Broly In Naruto

Academy Time!!!


  It was a nice sunny day in Konoha. The birds are chirping, people are socializing, and ninjas are ninjaing around. But suddenly a loud voice was heard in the peaceful village coming from an infamous orphanage known to have hosted two demons, the cruel Monkey Demon and the Demon Fox. Although the demon fox was kicked out of the orphanage a year ago and given his own place to live due to the Hokage learning of the neglect he was receiving from the workers at the orphanage, the Monkey Demon was still living there along with his two new trouble-making friends.

  They have also earned themselves a nickname for hanging around the Tailed Demon for so long without being mysteriously gone from the public sights like a majority of people who hung around the demon. The petite fierce blue haired girl is called Tiny Demoness for her vicious nature when dealing with people other than the tailed demon and the other one who hung out with them. They call the chubby boy Demon of Gentleness. Many would think that because of how innocent and non-threatening he looks he would be the least likely to be called a demon of any sort, but don't let his kind stature and physique trick you. His true nature is that similar to the Tailed Demon himself. It was said that one time, three older children decided to mess with him because they didn't like how the Tailed Demon acted and they knew they couldn't hurt him, so they chose to mess with the least dangerous looking person closest to him. They found the Gentle Demon alone in an alleyway when he was just coming from a food stand and pounced together. What happened in that alleyway is unknown. All that is known from the altercation was that the three boys were sent to the hospital and they never been the same ever since. But back to the story.

"SUNA-KUN HAVE YOU GOT EVERYTHING READY FOR THE ACADEMY TODAY?!" A loud loving voice shouts to a blank faced boy in another room.

  The boy sighed and got his bookbag with all the supplies he needed for the academy inside and walked towards the woman's voice.

"Akira. You don't need to yell. I have everything I would need and more." Broly responds lazily.

"Okay I'm just making sure my little troublemaker has everything he needs before he finally leaves me all alone and starts to live by himself like a big boy." Akira says with joking sadness.

"I will be sure to visit you when I can. I do have to thank you for raising me all this time the way you have. I don't consider you an insect." Broly thanked her in the best way he can.

  Akira's face turns into a huge smile and she bum rushes Broly and hugs him while rubbing her face against his.

"I love you too Suna-kun. You also mean the world to me." Akira smiles as she understands what the young saiyan meant due to raising him for 8 years.

"Now go on and don't be late to school!" She waves goodbye towards Broly and his friends.

  Esumi and Jabie are at the door waiting for Broly and wave back at Akira while following Broly out the door.

"I can't wait for the first day at the academy! I wonder if we're gonna learn any interesting things that we can use! Maybe they'll teach us about chakra or jutsus!" Jabie says excitedly and completely unlike his shy-like nature from three years ago.

"No way you dork, like they'll teach us anything interesting on the first day of school. It's probably just gonna be rules this rules that then a history lesson on how the village got created or something." Esumi said.

"No way! Why would they teach something so boring on the first day? If you really want children to pay attention to you, you have to catch their interests. If they aren't interested why would they listen!?" Jabie asks logically.

"Who said the teachers are the academy even know how to teach children? Maybe they have just been getting lucky all these years." Esumi says rather pessimistically.

"Okay let's make a bet. I bet that they will teach something interesting on the first day and if I'm right you have to pay for the weights Aomatsuna-sama wants us to get after school." Jabie grinned.

"Fine lard ass. And if you lose you have to pay for the new sword I've been wanting."

"You're on midget!" After saying this Esumi slashed towards Jabie abruptly.

  Jabie easily dodged by swaying his still roundish body to the side and then running towards the academy while laughing.

  Esumi quickly chased after the surprisingly speedy heavy-set boy to unleash her anger upon being insulted about her height. If the two children were to turn around they would notice that Broly had the smallest hint of a smile on his face as he continued walking at his own pace towards the academy. Jabie was the first to reach the classroom and meet the faces of his new classmates and peers. As soon as he saw the number of people inside the room his entire behavior changed. When this happened, Esumi also arrived inside the room and took notice of this.

"Still haven't changed that much from when we were little, ya big ole shy guy." Esumi said while sheathing her sword back in its holder.

"Sit in the top back row in the middle. If anyone is there, tell them to move." Broly said.

  Esumi and Jabie headed to where Broly said and noticed there was three civilian kids chatting and socializing. As they were talking, Esumi smashed her foot on the desk creating a loud bang and bringing everyone attention towards them.

"Get out of the seats or take a trip towards the infirmary on the first day of class." Esumi said with a threatening aura not befitting someone of her physique and voice.

  The three kids were about to leave due to the frightening aura she was emitting but then took a second look at her appearance. One of the kids with sunglasses snorted.

"Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do if we don't pipsqueak?" After this sentence was said, Jabie appeared next to said kid and quickly shoved him out of his seat, just in time to avoid Esumi's fist smashing into his face.

"Can.. we.. not cause altercations.. with our new classmates.. on the first day..?" Jabie asked softly.

  To this question Esumi just snorted and stared at the 2 remaining kids still sitting in the seats. They quickly got out of the seats and moved elsewhere. Broly, Esumi, and Jabie all sat in the three seats in silence while it seemed like to the other students that they were projecting an aura that was shouting 'I DARE YOU TO SAY SOMETHING!'

  The students quickly got to gossiping about the three while someone came towards the three. A boy wearing a grey jacket with red markings on his face and a white puppy on top of his head stared at them.

"I don't know where you guys came from but there's something you need to know about this classroom. And that thing is that I'm gonna be the alpha in here! There is only room for 1 alpha male in this classroom and that is gonna be me!" The boy declared boldly and arrogantly.

  Broly dismissed the boy and took out a book from his bookbag. The round bellied boy followed Broly's example and also took out a book that was titled 'Herbs and Medicines of Konoha.' Esumi stared at the boy in obvious agitation before crinkling her nose.

"Take a bath first before you want to be in charge of anything first stinky! You smell like wet dog and mud put together!"

  The class laughed loudly to this insult causing the boy to become quite embarrassed. He started to growl slightly and pointed towards Esumi.

"Put your money where your mouth is and step up! I'm not like that loser you scared earlier." The arrogant boy challenged.

  To this response Esumi stood up and stared at the boy with a cold glare. Suddenly it felt like the classroom's temperature sudden chilled and lowered while Esumi was slowly pulling out her sheathed blade. The boy's dog started to shiver and whimper and also to a smaller extent the boy himself, except for the whimpering part. As things were heating up suddenly the teacher walked in with another man. The teacher noticed the silence and looked towards the back.

  Esumi quickly reigned in her leaking killing intent and sat down and took on an innocent and dainty appearance.

"Everyone to their seats! Class is about to begin. My name is Iruka. You will call me Iruka-sensei. This man to the right is Mizuki. You will also call him Mizuki-sensei. He will be in charge of your physical aspects of being a shinobi. I will be in charge of your mental aspects of being a shinobi for the most part."


"I TOLD YOU JABIE! Nothing but boring old history and school rules!" Esumi gloated towards Jabie.

"I can't believe they would do something so uninteresting.. Are they trying to make us fall asleep during class?!" Jabie angrily cried while thinking about the pointless history lesson and rules they learned instead of something that would be actually interesting to learn about. Oh, and the fact that he has to pay for a expensive sword.

"Hahahaha make sure to get Kodama blade!" Esumi told Jabie as they were walking towards the weapons shop. As the three "demons" walked into the weapons shop, Broly went up to the shop keeper.

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