Broly In Naruto

End of The Three?! C-Rank Mission!?!?

Esumi was too excited. She and Jabie finally got to take off the gravity seals and see their progress. This swordsman was the perfect way to gauge her progress! It won't be long until she's able to get revenge for her mom and little brother. Esumi unsheathed her second blade and held both of her swords towards her fiery opponent. Esumi grinned and then motioned the purple haired masked swordsman to "Come on!"

The swordsman just scoffed and blurred towards the crazy genin with his flaming katana. He attempted to slice right through her chest but found that two blades were blocking his and a foot was heading right towards his chin! He was about to dodge but found out when he took his eyes off the crazy genin, the two blades that were blocking his flaming katana suddenly found themselves piercing right towards his chest. The swordsman dodged by the skin of his teeth but not without a few cuts over his body. He was pissed off about being pushed this far by a mere genin, a child nearly half his age. He took another large gulp of air before spewing a large amount of flames on his sword once again, increasing the size of the flames twice fold. He was about to slice the little girl into pieces until he felt as if he couldn't move. He was confused until he noticed a large smirk on the blue haired petite swordswoman.

"Hahaahaha! You idiot! Who taught you how to use a sword?" Esumi gloated and embarrassed the young man.

"My blades are poisoned! Thanks to the loveable chubster over there. The first time I nicked you on the neck was when this fight was already over. Although I won't go into what the poison does, I will tell you that it made it much easier to beat you." Esumi grinned before slowly walking over to the paralyzed swordsman.

She was about to take off the purpled haired swordsman's mask before a watermelon sized rock shot towards her. She narrowed her eyes at the source of the interruption, before Jabie blurred in front of her and palmed the rock into pieces.

"Your ally has been captured. Surrender or risk further retaliation." Jabie said in a serious voice that was quite unlike his normal jolly voice nowadays.

The two other masked figures simply looked at the boy before taking off into the forest. The strong-built masked figure and the shapely woman didn't expect to be blindsided by a black-haired blur while they were retreating and have one of each of their legs broken. The right one for the large man and the left one for the woman. The man simply grunted while the woman screamed.

"You fools. You won't get away so easily this time. I enjoy crushing cowards the most." Broly says in a voice that causes shivers for both masked figures.

The two attempted to body flicker away until two loud *CRACK* noises echoed throughout the forest. Making any birds in the vicinity to fly away. The man hissed in pain, while the woman just screamed louder. These screams and shouts of pain echoed throughout the forest until the sun started to set and night time was arriving.

Jabie and Esumi noticed Aomatsuna coming out of the forest rinsed in blood. Although it wasn't the first time they've seen him covered in blood, this time it was a person's blood for sure.. Esumi and Jabie's face turned slightly pale but they shown no other reactions towards Aomatsuna's satisfied smile and blood covered body. He merely walked past them and headed home. They followed behind, secretly preparing themselves for the day they will have to get a person's blood on them.


"Danzo-sama, our recent recruits have failed their mission. They have yet to return from acquiring information about boy and his two followers."

"I see. Are you sure it wasn't Hiruzen's Anbu interfering with them?"

"Positive Lord Danzo."

"Either the boy is more skilled than three high level chunins. Or the three of them together can defeat three high level chunins. I have to reevaluate their threat levels to the village regardless of which outcome. If they don't show very high loyalty towards the village, I might have to use drastic means.. You're dismissed."

"Yes Danzo-Sama" The cloaked figure teleports away.


"Sensei, we have done so many boring d-ranks. Give us a c-rank mission." Esumi says while her team was walking towards the mission desk.

"I'm with Esumi-chan. I don't understand what we're suppose to be learning with all these d-rank missions. We already have teamwork down." Jabie says.

"D-ranks are for jonins to teach their genins about teamwork or patience. And guess which one you three are working on." Ko says.

"That's stupid." Esumi berates.

"That sort of attitude isn't gonna get you a C-rank mission for sure." Ko warns.

"Parasite-sensei, I'm tired of wasting my time with these jokes of a mission." Aomatsuna states

"Fine fine since all three of you think you're so ready for a C-rank mission, let's do it. And Aomatsuna-kun you will call me Ko-sensei or just sensei." Ko says in an unadultlike manner.

Team 11 arrives at the mission desk and the Hokage sees a slightly worried and upset Ko with two excited genin and a bored faced one.

"Which D-rank mission are you looking for this time Ko?" Iruka asks

"My team says they are ready for a C-rank mission. So we're going for one."

"Very well. We have just the mission for you then. There is a group of bandits a few miles away that have been recently attacking traders and merchants. Our client here Miyu-san,"

A beautiful middle-aged woman walks in wearing a dress that showed off her assets very well, brown hair flowing down to her back, and sandals that showed off her smooth silky white feet.

"Has decided to hire some ninjas for protection incase her merchandise or caravan gets attacked. You will be escorting her until she arrives at her village."

"Are you sure these kids can protect me against bandits?" Miyu asks unsure.

"There will be no problem with protecting you against bandits with me here." Ko says.

"Well I'll take your word for it if the Hokage is letting you accept this task I suppose." Miyu says.

"Alright that's all for the mission parameters. Meet Miyu-san at the village's gates at 8:00 AM" Hiruzen says as Team 11 walks away.

"Alright students make sure to pack adequately for this mission. I will not be providing for anyone who happens to forget to bring supplies and food. You're dismissed." Ko says before disappearing into a swirl of leaves

"Are we going to train today as well Aomatsuna-kun?" Esumi asks as she twirls a kunai around.

"Yes, but nothing physically exhausting. Chakra control and whatever else." Broly replies.

As the trio was walking throughout the village, they happened to meet up with a familiar blonde haired boy with two others. The blonde noticed the Trio of Demons and shined a huge grin and waved.

"Hey guys! Guess what just happened to me and my team!" Naruto yelled excitedly.

"Nope." Esumi says

"Oh, come on Esumi-chan! I bet you're gonna be really jealous." Naruto says confidently.

"Impossible." Esumi states as if a complete fact.

"We just got our first C-rank mission! Hahaha bet you weren't expecting that! We got a C-rank before you did! Even though our client looks kinda like a bum its still a C-rank!" Naruto gloats.

"How the hell did three little shits like you get a C-rank mission?" Esumi states slightly upset.

She has just got her first C-rank mission and she knows for a fact that she can beat all three of these brats in any field of shinobi arts. Either their sensei is way more laid back than theirs or he is way better than theirs.

"Maybe because I'm so awesome and my sensei knows it." Naruto gloats unhindered.

"Shut up idiot! If anyone was to be thought of as awesome it would be Sasuke-kun!" Sakura shouts.

"Yeah right Sakura-chan, If it wasn't for me we wouldn't even have this C-rank mission." Naruto says.

"If you mean throwing a tantrum for a mission that wasn't D-rank, then you're right loser." Sasuke smirks.

Naruto's face grew red as he pointed at the Uchiha.

"I did not throw a tantrum!" He yelled.

"Ohoh Naruto had a hissy fit and his sensei caved in to his cries huh?" Esumi teases, causing Naruto's face to redden even more.

Jabie laughs a bit before saying "Alright that's enough teasing the boy. We just got our first C-rank mission as well Uzumaki-san. Although we should have been started on C-ranks, our sensei thought otherwise."

"What no way! I'm definitely gonna complete my C-rank mission faster than you guys then!" Naruto claims.

Jabie chuckles

"We'll see then Uzumaki-san. See ya later." Aomatsuna started to walk away before being stopped by the last Uchiha in Konoha. They both stared into each other's eyes, one with disinterest and another with the stare of a challenger.

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