Broly In Naruto

Training Seals & Another Bet?!!?

"Where are the weights at in this shop?" Broly asked with a blank look on his face.

"They're in the back kid, but why do you want them?" The shopkeeper questioned.

  Broly just looked at him as if he was an idiot.

"Aren't you kids just Academy Students? Why would you need weights at your age? Shouldn't you be studying at the library or buying books instead?" The shopkeeper asked.

"Mind your own business old man. Just tell me if I can get them here or not." Broly coldly responded.

"Well I can't sell weights to academy students. If you brats graduate and become genins then sure I'll be able to get you some weights."

"Mister are you sure you won't be able to sell us any weights? We promise not to hurt ourselves." Esumi says in a precious sweet voice along with Jabie giving puppy eyes with her.

"Sorry kiddos, even if you were 10 times cuter than you already are I still couldn't sell you some weights. If I got caught selling weights to academy students my store would be shut down faster than if I spat in the Hokage's face." The shopkeeper explained.

"You useless old man! If I knew you were just gonna waste our times, I wouldn't even tried to do something so demeaning!" Esumi insulted.

"Now hold on you little snot sucking brats, I got a deal for you. I came across a merchant that said he was from Uzushiogakure and I had a hard time believing him due to their whole island being destroyed and none of the Uzumaki's being spared from what I heard."

"He wanted to sell me something called Gravity Seals. He said it was a type of seal that you put on your stomach and it increases the resistance your body faces and if you surge your chakra through it, it will increase the level of resistance you face. That got me thinking that shinobis would love to kill themselves to get stronger, what better way to gain money than to help idiots kill themselves?"

"But the deal breaker is that it hasn't been field tested yet. If you brats really want something to train with that are similar to weights try this. And if it works come back and tell me and next time you want some you can have it for free."

"Deal. Give me three seals and we'll be back at the end of the week." Broly said.

  Esumi and Jabie took a gulp in fear of what could possibly be going through Broly's mind, but they weren't surprised at all. The three years of training with Broly told them he was a training freak and they didn't see what could ever stop him from trying to get stronger. The only time they were able to take a break from training with Broly was when they got sick and couldn't physically move from their beds at the orphanage. The sad part about when someone got sick was that the training for the person that wasn't sick was twice as hard than if they were together with Broly.

  Broly and his two slaves got the gravity seals and started walking towards the Forest of Death as they did every day. Only genins and up were allowed at the training grounds, but Broly and friends found out that no one really watches the training ground 44 (Forest of Death). The three children walked into a clearing inside the forest and Broly handed out two seals to Jabie and Esumi.

"I'm going to test the gravity seal first. My body is stronger than both of yours and is way more resilient. So if anything goes wrong, I'll be able to make sure I don't have to find two more slaves to replace you two." Broly explained in the nicest way he can.

  This sentence also caused Jabie and Esumi to smile slightly as they understood that Aomatsuna was worried about them and didn't want them to be hurt due to his decision.

  Broly placed one gravity seal on his muscular 8-year old bicep and surged chakra through the seal. No noticeable change was noticed by Jabie and Esumi. Broly surged his chakra through the seal two more times and started to grin. The seal made Broly feel like he was wading through water and unable to completely use his body like he's used too.

'This will be a great tool for me to become even stronger!'

"It works, but the first change I felt was too tiny to be considered worth anything. I'm going to wear it for the next 24 hours to make sure there aren't any side effects for wearing it. You two start training, start off with a light spar to warm up and then we'll really start training." Broly said.

  Jabie took out some gloves that can stand against swords while Esumi slowly unsheathed her katana. They both stared at each other with no hint of even thinking about hesitating while Broly was watching. Last time Broly caught them holding back without trying to viciously maim each other was the last time they decided they wanted to be in the hospital for 'wasting your master's time and good grace.' From that day forth, they both never held back against each other while sparring in Broly's presence.

  Jabie slowly walked towards Esumi while watching her closely like a hawk for any signs of sudden movement. Jabie has learned dearly that Esumi can get to him by the time he blinks, and even then that isn't good enough. He has to move his body along with catching her movements at the same time. If his body can't react to his senses then it's useless even if he can spot her movements. Esumi grinned at Jabie to try and unnerve him and possibly distract him. She knows that he learned how she battles and moves through a very long streak of losses that have started to slow down and bite her in the ass with losses of her own now. If she doesn't take this spar as carefully and seriously as he is she will be tossed or pounded into the ground once more.

  Esumi tossed her sheath towards Jabie in a high-speed manner and quickly closed the distance behind it with her blade held behind her back. Jabie merely palmed the sheath back towards Esumi with enough force to send it flying back towards her twice as fast. Esumi's eyes widened in surprise briefly, but she quickly came back to her senses and dodged the insanely fast sheath and slashed upward towards Jabie round gut. Jabie calmly struck his fist towards the blade coming from underneath him. Esumi somehow felt that her blade wouldn't be able to take this strike from one of her best friends and quickly abandoned the strike and pulled back her blade to thrust towards the now open chest of her friend. Jabie moved with his thrown punch and flipped over and kicked towards the thrusting sword with the type of agility and flexibility you would not normally see from someone of his physique.

  Esumi swore in her mind and ducked under the kick and slashed upwards towards his inner thigh. Jabie started to sweat a bit and used his other leg to deflect the incoming blade by kicking it to the side and quickly recovering back on his two feet and got into a defensive stance. Esumi also rolled and recovered. They both were breathing heavily staring each other down like bitter enemies until a clap was heard.

"Enough. That was a decent warm up. Jabie that counter you attempted when she attempted to stab you through your chest was not bad, but you shouldn't leave yourself open like that against a faster opponent. If Esumi was even faster than she is now she would've easily been able to pierce through your back. That counter attack would've been fine against someone of lesser speed than Esumi. Esumi you simply need to work on your speed and techniques." Broly explained.

Broly looked towards the forest and seemed to be thinking about something. Esumi and Jabie secretly started to sweat more about what could Aomatsuna possibly be thinking about.

"We're gonna have to cut today's training short. Since we're academy students we can officially start learning E-rank jutsus from the library. We'll head there tomorrow and copy them down to train with here. If there are no side effects for me with the seal tomorrow we can also get you two to start wearing them then." Broly then started to smile about how much progress he will be able to make from now on in strength. Inadvertently, causing both of his friends to shiver at his face and leaking battle spirit.

  Broly started to walk out of the Forest of Death with Esumi and Jabie behind him on each side breathing slightly hard. They started walked towards their new apartment they acquired when they became academy students. They all live in an apartment complex together in three different rooms. They each went into their rooms and fell asleep. Esumi and Jabie slightly fearing about tomorrow training plan and Broly going to sleep immediately to start the day off tomorrow as quickly as possible.

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