Broly In Naruto

Training Arc (Part 1)

Ever since the battle with Team 7, Broly and his slaves were stuck cleaning up training ground three during the day without any help or the use of clones. It was just Esumi and Jabie really doing any work though. Broly was reasonable pissed off when he found out about the punishment his team was forced to go through. He even attempted to fight his sensei the day after he got out of the hospital. Broly and Ko would've fought if not for Akira being at the scene and scolding Broly about treating his teachers with respect and not to go around trying to fight them unprovoked.

Akira learned about Aomatsuna's unnatural disposition for fighting and thus tried to work with it. So unless Ko calls for training or attacks Broly and his slaves, he will have legitimate reasons to go all out with his sensei. But their sensei has been rather quiet nowadays, as if he doesn't want to start anything with his students. Esumi and Jabie were questioning the point of their sensei if he doesn't teach them anything they don't already know or can learn about in the library. Though they would never say it out loud unless provoked.

After getting done with their punishment for the first day, Broly and his two slaves decided to up their training. Mostly Broly due to him being knocked out once again before being able to finish his fight. Jabie chose to work on some projects he had in mind before starting on his training. Esumi decided to train some more with using three blades at once, increasing her chakra control, and increases her chakra reserves. Broly increased his gravity seal to level 10, the final level, and started to train.

Jabie chose to first get an apprenticeship under a medical ninja, so he could finally get started into his medical nin career. He managed to get apprenticed under a woman named Hakui when he went to go apply to become a medical ninja. Jabie was pretty surprised that she was so young and the fact that she accepted him at first glance. He was suspicious about why but decided not to push anything until he was actually taught some medical ninjutsus. He imagined that he would be stuck under some old woman the entire time. But his sensei was about 20 something years old. She had long brown hair that is cut in a hime-cut style and split over her forehead. She normally wears a white coat over her flak jacket.

While Jabie was working at the hospital with his medical sensei, he overheard two chunin in a room talking.

"Hey man this elemental training is no joke.. After I found out that I had was fire natured I tried to train in it and I still can't get the damn leaf to burn completely. Finding out that I had a fire nature from the chakra paper sucked. The freaking chakra paper should have split in two and gave me wind nature, or wrinkled and gave me cool ass lighting nature, or turn into dirt and crumble away so I could crush people with earth nature, or even turn wet so I could drown people with water nature!"

"All I got was stupid fire" A young male voice complained.

"You're telling me. Water isn't all its cut out to be! How the hell do I even train with this!?" The other slightly more nasally voice cursed.

"We should find someone to help us out dude."

"Like who?"

It was at this point Jabie stopped listening to the two chunin in the hospital room and continued on to where he was initially going. He started to think about that chakra paper stuff they were talking about. He decided to ask both of his teachers for some. It would help knowing what element he was more naturally favored towards. He was sure Aomatsuna and Esumi would love to know as well. He reached his destination and was met with the face of his teacher wearing a blue medical coat and a face mask.

Jabie put on his face mask from his waist and stood next to her.

"Today I'm going to officially start you on your medical career as a medical-nin for Konoha. I'm going to teach you the core techniques for medical ninjas, but before that I must test whether or not your chakra control is acceptable." Hakui stated.

Jabie just nodded as Hakui turned around to get something. Jabie decided to surprise his sensei due to never seeing her face in any mood except professional. He silently hopped up and stood from the roof of the room by applying chakra to it and sticking it with just the right amount of chakra. As Hakui was returning with a dead fish with an incision down its side, she looked at the plump boy standing upside down on the ceiling.

"Get down and come here." She said with no change in facial emotions as she laid the dead fish on a table. Jabie looked annoyed and sighed. He unstuck himself and landed back on the floor without making any sound by muffling the impact of his feet hitting the ground with by covering them with chakra. He walked towards his sensei and stood next to her.

"The first technique is called the mystical palm technique, or healing jutsu. This technique allows medical nin to speed up the body's natural healing process by sending chakra from their hands into a wound or afflicted body part. This means that a medical nin wouldn't need to carry around medical equipment and be able to conduct their own surgeries. It can be used to treat both internal and external injuries. The more severe the injury, the more chakra spent used for healing." After Hakui explained the technique she showed him the hand signs necessary for the technique.

Jabie listened to her every word and copied the hand signs she was making. When he manipulated his chakra with the hand seals, a green energy started to surround the area in front of his hands. This caused Hakui's eyebrow to raise, but she quickly composed herself and congratulated her student.

"You have more talent than I initially thought. Most genin aren't able to use mystical palm on their first try. Even the most talented take 3 or 7 tries before they get it down. This means you have exceptional chakra control, which is a must and a boon for any inspiring medical ninja. Now come and practice on this fish."

Jabie smiled at the compliment his sensei very rarely if at all gave out. He walked over to the fish and started practicing on it. As he activated the technique over the dead fish, the fish and the front of his palms had a light green aura over them. As Jabie stared at the fish and concentrated on healing the inside of the fish first before starting with the obvious cut on its side. He started mending the split ribs of the fish back together in a calm and paced manner. After reconnecting the broken ribs, Jabie started to help the fish's natural regeneration system restore the missing flesh from the incision on its side. Jabie was about to completely finish up healing the dead fish, but suddenly a loud noise exploded near him. He was about to hop away and get into a battle position, before calming his beating heart and finishing up healing the fish.

Jabie looked at his teacher holding a recorder. He was very upset but knew better than to argue with his sensei. She clapped at his performance and started to inspect the fish. She nodded her head every few second before turning back to him.

"Good work Jabie. Come back tomorrow and you'll practice on something bigger." Hakui was about to walk away until Jabie stopped her.

"Wait sensei! I was wondering if you could spare me three chakra papers…" Jabie says a little bit embarrassed now that he thought about how she just gave him a whole jutsu and the chance to practice it.

"Aren't you a genin?" She questions, making Jabie squirm a bit more inside.

"Well whatever. Make sure you come on time tomorrow." She handed the round boy three rectangular small pieces of paper and then walked out of the room.

As soon as she left Jabie hopped up and down while doing a little dance. Somehow still not causing the room to quake from the boy's glorious size.

Jabie left the hospital and quickly ran towards the apartment grounds. He knocked on Esumi's door and dragged her towards Broly's room while she was still dressed in her pink bunny pajamas. He knocked on Broly's door and waited for him to open it. It took a couple of minutes, but Broly opened up dressed in purple shorts and a tank top. Broly led them into his very plain living room.

"I found out why certain jutsus are harder for us to use. Its all because of this!" Jabie says while pulling out the chakra papers.

Esumi looked pissed. Broly waited for him to continued.

"Some pieces of paper are gonna explain something!?" Esumi shouted.

"Hold on Esumi! Just watch!" Jabie said as he poured his chakra into one piece of paper.

The paper in his hand started turn wet before slipping out of his fingers and landing on the floor. Esumi looked curious, while Broly was interested.

"That means that I am suited towards water natured jutsus more than any other type of jutsus." Jabie explained.

He handed them both the other two chakra papers and watched them.

"It reacts to the slightest hint of chakra, so just put some chakra into it." Jabie explained.

Esumi poured chakra into her paper and watched it crinkle up. She grew excited without even knowing what it means for the paper to crinkle. Broly poured his chakra into his chakra paper and saw it wrinkle, slice into two pieces, and have those two pieces turn into dirt and crumble away. After watching Jabie and Esumi's paper only do one effect, he guessed that he had more than one nature and grinned excitedly. Jabie and Esumi both looked at Broly with a shocked expression, but quickly thought that since its Aomatsuna of course it would be anything but natural.

"Esumi since your paper crinkled up, that means you're suited towards lightning jutsus. Aomatsuna-sama since your paper did those three affects it means it will be easier for you to learn lightning, wind, and earth jutsus. I don't know if having multiple chakra natures means anything though. I'll have to ask my teacher more about it tomorrow. She's the one who gave me these." Jabie says.

"Not bad Jabie. Keep this up and I'll teach you a technique of a mortal enemy of mine in the past used." Aomatsuna said.

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