Broly In Naruto

Coming To A Close With The Exams

Naruto and Sasuke disappeared and reappeared right next to each other before Naruto threw a blinding punch at Sasuke. Sasuke barely could react to Naruto's new speed.

'How did this loser gain this much power?'

Sasuke lost a few hairs from the force of Naruto's punch as he managed to dodge the punch in time. But not dodge the incoming kick aiming for his face. Sasuke put up his guard as Naruto punted the Uchiha away. Sasuke grunted in pain from the powerful attack. His arms were slightly numb from blocking the attack directly.

After sliding quite a distance, Sasuke immediately searched for Naruto who just happened to appear right under him. Naruto uppercutted Sasuke in the chin and knocked him in the air. He immediately appeared above him and clasped his hands together.

"I learned this from my new friends! Get ready Sasuke!" Naruto shouted before his mouth suddenly became full of something.

He looked as if he was holding something in his cheeks like a squirrel. From Naruto's mouth came an extremely thick mass of oil that covered Sasuke entirely. Sasuke was drenched in Naruto's oil and splattered on the ground.

"Ehehe That's my new jutsu called Toad Oil Bomb! But I'm not done yet!" Naruto yelled before going through some handsigns and shouting.

"Fire Style: Flame Bullet!" Naruto spat out a large mass of fire that aimed for Sasuke.

"What!? He can use two different chakra natures already?!" A chunin shouted.

"How can that brat be able to do something like that?! Wasn't his scores in the academy the lowest in his class?!"

"Apparently he can use fire-nature as well.." Kakashi said.

"You are slacking my Eternal Rival! If young Naruto could become this strong without your teaching, it could be said you were holding back his youthful potential!" Guy said.

"What the hell?! I thought he was just a slacker like me since he scored low on the tests in the academy, but it turns out that he's just bad at academy work!" Shikamaru yelled in disbelief.

'This nine-tailed brat is becoming much more troublesome than I thought… But maybe this can be used to my advantage…' Orochimaru thought to himself.

"Hey, he can use fire just like genius Uchiha!"

"The so-called genius is getting his butt kicked!"


"This isn't over Naruto!" Sasuke yelled before sparking lightning over his body, removing the oil, and dodging out of the way of Naruto's fire jutsu.

Sasuke leapt towards the airborne Naruto and kicked in his direction. Naruto blocked with his wrist before Sasuke punched him in the face, kneed him in the chest, and elbowed him on the back of the head towards the arena's ground. Sasuke appeared above the falling Naruto and grabbed the yellow-haired boy's ankles before wrapping his legs around Naruto's waist as they crashed down.

"Falcon Drop!" Sasuke yelled before the two rivals smashed into the arena's ground. Sasuke's attack created a small crater as Naruto's head broke through the earth. Sasuke released Naruto and everyone watched as Naruto's body went limp and started to fall over.

"Oooh… that kid's dead…."

"Holy freaking crap that was pretty brutal."

"I guess the last Uchiha isn't called a genius for show.. even that kid couldn't beat him.."

'Sasuke-kun…. I can't wait to take your body for myself….' Orochimaru thought to himself.

"Sasuke-kun wouldn't kill Naruto! He.. He wouldn't!" Sakura yelled to herself.

Everyone in the audience took a look of shock and grimness after seeing Sasuke's merciless finish to his fellow leaf nin. Kakashi's face, although covered up mostly shown a look of rage. He has been trying to instill a bond between his genin and make sure that they thought of each other as family or as close as family. But it turns out he failed… He failed the ones he cared about once again….

Suddenly a *poof* sound was heard. Everyone immediately looked to the arena and saw that a cloud of smoke appeared from Naruto's body and revealed that it was a clone the entire time! Out of everyone, Sasuke himself was the least surprised. He knew that idiot wouldn't lose that easily. But he was surprised even more when an orange blur burst from the ground and gutted Sasuke with a headbutt. Sasuke was knocked away and nearly crashed into the arena's wall. He managed to recover at the last second and dashed up the arena's tall wall.

"I knew you wouldn't lose so easily Naruto."

"Heh, like I would lose before beating you!"

"It's time to end this." Sasuke said before forming some hand signs and grabbing his hand. Blue lightning started to form on his hand. It crackled and sparked all over before Sasuke's brought his lightning-covered hand to his side, tearing through the arena's walls easily. Sasuke then took off in a mad dash towards Naruto with his lightning jutsu, ripping through the arena's walls and ground as he ran past.

"I won't let you take the spotlight Sasuke!" Naruto yelled before going through some hand signs and creating a spiky ball of wind and spitting oil over it.

Creating an oily spiky ball hovering over his hand. He formed a Tiger hand seal, that was commonly seen with fire ninjutsu, and spewed fire all over the ball he held in his hand.


The ball burst into flames and increased in size until it was way larger than Naruto's body! Naruto strained and started to sweat as the ball began to shrink and condense in on itself. The strange combination ninjutsu eventually shrunk until it was the around the size of Naruto's palm. A blazing spiky sphere of fire, oil, and wind. Sasuke's technique blared with sounds of 1000 chirping birds. Naruto's jutsu shouted with blazing hungry flames.

Naruto grinned as he started to spin around with his jutsu. Sasuke grinned as he got closer and closer to Naruto, until eventually they were a few feet apart. Sasuke thrusted his lightning-coated hand towards Naruto and Naruto thrusted his combined chakra ball jutsu after spinning. The two attacks clashed and suddenly the arena went silent for a second as they touched.


The two genin's technique forced the users to blast away at speeds not seen in this match before. The jutsus however exploded with intense and ferocious force! Fire and lightning blasted all over the arena. Cuts from wind chakra was expelled with terrible speed as most of the arena's ground and walls were sliced. The lightning chakra zapped through the ground and the walls. While the fire/oil exploded on contact into a fiery explosion near the clash. Silence permeated throughout the entire arena. The audience watched anxiously over who won, who died, whose hurt, who lost. Until a crumbling was heard and a red chakra cloak was seen.

Naruto who had a hole through his shoulder, was rapidly healing until it looked no different than before. Naruto walked out of the hole in the wall he was sent through and stared at Sasuke's hole. Sasuke also walked out of his hole with black flame-like markings over his body.

"You… won this time…. Loser…." Sasuke said before falling down and losing consciousness.

Naruto's red cloak faded away as he shouted,

"Believe it! I finally beat Sasuke!!! Hahahaahah!" He jumped in the air with a fist pump as Genma declared him the winner.

After Genma called Naruto the winner the audience erupted in boos and cheers. Naruto gave them a thumbs up as he suddenly fainted. The medical nin on standby carried both boys away as Genma announced the next fighters.

"Wow… I can't believe he actually beat Sasuke-kun…." Sakura said in disbelief.

"He cheated! How could that thing possibly defeat the genius Uchiha!?"

"It must have been a fluke!"

'What!? Impossible!?!? How could my Sasuke lose to that poor excuse for a shinobi!? How could he improve so rapidly over Sasuke?!' Orochimaru thought in anger.

Genma requested some more earth ninja to fix the arena as he called the next fighters.

"Temari of the Hidden Sand and Miyahara Otsune!"

Temari swung her fan and conjured some wind with it, to glide down into the arena on top of her fan. Miyahara hopped into the arena with a much less flashy entrance. The green-haired girl smirked in her black jumpsuit at Temari. She held her large scroll that was taller than her in her hands. The two fighters stared each other down until Genma said,


Miyahara's scroll had a puff of smoke from it and from it came a metal staff and a strange book. Miyahara put the large book on her back and wielded the staff in her hands before charging at Temari with a shout.

"Hmph. This'll take less than a minute to finish." Temari said as she swung her iron fan and generated powerful winds that easily knocked Miyahara away. After recovering from the wind blast Miyahara decided to try something different. She put away her staff and took out the book on her back.

"Your right about this only taking a minute Ms. Cool Beauty." Miyahara said before going through some hand signs and flashing her book to an open page and shouting, "Fire Style: Flaming Words Jutsu!"

The book Miyahara held suddenly started to shoot out flaming letters at Temari! Temari used her fan and blasted some wind towards incoming fire. Unfortunately for the sand kunoichi, this only served to fuel the incoming attacks and increase their size and speed.

"Fire chakra is strong against Wind chakra because the air in Wind chakra fuels the flames of the Fire chakra, something the sand genin failed to take in account"

"But sometimes there are occasions when the user is strong enough a weaker element could overpower a stronger one." A chunin explained.

Temari quickly dodged, but didn't notice Miyahara appearing behind her with her metal staff. Miyahara nearly smashed Temari in the back, but Temari barely managed to block with her giant iron fan. Miyahara knocked Temari away by overpowering her. Temari slid back and attempted to gain more distance from Miyahara by hopping away.

"You're not getting away that easily beautiful!" Miyahara shouted as she quickly chased after Temari so she couldn't use her fan.

Temari appeared to place something on her fan before swiftly swinging it at the incoming Miyahara. Miyahara couldn't possibly create a fire jutsu in time to get rid of this wind. So she stabbed her staff in the ground and held off against the fierce gale assaulting her.

"Tch. I guess I'll have to step it up a notch. You're not so bad." Temari said before pulling her fan back once more.

She was about to finish her swing until Miyahara threw a kunai at her wrist and forced her to dodge. Miyahara opened up her scroll once more and summoned a crossbow with a quiver filled with arrows. She put away the staff back into her scroll and fired at Temari.

Temari shouted, "Wind Scythe Jutsu!" and swung her open fan at Miyahara.

Temari's jutsu fired a giant wind blast that was covered numerous invisible wind blades.

"Pretty scary fan you got there!" Miyahara said before suddenly being impacted from something behind her.

She screamed as she was impacted by a gale of wind that came from behind her and knocked her into Temari's jutsu!

"You should be a lot more alert!" Temari said as she manipulated the wind scythe jutsu and forced it to raise in the air, forming a tornado of sharp wind blades that sliced Miyahara all over.

Miyahara shouted in pain as she tried to resist but simply couldn't do anything as she was cut numerous times. Temari then swung her fan down and forced the tornado to suddenly plummet towards the ground!

"Oh god I can't look."

"If she just stuck with the fire ninjutsu, she could've easily won."

"Yeah why did she try and get fancy and take out all those weapons?"

"I suppose trying to impress the judges to consider making you chunin is a factor to consider also.." Jabie said.

"Just crush whoever you fight. Soon we'll be taking a vacation to explore the 5 Elemental Nations. Staying in this village is holding me back. We'll take as much as we can get before we leave Konoha. Make sure to prepare after these exams." Broly said to Esumi and Jabie.

Miyahara crashed into the ground with a terrifying force. The impact from her fall caused wind and earth to scatter all around the arena. A large crater formed due to Miyahara's falling. Genma went over to check on her while Temari closed her giant iron fan and smirked.

"Winner Temari of the Hidden Sand." Genma announced.

The audience cheered as the medical nin brought Miyahara away.

"Gaara of the Hidden Sand and Aomatsuna Hakuseki come on." Genma announced.

Broly body flickered into the arena, but Jabie and Esumi noticed Suna looking extra excited, for some reason. The two decided to watch the match with more focus.

Broly watched as his opponent slowly walk towards the arena until he reached a few feet in front of Broly.

"Mother… Mother will be satisfied with your blood." Gaara said calmly.

"I'll enjoy playing with you until you turn into dust!" Broly shouted.

"Begin." Genma said.

"No one has ever managed to injure Gaara. This will be a piece of cake." Kankuro said.

"Poor leaf kid, had to face up against Gaara in his first match." Baki (Sand genin sensei) said.

Broly disappeared and reappeared in front of Gaara, before grabbing his skull and smashing him in the ground, creating a small crater. After smashing him, Broly noticed the sand trying to latch onto him and go near his opponent. He quickly lifted Gaara up and threw him at high speeds towards the arena wall.


Gaara impacted against the wall harshly and soon fell on some sand that caught his fall. He slowly lifted himself up while groaning slightly and looking dazed and surprised. His gourd started to leak sand out like an overflowing sink. But that wasn't the only thing leaking. His face and body started to fall off!

"That sand won't be able to protect you from me worm. You best have another technique on hand or DIE!" Broly said before reappearing back in front of Gaara.

But it seems Gaara has caught on this time. Since he couldn't react to his opponent nor his sand why try to? His sand was already surrounding his body and ready to react to the slightest appearance or movement near him.

But it was helpless against Broly's insane strength. Broly's broke through the sand protecting Gaara and using his right arm, lariats Gaara through the air. As the two were flying a few inches above the arena's ground eventually they reached the other side of the wall and Broly smashed Gaara into it with his lariat. Gaara groaned in pain from the impact. Broly smiled in a cruel manner as he watched pieces of Gaara fall off his body and turn into sand. Broly grabbed the sand genin who was nearly the same height as him and put him into a bear hug. The sand slowly started to cover Broly's body.

Broly started to crush Gaara's lower back and cause him to scream loudly in pain before he struggled to ball his fist up and force the sand that covered Broly to crush him. Broly started to laugh manically before feeling the sand increase in pressure and weight. But it meant nothing with his current strength. His body has constantly gotten used to being put under heavy and crushing pressure after using the gravity seals for years. Along with the fact that he's a saiyan, his recovery from exhaustion and struggling only cause him to become even stronger. Broly noticed Gaara's look of shock and surprise as his sand wasn't affecting his opponent and laughed even louder before dropping him and kicking him away.

Gaara rolled harshly across the arena's ground before stopping.

"Unbelievable… How could there be someone who could… toy with Gaara like this…?" Temari said frightened and shocked.

"No way.. How could the leaf village hide such a monster…?" Kankuro asked as shocked as his sister, Temari.

"I'm happy I didn't have to face a monster like him in the prelims…" Kiba said.

'We might need to speed up the plan for the invasion..' Baki thought.

'That boy… will be the perfect vessel after Sasuke.. His strength is terrifying.. Although the sharingan will be my first priority I need to keep an eye on this Aomatsuna.' Orochimaru thought.

"I stand no chance against him. I don't think I could even beat Gaara even with all the training I've done this month.." Shino said with a slight quiver in his voice.

"Hey hey Jabie! Has Aomatsuna always been this strong?!" Naruto asked shocked at his friend's strength.

"Suna is still playing around. Even if all of us genin here came together and fought against Suna, maybe we could force him to use his full strength but defeat him, impossible. Despite being with him for years neither me or Esumi has seen him use his full strength in battle." Jabie said.

This caused all the genin in the waiting area to show expressions of shock or disbelief.


Gaara slowly lifted himself up with sand breaking off his entire body. He suddenly put his hands together in a strange hand seal before his sand surrounding him started to come together and form a dome-shape over Gaara while he was inside it. Soon, a sand dome was formed completely over Gaara and he was inside.

"Hiding away from me are you? Hahahaah! How pathetic! Enjoy dying along with your precious sand!" Broly said before hearing muttering coming from the sand bunker and watching an eyeball of sand form in the sky.

He stared at it in confusion before creating a clone and having it transform into his golden shoulder pad. He tossed it at the sand eyeball and watched as it burst apart and fall to the ground.

'He's too worked up! He's forgetting the plan.. This isn't good…' Temari thought.

"Jin…. Monkey…. Bird…. Dragon…." Gaara muttered inside his sand construction.

Broly appeared in front of the sand shield and punched it. Causing it to dent deeply before quickly reforming itself with more sand. Broly was about to punch it again before noticing a spike of sand heading towards where he was gonna punch the sand. He stopped himself and dodged before also seeing multiple more sand spikes emerging from the sand dome heading towards him to impale him. Broly hopped back before smiling in a terrifying manner.

Broly dashed towards Gaara's sand shield before his arm sparked and flared with green electricity. He pulled his arm back before sending a sharp destructive fist towards Gaara hiding inside his sand.

"DIE!" Broly yelled.

Broly's fist tore apart Gaara's sand dome and went inside of it.

The entire arena quieted down as they watched anxiously at what happens next. Broly heard more muttering from Gaara before a bloodcurdling scream came from the sand dome.

"BLOOD!!!!! IT'S MY BLOOD!!!!!!!" He screamed so loudly the entire arena heard it.

Broly started laughing before pulling his arm back out. But suddenly something latched onto his arm and started to pull. Broly was confused before pulling back with harder force. But it seems the strange thing that latched onto him wasn't so weak. Broly continued to use more and more force before eventually a weird huge claw came from the hole Broly made and quickly let go of Broly.

"What is that..?" Guy asked.

'Oh no… It's that arm..' Kankuro thought while shivering.

Broly's arm had claw marks that were bleeding slightly, but quickly healed and stopped. He looked at the strange arm in interest before seeing the sand dome start to crack. The sand dome Gaara created turned back into normal soft sand, revealing an injured Gaara holding his chest that was bleeding. He was breathing heavily as sand poured out of his gourd.

"Where's that arm? Quit holding back on me! That arm had increased your power. Show me your full strength!" Broly shouted before feathers started to fall all over the arena.

Members of the audience started to go limp while certain shinobi stayed awake.

"A genjutsu? What's going on?" Jabie asked as he released the genjutsu.

"Interrupting a chunin exams. We must be under attack." Esumi said before hearing a loud,


"I guess you are correct in the fact that we are under attack." Jabie said.

Konoha Anbu swiftly went to protect the important guests and watchers before being intercepted by sand and sound shinobi! Anbu started to fight against the sand and sound invaders. Broly noticed the sand team hop into the arena while Genma stood in front of him.

"Are you planning on running away worm?! Like I'll let you!" Broly shouted before appearing in front of Kankuro who was holding a fatigued and exhausted Gaara.

"Get out of here with Gaara! I'll help the invasion!" Baki shouted before he intercepted Broly's punch by blocking.

Unfortunately for Baki blocking was not the correct choice in action because Broly's attack managed to smash Baki far away enough to chase after the three sand genin. Jabie and Esumi appeared next to Broly who managed to calm himself down.

"I'm going to find Akira. I need to make sure she's safe. Esumi go chase after those three insects and kill or crush them to bring back. Jabie go defend the village and get what you needed." Broly ordered before body flickering away.

"I'm surprised he was able to think clearly while still in battle mode." Esumi said.

"I.. I am too." Jabie said before also heading off with a devious grin on his face.

Esumi started to dash after the three while equipping two of her swords.

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