Broly In Naruto

Broly vs Team 7

Instead of using his legs to attack Broly, this time Sasuke threw shurikens towards Broly. Broly dodged easily by swaying each time a shuriken came towards him. Sasuke during this time wasn't just lazing around. He appeared behind Broly and attempted to kick him in the back. Broly swayed out of the way once again, making the Uchiha boy even more riled up. He threw some more shurikens around Broly and he started to make some hand signs while Broly was dodging his shurikens. Broly heard a shout that said, "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" and a huge mass of fire with no definable shape streamed right towards Broly's location.

"Maybe you aren't as much trash as I believed you to be." Aomatsuna says as he calmly walked out of fire this time sporting a look of interest.

Sasuke was shocked, angered, and confused. But even more so angered! He rushed towards Broly and appeared in the air above Broly's torso and kicked towards his face.

"Hold yourself." Broly says as he slipped past the kick and grabbed the Uchiha boy's shirt and launched him away.

Sasuke was thrown away at high speeds and was about to impact with a tree directly behind him but flipped in the air multiple times to slow himself and eventually land on the tree with both of his feet. He recovered just in time to see a huge fire ball in the shape of a complete sphere that completely eclipsed his own figure. He froze in surprise, terror, and regret.

'I tried to challenge someone like this? Someone who can use my clan's coming to age jutsu this perfectly around the same age as me? Someone who can toy around with me, an elite Uchiha. I was an idiot for trying to fight someone I had no information on all for the sake of my pride.. I guess this is what I deserve..'

Abruptly a shout was heard.

"SASUKE-KUN GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!" A shrill shriek screamed.

Awaking the Uchiha boy from his stupor and causing him to quickly weave through some hand signs and being replaced with a log. But not being given a few nice burns over his skin. He hissed through his teeth and landed on his fist while kneeling on one leg. The burnt skin started to cause a smell around him. He stared at Broly as if preparing himself for another attack, while also completely exhausted.

"Pathetic. Why don't you use those special eyes of your clan I've heard so much about? I didn't scare you too badly did I bug?" Broly taunted the recovering and slightly scarred boy.

Sasuke looked at the taunting saiyan boy and it reminded him of his brother. Saying he's weak and powerless. Sasuke's rage grew higher than it ever has been so far and he starred daggers at Broly. Sasuke lifted himself up and didn't manage to notice that his eyes turned a red hue with both of them sporting a single tomoe that were spinning for a bit before finally staying still. This caused Broly to sport a saiyan-like grin.

"Huahahaahhaah!! Show me how much stronger those eyes will really make you worm!" Broly shouted in unsuppressed joy.

Sasuke's face showed no change except in pure hatred and two spinning red eyeballs with a singular tomoe in each. Suddenly the boy's figure blurred and a punch was thrown towards Broly's face. Broly grinned before dodging and punching towards the sharingan welder's gut. Sasuke saw the punch coming much slower than the attack from earlier and easily moved out of the way and kicked towards the saiyan's chin.

The attack landed snapping the Saiyan's head in the opposite direction of the attack. Sasuke didn't stop there though. When he felt his foot land he quickly weaved through some hand seals and shouted, "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" He fired some small fireballs that each fired towards Broly's face. Two landed upon Broly's face, burning it slightly before Broly shouted in anger and annoyance and charged at the falling Uchiha. Sasuke stared deeply at the movements of Broly's arms coming towards him and noticed that he was going to try and attack him with his right arm. The boy took out a few shurikens and quickly threw them towards the charging saiyan, delaying his attack and causing the saiyan to take a bit longer to reach him.

Sasuke landed back on his feet by this time and readied himself for Broly's attack. Broly smashed his fists downward towards Sasuke and the red-eyed avenger dodged and thrusted his elbow into Broly's chest. It pushed the saiyan back but not by much as he soon recovered and looked up to notice a foot was coming towards his face. The kick landed and knocked the saiyan even further back. Pushing up dust from his sandals skidding backwards rapidly.

"Why can't I hit you!? You're just trash!!" Broly roared in rage before that feeling came over him before when he usually got into his rages.

It calmed him down and let him think more clearly than before. Sasuke also seemed to notice that his opponent was much easier to fight angered than not and quickly tried to attack to continue his advantage.

"Those eyes they let you see my attacks coming. Hahaha what would happen if you saw something that you wouldn't be able to stop?" Broly grinned before reducing the seal level to 7 and watching as the sharingan user attempted to punch him.

Broly kicked towards the Uchiha with unprecedented speed that definitely wasn't there in the match before. Sasuke's new red eyes enlarged as they saw the amount of speed and power held in that foot that was quickly crashing towards his stomach. But he simply could not force his body to move fast enough to dodge it in the slightest. Although he was pissed, he was still happy about finally awakening his bloodline and getting one step closer to beating Itachi.

As the sandal of the legendary saiyan sailed closer to the Uchiha who seemed to have accepted his fate, an orange blur appeared in front of the duck butt haired boy and blocked the foot. The amount of force in Aomatsuna's foot wasn't small. Both Naruto and Sasuke were pushed backwards in an incredible speed skidding their sandals and raising up a lot of dust. As the dust cleared Naruto stood over an exhausted Uchiha with onyx-colored eyes that were teetering on the edge of unconsciousness.

"Huahahaha!! Unless you want to be crushed as well Naruto, get out of my way!" Aomatsuna roared in a battle-fueled state.

"Aomatsuna! This duel is over! He can't continue anymore." Naruto said while releasing his level 5 gravity seal completely, just in case.

"This battle is over when I say it's over!" Broly started to get into an attacking position from across the field.

Naruto just clicked his teeth and created 2 shadow clones. Sakura also got involved and stood behind Sasuke's barely standing body in case he fell. Naruto and Sakura just looked at each other and nodded. Knowing each of their jobs in this upcoming fight. Broly quickly closed in on the Jinchūriki of Konoha and punched one of the Naruto's and poofing it away. The other Naruto punched towards Broly's cheek while he was dispelling the other clone and knocked him back and creating a red bruise on the tailed boy.

"HAHAHAHAAH! Come on Uzumaki! If you hold back for even a second I'll kill you!" Aomatsuna shouts before he charges the orange jump suited boy who had a grim look on his face.

Naruto created 20 shadow clones and they each started to weave through some hand signs. They simultaneously shouted, "Fire Style: Grand Fireball Jutsu!" Each clone created a huge ball of fire that all conglomerated together to create a massive fire ball that towered over the training grounds and rose high in the sky and started to move towards Broly. Broly smiled a saiyan smile that screamed at how much fun he's having and hopped back and high into the air meeting the humongous mass of fire before weaving through hand signs of his own and released his gravity seal to level 3 and silently mouthing the words "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu" From Broly's mouth spewed out an incredibly hot and large beam of fire that clashed with gigantic fireball.

Since Broly could not fly in this world, He started falling while still spewing out astonishingly hot flames that were still contesting with the Blonde Army. When he landed he kept spewing out the beam of fire chakra towards the colossal fire ball. As the two were locked in a massive chakra struggle while their bodies started to heat up due to all the amount of heat in the air and the current people who were watching the battle had to move further away to avoid being harmed in the conflict. Jabie and Esumi stood a couple miles away on top of trees watching the battle between their master and their friend. Sakura took Sasuke and carried him farther away from the battle and met with an unlikely acquaintance.

Kakashi along with other jonin saw an unharmed Sakura and a burned, covered in grass and dirt, unconscious Sasuke. Sakura looked at her sensei in surprise. Kakashi and the other jonin of Konoha also looked shocked, but immediately after came faces of confusion, anger, and worry.

"Kakashi-sensei please save Sasuke! He's hurt badly!" Sakura almost started to bawl her eyes out.

"Hey hey.. Sakura-chan Let's slow down a bit." Kakashi motioned to the other jonin with him to continue on ahead towards the source of the large fire while he created a shadow clone that carried Sasuke and started to take him towards the Hospital while he stayed and listened to Sakura's story.

"Okay tell me exactly what happened."

"Sasuke-kun and Naruto's stupid friend got into a fight and he almost killed him! Multiple times!!" Sakura shouted while tears are about to spill out of her eyes.

"Okay so you weren't attacked by any foreign shinobi? It was just a spar that got out of hand?" Kakashi asks

"ITS NOT JUST A SPAR! THEY TRIED TO KILL EACH OTHER! Sasuke burned him alive and he just walked out of it without even a scratch! And then Sasuke-kun's eyes turned red and he started to beat him up until he somehow got faster than Sasuke-kun and was about to kill him! But then Naruto saved Sasuke and is now fighting him too!" After Sakura got all this out, she suddenly widened her eyes in the realization that she left Naruto behind with the person that almost just killed Sasuke-kun!

She was about to rush back towards him before Kakashi knocked her eye with a chop to the neck and created another shadow clone to take her to the hospital with Sasuke.

"It appears his spar with a fellow genin got to the point to where his sharingan activated.. I don't know if it's a blessing or not that he had to activate it in his own village," Kakashi started to move towards the large mass of flames that were slowly dying down now and eventually meet up with his fellow jonin.

They were all stopped in a clearing watching as the both the Jinchūriki and A tailed shirtless muscular boy flames were dwindling in size and now were of average size for both of their jutsus.

All of a sudden from behind Broly, a fist started to rise right towards his chin from right underneath his foot. Broly grinned before breaking his jutsu and kicking the Naruto in the chest, poofing it away. Suddenly more and more clones shot from the ground all around him and shot towards him with their fist out and spinning. Broly started to laugh as he massacred each clone that got near him. But one clone managed to latch onto his arm. He was about to smash it on the ground to dispel it, but another clone latched on to his back and more and more clones started to stick onto his body and hold him down. Eventually a huge mass of orange jumpsuits laying on top of each other was seen by the watchers of this battle.

A green aura started to leak from the pile before the pile of shadow clones started to rise. The clones quickly latched onto Broly using chakra this time instead of just holding on with their natural grip. The pile started to rise higher and higher until Broly was back on his feet. Naruto who was still watching from his originally position in this battle created the signs for more shadow clones and send 30 more clones towards the horde of shadow clones already attached to Aomatsuna. Aomatsuna was then being slowly crushed further and further into the ground by the weight of the 51 Jinchūrikis. His feet started to sink further and further into the terrain.

A loud yell was heard and all 51 clones were blasted away from the legendary saiyan. Some poofed and others didn't. But what was seen as the reason for their removal was a yellow-eyed spiky haired Aomatsuna with yellow electricity tracing all over his body. Aomatsuna looked at Naruto with a grin that said that this was only the beginning.

"You're more than just a worm. And to that I decided to gift you with this form. If you prove you're a worthy warrior, I might show you my true power Naruto Uzumaki. SO SHOW ME ALL YOU HAVE OR DIE!!"

Naruto had a small smirk on the side of his lips as he was starting to enjoy fighting his friend as well. He crossed his fingers and an army of shadow clones appeared behind him. He was slightly running low on chakra due to the large amount of expenditure from the fire ball jutsu he used with his clones and the clash with Aomatsuna afterwards. He was trying to pull any amount of chakra forth to use to continue fighting. He nearly grabbed something, but it slipped away. By this time though his clones charged towards Aomatsuna.

The jonin watching the two genin battle on the scale of those probably of only jonin-level opponents and higher were flabbergasted to say the least. One of those jonin who decided to come was Ko Hyūga. He had his hand over his face as he looked at one of his students causing massive trouble a day just before their first C-rank mission. Why couldn't they just be at home and not causing huge commotions in the village.. He saw his other two students standing on some trees far away from the other jonin. But he caught them with his Byakugan and it appeared that they haven't noticed the fact that he saw them also.

'Cause me trouble will you.. I'll make sure all you're missions with me will be as boring as possible!'

"Should we stop this?" a random jonin asks

"Its two very youthful genins just showing their sprits to each other!" A green jumpsuit wearing man said with a bright smile.

"I agree with Gai-san. It's just two young shinobi testing their skills against each other. I don't see a point to stopping them. We should only interfere if one of their lives are in danger. Though we can definitely berate them for having a spar like this without any supervision." Ensui Nara says

"Well let's watch a good show then between two tailed brats!" Anko yells

Broly simply blurred towards the huge army of orange and suddenly multiple smokes were popping up. Broly started to laugh as he poofed more and more clones. The clones eventually started to latch on to Broly again.

"This trick again? Have you learned nothing fool?" Broly was about to dispel the clone until Naruto said, "Shadow Clone Explosion!" and the shadow clone latched onto Broly exploded due to an explosion tag on its back and knocked him away slightly burned. This angered him and he started to weave through some hand signs to get rid of all the possibly exploding clones. He silently mouthed" Ninja Art: Tile Shuriken" The clones all charged towards him at high speeds. Suddenly the ground started to quake and shake and 4 large chunks of earth started to rise out of the ground messing up training ground three even further. The 4 blocks of earth slowly started to soar towards the army of clones.

The clones all looked shocked. Naruto quickly yelled "Use something!" and all the clones including Naruto himself started to weave through some hand signs and shout together "Lightning Style: Earth Flash!" As the 4 large slabs of earth were about to hit the massive wave of clones they were slashed in half by a huge stream of lightning and turned into rubble. The stream continued to streak towards Broly after it was finished slices through his rocks. Broly started to make some hand signs and mouthed "Wind Style: Great Breakthrough" From his mouth came a gargantuan gust of wind that blasted through the large lightning beam that was moving towards him and fizzed it out. The wind continued to move forth towards Naruto and blast all the clones either into the air, to the side, or also towards Naruto.

Naruto was running low on chakra reserves. He watched as the immense blast of wind storm right towards him while on one knee. He slowly raised himself up to take this attack on. He stared straight in Aomatsuna's eyes. Broly stared at the young Jinchūriki who showed no attempt of dodging or fighting anymore. He was about to turn his eyes away in disappointment until he noticed a red coat of chakra start to form over him before he was hit by the wind jutsu.

"It was a satisfying battle Naruto. You are more than just insect unlike the rest of these weaklings that inhabit this village. You are a true warrior." Aomatsuna started to walk away until he sensed something behind him.

His smile quickly resurfaced and his battle spirit surged higher. Naruto, now coated in a layer of red, wispy chakra and red slit eyes appeared in front of him and punched straight towards him. Broly obliged the foxy blonde and also punched straight towards his fist. A shockwave was produced when they clashed fists and Broly was being slightly pushed back. He quickly released gravity seal entirely and the Jinchūriki was still slightly stronger than him. Broly started to laugh manically before kneeing Naruto in the air and launching him away with a kick.

"It's time to show you my true power. The stronger you become the more satisfied my blood becomes fighting you!" Broly says before surging his chakra throughout his body and forcing it towards a part in his spine.

His green aura exploded and rose high in the air. The earth surrounding Broly broke open as clouds in the sky started to form and rain lightning around the green aura in the sky. The surrounding spectators were getting worried. Are these really two genin a couple of weeks outside of the academy? A team that has been in circulation for a year hasn't shown as much prowess as these two are showing right now! This is getting sort of out of hand…

"I think its time we stop this." Kakashi says with a grim look on his face.

"You know Aomatsuna-kun will be pissed. It's very rarely the boy gets to let loose. I say let em kill each other. It brings people much closer after having a fight to the death. He also forms a bond with Naruto, giving him a reason to stay in the village." Anko says while eating some popcorn from who knows where.

"If any of them suffer grievous harm it will be on all of our hands. So be prepared to jump in at any second." Kakashi warns.

The green aura that shot into the air started receding and the lightning that was striking the ground near Broly stopped. Broly appeared from the hold he created in the ground with an entirely new appearance. His overall muscle mass has increased making him look even more muscular than he did before, his trademark black hair was turned yellow and was as spiky as it was previously. His previous yellow pupils are now gone and show nothing except the white of his eyeballs. Almost reminiscent of a Hyūga.

"Hahaha now the brat is copying the kid's blonde spiky hair style and the Hyūga's lack of pupils! He's gonna be a copy ninja just like you Kakashi!" Anko says while laughing and holding her stomach.

The man in question simply sighed and continued to look at the battle.

"You are the first one to witness this form. Be proud of this accomplishment, because you won't be seeing it for long. LETS FINISH THIS!" Broly says as he and Naruto both clash at each other.

They both swing at each other with complete lack of technique or any sort of skill. Just pure strength against strength. Naruto wasn't able to beat Aomatsuna in a show of pure strength so eventually he stopped completely clashing with him and started to revert back to using his original taijutsu. Broly in his super saiyan form smashed his fists downwards towards the blonde's head. Naruto saw this and quickly hopped back before seeing Broly smash his fist into the ground creating multiple cracks in the earth.

Naruto put up the sign for shadow clone jutsu and several hundred red slit eyes orange jumpsuit poofed into existence. Broly only laughed louder as he began to crush the mass of orange. After Broly dispelled the first hundred clones the next ones he tried to dispel were exploding clones. But Broly just took explosion after explosion and kept slaughtering the sea of blondes without showing a hint of exhausting or stopping. Naruto's face turned grim as he thought of something to do. He quickly shouted using chakra in his voice towards his clones "Use Earth Flash Together!" The clones listened and all ordered themselves together before linking to each other with their chakra. They all simultaneously along with the original Naruto weaved the hand signs for Lightning Style: Earth Flash"

While this was happening Broly understood what was about to happen and quickly hopped back before weaving through hand seals of his own. His green aura started to mix with the hand seals slightly mixing the jutsu he was performing. He shouted with unrestrained joy on his face "Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!!!" Two insanely powered jutsus were heading towards each other in similar speed and ferocity. The lightning shaped beam that was singing the ground under it as it beamed towards the other side of the training ground. The great burst of wind that was colored green was raging towards the opposite side of its training ground with the force of a terrifying dragon.

"Okay okay I think its time we jump in now!" Ko said.

"Let's go! Protect the boys from the impact of the collision. You guys protect yourselves too." Kakashi orders.

The two enormous chakra-extensive jutsus clashed and a huge amount of heated air blasted to a great amount of the training ground three. The jonin quickly interrupted before the two blasts could start pushing against each other. They grabbed the boys and were blasted by the hot air and sent flying away. Naruto was unconscious with the red chakra cloak missing from him and Aomatsuna had to be knocked over the head before he was collected. Aomatsuna's hair turned back to black and his increase in muscle mass disappeared and he went back into his normal muscular form instead of his super jacked form. The jonins headed off towards the hospital with the boys in tow while a certain Hyūga was walking back towards the village with two genin held by the ear.

"I hope you two will be able to give the Hokage a fantastic explanation about what happened here since you decided to cause so much trouble." Ko says angrily.

"Let go of me you blind bastard! I didn't do nothing!" Esumi swears. Causing a harder tug from Ko to surface.

"It was just a friendly spar between fellow genins. Nothing big." Jabie says while his ear is turning red.

"Nothing big my left foot! Do you see the damages caused!?!" Ko yells

"Its just a training ground. Just set it as a mission for some losers who ain't got nothing better to do." Esumi says nonchalantly

"Ohoho I have the perfect idea who those losers could be. A trio of losers who will definitely be banned from using clones. And will most definitely not do a C-rank mission tomorrow." Ko says with a smile


"I'm your sensei and I am the judge on whether or not you are ready to take a mission or not. And with this whole mess guess whether or not I believe you three are ready to take on a C-rank mission?" Ko asks already knowing the answer.

"It will take us weeks to get this stupid place fixed! How do u even fix burnt ground, uprooted trees, and giant pieces of ground missing out of the ground!?"

"I guess you three better figure it out."


"Who wants to explain why our Naruto Uzumaki, Aomatsuna Hakuseki, and Sasuke Uchiha are in the hospital, why there were two huge chakra sources of fire, lightning, and a green light visible to the entire village and the surroundings of the village, and the two friends of Aomatsuna here with you all?" Hiruzen questions in a serious voice.

Almost all the jonin start to backpedal away slightly except for Ko, Kakashi, and Anko. Ko stepped forward.

"These two will be able to tell you the entire story Hokage-sama." He said as he grabbed the shoulders of Jabie and Esumi and shoved them forward. Esumi looked very pissed off while Jabie was sporting a look of innocence. As if nothing that happened was wrong and he's innocent, obviously taken notes from Esumi's books.

"Well explain your case, whoever wants to start first. Esumi-chan or Jabie-kun." Hiruzen says.
The two look at each other before Jabie sighs knowing he would help their case a bit more than Esumi would.

"It all started when we were walking back from the mission desk and we ran into Uzumaki-san and his team. Uchiha-san picked a fight with Aomatsuna-sama and they set up a sparring match two hours later at training ground three. That's why all 6 of us were there. When the time came for the spar Aomatsuna-sama and Uchiha-san sparred. Aomatsuna-sama was about to finish the spar but Uzumaki-san was worried for his teammate and interrupted the duel. Aomatsuna-sama and Uzumaki-san then also started sparring. From there is when the jonin arrived and watched the spar between them as well. When things were getting maybe a little bit out of hand they captured and rendered both Aomatsuna-sama and Uzumaki-san unconscious. Then our sensei nabbed Esumi and me and gave us an unfair punishment and brought us here with the rest of the jonin."

"I see… and what was this punishment exactly?" Hiruzen questions.

Esumi swears under her breathe while Jabie starts to sweat a bit.

"He uh.. he said that… He thinks that we should.. uhh help clean up training ground three together as a community!" Jabie lies. Hiruzen just watches the boy before attempting to say something but a cough interrupted him first.

"That's incorrect Hokage-sama. What I said was Aomatsuna, Esumi, and Jabie will be cleaning the entire mess made at training ground three instead of going on a C-rank mission tomorrow morning and doing it without the help of clones or any other people. That also brings me to another question hokage-sama, will you be able to replace my team with another's for the mission we were originally going to do?"

"I might be able to find a replacement but be prepared to have this on your record as pulling back from a C-rank mission. Gai-san is Team 9 available for a mission currently?"

The green jumpsuit man from earlier who spoke about youth nodded,

"Well from what I've seen nothing of importance really happened, except other villages might know of the fact that we have two very strong fire natured shinobi and a strange green light. You're all dismissed. Also, don't let this happen again." Hiruzen says before body flickering back to his office to smoke his pipe.


Jabie and Esumi are walking home together looking both like they swallowed some very old gum.

"I can't believe we got in trouble just for a little fight. Its so stupid." Esumi whined

"Well at least we're being paid for it, Jabie smiled sadly at the fact it was now considered a D-rank mission. "Well it looks like I don't need to wait till we come back on our mission to test some of my ideas." Jabie said.

"You fat nerd. I just wanted to do something that isn't stinky boring old chores for a mission." Esumi complained even more.

"Yeah yeah I know. It is quite a sucky punishment."

They arrived at their apartment grounds and went into their rooms and went to bed.

*At Konoha's Hospital*

In a certain black-haired tailed boy's room stood a young beautiful woman playing with a sleeping shirtless boy's hair. The tail from the boy slowly wrapped around the woman's neck as she smiled and continued to look over the boy as he slept. She looked closely at the sleeping legendary saiyan and noticed the small smile on his face. She leaned over his face and kissed his forehead while continuing to play with his hair with his tailed wrapped around her neck as he slept.

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