours." Aomatsuna says.

Enraging the Uchiha boy even further. Apparently infuriating him so much he decided to attack Broly right here and now. Broly kept his face blank and simply walked forwards, continuing on to his original destination with Jabie and Esumi in tow. Sasuke landed a sharp kick upon Broly's chin. Snapping the young saiyan's head towards the right.

Causing shocked expressions for everyone except the trio of demons. Esumi gave her condolences, while Jabie just sighed at the lack of control this supposedly shinobi shown. Naruto was angry at how Sasuke decided to attack one of his friends for no reason! While Sakura was cheering even harder after hearing the impact of Sasuke's attack on the tailed boy.


After landing back on the ground with a huge smirk on his face Sasuke turned back around to face the arrogant punk who dared to ignore his existence. Suddenly everyone started to hear laughter.

"HUAHHAHAHAHA Is that all you little punk?" Broly questions while turning his head back towards the last avenger.

"You should feel ashamed for even being proud of such a weak attack. Make sure to prepare your hospital bed for when I'm done crushing you into dust." Broly says with a confidence that made counter arguments void, as if what he said will be an absolute fact.

Sasuke was confused, shocked, and most important angry! How dare this nobody insult and threaten him!? The last Uchiha of Konoha, one of the most prestigious clans in all of Konoha. The rookie of the year in the academy! He was about to charge at the arrogant tailed prick again before being stopped by 3 clones of Naruto. They each grabbed the limbs of Sasuke and held him down.

"Get off me idiot or I'll beat you up like I'll gonna beat him up!" Sasuke warns while trying to get Naruto off him.

Broly, Jabie, and Esumi were long gone now leaving Team 7 by themselves. Naruto told his clones to get off Sasuke, only to have Sasuke knee one in the face, elbowing the second one in the face, and punching the last one in the cheek, and poofing them all. He looked at Naruto with clear rage on his face. Naruto gave him a glare back. Sakura only looked at both boys before lingering her eyes on Sasuke more.

"We can fight here and now you bastard, or you can wait till your fight with Aomatsuna-kun in two hours. Think of which one will be better for you." Naruto says.

"This isn't over loser." Sasuke snorted and started to walk towards his clan's compound in preparations for the battle.


They arrived in front of a shinobi weapon store and then went inside. Once they got in they split up to look for the supplies they needed. Jabie went to look for a new Fuma Shuriken after he lost his last one in the battle with those 3 masked figures. He also decided to stock up on some more senbon, (Metal Needles with both ends pointed) explosion tags, and water bottles. He grabbed some first aid supplies on the rare chance someone gets injured on their mission and a large storage scroll that could hold enough items to feed him and his beautiful belly for 2 weeks. As he grabbed the scroll and walked away he wondered if scrolls could hold water, and then if so how much water could they possible hold? Well it's a thought for another time I suppose.

Esumi skipped as she looked over the possible items she needed besides food and water.

"Well we're gonna be possibly facing bandits or walking the entire time with no action whatsoever. I'm gonna need something to do besides training! I need to find something fun to pass the time!"

Esumi stocks up on kunai, shurikens, more ninja wires, some caltrops, (Tiny spikes) and a large storage scroll.

"I'll have to look for a hobby when we come back. Hopefully many bandits will attack us and give me a reason to not be bored the whole time on my first C-rank mission."

Aomatsuna grabbed a bingo book and a large scroll as well. The three arrived at the counter with 3 large scrolls on their back.

"What's that black book you got Aomatsuna-kun?" Esumi questions.

"It's a list of worms, I will exterminate when I get bored in the future."

The scrolls were as long as Jabie's back causing the clerk to show a little smile at the three genin probably about to go on their first mission or something. He rang them up and gave them their receipt. The three then grabbed food and water that would last themselves individually, which emptied out a majority of the supplies in the store. This caused the clerk to widen his eyes in shock before quickly taking the kids' money and dashing off towards his boss to report about their store that's cleared of food and water bottles.

The three reached their apartment grounds before heading into their room. Jabie placed his storage scroll on his kitchen table and then started to place some food and all the water bottles inside of the storage scroll. He then turned on the stove and started cooking food to place in the storage seal. He hasn't heard about not being able to seal food in a storage seal either. It's kinda weird considering how useful these things are.

'When I get back from this mission, I have to test a few things.'

All of a sudden, his doorbell rang and he had a sneaky suspicion about exactly who and why they were there simply because his window is open and the food he's cooking is throwing the smell out the window.

He left his kitchen and opened the door to see a grinning Esumi with a scroll that is slightly larger than her in her hands. He sighed as she let herself in and crashed on his couch with the scroll.

"Is there something you want Esumi-chan?" Jabie asks politely, while hoping she hasn't come for his food.

"You know exactly why I'm here Jabie-kun" Esumi says with a shit-eating grin. She propped her legs on his small table in front of his couch in standard yakuza or gangster style. Jabie sighed once more.

"Fine, but no more than half this time." Jabie gives in to the petite bespectacled gangster.

"No! I meant cooking my food to put inside my storage scroll too."

"How did you know a storage scroll could store food in it?"

"I don't! I just thought since it can hold sharp weapons and stuff why can't it carry around a delicious dango or a nice little cake?" This response caused another sigh to escape from Jabie's lips.

"You know sometimes I think your hunger for food eclipses my own. I still can't figure out where it goes exactly.."

"You trying to call me short you bastard! You wanna fight!?" Esumi shouts in retaliation of being insinuating of being smaller than she should be.

"Not when we have our first C-rank mission tomorrow." Jabie says sensibly.

"If you must know, all the energy goes to fill out my nice kunoichi shape. If you haven't noticed." Esumi says while fondling her chest.

Jabie simply turned around with a slight red tinge on his cheeks and continued to cook. Esumi gloated behind his back over her cheap victory towards the round boy still in the midst of puberty.

"Sooooo are you gonna cook my food too? You know I can't cook." Esumi asks.

"Fine, just leave your food and I'll send a clone over to let you know when to come and seal it back up in your scroll. You owe me for this for you know."

Esumi just sticks out her tongue and leaves while forgetting or just deciding not to close the door behind her. This prompting yet another sigh from the bulbous boy who grabbed a water bottle and spat some water on the floor while interjecting some chakra into it. He then made three water clones and told two to cook the food and the last 1 to close the door while he sat on the couch and watched tv.

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