Broly In Naruto

The End of the Invasion!

Broly has arrived back into the final exam's arena and saw many dead shinobi. He ignored this as he and Jabie continued on their way to find Esumi. Jabie could track Esumi due to the mini water clone he has inside her to heal her if she ever got injured and he wasn't around. He injected all three of them with the mini water clones as a safety precaution. They were about to hop over the arena's walls until they were stopped by Kakashi.

"I'm issuing you two an immediately A-rank mission. I need you two to chase after the sand genin that your teammate went after. Break Shikamaru and Shino from their genjutsu and take them along with you" Kakashi said before body flickering away and continuing to fight more enemy shinobi.

"Should we do it Suna?" Jabie asked.

"No. Leave the weaklings behind and come on." Broly said as he ignored Kakashi's direct order and almost hopped over the arena's walls.

"I don't think you should disobey a direct order from a jonin Aomatsuna." A sudden lazy voice sounded out.

"Orders are orders and as shinobi we follow them. Even if we really don't want to." Shikamaru said before awaking Shino from the genjutsu.

"What happened?" Shino asked.

"You were caught under an enemies' genjutsu attack. We have a mission right now to go save the crazy blue haired chick."

"I see. Okay let's go."

"Keep up or we'll leave you behind." Broly said as he and Jabie jumped away.

They traveled throughout the forest at high-speeds before being ambushed by group of nine sound shinobi. They appeared from the trees and bushes. Broly grabbed one sound enemy by the throat and swiftly crushed it before slinging him towards another enemy. Jabie did a straight thrust towards an enemy with his hand and knocked one of the sound shinobi into another one, knocking them away. Shikamaru hopped in a tree to avoid an incoming kunai attack before being ambushed from behind by another enemy.

"Guh!" Shikamaru managed to get out before Shino appeared behind his ambusher and punched him away.

The enemy shinobi was knocked down before he started to scream in agony as bugs started to cover his entire body.

"Shadow Possession Jutsu!" Shikamaru yelled as he captured the remaining four sound shinobi.

"I can't hold them for long take them out."

Broly laughed devilishly before dashing towards the four immobile enemies who were scared out of their minds. Broly appeared in front of them as they started to beg and plead before ending them painfully and brutally. Shikamaru held his stomach as if he wanted to control himself from puking. Shino turned his head from the horrifying sight. His bugs started to buzz in fright from the killing intent released from Broly.

"Are you two sure you want to become ninjas? Things like this is a standard in the career." Jabie said.

"Did you really have to kill them though? We could have easily captured them without trouble." Shikamaru said looking slightly green.

Broly just looked in his direction with his body all bloodied with a grin.

"Don't tell me a little bit of blood is all it takes to scare you?" Broly said before laughing and heading off.

Jabie immediately followed behind him. Shikamaru and Shino stayed behind for a little bit.

"How could he just kill them… Without hesitation…?" Shikamaru asked to no one in particular.

"Monsters like Aomatsuna and Gaara live in a different world from us.. What they consider normal is very different from our standards. We're just lucky he's on our side.." Shino said.

Shikamaru nodded before he and Shino went to catch up to Aomatsuna and Jabie. When they caught up they noticed Aomatsuna and Jabie stopped up ahead. As they arrived next to them they saw the two sand genin from the chunin exams. A bruised, tired, and beaten Temari and a bandaged Kankuro laying down on her lap. Broly had a terrifying grin on his face as he stared at the weak and injured enemy shinobi.

"These two are worth keeping as prisoners of war. They're the children of the Kazekage." Jabie said to Suna.

"Unfortunate. Capture them and let's go find Esumi." Broly said.

Broly watched as Temari lowered her head as she and her brother was captured in Jabie's diamond prison jutsu and had their chakra drained. Although this time it seemed it wasn't drowning them. Broly guessed Jabie could choose whether to drown his victims in his jutsu or not. Broly took off once more. Jabie who held Temari and her brother, Shikamaru, and Shino followed behind him. The last two are becoming more and more uneasy with Jabie and Aomatsuna's way of dealing with things.

They arrived in a large and massive destroyed clearing of the forest. Broly looked in the sky and noticed a gigantic creature was facing off against Esumi, who had a few injuries on her person. Apparently she hasn't noticed them yet as the creature she was facing continued to blast out massive wind blasts and swiped at her with one hand. Esumi must have managed to cut off its arm and tail from how it looked.

"His forehead. Attack Gaara to wake him up and dispel the jutsu.." Temari said.

"Huh? That's a jutsu?! I thought she was just fighting some random beast for kicks." Jabie said slightly surprised.

"Esumi! Aim for the boy but don't end him." Broly shouted.

Broly saw Esumi take a look in his direction before disappearing and appearing in front of the limp and unconscious Gaara. The giant creature who also heard Broly's words immediately defended in front of it's forehead.

"Nice try ya squirt! But I'm only getting stronger as time passes! I'm not getting sealed away when I just got free." The beast said before watching a hole tear through his monster claw and Esumi kicking Gaara across the face.

"No!!! You!!! God dammit!!!!!!" He roared before the red-haired sand genin awoke and stared at Esumi who was standing across from him.

He glared at her before using the sand on the beast he was attached to and grab her ankles.

"Haven't you learned by now sleepy head. You need something more than sand to defeat me. But it's time for you to go nighty night once again. Cause this fight is over." Esumi said before flickering lightning over her body and appearing in front of Gaara before kneeing him in the forehead.

Gaara's forehead started to leak blood as the giant racoon creature made of sand started to crack and crumble apart. Esumi watched as a light brown colored cloud appeared under her and Gaara before slowly floating towards Aomatsuna and the other genin.

Broly saw Esumi holding a sword under Gaara's throat as they arrived in front of them.

"How…. How did you get so strong…? What makes you so powerful…?" Gaara asked exhausted.

'I will not cease to exist… I will not disappear…. I won't!'

Broly watched as Esumi's face took on a look of seriousness.

"I could only become this strong.. thanks to my family.. If it wasn't for them, I couldn't imagine how weak I would be currently. My family… allowed me to reach the strength I have now. Without them I would be nothing and have nothing but a single goal. A goal that I would be helpless to accomplish without them." Esumi answered.

"How… How do you know that you wouldn't be able to do it by yourself..? That it was them…. That gave you strength…?" Gaara asked.

"Because I'm not stupid. I know my limits as a person. Before I had them in my life, my potential for the future was as some average kunoichi or above average kunoichi. An average or above average kunoichi isn't enough for my goal in life. But now I know for a fact I could become even stronger than a kage. The only possible way for me to not get strong enough to accomplish my life goal is if I die."

'Family….. Love…. Friends…. Is that what makes her so strong….? Strong enough to defeat me..'

'Yada Esumi… Perhaps one day….' Gaara thought before he was also captured in Jabie's water diamond prison jutsu.

"Hey fat ass you mind carrying me? I'm kinda all out of chakra…" Esumi said before falling over.

"Hey wait!" Jabie shouted

As Esumi fell off Aomatsuna's cloud jutsu, she managed to keep her eyes open long enough to find that Suna appeared underneath her and caught her. He slung her over his shoulder.

"You did good Esumi. Take a rest. We'll handle it for now." Aomatsuna said as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Thank god…" Esumi said as finally fell asleep.

Broly, Jabie, Shikamaru, and Shino all walked back to the village with the three sand genin in tow.


Broly has just left the funeral for the third hokage with Jabie and Esumi. It seems he died in a battle protecting the leaf village from Orochimaru. Broly thought well of the third hokage. He treated him well.

'If I get the chance old man, I'll kill that snake for you if Esumi doesn't first.'

The children of the late Kazekage, who was impersonated by Orochimaru, were returned back to their village. It seems that Konoha decided not to pursue matters further because they were tricked by Orochimaru. Broly thought it was stupid overall. Just take over the Sand village and add its power to Konoha forcefully. That's what he would've done.

"Me and my clones have everything ready for the operation. We can do it tomorrow Suna if you aren't up for it." Jabie said.

"No. Let's do it now. Let's go." Broly said as Jabie led him and Esumi towards his secret bunker he's been creating under their apartment grounds.

Broly and Esumi were brought in Jabie's room and in front of his closet. Broly watched as Jabie formed multiple drops of water and flicked them in very specific spots in his closet before the floor of Jabie's closet disappeared and a body of water appeared in its place.

"Follow me." Jabie said as he jumped into the water and started to swim down.

Broly and Esumi followed after.

Broly watched as multiple glass tanks had Jabie clones working on different things. One clone was watching another go through hand seals before turning into a puddle of water. The clone that was watching started to write some things down on a notebook before creating another clone. A different glass tank held a Jabie clone that was with all of his pets. It looked as if he was teaching them something. But Broly thought nothing more about it as they reached a shore. Jabie led them into a lab room with three beds. One in the north position, one east, and the last one west.

"After acquiring the fallen bodies of members of every clan except the Uchiha, I managed to extract their cells separately and the special abilities of those clans. Well some of those clans. Some techniques like the Nara clan's shadow possession jutsu isn't something they can do inherently. It's just an elemental ninjutsu that's passed down from oral traditions in the Nara clan. But anyway, I sent my clones to infiltrate and spy on the many clans in Konoha except for the Hyūga clan. With their eyes they would easily be able to see through my water clone's disguises. So, soon we will have knowledge on those techniques as well."

"This has been tested right? I don't wanna come out of this looking like a freaky monster." Esumi said.

"Yes. Bring her out!" Jabie yelled.

Three clones of Jabie came out escorting a chained black-haired woman who stared at Jabie with a death glare. She had spotted cat ears on top of her head and a long thin black tail, similar to a mouse. Her hands had sharp nails that looked as if they were able to slice through solid rock.

"This is a female assassin who attempted to kill me during the one-month break for the chunin exams. I have been using her for a number of tests and thankfully she's tougher than she looks. So, I have been able to accomplish a lot thanks to her." Jabie explained.

"I also used her to test the transfusion process of the numerous cells I have been able to acquire from the clans of our village. And it was a massive success! The chains I have wrapped around her is to keep her from using her chakra. Even though without her chakra she's still a force to wary of. That's why there are three clones bring her in."

"So you want us to look like animals?!" Esumi shouted.

"Huh?" Jabie said before realizing what Esumi meant.

"Oh! No the reason why she looks like that is because I did previous experiments on her. Your appearance shouldn't change drastically. If anything, your hair might become fuller or lighter but that's about it from what I've seen with her."

"Alright Jabie let's do this then!" Esumi said.

"Okay. But before we begin you two are getting only 1 eye transplant correct?"

"Yeah! I gonna find that other Uchiha guy and get his freaky sharingan eye so I can make fire that never dies!" Esumi stated.

"That's right. There could be numerous amounts of strange eyes in these nations. While the Byakugan will be a great increase in my power, there could be another eye that does it even more so." Broly explained.

"Okay let's get started then guys! Clones get out here and get ready for the procedure!" Jabie yelled with enthusiasm as the Trio of Demons all got on the beds.

Numerous water clones came from a door and stood over them before making the three go to sleep.

"Let us begin. Bring in the extracted cells and the eyes. Once we put the cells inside the three we have to make sure that their body doesn't reject the cells by using genjutsu to trick their senses into thinking it belongs inside them." The other water clones nodded and gave an accepted response.

"You guys made sure to include the fused Byakugan eyes correct?"

"Yea. Since we had so many left over it would be a waste to let it just rot. We extracted cells from multiple Byakugan eyes before combining them into four separate eyes. Hopefully this move managed to upgrade or alter the current abilities of the Byakugan into a better one. We'll see I suppose." The water clone said.

The water clones got to work as some had the mystical palm jutsu activated the entire time and others had the chakra scalpel activated. Jabie's water clones made hand signs before creating the genjutsu needed to trick the body into accepting the cells. The heart rate of the three started to rapidly increase. The Trio of Demons all took on a pained expression. The clones' face became much more serious as the healing clones watched over in case any of them were unable to handle the injection of the numerous cells. But it seemed to be an unneeded worry because the heart rate of the three slowed down to a normal pace once more.


Multiple clones started to dispel into pools of water from chakra exhaustion. Broly was the first to awaken. A water clone appeared next to him with a mirror big enough to show Broly's entire body. Broly saw as his previous black hair turned more shiny or glossy. His tail slightly thickened in width and also turned a bit lighter in color. Broly looked at his new eye. The strange slightly green pupilless eye that will help him gain even more strength. He surged his chakra before directing it towards his new eye and seeing a different world.

In the mirror, Broly's new eye turned a darker shade of green and the veins around his left eye bulged. In the real world, Broly's vision changed. Broly could see in every direction around him. Broly could see through the walls and clones around him. Looking at the water clones revealed a mass of water and blue chakra. Broly guessed that the blue chakra was Jabie's since it is his clone but why is Jabie's chakra a different color? Broly understands that his chakra takes on a green look because he's a legendary saiyan, but Jabie is just a normal human.

Broly looked over to the sleeping Jabie and then at Esumi. He saw that her chakra had a slight yellow color to it. This confused Broly a bit more than he wanted to be right now and just focused on exploring his new eye's abilities. He was able to see the chakra pathway system and the numerous tenketsu that ran along it. Jabie gave him and Esumi an explanation on what this means and allows them to possibly do. But he would have to wait until Jabie awoke to teach him and Esumi the secret techniques of the Hyūga clan. He was the only one who knew it ever since his match with Neji.

Broly decided to train with his chakra control since Jabie said having the Byakugan could help increase his chakra control immensely. Broly went through some hand signs before creating a bright-green wind sphere. If he wanted to train his chakra control then he would have to find ways to stress and strain his chakra control. The easiest way he learned from Jabie and his experiences so far as a fighter was to condense, shrink, and wrap chakra as much as you could without having it disperse.

With his new eye, Broly was able to see his chakra much more clearly and easily. No matter how much he wrapped, shrunk, and compressed the chakra inside the wind sphere. The jutsu in question started to take on a different look the more it was manipulated. At first the jutsu looked like a normal ball of wind that was colored green, but now it was barely able to be seen! Broly's control over the ball was coming close to his limits, so he decided to shrink his chakra inside the technique one last time.

The previous green ball of wind has now changed into barely visible ball of wind. Broly wanted to see exactly how strong this ball is now. He grinned as he looked directly into the eyes of a water clone whose heart nearly jumped out of it's skin when it looked at Aomatsuna. But it knew it's fate as soon as it locked eyes with Aomatsuna. As they walked away to a more suitable location in Jabie's secret lab, while Jabie and Esumi awakened soon after he left.

Jabie's appearance didn't seem much different from before. His brown hair became much lighter and his body seemed to radiate a strange energy. Esumi's change was also pretty small. Her previously blue haired became a deep light blue and she also radiated that same weird energy Jabie was giving off. The water clones came in when they woke up and had a full body mirror with them. Esumi got off the surgery bed as she looked into the mirror. Her new right eye had a slight yellow tinge mixed with the mostly white iris. She wasn't sure why it was a little yellow but didn't care. She looked at her body for any strange or weird additions before grinning.

"Aha!" She shouted.

"My body became sexier!" Esumi commented after seeing certain assets of her body looking differently than before.

She started to do poses in front of the mirror before a voice interrupted her.

"You're 12 Esumi… Your sex appeal shouldn't be a factor to worry about until your 16 or 18.." Jabie said with a sigh.

"I'm a kunoichi! Who knows what kind of sick perverts out there who wouldn't hesitate to force me to do all sorts of things?" She explained.

"While I can't deny your claim, I will say with our new strength it will be very hard for anyone of that nature to even try."

"Tsk tsk tsk. Don't underestimate the world of shinobi little Jabie-kun! And speaking of new power.." Esumi says before directing chakra into her right eye and watching her entire vision enter a new dimension of sights.

"Whoa… This is freaky..." Esumi said as her right eye turned into a half yellow and half white mix. The vein's around her right eye bulged and became a lot more visible.

"Whoa what the hell?! Why can I see through your clothes!? Are the Hyūga's huge perverts!?" Esumi said before turning around.

"Ah! I can still see you!!" She yelled before figuring out how to turn off her new Byakugan.

Jabie's face took on a slight red hue on his chubby cheeks.

"Don't you dare use your eyes until I am gone!" Esumi yelled.

Jabie smiled before activating both of his new eyes and being witnessed to a new sight just like Aomatsuna and Esumi. Esumi tried to cover her body with her hands while her face was red.

"I'll kill you Jabie!!" She screamed.

"I'm going to see it sooner or later Esumi. These eyes will only increase in strength the more we train with it. Consider it only being fair." Jabie said with a smile as his cheeks continued to stay red.

"I don't care how logical you are making it I'm going to kick your ass!"

Esumi was about to charge at Jabie until a loud sound exploded from behind her.


Jabie and Esumi quickly head over to the source of the noise. They arrived in front of a door that a water clone was blocking.

"Oh you're here. Aomatsuna was just testing his new technique after testing with his Byakugan."

"Already huh… Great.. Well let us in. I need to explain a few things about the Byakugan and the Hyūga family clan techniques to these two." Jabie said as the clone moved out of the way and let them inside.

Jabie and Esumi were introduced to Suna standing in front of a large crater in the ground with an excited look on his face. He turned around to face them and revealed his dark green colored Byakugan to Jabie's half blue and half white Byakugan and to Esumi's half yellow and half white Byakugan.

"So it did appear in your eyes as well.." Broly stated.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Jabie asked.

"You two have a different colored chakra."

"But we're normal though. That doesn't make any sense…"

"Well it doesn't matter. Teach us about how the Hyūga clan uses the Byakugan to their advantage."

"Okay. Okay. After receiving the memories of the clone I planted in Neji, I know how to use some of their techniques. But to use it some of it requires training. We need to learn how to emit chakra through all of our tenketsu. But with our new eyes, that should be simple. We already have great chakra control, so it shouldn't take but a day or two. That's pretty much it though. To use the rest of the techniques they use only requires more training with chakra control."

Jabie explained how exactly to use the gentle fist, rotation, and how the 64 palms were used by Neji to Aomatsuna and Esumi. After learning that the Trio of Demons left Jabie's secret lab hidden underneath Konoha and returned home after the long day. They decided to explore the possibilities of their new abilities tomorrow. But not before talking about a very important topic.

"How the hell are we gonna hide our new eyes?" Esumi asked.

"Thank you for reminding me Esumi! I nearly forgotten I had to borrow those eyes from graves." Jabie said before he clapped his hand and a water clone came towards them with a wooden box.

"This is how!" Jabie said before revealing sunglasses.

Broly and Esumi looked at Jabie.

"Stupid sunglasses are enough huh?" Esumi asked slightly pissed at Jabie's joke.

"These aren't just any sunglasses my dear Esumi. These are Jabie-approved sunglasses! Watch this." Jabie said before putting on the sunglasses with blue lenses on.

Broly activated his eye and noticed that he could only see chakra in front of Jabie's eyes.

"A clone huh. Alright." Broly said before creating his own clone and having it transform into a eye patch.

"Smart idea, fatty! I knew you weren't dumb enough to ignore something like this!" Esumi complimented before she also created a clone and made it transform into her regular glasses. But Esumi somehow made it so where the glasses only revealed her normal black colored eyes.

So the Trio of Demons soon went back to their homes and slept for a new exciting training-filled day tomorrow.

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