Broly In Naruto

Training Arc (Part 2)


A small girl was seen in a forest clearing. The bright rays of the sun shining down on her back. Exposing the sweat that's covering her entire body that was also riddled with many leaves spinning in different directions? The young girl was a training shinobi! She kicked a large tree that towered over her by many times and caused an uncountable amount of leaves to fall. The small ninja quickly hopped back and pulled out three swords!?

She held 1 blade in her left hand and 1 blade in her right and the last one on her back. As the leaves were falling towards the ground, the young kunoichi's figure blurred and many of the innocent leaves were sliced into pieces! But before they reached the ground, the girl replaced her left swords with her sword that was on her back and did a circular slash with it, taking many lives green lives. As the young girl sat down to catch her breathe the sun shone right on her face and exposed her face to be Esumi! Our blue-haired bespectacled Tiny Demon was training by herself in training ground 44.

The leaves were still constantly spinning either clockwise or counter-clockwise all over her body. Esumi smiled at this realization. After catching her breathe, she got up and put two of her swords in their sheath at her waist and put the last one on her back.

"I can't use three swords at once! It's too damn awkward! I don't have anywhere to place the third sword without limiting my options of attack or defense. I even tried to put the stupid handle of a sword in my mouth, but that makes it hard for me to use of one of my other sword arms! Fine if I can't use three swords at once I'll just use a bunch of different swords that can do a bunch of different things! I'll get one sword that really big! And then get another one that's for defense. And then I'll get a third one that is really sharp!" Esumi started to grin at her epiphany.

She started to walk out of the training ground and head towards a blacksmith that could hopefully fulfill her need for new swords.


Jabie is once again in the hospital with his medical sensei learning the second core technique for any medical nin. It appears that there is only two real medical ninjutsu taught for medical ninjas. Medical nin would have to apply their own knowledge to create more jutsus involving medical ninjutsu. And those people who create their own medical ninjutsu, really don't like to share what they learned back to the hospital or into scrolls at the library.

Jabie thought this was really selfish.

'I mean we are all part of the same village. Why hold secrets that could keep us from getting stronger?'

Jabie has always been a firm supporter of the phrase "Knowledge is Power." And it seems Konoha shinobi only looks at it in one direction rather than the phrase entirely. Maybe Aomatsuna-sama should make his own village in the future but he doesn't really seem like the type to stay in one place for long.

"Pay attention." Hakui orders as she takes a completely healthy fish this time that's been paralyzed from moving and places it on a table with a cloth over it.

After she places the fish down, she looks towards Jabie. Jabie walks towards the table.

"Now this technique is called Chakra Scalpel. This jutsu will allow you to form your chakra into a small, sharp blade. This can then be used for highly accurate incisions needed for surgeries and anatomical dissections. Unlike with normal scalpels, the chakra scalpel can make cuts inside the body without actually creating an open wound, limiting the risks of an infection. Now while I shouldn't be telling you this, I know with your overactive curiosity you will either ask me or try this on your own, so I will tell you about it now. Yes the chakra scalpel can be used offensively. Although only the best of medical nin are able to use it that way. It requires great precision to be effective. In heated combat, even the greatest of medical nin would be hard-pressed to exert enough precision needed to make fatal cuts, but it can still effectively cut muscle tissues and tendons, rendering the target immobile."

"Wait so it is theoretically possible for me to be able to make fatal cuts if I practice my concentration and accuracy enough?" Jabie asks.

This somewhat annoyed Hakui, but from what she's seen of the boy so far and heard of him from rumors around the village she's not surprised at his pursuit of knowledge and power.

"Yes Jabie. But that isn't important right now. Let's focus on this fish first. Here are the hand signs for the jutsu. Tiger, Horse, Rabbit, Rat, Dog. After you perform the technique, I want you to make simple cuts on the outside of the fish's body without killing it. I will tell you when to stop cutting." Hakui ordered.

Jabie nodded his head and walked over to the paralyzed and alive fish. He made the hand seals for Chakra Scalpel and his hands had a blue chakra coating over them. He moved his hands towards the fish and made a small cut over its right eye. It suddenly jumped and startled Jabie. His concentration fell and the blue coating over his hands faded.

"You must keep absolute concentration while this technique is in effect or it will fade away like that. Experts are able to use this technique while under extreme situations such as pain, blinded, and even when caught unaware. I don't expect you to be able to do this for a long time. Now continue with the cutting." Hakui says as she paralyzes the fish once again.

Jabie felt upset that he let his concentration be interrupted so easily. He continued to make multiple incisions on the fish, each one varying in size and length until he sent his chakra into the fish and read the situation of its body. He stopped once he noticed it was very low on blood and was about to die. He turned around only to notice his teacher looking at him with suspicious stare. He was confused about what he did before she walked over to the dying fish and did the mystical palm technique and helped the fish recover its lost blood and body tissues.

She turned to face him after healing the fish who no longer needed the paralyzation jutsu on it from expending too much energy being forced to heal.

"How exactly did you know the fish was about to die?" Hakui questioned.

Jabie was nervous because he didn't know if what he did was wrong or not, but still decided to answer due to him needing to know if there was something wrong with the technique.

"I used my new jutsu I created yesterday night. I had a water clone test it for me so that there weren't any unwanted side effects. I had brought a rabbit from the forest and took it home to practice my mystical palm jutsu on. But I had no idea if there was anything wrong with the rabbit. So, I had my water clone touch the rabbit and send a pulse of chakra throughout its entire body. It turns out that pulse of chakra would then return back to the users after finishing going through the target's body and reflect the information in the target's body back to the casters." Jabie answers.

Hakui sighed. It has only been two days since she decided to apprentice this thick-bodied boy. It was great that he had a large amount of medical knowledge already known, so she didn't have to waste her time teaching him from the very start. He said he decided to be a medical nin when he was 5 years old and studied quite a bit on the topic of everything medical. He only just now had the chance to fully move in that direction due to her taking him under her wing. She only took him as an apprentice because she thought of how little she would have to do due to the boy's chakra being so dense, flexible, and tough.

She only knew of this due to her status as a sensor. Sensors can detect people through their chakra, for the most part. But there are other types of sensors that don't detect people through their type of chakra or their chakra at all. Such as the Inuzuka with their ninken (Ninja dogs) and enhanced smell. They can also be considered sensors.

Hakui was starting to regret apprenticing Jabie simply due to the fact that he's too much of a genius. He's going to create waves of trouble just by learning the basics and core techniques.

'I mean the boy already invented a relatively simple jutsu in retrospect but hasn't been thought of being done by anyone so far!'

Of course, she's going to claim the technique as her own to protect the boy from anyone who might want to use his genius against him or target him for his genius. But he's still too much. All she wanted to do was get another achievement under her belt by finally teaching somehow and helping them become a medical nin.

She sighed audibly once again before turning around and trying out the boy's jutsu on the fish. She sent a pulse of chakra into the fish and had the chakra move throughout the fish's body before coming out and returning back to her and reflecting all the information that was "seen" by the chakra pulse.

"Of course it works perfectly with no problem if you have a high level of chakra control. This little prodigy of mine has chakra control down to an extent to where it matches most of the medical nin that have been working for most of their lives as healers on the field. How did he accomplish this at only the age of 12?" Hakui is slightly freaked out by the boy who is currently waiting for her to respond to him.

"How do you have such high control over your chakra?" She asks bluntly. This question caught Jabie off guard and he quickly responded.

"I train a lot with chakra control. I've been training in leaf exercises, tree walking, and water walking for the last four years. I've recently started improving those exercises by upping the difficulty of them." Jabie answers.

"How did you do that?"

"Instead of using soft weak materials like leaves, I used a rock and tried to have it stick with chakra. Although it took a couple of minutes it worked. And if a hard material like rock can work why can't something heavier like metal work as well? And if metal can work what's stopping me from being able to attach to people and prevent them from getting away from me? And from that I can move on to improving the tree walking exercise. Instead of having a normal try tree, why not make it wet and slippery and try to stick to it. And then there's the water walking exercise! Instead of just walking on normal water why not try to walk across whirlpools?! Or even large waves and waterfalls!" Jabie was about to continue his monologue before he was forcefully stopped by his teacher.

"Okay enough. I understand now. Back to this fish. Try to make incisions inside the body of the fish without cutting any part of the outside. You are to cut the muscle and tendons from this fish so that even if this fish was returned to sea it would simply float on the water." Hakui ordered.

Jabie just nodded his head and created the hand seals for Chakra Scalpels and took on the blue chakra glow over his hands again. He slowly swiped over the fish's body and from the outside nothing was seen to have happened. The fish twitched and moved its head around frantically. Although unlike last time Jabie did not lose concentration and continued to make slow steady slices over the entire fish, eventually cutting all the muscles and tendons and effectively making the fish lose all ability to move its body. Even the nerves connecting the eyeballs to the brain was severed, rendering it blind as well. He sent a chakra pulse in the fish to check if it was still alive. He let out a breath of relief before turning back to his sensei.

Hakui nodded at the boy before throwing the fish in a garbage bin.

"Today's lesson is done. Tomorrow you will be admitted as a proper intern to the hospital and will then assist in actual procedures as support. You won't be actually doing much except listening to the doctor or nurse tell you what to do. It will be a while until you are curing patients of your own inside the hospital unless you are out on the field. Although you won't be coming to see me personally anymore, you can still drop by to ask questions or something like that. It was an interesting teaching experience, I will say the least." Hakui said

"Thank you very much Hakui-sensei. I appreciate what you have done for me so far. Even if it was only two days' worth." He showed an awkward grin.

"This would normally take months you freakish kid." Hakui said while turning around to leave.

"Hey sensei what do you think I should call my new jutsu!? I know you would have to take credit for it but what should I call it?" Jabie yelled before she got out.

"Call it whatever you want kid. Its your discovery."

"I guess I'll call it…. Diagnostic Jutsu! Since that's basically what it does." Jabie said.

Hakui just left the room and went to deal with business.

Jabie left the room soon after to continue the many other projects he has to do before starting on his training with his chakra control, medical ninjutsu, and genjutsu. Jabie decided to go buy a storage seal at the store to carry around massive amounts of water with him for when he learns some water jutsus from the library later on today. Jabie was going to head home afterwards to check up on the food and water bottles that were still stored in the storage scroll from 2 days ago and see whether or not it was still fresh for the food and if the water was still cold.


Broly is currently at the library reading up on chakra natures. Since he is a genin, he wasn't able to find out how exactly to train in his specific natures. So he decided to get someone to get it for him later. But for now, he is reading about how there are five elemental chakra natures, which make up the foundation of all elemental ninjutsu.

The five elemental chakras also have weaknesses and strengths to them. Fire is strong against Wind and weak against Water. Wind is strong against Lightning but weak against Fire. Lightning is strong against Earth but weak against Wind. Earth is strong against Water but weak against Lightning. Water is strong against Fire but weak against Earth. Since he has three chakra natures he must only look out for wind and fire jutsus. There are also cases where having multiple chakra natures mix together to create a whole new element. Also called kekkei genkai for two natures being combined, kekkei Tōta for three elemental natures being combined.

Broly thought about how he could possibly possess an incredible rare and powerful kekkei Tōta without knowing how to tap into it and use it to increase his power even further. He started to get angry at the realization that he doesn't know how to manipulate his elemental chakra entirely nor learn how to use them simultaneously and mix them to produce the effect of a kekkei Tōta if he even has one. Broly returned the book back to where it was found and quickly sought to find someone who could teach him how to train in his chakra natures.

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