Broly In Naruto

Second Day of the Academy! Sparring!?


  Broly, Jabie, and Esumi were walking towards the academy like good little students should. Jabie and Esumi looked a little ragged as if they didn't get much sleep like night for some reason. Esumi was reasonable irritated about not having enough beauty sleep and was on the lookout for a potential target to unleash her pent-up rage upon. Jabie was just constantly yawning on their way to thhe academy. Broly had his same ole bored look upon his face.

  A sudden yell was heard nearby and a middle-aged man came into the middle of the street with half of his body covered in orange paint. A sudden movement was seen from where the man came from.

"That'll teach you to be mean to me! I'm the greatest prankster ever who will also become the greatest Hokage ever! Believe it!" A young immature boastful voice yelled out.

  Broly stopped and stared at the boy for a second before continuing his way towards the academy. Esumi and Jabie were slightly confused because not many people were able to catch Aomatsuna's attention unless its related to fighting or a new technique. Their gazes also lingered upon the child longer than Broly's did. The boy noticed the three kids looking at him and ran towards them.

"Heheh, I bet you guys were pretty impressed with that prank I just did on that guy aren't cha?" The orange jumpsuit wearing kid assumed.

"Sure were. Now buzz off while we continue on our way to school." Esumi dismissed the boy easily.

"Oh yeah! I forgot about class today! Hehehe thanks for reminding me! My name is Naruto Uzumaki! And I'm going to become the Hokage!"

"That's great and all but I didn't ask." Esumi said slightly more annoyed.

"Why do you want to become Hokage Uzumaki-san?" Jabie asked curiously.

"Because everyone respects the Hokage and loves him and he's the strongest person in the village!" Naruto answered enthusiastically.

"So you simply want to become respected, loved, and strong?" Jabie questioned once again.

"I want everyone to look up to me and treat me with respect!" Naruto said loudly.

"Are you aware Uzumaki-san that there is more to being Hokage than simply being the strongest and most respected in the village?" Jabie asked.

"What do ya mean?" Naruto asked back.

"Drop it Jabie. We've arrived. Naruto, if you want to know more come to the library after school." Broly told him.

  Broly, Jabie, and Esumi went to the seats they claimed yesterday and noticed no one sat in them today.

 "Good thing you bastards learned your lesson from yesterday! I'm in a particularly bad mood today and I'm just hoping someone comes along and tries to make it worse for me." Esumi told everyone.

  Broly propped his feet on his desk and took out a book about the taijutsu styles and Kenjutsu styles of Konoha. They waited for the teacher to start class. Esumi saw Broly do this and decided to also prop her feet on the disk and look towards the students in a threatening and baiting way. Jabie just took out his book about herbs and medicines in Konoha and started to read it. A few minutes later, the teachers came and class started.

"Today class, we will be having our first Tradition Shinobi Sparring today to gauge where you are at in physical abilities. But before that we will do warm up exercises and then teach you how to throw kunai and shuriken properly. After that, I will teach you more about the history of Konoha."

  The children were initially excited about actually doing something today but then when they heard about the last part, it dampened their spirits. Iruka motioned for everyone to follow him outside and then gave the lead to Mizuki for the physical portion of today.

"Okay kids start by stretching and then we'll get into the warm ups."

  Esumi came towards Broly and motioned for him to bring his head down so she can whisper something into his ear.

"Do you want us to do this or wait for when we get into the forest later to start training?" Esumi asked.

  Broly looks towards Mizuki and then back at Esumi.

"While this won't be much of a warm-up for what I have you two do, I don't want this insect to bother me. So just do as he says." Broly told her.

After the students were done stretching Mizuki ordered them to do 20 jumping jacks, 20 pushups, and 20 sit-ups. Esumi and Jabie stared at their fellow peers in slight disbelief.

"Is it just me or are the other kids kind of weak?" Esumi whispered to Jabie.

  Jabie took a second look at his classmates and nodded.

"Due.. to.. Aomatsuna-sama's train.. training, we have become.. way strong.. stronger than our peers…" Jabie explains.

  Esumi started to think about the training Broly put them through for the past three years and fully understood.

"Yeah I definitely don't see these kids making it past day two of his training. I doubt any of them could even climb one of the trees in the forest." Esumi stated.

"Alright everyone up. Come and learn about how to throw and hold a kunai and shuriken properly."

  The students all got up with a majority of them being tired except a certain few to learn from Mizuki. Mizuki went through the ways to hold and throw both weapons three times and then asked if anyone has any questions. All the children shook their heads no and were just excited to get started on throwing these dangerous steel weapons already.

"Since it's the first time most of you will be using a kunai or shuriken, we will be watching you like a hawk. I will past them out to you all in a second so line up in a straight and orderly fashion then get to throwing how I taught you." Mizuki ordered.

  The children lined up and started to throw the kunai and shurikens Mizuki gave them when it was their turn while Iruka wrote down how the students did just like he was doing earlier. It was Jabie's turn to try and he stepped up to the area where he was supposed to throw the ninja tools. Jabie felt everyone's eyes on him and suddenly started shaking. Esumi was about to say something until she felt Broly's hand on her shoulder. Jabie suddenly felt killing intent pierce right through him and caused him to shake even more. A few children started to laugh and in the midst of their laughter they heart two distincy *THUNK* sounds.

  Iruka smiled at Jabie and congratulated him on hitting the target perfectly. Mizuki looked at the roundish boy in complete disbelief. He quickly calmed himself and considered it to be luck along with the other students. Jabie moved towards the other area where the students that have already finished were waiting at.

"Wow how did you hit the target when you were shaking harder than a leaf in a storm?" A pony-tail wearing blonde girl asked, shocked.

Jabie backed up a bit and then murmured something. The girl didn't hear him and decided to get closer.

"What did you say?" The girl asks in a louder voice.

Jabie started to sweat more than he already has due to his earlier performance. He was about to open his mouth until a boy wearing a jacket that reaches up to his midriff and also has a pony tail with black hair grabbed the girl's shoulder.

"Leave the poor guy alone, can't you see your bothering him?" The boy said.

"What would you know Shikamaru!? Maybe he's just flustered about how pretty I am!" The girl shouted.

"Troublesome…" Shikamaru whispered under his breathe and he walked away.

  But the girl didn't just let him walk away and followed him while yelling at him. Broly and Esumi just got done with their turn and scored the same as Jabie did. Soon after the entire class was finished and it was time for the sparring. Mizuki led the kids towards the sparring area.

Before we begin the sparring, there are rules. Every spar begins with a Seal of Confrontation and ends with a Seal of Reconciliation."

  Mizuki and Iruka demonstrated both signs to the students.

"Iruka will call out two random names and we will continue until everyone has sparred then we will go back into the classroom."

  Iruka cleared his throat and began calling out names of the students. Broly, Esumi, and Jabie watched their fellow peers spar. Broly felt disappointment at not being able to find a challenge or anyone entertaining to possible fight so far. Esumi was inwardly sneering at how weak her fellow classmates were compared to her. Jabie somehow took out his book from earlier somehow without anyone noticing and started to read.

"Aomatsuna Hakuseki and Shino Aburame."

  Broly and a boy in a long jacket that covered up all the way to his legs to the top of his neck walked in the middle. They both made the seal of confrontation and Mizuki started the battle. But neither combatants moved. Broly stared at the boy across from him and Shino did the same back towards him.

"An actual insect…. A real bug…" Broly started to laugh at the irony of this situation. Unnerving some of his classmates before realizing this is the first time they heard him speak. A sudden buzzing sound started to accumulate in volume near Shino.

"I surrender. My insects are too afraid to go near him and I feel that i am not nearly strong enough to combat him." Shino explains.

  Iruka just nods while Broly is slightly irritated at the fact that he won't actually be able to squash an actual bug person.

"Yada Esumi and Chouji Akimichi."

  Our tiny blue haired glasses wearing demoness walked towards the middle of the sparring area with a boy nearly the size of Jabie wearing a green jacket with a white scarf around his neck and a yellow shirt with brown shorts. Mizuki waved the signal for start and Esumi just smirked at the boy.

"Hey aren't ya gonna start? Why don't you come at me? Give me everything you got and more."

  Chouji was slightly unnerved by the confidence in her voice but ran towards her in an incredibly slow manner that was even worse than the average academy student. Esumi just yawned and then smiled while holding her hands on her hips. Chouji was losing more confidence by the second until he heard a loud voice.

"Kick her butt Chouji! Teach her you're nothing to mess with!" The yellow pony-tailed girl cheered.

  It appeared to have worked as the rotund built boy increased his speed and reared his fist back.

"I won't let you down Ino!" Chouji yelled as he punched towards Esumi's face with no more hesitation left in him.

  Suddenly a large *SMACK* was heard and the students gasped as they saw what happened. Chouji had a large foot mark on his face and he was disorientated.

"What… happened…?" Chouji asked to no one in particular.

 Esumi grinned.

"You closed your eyes fatty."

 The previously dizzied boy suddenly became furious and enraged like a mama boar.


  He charged towards Esumi once again but in a manner fit for a raging bull. Esumi laughed loudly and watched as the boy attemptted to grab her. Esumi swiftly kicked the boy on the other side of his cheek and waited to see if he would stop again, but the raging boy continued to attempt to grasp at even a sleeve to grab upon. Esumi easily dodged him while laying on constant kicks upon his body for each failed attempt he made. The students looked in awe while Shikamaru and Ino just looked in concern and slight anger. Chouji was quickly tiring out of his raged state and tried to grab the very agile girl once more. And to reward his efforts was a hard side kick into the jaw, knocking him out.

"You need to work on your stamina fatty. Jabie could last longer than that when he was 6!" Esumi laughed.

  Esumi skipped towards Broly and Jabie with an innocent and relieved smiled on her face like she just let off some steam that she really needed to get rid of. Slightly terrifying the rest of the students and causing some to look at her in anger.

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