Broly In Naruto

Babysitting! He’s Awake!?

As Jiraiya was walking along with four genin, he started to talk about their search target. Lady Tsunade! Broly was still unconscious at this time.

"She's most likely using jutsu to mask her appearance."

"Why?" Esumi asked.

"She isn't the type of person to grow old gracefully." Jiraiya answered.

"So is she afraid of getting old or really self-conscious about her looks?" Jabie asked.

"Haha kid never let her hear you calling her old or she'll kick the crap outta you." Jiraiya warned while chuckling.

"That doesn't answer me but, I'll put it in my thoughts.."

"Alright enough about Tsunade. It's time for this old man to pay up for your protection fee ya little gangsters." Jiraiya said.

"Finally.. I was starting to think you might be thinking of skimping out on us somehow." Esumi said while staring suspiciously at Jiraiya.

They all stopped on the side of the road while Jiraiya took out a scroll filled with water balloons.

"What the hell is this?!" Esumi asked slightly upset at Jiraiya's joke.

"Now hold on gangster-chan, don't knock it before you try it." Jiraiya said as he held a water balloon in his palm before swirling the water inside the balloon without moving his hand and having it pop!

"So we just use chakra to swirl water around in a balloon? What's so hard about that?" Esumi asked.

"Just try it." Jiraiya said as he handed out 3 water balloons.

"You three will learn to create a stream of chakra, or in other words rotation, and when you pop the balloon, I will tell you the next step for the jutsu."

Jabie and Esumi watched Jiraiya with their Byakugan when he showed the jutsu and easily saw what he did. He just made his chakra swirl in many different directions. Esumi felt that his directions for it was pretty crappy though.

'What kind of crap is making your chakra rotate… You need to be more specific than that idiot.' Esumi thought.

Esumi and Jabie started to swirl their chakra in the way that Jiraiya shown with one hand while Naruto started to swirl his chakra around like a circle. Esumi and Jabie's balloon popped after a few seconds. Naruto's balloon was shaped like it was trying to flatten itself.

"How did you guys get yours to pop?!" Naruto asked after a few minutes of trying to get his to pop.

"I just rotated it." Esumi said with a mocking smile.

"You got the rotation part right Naruto, but not in the right directions." Jabie hinted before looking at Jiraiya.

After a couple of seconds, Naruto was seen holding his water balloon with both hands and soon after a *POP* was heard.

"Aha! I did it! I knew it couldn't be that hard!" Naruto shouted.

"Hey hey this was suppose to take you guys all week!" Jiraiya yelled.

"The sooner you pay up for the job, the sooner you can run off." Esumi said.

"Fine fine. Here's the second part of the super awesome technique I'm teaching you." Jiraiya said.

Jiraiya took out three rubber balls and threw them at the three genin. They all caught it and waited for Jiraiya to speak.

"This part is all about power." Jiraiya stated before holding a rubber ball and soon popping it.

"Now good luck I'm going to collect more info." Jiraiya said before body flickering away.

Esumi and Jabie stared at the terrible excuse for a teacher before quickly going at the rubber ball. Naruto after seeing Esumi and Jabie start at it he also did.

"This is taking longer than the first part. I'm surprised the Fourth Hokage took 3 years to master this technique. We're already on the second part of it." Esumi said.

"Maybe the last part is most difficult." Jabie suggested.

"This is gonna be a piece of cake! I'm gonna be even more talented than the fourth hokage!" Naruto stated before focusing on his rubber ball again.

Jabie managed to fill up the rubber ball with his chakra while having it rotate like in the previous step before suddenly his rubber ball popped loudly and blasted him back. Jabie slid across the ground for a few feet before saying,

"That was surprising."

"Whoa! Is that what's gonna happen when I pop mine?! I better get ready." Esumi said as she stabbed her sword into the ground and held onto it with her other hand while getting ready to pop her rubber ball.



Naruto and Esumi's rubber ball popped. Esumi stood in the same place as before thanks to her holding onto her sword, while Naruto was sent flying off his feet away while shouting. Jabie caught the blonde and gently put him back on his feet.

"Thanks Jabie! Now we gotta find that Pervy Sage for the last stage!" Naruto said.


Jiraiya suddenly appeared in front of the three.

"You kids really aren't playing around are you… Well why don't you guys take a break and meet me here tomorrow. I'm sure you guys haven't explored much outside of Konoha." Jiraiya stated before giving them some money and poofing away again.

Jabie, Esumi and Naruto arrived at a large festival-like city.

"Wow. I wonder whose the celebration is for?" Esumi said.

"This place is a lot more festive than our home. But then again we did just suffer an attack, so it wouldn't be fair to compare right now." Jabie stated.

They started to walk throughout the city while seeing many new and interesting things they normally wouldn't see at Konoha. People were eating cotton candy and corn dogs. Holding balloons and playing games. Children had toy ninja equipment and were playing as little ninjas.

"Hey this place looks pretty fun!!" Naruto shouted. He then walked off to play in the festival.

"I'm going to see if this city has a blacksmith. I'm thinking of adding some more cuties to my sheathe." Esumi said before skipping off.

"I guess I'll look around.. I don't know if this city even has anything interesting for me." Jabie said before exploring the town.


The Jiraiya and the genin have arrived outside the city after playing around all day. Broly still hasn't come to, but Jabie said that he was fine physically and mentally right now. He has no idea why he still hasn't awoken. He could try forcefully awakening him, but he didn't see the need to so he didn't.

"We're about to meet our target Naruto and little gangsters. Follow me. The lucky thing for you guys is that you can practice the final stage of the jutsu while walking!" Jiraiya said as he gave each genin a regular balloon and started to walk down the road.

Jiraiya held out his balloon in his hand. Jabie and Esumi took this as a cue to activate their Byakugan. They watched as the balloon that Jiraiya was holding was actually forming his chakra into a swirling mass of chakra without deforming the balloon on the outside! Naruto however was clueless about what was happening.

"What the heck am I suppose to be watching Pervy Sage!?" Naruto shouted.

"Ohoho so you can't see it huh? Well let me show you exactly what is going on in my left hand."

From Jiraiya's right hand chakra started to come from his hand. As the chakra was coming out it started to swirl faster and faster while staying in a spherical or circle-like shape!

"A mini-cyclone is what I would call it." Jiraiya said.

"Whoa… So that's happening inside that balloon too?!" Naruto asked.


"The trick to this final part is being able to contain it. While you maximize your chakra's rotation and power, you form an additional layer on the inside of the balloon and visualize compressing the chakra within it."

"Sounds easy enough for this kunoichi of greatness!" Esumi said before holding her rubber ball and having it twitch for a couple of seconds.

But it soon stopped and became still exactly like Jiraiya's balloon from earlier.

"What kind of control do you freakish thugs have?" Jiraiya asked before watching Jabie do the same thing as Esumi.

At this point he just turned around and started walking. Naruto however wasn't able to do it as seamlessly as Esumi and Jabie and kept trying and trying while popping more and more balloons.

The gang arrived in the little town of Tanzaku and spotted a middle-aged man running away.

"Hey there stranger! Could you slow down a bit and tell us what's going on?" Jiraiya shouted.

"Run! There's monsters back there!" He shouted.

"What kind of monster?"

"A giant serpent! It destroyed the castle instantly!"

"I see. Thanks for the heads up stranger." Jiraiya waved him off.

"Giant serpent…." Esumi muttered.

Jabie hoped this giant serpent really isn't what he thinks it is or this little trip might become a lot more troublesome than some babysitting gig.. He's not even getting much out of it except some jutsu the Fourth Hokage didn't even manage to complete. Hopefully Tsunade will be willing to teach him some of her famed medical techniques.

'I wonder how I could bargain with her.'

Jiraiya and the four genin got a move on towards the giant monster's last known location. As they arrived there, they only managed to catch rubble of the destroyed castle and no known suspects. Jabie had a sigh of relief while Esumi seemed slightly upset.

"Well let's gather some information in this bar. This bar is pretty good for rumors and finding information ya know." Jiraiya stated.

"Sorry to inform you Frog Sannin, but we're all minors here and can't legally drink. Meaning that we don't visit bars." Jabie informed him.

"Ahhh whatever kid. Old enough to kill old enough to pay taxes am I right?" Jiraiya said while laughing.

"I don't think so.." Jabie replied before Jiraiya shouted.


"Jiraiya?!" A blonde fair-skinned woman with an impressive bust shouted in surprise. She seemed intoxicated.

"No way.. A granny playing trickster.. How sad.." Esumi whispered to Jabie before giggling.

"Shhh! Don't you know she's known as the world's strongest kunoichi?!" Jabie whispered back.

"But that's me!" Esumi shouted.

Jabie face palmed as Tsunade and the black-haired kimono wearing young girl next to her looked at Esumi in confusion. Jiraiya started to conversate with Tsunade and the girl next to her named Shizune. Esumi, Jabie, and Naruto found out that Tsunade met with Orochimaru earlier but apparently only came by to say hi.

"Say hi my ass.. Who does this drunk granny think she's fooling?" Esumi whispered towards Jabie.

"Could you please stop insulting her where she could possibly hear you?" Jabie pleaded.

"Hehe. You think she could hear anything? She's like 50 years old. Her hearing is probably long gone by now." Esumi insulted more.

As the two sannin talked more, eventually Naruto butted into their conversation and led the conversation somehow. Until Tsunade decided to insult Naruto and his beliefs. This threw the young hot-blooded genin into a rage. Naruto hopped over the table and punched towards Tsunade. Unfortunately for him, Jiraiya held onto his trademark orange jacket and stopped him from going any further.

"I'm not gonna stand here and let her insult the old man or the fourth hokage! I don't care if you're a lady, I'll slug you with all I got!" Naruto shouted.

"You got guts kid to say that to my face. Come on outside with me." Tsunade said while standing up.

"Oh my god. That's so embarrassing. A 50 year old woman fell for the provocation of a 12-year-old boy.. Even if she's drunk I don't think that's a good enough excuse.." Esumi whispered to Jabie.

Jabie just sighed as he got up with his clone who held Aomatsuna and went outside with everyone else. Esumi followed right behind him. Soon enough everyone was outside the bar as Naruto and Tsunade stood across from each other.

"I'll only use one finger against a genin brat like you." Tsunade boasted.

"I'll make you regret that!" Naruto shouted.

Tsunade soon toyed with the young blonde boy. Tsunade thumped Naruto's forehead and launched him away before asking him a question.

"Why are you so sensitive about the title hokage?"

"Becoming hokage is my dream!" Naruto shouted.

Naruto soon held his palm out before creating the jutsu Jiraiya taught them before and charging at Tsunade. Tsunade visibly panicked and poked the ground. The ground split the road apart and caused the young genin to fall before getting trapped in between the split.

"Jiraiya you taught him the rasengan!?" Tsunade yelled.

"I am his teacher right now." Jiraiya responded back.

"Playing sensei and teaching him a jutsu he had no chance of mastering? How cruel."

"I'll show you! Give me 3 days and I'll have this jutsu mastered!" Naruto shouted.

"Hoho.. Let's make a bet then brat. I'll give you a whole week to master that jutsu. Then I'll acknowledge that you are worthy of becoming hokage and I'll give you this necklace."

"No way! I don't want some danky old necklace."

"Wait a second Naruto. You could buy around three or four mountains if you sell that necklace ya know." Jiraiya stated.

"Whoa never mind then yeah! Let's do it."

'What a greedy little.. I wonder who he takes after.' Jiraiya thought to himself.

"However if you fail to master the jutsu in a week, you lose and all your froggy is mine!"

"When did you steal my wallet!?"

"Tsunade you mind drinking a bit longer with me? You know for old times' sake.. Shizune you can take these little brats and look for night lodgings for us." Jiraiya said.

"I understand." Shizune responded.

Esumi and Jabie walked with Shizune after watching that little show.

"Is she always like that Shizummy?" Esumi asked nonchalantly.

"After her losses… Yeah. But before that no she was quite different.."

"Wow really?"


Jabie knew Esumi wanted to say more about it, but actually held her mouth back. To be honest, he was pretty proud of her managing to do that. Soon after they arrived at an inn and all got into rooms. Esumi, Jabie, and Aomatsuna all got 1 room together while Naruto and Jiraiya had their own. Esumi was currently changing into her sleepwear while Jabie was training. But all of a sudden, a certain twitch and a groan was heard.

Esumi and Jabie turned their heads and watched as Aomatsuna sat up and looked around.

"Jabie.. Esumi.. Where is Kakarot..? I wasn't done tearing him apart… and his sons…" Broly muttered still dazed.

"Suna. Uh. Well it's sort of a long tale. But here eat first." Jabie said as he took out a scroll with food sealed inside.

He unsealed the scroll and with puffs of smoke had a full buffet appear in front of Broly.

"I'll get some water for you while you get yourself situated." Jabie said before leaving and nodding to Esumi.

Broly's hands suddenly blurred and the food on a plate disappeared. Soon more and more plates became empty as it vanished into Broly's gullet.

"Well Suna. After the handsome Itachi did a strange move on you, you kinda fainted for a while. Its been 2 or 3 days since then and instead of spying on Naruto and Jiraiya, we were hired by him to watch over Naruto for him. Although we haven't really needed to do that since nothing has really happened so far. Although there is a chance of finding Orochimaru soon. So me and Jabie decided to train until we are able to use the Hyūga clan's moves with a snap and eventually think of other uses for our eyes." Esumi explained.

"No wonder my body feels so weak. Where are we?" Aomatsuna asked.

"At a town's inn called Tanzuka."

Jabie walked back in at this moment with a glass of water and laid it down in front of Broly. Broly gulped it down instantly and stared at Jabie and Esumi.

"Our goal lied in finding strong opponents. Even though my body feels a bit stiff, I feel much stronger than before. Since the sannin is still here with Naruto that means a potential fight is still on the way. Training was the right idea you two. Now I need to stretch. Let's go you two."

Jabie and Esumi shivered at the words that just left Suna's mouth. Ultimately, they accepted their fate and followed Suna out to spar… Broly however had his thoughts in how he couldn't break free of Itachi's strange eye power. How could he defeat that..? Was it eye contact?

'Am I just not strong enough..? I need to know more about the strange powers of this world and how to prepare myself best for them…'

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