Broly In Naruto

Sneak Mission!! & Meeting With Akatsuki!?!?


Broly was inside the Forest of Death with Jabie and Esumi training their new abilities out. After hours went by of this, Jabie suddenly spoke up.

"It seems Jiraiya of the legendary three sannin is going to take Naruto along with him to find our new fifth hokage. Tsunade." Jabie said to Esumi and Broly.

"Why is he taking Naruto?" Esumi asked.

"There's this group of rogue ninja called the Akatsuki. All S-rank criminals. It seems that this group is after Naruto because of the nine-tailed fox. I don't know what Naruto and the Nine-tailed Fox has anything to do with each other, but Jiraiya has took it upon himself to protect the boy."

"We're following them. Let's go." Broly said.

"What? Why Suna?" Esumi asked.

"If Naruto needs a sannin as a bodyguard, that means there will be strong fighters coming after Naruto. I need a good battle."

"Oooh. Awesome! We could test our new skills out now!" Esumi said while jumping in excitement.

"Exactly. Now let's move." Broly said as they took off from the Forest of Death.

The Trio of Demons followed the legendary sannin and the #1 hyperactive knucklehead of Konoha as those two left the village. With their new eyes, they were able to follow behind at a very far distance without those two being ever the wiser. They watched as the two reached a small little town and went inside an inn. Jiraiya soon left Naruto after gaining a sudden interest in very attractive woman that entered his line of sight.

"Is he really a legendary sannin to be distracted so easily…?" Jabie asked

"I'm not surprised. The guy hasn't really shown he wouldn't be taken in by something like that." Esumi said.

"Foolish." Broly commented.

Naruto was left inside a room in the inn. But the Trio of Demons watched as two men walked up to Naruto's door in black cloaks with red clouds. Broly's instincts were screaming at him to not take these two lightly and that's when he jumped in.

Broly burst through Naruto's window with Jabie and Esumi behind him.

"Sorry about this Naruto. We need to test a couple of things." Jabie explained to the completely shocked and confused Naruto as Broly smashed through the door where the two cloaked figures where.

As Broly broke through the door with Esumi and Jabie behind him the two figures were on the side of the door instead. The weird duo managed to dodge Broly's attack.

"You aren't what I was expecting." The shorter of the mysterious duo said.

"Are these three the appetizers for the nine-tailed brat?" The taller one asked.

"Its him Jabie!! AHHHHH! He's much more handsome in person." Esumi fangirled.

"Why haven't I ever seen an ugly Uchiha..? And who is this strange fish person? " Jabie asked to no one in particular.

"Show me the power of the man who single-handedly destroyed his own clan." Broly said before unleashing his chakra enough to where it was visible.

Esumi took out her flowery rapier, nicknamed Stabby, and got into a fighting stance. Jabie reached in his backpack and grabbed a bow and quiver with arrows inside it.

"Get rid of them Kisame. I'll get the boy." Itachi said.

"Crush them!" Broly shouted excitedly.

Broly dashed towards Itachi before getting blocked off by the fish guy. Broly watched as an arrow shot towards the fish guy's head and sudden rapier piercing from above the fish guy's head. A triple pincer attack!

Kisame revealed his sharp teeth and showed a toothy grin as he swayed his head to side, pushed Esumi and her attack away, and kicked towards Broly. Broly who saw this attack coming grabbed Kisame's leg and whipped him away. Esumi, who was pushed to the side, immediately landed on the ground and leapt towards the thrown Kisame with her Rapier. Kisame stabbed his strange shark-scaled sword into the ground and nearly slapped Esumi away once again. But Esumi managed to duck just in time before reappearing back next to Broly.

"What the hell is what weapon…. I want it…" Esumi whispered to Broly.

"It has a chakra network… It's alive..." Broly muttered.

Jabie appeared in front of Naruto and shot arrows at Itachi. Itachi easily side stepped the arrows before having an arrow chip his cloak in the shoulder area somehow. He looked at Jabie before hearing a sudden shout.

"ITACHI!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!!!" Sasuke's voice rang out as he appeared down the hall.

"What's going on….? I was just taking a trip with Pervy Sage.. How did all this happen…?" Naruto questioned.

"Another shrimp Itachi? You're pretty popular with the kids I see." Kisame joked.

"That's my brother.. These other 3 are new faces to me.." Itachi responded.

Sasuke lit his arm in the sound of 1000 chirping birds and started a mad dash towards Itachi in the crowded hallway. Tearing through the wall and the floor as he ran. Unfortunately for this Uchiha, it wasn't his turn to face Itachi yet it seems.

Broly appeared behind the boy and grabbed the back of his collar, putting a harsh stop to his momentum. Broly then threw Sasuke towards Esumi. Esumi raised her leg while still facing Kisame before turning around and smashing Sasuke into the ground.

"Sorry small handsome. We have a date with your brother right now. You can wait till he's done with us." Esumi said before adding more force to the back of Sasuke's head. Sasuke struggled fiercely and shouted and yelled as his head was pushed down.

"Hey why are you hurting Sasuke!?" Naruto shouted.

"This isn't going to plan Itachi.. I think we should leave before you-know-who comes.." Kisame suggested.

"Agreed. Let's go. We'll get Naruto another time."


"I'm not interested in a weak useless brother who can't even defeat a girl like that. Sasuke. Your hate is too weak to be of interest to me." Itachi said before suddenly attempting to leave with Kisame.

"I'M NOT FINISHED!" Broly yelled dashing at Itachi and putting his arm out as if wanting to grab his face while staring right into his eyes.

Broly was transported to a world of red, black, and grey. With his Byakugan, he quickly realized he was put under a genjutsu. He tried to release himself but found out that it wasn't working for some reason. Suddenly he was stabbed in his waist. Broly grunted before realizing that Itachi stabbed him while he was trapped on a cross. With his physical strength, he should've easily freed himself from the cross but it was as if he wasn't in control of his body anymore. He couldn't produce any force that wasn't him just talking.

"In the Tsukuyomi dreamscape, I completely control time, space, and even all substance. For the next 72 hours you will be continually stabbed over and over again." Itachi said before having a mass of clones start to stab Broly multiple times.

"I won't be humiliated like this! Fight me!" Broly shouted as he was getting stabbed. However Itachi did not fall for his taunt and continued to stab and stab and stab and stab and stab.

Broly tried everything in his arsenal to resist, but could only find one thing that could help him. His gravity seal. He released it to 0 and a rush of chakra in his body came flowing through like a tsunami. All of a sudden, the Itachi's stopped stabbing Broly.

"Instead of the 72 hours, I could only complete it for 24 hours. You are a strange one." Itachi's voice rang out before Broly was back in the real world.

Broly fell to his knee before staring at the feet of Itachi. His entire body was sweating. His breathing was ragged and rough.

"I'll crush you…. I'll destroy you… I'll destroy everything you love and turn it into dust!" Broly shouted in anger before his hair turned yellow and his body slightly increased in muscle mass. His pupil disappeared in his non-Hyūga eye and his Byakugan eye turned dark green with a hint of yellow behind them.

Broly charged at Itachi. Jabie and Esumi tried to head over to help Broly out. For some reason he just fell after charging at Itachi and then started to mutter. Jabie shot multiple arrows at Itachi before Kisame appeared in front of Jabie and Esumi and smacked the arrows out of the air. Jabie and Esumi looked at each other before nodding. Jabie put away his bow and arrow and appeared in front of Kisame. Kisame swung his sword down at Jabie. Jabie dodged to the side and palmed Kisame's stomach. Kisame brought his foot up and kicked towards Jabie's palm while Esumi in lightning burst mode appeared behind him. Esumi stabbed towards his back as Kisame and Jabie clashed.


Kisame started to leak water before dissolving into a puddle of water. Jabie and Esumi spotted Kisame appearing behind Itachi. Broly ignored this as he continued towards Itachi. He punched at Itachi who in return blocked with his wrist. Itachi was sent sliding away from the impact of Broly's fist.

"You're stronger now somehow.. But it's not enough to defeat me." Itachi said as Broly appeared in front of him again.

Broly kicked towards Itachi's chin and as Itachi swayed his head back in response to the kick, Broly used his other leg to swing towards Itachi's face with that leg. Itachi dodged the kick and kicked towards Broly's stomach.

Broly grabbed Itachi's leg while still in the air before swinging and smashing him into the floor. Itachi burst into a bunch of crows. Broly saw Itachi and Kisame retreating.

"DON'T YOU RUN FROM ME UCHIHA!!" Broly shouted before going through some hand signs and creating a green wind sphere that swiftly reduced in visibility before becoming completely invisible.

The only sign of the jutsu being there is the huge force of wind blasting from Broly's hand. He reared his arm back before blasting the jutsu at the retreating Akatsuki members.

"ERASER CANNON!!" Broly shouted.



As Broly's jutsu was shot, everyone behind it was forced to face a harsh impact of wind and a loud boom. Some of the inn's doors were ripped off their hinges and the walls were dented as the jutsu soared through. Itachi and Kisame continued to escape before Itachi had a sudden feeling.

"Move!" Itachi shouted as Broly's attack reached the duo.

Kisame broke through the inn's wall and the two jumped out as the jutsu exploded. Sharp and forceful winds exploded and took a healthy chunk of the inn along with it. Itachi and Kisame were boosted forward by some of the wind and cut by slightly by the other part of the wind.

"How dangerous… What kind of ninjas is your old village trying to produce huh? Those three will become quite scary in the future." Kisame joked.

"That shirtless boy was even stronger than I was at his age…" Itachi said.

"Haha maybe instead of taking the Jinchūriki we should take those kids as future members of the Akatsuki."



"Jabie… Come..." Broly said before falling unconscious and returning to his original form.

It was at this moment a poof of smoke and a loud voice shouted out.

"Toad Sage Jiraiya is here to save the day!! No woman is enough to charm me out of saving the day." Jiraiya said while posing atop a toad.

Jabie stood over Broly while activating his mystical palm jutsu and Byakugan to see what was wrong with Broly. Esumi let go of Sasuke and appeared next to Broly while also ignoring the legendary sannin.

"Pervy Sage where were you!? We just got attacked by Sasuke's brother and some other guy in a black cloak with red clouds!!" Naruto shouted.

"Esumi!!!!" Sasuke yelled in a fury after being released. He lit his arm up once more and ran towards Esumi with his sharingan activated.

"Sasuke stop!" Naruto yelled.

Esumi with her back watching over Jabie try and heal Broly, smacked Sasuke's wrist into the ground with her rapier. Causing his chidori to tear through the inn's floor. Esumi then kicked Sasuke in the chin, launching him slightly in the air and to finish him off kicking him straight down to the first floor. Sasuke ceased all movement after this attack. Esumi saw Naruto charge at her next with a blazing spiky orb behind her with her Byakugan.

"That's enough Esumi! I won't let you harm my friend anymore!" Naruto said as he lunged towards Esumi's back with his combination ninjutsu.

Esumi responded to this sneak attack by sparking her leg in lightning chakra and kicking towards Naruto's attack. The legendary sannin decided to finally do something besides being completely confused about the situation. He appeared in-between the two genin and stopped their attacks. His hair stretched out quickly and then sharpened and hardened as it took the brunt of the two attacks. Naruto's attack burned and caused Jiraiya's hair to blacken. Esumi's attack broke through Jiraiya's hair and only stopped after going a few inches inside.

Jiraiya looked at the petite genin in shock at her power. The amount of strength in that attack could have probably put Naruto out of commission for the whole trip!

'Why don't I bring these three just in case something happens to go wrong with Tsunade? And if I need some alone time they could protect Naruto for me..'

"Alright that's enough kiddies. It seems the bad guys are gone and as leaf shinobi we should regroup and heal together." Jiraiya said to calm down the tense atmosphere.

Jabie however has done as much as he could for Broly and could only wait till he awakens himself up. His body is completely fine but with his Byakugan he noticed that certain parts of Suna's brain are injured and takes a bit more time to heal with his healing jutsu. Jabie wouldn't even know where to start healing Suna if he didn't have his Byakugan to show him exactly where the problem was. But since he does he can concentrate his healing in a more efficient manner. Suna should wake soon if everything goes according to plan. Jabie slung Broly over his shoulder before creating a clone to carry him instead.

"Don't worry about Sasuke, Naruto. I'll heal him too." Jabie said to the pissed off Naruto. Esumi however decided to tease the boy more by pulling on her face and throwing up a middle finger at him.

"I'm gonna kick your butt Esumi!! Don't hold me back pervy sage! I'm gonna teach her a few things about manners!" Naruto shouted as Jiraiya stood in front of him.

"The only thing your gonna kick is the bucket idiot! Know your place!" Esumi responded while grabbing Sasuke's unconscious body and handing it over to Jabie's clone who created another clone to heal Sasuke.

Amidst this entire situation came another leaf shinobi. Might Guy! The jonin teacher of Lee, Neji, and Ten-ten.

"Guy. It's good that you came here. I need you to take Sasuke back to the village while I take these four to get Her." Jiraiya said.

"You mean you're really going…" Guy said in surprise.

"The third of the sannin trio. The queen of slugs and elixirs. The one who wears "Betting" on her back, Princess Tsunade."

"I see. Okay, I'll take Sasuke back to the village to get healed and keep an eye on him so he doesn't run away again. Good luck on finding and bringing back Lady Tsunade, Lord Jiraiya." Guy said before taking off with Sasuke on his back.

Jabie and Esumi looked at Jiraiya.

"Why you want us to come along? I don't do favors for free ya know." Esumi said while rubbing her fingers together.

"If money doesn't work we can be paid in something else as well." Jabie added.

"A bunch of kids mugging me in plain day-light! What has the world come to when an old man like me is forced to be mugged by some brats." Jiraiya said in an exaggerated sad voice.

"Let's go.. We'll discuss on the way ya greedy little imps."

Jiraiya, Naruto, and the trio of demon left the destroyed inn behind and searched for the famous third sannin, Princess Tsunade!

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