Broly In Naruto

Invasion By The Sand And Sound!!

Broly noticed three humongous snakes rampaging across the village while the Leaf shinobi were trying to stop it, but he did nothing to help. His priorities laid elsewhere. He arrived at the orphanage and quickly found Akira with the other orphanage employees huddled up with all the children. Broly's face softened at the sight of Akira being safe. Akira looked relieved at his appearance until she screamed,


From behind Broly, a sound ninja snuck up behind him with a sword and slashed down. Broly unwrapped his tail and reached behind him and captured the ninja by the throat before he could finish his slash. He snapped the enemy shinobi's neck with his tail before throwing him outside the orphanage.

"I'll be back. I will crush anyone who dares to hurt my family." Broly said before cutting himself and placing his palm on his chest, creating 3 smokescreens in front of him.

Three dog-like creatures appeared in front of Broly and all the people in the orphanage.

The first summon was a small pup. It's fur was colored blue with black spots over it. The second summon had black fur with white spots all over it. The last pup had a curved sword on its back and was even smaller than the other two and could fit in someone's palm! Broly touched the 3 hyena summons before transforming them into larger ferocious terrifying beasts with the transformation jutsu. The three previous pups grew as large as an adult man and had sharp, long, terrifying teeth.

"Protect every single person in here or be prepared to die when I come back." Broly threatened the 3 pups before attempting to leave but before he could he felt someone's arms wrap around him.

"Be safe Suna.. I know how reckless you get.. Get on out there and kick some enemy ninja butt! I'll be fine." Akira said.

"I will.." Broly said while refusing to look Akira in the eyes and soon headed out while hearing Akira laughing in the background.

"Such a shy boy.." Akira muttered to herself before walking up to the 3 summons and petting them on their heads.

The children and workers inside the orphanage gasped in horror at Akira's actions. The summon with the sword on its back snarled it's teeth and started to growl when Akira tried to pet it, but Akira stared into the eyes of the summon without backing down. Her spirit soon overwhelmed the large hyena and caused it to whine before putting its head down. Akira pet the hyena summon and said good boy before noticing everyone's eyes looking completely shocked at her.

"What?" She asked.


When Broly left the orphanage, he was surrounded by sound shinobi. He grinned as he let loose some of his killing intent. The enemy sound ninja started shaking before realizing their opponent was only some kid. They were curious about the tail hanging from the boy, but didn't think much of it as they went to get this kid out of their way to destroy the leaf village's orphanage.

The group of sound ninjas ran towards Broly. Broly disappeared from their sights.


The sound shinobi were confused from that loud crack until they decided to turn around to look at their allies, but at that point it was too late. Multiple screams of agony started to ring out as Broly tore through the group. The laughter of a madman was said to be the last thing those sound shinobi heard before they never saw the light of day again.

"HAHAHAAHA! Weaklings! I'll crush you all!" Broly shouted before creating a clone that stood atop the orphanage building and body flickering away.

Broly appeared in front of the three giant snakes with red scarfs around their necks who were destroying the village. With a grin, Broly leapt towards the middle one. Broly punched the snake down towards the ground and forcing it to crash down with a heavy impact. After knocking away the first snake, Broly kneed the next snake on the side of the face while still in mid-air and sent it flying it towards a building. The snake smashed into the building and destroyed it. The final snake hissed before opening its jaws wide to swallow Broly. Broly shouted before blasting himself forward with a wind jutsu into the mouth of the snake.

The snake was confused but continued onward to swallowing its prey. As Broly passed through the mouth of the snake, his fast momentum from his jutsu continued forward and instead of heading down the throat of the snake Broly punched through the snake's throat. Giving the beast a fatal blow. The snake hissed and roared before falling to the ground and convulsing for a few seconds before becoming still. Broly's eyes glared at the other two snakes with a lust for battle in his eyes. He was about to take care of them before seeing a massive frog appear from the sky and land on one of the snakes while taking the blade off its back and killing the other.

"WHO DARES?!" Broly shouts in anger.

"Whoa whoa kid. Calm down! It is I! The Unorthodox Ninja Sage Jiraya is here to help!" The legendary sannin shouted.

"Tch. I'll deal with you later." Broly said before body flickering somewhere else.

"What's the deal with that kid?" Jiraya asked the surrounding shinobi.

"He just appeared out of nowhere and started to fight with those huge snakes Lord Jiraya." Ibiki, the chunin first stage examiner, said.

"That kid must be pretty strong. Strange, I haven't heard of him yet.." Jiraya said while rubbing his chin.

"Well whatever! Let's clean up these fools!" Jiraya shouted as he and the rest of the leaf shinobi went off to fight the invaders.


'Thank you for this very gracious donation Hyūga clan. I will make sure to put your eyes to good use." Jabie thought to himself as he invaded the Hyūga clan grounds stealthily.

'You fools better not have guards here while the village is being attacked.. Or this might have to become a bit more forceful than I want it to be.' Jabie thought while putting himself under a transformation jutsu.

Jabie has managed to penetrate into the Hyūga graveyard and remained unseen so far. Until he heard a deep voice shouting,

"HALT! What do you think you are doing here!? Face punishment for your actions!" The elderly voice shouted before an old man appeared and dashed towards Jabie.

Jabie sighed, but didn't dare take it easy on this old man. They would have to have placed a strong guard in their graveyard to protect from enemies.

Jabie released his gravity seal to 0 and reappeared in front of the elderly Hyūga member. He palmed towards the man's chest. The man caught off guard by the unknown stranger's speed, nearly took a grave hit. But he managed to block the stranger's attack with a wall of chakra before spinning and creating a chakra dome.

"Rotation!" He yelled.

Jabie's eyes became full of greed as he was launched away in the graveyard full of dead buried Hyūga members. He recovered before coating his hands in blue chakra.

'My Chakra Scalpel should easily end this.'

The elderly man must have figured out exactly what Jabie just did because he looked very angry.

"Insolent fool! Prepare to die!" He shouted with his Byakugan activated.

He dashed towards Jabie. Jabie grinned as he watched the man palm towards him.

"Your eyes may see everything. But it doesn't matter if you can't keep up with them. Watch your demise slowly." Jabie said before two bear cubs suddenly appeared on his shoulder with razor sharp claws lit on fire.

The two cubs pounced towards the elderly Hyūga man, causing him to widen his eyes in shock and horror. He closed his eyes as he thought to himself.

'I guess these old bones were no match for even a man like that.. I failed you Lord Hiashi.'

The old man was expecting excruciating pain to hit at any time, but nothing happened. He opened his eyes to see the handsome man with an evil smile on his face. Jabie slashed the old Hyūga clan member with his chakra scalpel and effectively removed his ability to move.

"I would kill you, but my friend would be very upset with me if I crossed such a line. Be grateful old man." Jabie said as he created a mass of water clones that proceeded to raid the Hyūga clan deceased members.

Jabie and his clones removed the eyes of Hyūga member they acquired before putting it inside a scroll and sealing it for later. Some of the eyes were dull and useless. Jabie noticed that those with a green X on their foreheads had their eyes sealed.. He pondered on it for a few seconds before putting it to the back of his mind. He gathered enough eyes and it was time to go. He dispelled all of his clones before putting the scroll on his back and leaving the Hyuga clan grounds without any further interruptions.

'They'll never know it was a leaf shinobi who stole their eyes from right under them.' Jabie thought as he almost started laughing.

'With the information on their techniques I learned from Neji, I will be able to use their eyes with their special moves! I will be able to alter and improve myself exponentially with this power..'

Suddenly Jabie felt someone coming near as he already left the Hyuga clan ground. He prepared himself for battle before hearing a familiar voice.

"Did you do it?" Aomatsuna asked while covered in blood.

"Yeah I got a good haul. Our training will be increased greatly with the power of these eyes." Jabie responded not surprised in the least at Suna's scary appearance.

'With a battlefield like this it would be hard to not go on a rampage for him..'

"Good work. Let's go get Esumi." Aomatsuna said as he dashed off towards Esumi's last known location with Jabie in tow.

Jabie created a water clone to take the goods back to the apartment before taking off with Suna.


Esumi chased after the three sand shinobi who quickly realized they were being followed by her.

"Hey hey come back! I just wanna talk!" Esumi yelled while brandishing her swords and chasing after them.

They swiftly sped up their retreat.

"What the heck?! I just wanna talk for a second!" Esumi said offended and angry.

She used her lightning burst technique which augmented her physical aspects greatly and appeared in front of the sand trio.

"So you little bastards think you can invade my village and then run away home free huh? Not on my watch!" Esumi yelled as she dashed towards the trio.

Kankuro quickly unwrapped his puppet, Karasu, and forced it to block Esumi.

"Take Gaara and go on ahead! I'll hold her back!" He yelled as he made his puppet slash at Esumi with a hidden wrist blade.

Esumi quickly parried the blade with hers before slashing the arm off the puppet with her second blade and kicking it away. Temari fled with Gaara in tow.

"I'll need to make sure they don't escape. I will clean you up quick doll boy!" Esumi said while pointing her blade at Kankuro.

Kankuro pulled his puppet back before making it shoot a volley of senbon out of it's mouth at Esumi. Esumi easily deflected the tiny blades and dashed towards Kankuro. Kankuro used his puppet to defend and reattached the severed arm of his puppet back on with his chakra threads. Esumi noticed the puppet shooting a strange black ball at her. She kicked it high in the sky and saw it burst into purple smoke.

"Trying to poison me? You just earned yourself a missing leg!" Esumi yelled before dashing at Kankuro once more.

Esumi watched as the puppet burst into smaller parts, all with a sharp blade attached to each limb and fly towards her.

"Now you're just annoying me.." Esumi said before coating her two blades in yellow lightning and disappearing from Kankuro's sight.

Esumi slashed through every separated piece of Kankuro's puppet and destroyed them before heading towards Kankuro.

"Impossible… How could you be so strong…?" Kankuro said shivering.

"Time to pay up sand ninja-kun." Esumi said as she slowly walked towards Kankuro with her bloodlust spilling from her tiny figure.

Kankuro started to step back before trying to run away. Esumi appeared behind him and sliced his right foot off. Kankuro fell and slowly turned to look at his leg. As his eyes found the reason for him tripping, he suddenly yelled


"You could have screamed a little longer invader-kun. Someone could have helped you before you fainted." Esumi said before chasing after the long gone Temari and Gaara with her lightning burst jutsu.


"Let me down Temari.." Gaara said tiredly.

"You're awake?!" Temari asked as she let her little brother down.

Suddenly Gaara held his head before sensing something incoming fast.

"Temari get away from here.."

"Huh? Why?" Temari asked before she was punched into a nearby tree by Gaara.

"You're in the way! Leave already!"

Slowly a blue-haired kunoichi appeared with blood on one of her blades. She giggled as she saw her prey.

"It seems you two are much more injured than I thought if I could catch up so easily." Esumi said teasingly.

"That blood… Is it my brothers?!?!" Temari shouted.

"Go and find out ya dumb blonde. But leave that little fan behind. I've taken a liking to it." Esumi threatened.

"Go and get Kankuro… I'll take care of her…." Gaara said as the right side of his face started to crack.

Temari dashed and tried to pass Esumi, but Esumi used the hilt of her swords and bashed them into Temari's chest before grabbing her giant iron fan. Esumi smiled as Temari was blasted away. She was heavily injured but didn't let it stop her as she slowly forced herself to find her other brother.

Esumi placed the fan inside her storage sheathe before finding that Gaara was changing?! His gourd stretched into some sort of monster sand arm. Half of his face was monster-like as well!

"What the heck is this milk boy!? How are you able to do that?!" Esumi shouted in excitement and shock.

Gaara just shouted before leaping at Esumi with his large sand arm. Esumi coated her blades in lightning chakra and charged at the boy as well. Esumi's blades clashed with Gaara's sand arm and easily tore through it, causing Gaara to scream in pain. Esumi and Gaara landed across from each other and suddenly the boy started to laugh crazily.

"I guess that little change of yours made ya crazy as well. Well I guess that makes it easier on me. Yada Esumi, the best kunoichi of Konoha will put you in your place monster invader!" Esumi said while posing heroically.

"I just realized why I'm enjoying myself so much.. This throbbing pain… If I can defeat one strong enough to wound me, rob them of all they stand for… I'll feel even more alive than ever!!!" Gaara shouted before the gourd that was now attached to his monster arm started to leak sand and form another appendage in the form of a tail!

But the tail was much larger than the sand arm he grew.

Esumi watched as Gaara slingshotted himself towards her at blinding speeds.

"Bakaaa." Esumi said before dodging to the side and slicing off Gaara's sand arm off once again.

But the boy barely noticed this the missing limb before latching onto a tree and rebounding back towards Esumi at the same speed. Esumi released her gravity seal to 0 as she jumped away from the tree Gaara was headed. Gaara tore the tree apart and the next 4 trees as well from his attack.

"Come on milk boy. You almost had me." Esumi said teasingly before laughing.

Gaara roared out loud before transforming once more. Sand started to cover more and more of the sand genin before taking on the appearance of a red haired sand beast! The only thing not made of sand was his sandals.

Gaara in his new form crossed his arms before shouting, "Sand Shuriken!" and launching numerous amounts of sand in the form of shurikens that was launched from his arms at high speeds. Esumi easily dodged through the attack as she appeared in front of Gaara. She slashed his tail off with a lightning cut before slicing off his sand arm for a third time. Gaara shouted in pain before sand burst from his body and knocked Esumi away. Esumi managed to block with her swords, but they had cracked from the boy's strength.

"You're gonna regret ruining my babies!!" Esumi yelled as she put her two swords into her storage sheathe and taking out Slashy!

The massive thick yellow blade that was larger than Esumi herself. She pulled it out with both hands before holding it behind her. She leaped at Gaara with her sword overhead as she slashed down.

"I'll end you!!!!" Gaara shouted as even more sand exploded from his body and knocked Esumi away as it erupted in the sky before a huge mass of smoke appeared.

Esumi crashed into a tree. She got up with a few bruises and scrapes.

"You god damn stupid ugly mommy milk sucking son of a bitch! I'm done playing with you now! No matter how… big… you are? WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SO HUGE NOW?!" Esumi said as she realized that Gaara has now transformed for a fourth time and into a gigantic sand racoon monster thing!

"I can't believe that I was forced to this point… But no matter prepare to die Yada Esumi!" The giant beast in Gaara's voice said before pointing his palm in Esumi direction and causing sand to form around her.

Esumi wielded her large blade as she dodged out of the way and leaped towards the humongous beast. Esumi watched as Gaara tried to slam her back into the ground. Although she was confident in her strength, she wasn't confident enough to try and clash against this massive racoon. She infused her lightning chakra into her huge blade as she clashed with Gaara. Even with the massive boost in strength and size, it seems that lightning is a natural destroyer of Gaara's strange sand ninjutsu. Esumi tore right through Gaara's gigantic sand arm. Esumi was waiting for the sound of pain or some sort of noise to indicate she did damage, but it never came.

After landing back in the forest, Esumi started to go through hand signs before creating a platform of lightning under her feet and shooting into the air to meet face to face with Gaara.

'This move uses a lot of chakra. I better end this fast..'

"Interesting! Interesting! You can still keep up with me even in this form!" Gaara shouted before Gaara's original body slowly formed from the sand on top of the sand monster's forehead.

"It's time to show you the true strength of the Sand Spirit held within me!" Gaara said before putting his hands into a ninjutsu seal and saying, "Playing Possum Jutsu."

Gaara's body suddenly limped over and the giant sand monster raised it's one arm in the air and bellowed, "I'M FINALLY FREE BABY!!!! HUAHAHAHAHHA"

It lowered it before pointing at Esumi and shouting "HERE WE GO!" in a cheerful crazed tone of voice.

"Wind Style Air Bullet!" He shouted before palming his stomach and blasting out a high-speed massive air jutsu.

"Lightning Burst!" Esumi shouted as yellow electricity sparked and flared off her entire body. Her hair rose and became spiky. Her sword started to vibrate extremely fast due to the amount of lightning chakra coming off of Esumi. Esumi flashed away on her lightning cloud as soon as the attack was launched by the monster and appeared behind it.

"Huh where did you go?!" The monster shouted.

Esumi sliced it's massive tail off before appearing in front of the sleeping Gaara. The giant beast shouted in pain from having it's tail sliced off and tried to smack Esumi away. Esumi noticed the beast wasn't using more sand to regenerate it's lost body limbs anymore…

'So this is the true form of Gaara.. It would be totally badass if he wasn't trying to kill me. I wonder if I can turn into a giant monster somehow. But Gaara seems a little crazy so I'm sure this type of power comes at a cost.. Oh well. Whatever. Let's get this over with.'

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