Broly In Naruto

Training Arc (Part 3)


A young muscular shirtless black-haired boy was seen with a scantily clad woman wearing a long coat and a short skirt at a local dango shop. It was 8 in the morning as the two sat down at the shop. The woman had a grin on her face as she looked at the youthful genin who never came to conversate with her on his own terms without wanting something. The boy was slightly annoyed at the grin she was showing but threw it to the back of his mind. He needed information from her to get stronger.

"How do I train my chakra natures to use them as I want?" Aomatsuna asked rudely.

"Ohoho so you want to use me for information and have me get nothing out of it? Anko said in a playful voice.

"Tch.. What do you want for the training methods?" Broly asks annoyed.

"I'm gonna make this easy on you thanks to you showing me such a great show with that yellow-haired brat a couple of days ago. All I want you to do is say "Pleaseeeee teach me how to train my chakra natures Anko-nee-san." She says in a exaggerated little girls voice.

"I'd rather die, than humiliate myself in such a way."

"I guess no training methods for little Aomatsuna-chan." She started to get up and leave.

She took her time walking away just so she could hear the words… nothing? She turned around and noticed that Aomatsuna was gone!

"Did he seriously give up over a few words!?! That coward! I'll show him to blow off such a hot piece of work! Dumb brat doesn't know what he's missing. Hmph!"

Broly headed off towards his sensei and decided to see if he would be willing to teach him something. He didn't raise his hopes up though, because it would be the first time his sensei would actually be teaching something he didn't know. While Broly was in his thoughts, he arrived at the Hyūga clan grounds and was stopped by the guards in front of the entrance. They asked him his reason for being there.

"Tell Ko to come here. Team 11's sensei." Broly ordered the Hyūgas manning the gates.

They didn't take the tone of this boy so well, and quickly grew agitated. They were about to berate the boy for his rude attitude towards a prestigious member of the Hyūga clan before they were stopped by the bug himself.

"I will handle this you two. Please continue with your duties." Ko said in an proper and respected voice before walking out of the Hyūga grounds with Broly in tow.

Broly looked slightly annoyed at not being able to fight the insects at the gate, but he was even more annoyed at the false front his sensei was showing. As they left the sight of the two guards, Ko stopped acting so proper.

"Yes Aomatsuna-kun? Was there something you wanted to discuss with me?" Ko ask flashing his trademark gentle looking smile.

Only serving to infuriate the prideful young saiyan even more. He pushed his disgust down and only looked at his sensei in his eyes.

"Tell me how to train my chakra nature."

"You know that's for chunin and above right?" Ko asks with his smile nearly faltering instantly.

Most genin don't even know what elemental training is! Most genin don't even know their own chakra natures! How the heck did he gain a hold of a chakra paper?!

"Don't underestimate me. Now will you tell me or not?" Broly asked.

Ko was wondering if this would be for the best. He only has to watch his students clean up that training ground until they are finished before he can take them out on missions again. They never really showed up for his team training meetings. Team training was always optional. Genin must show the drive to learn more and improve themselves as much as they can, but I guess he is doing exactly that. So I guess I should teach him about it.

"Okay Aomatsuna-kun. But when I teach you this you must start respecting me as a superior. Even if you don't believe it to be true." Ko said.

"Fine parasite-sensei." Broly obliges.

Ko's right eyebrow twitched at the blatant disrespect his student is showing him. He's starting to think that Aomatsuna-kun is the reason for his team's lack of respect for him.

"Why the nickname parasite instead of something like white-eye, goofball, or nice guy?" Ko asks curiously.

"I call you a parasite because you are an insect relying on something else to get by. You show no ambition to better yourself or your situation. With enough power, nothing can stop you." Broly explains.

This caused Ko to drop his smile. Ko turned on his jonin face and stared into Aomatsuna-kun's eyes that were also looking him in the face.

"Aomatsuna-kun. Let's have a sudden training lesson between us. After the spar I will tell you how to train in your chakra nature. Regardless of the outcome. But if I win you must learn to control your tongue and treat others with more respect." Ko says

"If I win our spar you will become my slave and teach me how to train my chakra nature." Aomatsuna says to set his own condition.

Ko just nodded and grabbed onto Broly's shoulder and body flickered away.

Both Ko and Broly stood across from each other while the sun shined down gently and the leaves blew in the wind daintily. The grass on the ground were swaying to the side along with the singing crickets. Ko activates his Byakugan and gets into the Hyūga clan's taijutsu style, the Gentle Fist. Broly looks into his sensei's eyes and transforms. His hair and tail turned yellow, his body increased in muscle growth slightly growing tall enough to reach up to Ko's chest instead of his midsection, and his pupils are missing. But unlike the first time when he transformed fighting Naruto, the yellow aura wasn't flaring outward and was controlled inside the young legendary saiyan.

The teacher and student stared at each other for seconds that seemed to mimic years in passing. The two fighters looking for the slightest hint of movement. The previously peaceful setting seemed to turn into a silent tense battlefield. Broly set his gravity seal to level 0 and grinned at his serious sensei. Somehow reversing their usual expressions towards each other.

"You know Parasite-sensei. I always wanted to fight one of you with those eyes. Now, give it your all or DIE!" Broly suddenly appeared in front of his sensei and kicked straight towards his chest.

Ko was slightly surprised at the boy's speed and suffered for it. He was knocked far away, but not before getting a hit in on Broly's leg. Broly landed and looked at his leg. It was slightly numb even though Ko barely touched it.

He shook it off before noticing his sensei running towards him. He smiled before charging straight at his sensei. Broly punched towards his sensei's face. Ko still getting used to the boy's unnatural speed was able to barely dodge it and pierce his fingers towards the boy's out stretched arm. He got two hits in before getting kicked by the boy. The kick landed and Ko turned into a log. Broly quickly looked for his opponent while ignoring his increasingly numb right forearm where he was struck. Ko appeared behind Broly and struck his fingers towards the boy's exposed back. Broly sensed the incoming attack and immediately performed a turning kick that was headed towards Ko's fingers!

Ko wasn't willing to sacrifice his fingers against the boy's abnormal strength. That kick from earlier is still screaming at him. He really has let himself go if he's having trouble beating a genin.. He quickly deflected the heavy kick and was pushed back from the heavy impact of the tailed boy's power. As he was sliding back, he noticed that the damage he caused earlier on the boys tenketsu points on his arm and leg were recovering much faster than they should be. It must be that his kekkei genkai gives him abnormal healing as well. Ko decided to take the advantage now while it was still not fully recovered yet and ran at Broly.

"COME ON PARASITE! SHOW ME YOUR PRIDE!! HUAHAAHAH" Broly yelled as his super saiyan aura started to grow outward and flare over the saiyan's entire body, increasing his power even more.

Ko was slightly unnerved at the crazed tailed genin. He wondered if the boy's behavior was due to his bloodline or if it was just his personality. His bloodline gives him strange forms of power so it could be.. As Ko's mind was elsewhere, he soon paid the price of getting distracted in battle.

Broly noticed the unfocused look in his teacher's eyes and quickly capitalized on it in anger. He appeared behind his sensei and grabbed him by the head and slammed him into the ground face first. Causing cracks and breaks into the earth below them. Broly let go only to notice he was holding pieces of log in his hand. He quickly crushed it and roared in annoyance.

"STOP RUNNING AND FIGHT ME! If this is all you're capable of you're more of an insect than I thought!" Broly shouted.

He felt a presence behind him and simply swayed his neck to the side. He felt more attacks and leaned his head more. The attacks began to speed up before Broly had to actually move his body to actively dodge the attacks. Ko kept thrusting his fingers towards the boy faster and faster. Broly was getting annoyed at the quick weak looking attacks and decided to end it.

Broly ran into the attacks and kneed Ko in the chest lifting him off the ground. He quickly followed up with a rising kick towards Ko's chin while both of his arms were disabled due to the gentle fist attacks he took head on. Ko gasped for air after being violently removed of some by Aomatsuna's knee but didn't lose his focus and dodged the incoming kick from the boy by leaning his head backwards and landing on his feet. Ko kicked towards the "armless" boy only to be met with a stronger kick being aimed towards his foot, but this was what he was counting on. He promptly lowered his kick and rushed towards Aomatsuna.

He poked Aomatsuna's leg multiple times with his clan's taijutsu, effectively putting it out of action along with his two arms. He looked at the boy who had no signs of giving up in his eyes and only thought about continuing this fight until he couldn't fight anymore and sighed. He blurred towards the incapacitated saiyan on one leg intending to finish the fight as soon as possible.

The excitement in Broly's eyes only grew as he watched his opponent come towards him. He saw Ko's fingers head towards his forehead as if it was in slow motion. He noticed the sad look on Ko's face as he tried to finish the battle. But it meant nothing to the legendary saiyan. All that mattered toward the young legendary saiyan was getting stronger and fighting strong opponents. Ko's fingers were mere inches away from the boy's head and the boy has yet to make a move.


A thud was heard in the now silent training ground. Nothing but the morning breeze in the wind was being heard and the sound of a fallen body hitting the soft grass. A few soft foot steps were heading towards the source of the previous thud. A sigh was heard. If someone were to walk into this training ground, they would notice a pupil less lavender eyed man holding his chest as he held his many broken ribs from the boy's last attack together with his chakra and putting his hand on the shoulder of an unconscious black-haired boy with a tail. They swiftly disappeared afterwards and the training ground was serene once again.


"So can you make it or not you drunk bum!?" A rather high-pitched voice shouted

"Yeah yeah brat I got your order. Come back in six days. I'll have your order ready." A gruff lazy voice responded while taking a swig of alcohol.

"You better not screw this up or you'll wish you hadn't!' The girlish voice threatened

"The day when I'm scared of a brat like you is the day I admit I'm an alcoholic." The deep voiced said before laughing loudly.

The feminine voice walked out of the blacksmith's store and walked right into the sunlight. Revealing her blue punk-rock style hair and somewhat distracting outfit as Esumi! Esumi started to walk towards her apartment grounds to see what Jabie left for her as ideas to train with. Ever since they got put on punishment, he's been incredibly busy. She hasn't been able to annoy the boy or tease him at all these couple of days.

'I wonder why it feels like something important is coming up with how hard we are training.'

Esumi decided to put that thought to the back of her mind as she reached her house. She noticed Jabie was missing and was most likely working at the hospital. She was about to open her door until she noticed a note on it. It said

"I placed some more challenging chakra control exercises ideas on your kitchen table. If you find yourself bored without anything to do. Or you could interact with the other genin and improve how the upper level ninjas look at us compared to the other genin teams in circulation."

"Why would I want to waste my time with a bunch of thumb sucking brats playing as ninjas?"

"Maybe I'll decide to play with a team tomorrow though. Or whenever Aomatsuna gets back with info about the elemental training. For now though lets try these new exercises!"

Esumi walked into her home and grabbed the piece of paper Jabie left for her. She grabbed a bottle of water in her fridge and left sooner after to start training. She thought back to how she was going to play with the other genin teams and started to get a bit excited.

"Maybe playing around with a few other teams wouldn't be so bad if they're entertaining enough. If they have any special traits about them, maybe I can use them for the future."


Jabie was watching over a current doctor and nurse healing a familiar face to say the least. It turns out his sensei decided to body flicker into the hospital with nearly all of his ribs broken and an unconscious Aomatsuna with multiple parts of his chakra points closed and some of his organs injured. No one freaked out, simply because it looked like a man holding onto an injured boy. But the doctor and nurse he was assigned with were shocked to say the least when they found out the injuries this man possessed. The smile his sensei was holding before he was admitted into the room faded as soon as he was laid down. His teacher had to bite his tongue to prevent himself from screaming when he was being laid down.

His sensei didn't notice Jabie or he didn't care as he soon passed out a couple of seconds after being laid down. He wondered why his sensei decided to fight with Aomatsuna. He never sparred with them before. Maybe its due to Aomatsuna-sama needing knowledge about elemental training. I should ask my medical sensei if Aomatsuna-sama can't get an answer. But for now, let's heal sensei!

The doctor was slightly peeved off at the fact that he had to treat this man. He was not a medical-nin. He could not heal this man to have his ribs back in working condition without months maybe years of time. He quickly told his nurse to go to the main desk and ask for a medical-nin for support. She did as he said and he sighed. Why would they even send an injured jonin to him? He's just a civilian doctor. Maybe he should take up smoking as a hobby to calm his nerves. It shouldn't hurt to do it for a short while and just relieve stress.

As he was contemplating about a decision that would affect him for the rest of his life, his nurse came back by herself. The look on her face was all it took to tell him he wasn't getting a medical-nin for this man currently. He sighed again before hearing the fat kid speak up. He wasn't so sure about this intern that was dropped on him. He was just gonna have the tubby give him equipment throughout the procedure simply because he was annoyed at the moment.

"I'm officially considered a medical ninja. I know the required technique for all medical ninjas. I can perhaps assist in this operation besides giving tools." Jabie said hoping they would give him permission to try and test his jutsu out on a person.

It turns out the chakra scalpel his medical sensei taught him was actually not a required jutsu for a medical nin at all! It's an advanced medical ninjutsu that very few medical nin can even perform! What was she thinking not telling him this important information? Didn't she want to protect me from anyone who might want to do something towards him for his talents? Doesn't leaving out information that could possibly ruin him work opposite towards that goal?

While the medical prodigy in-training was lost in thoughts while still appearing to be looking directly at the doctor, the doctor in question was thinking deeply about the boy's statement and what he was indicating by telling him that. Even if the boy was an able medical nin, what would others think if he let some brat take over my operation?

'I know for a fact this gossipy bitch next to me definitely wouldn't hesitate to blab about it. I'd rather have this man in this hospital for years than have people know that I let a kid take over my operation!'

Jabie was staring towards the doctor and started to get a feeling that he wasn't going to accept him on his offer. He decided to make things work a bit more in his favor. He placed his hands behind his head and started to go through hand seals while staring into the nurse's eyes. He placed a genjutsu on the nurse and had her excuse herself from the room and head towards the bathroom. He then looked at the doctor with his serious face and said

"Alright listen Doctor. You let me heal this man while you watch over the procedure to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong and not a word leaves this room about you letting an intern take over your operation. All the credit belongs to you when I heal this man."

"What's the catch kid? I know you want something out of this. I don't know how you managed to get Elaine out of the room, but you better not pull any ninja stuff on me kid." The Doctor warned.

"All I want is to practice my healing jutsu on him. That's all that needs to be done. I'll handle Elaine afterwards. No word of you letting an intern take over your patient and your operation will be leaving this room." Jabie explained calmly.

"Fine kid, but I need some sort of hold over you in case this does leave this room." The Doctor stated slightly unnerved that only he was having some sort of negative outcome in case this goes wrong.

"Simple. Tell them I threatened you and took over your procedure because I really wanted to save my injured sensei. You could also add in some sweet parts like saying "The boy was gonna cut me with his kunai if I told him no, you should've seen the crazed look in his eyes!" or you say "I knew no one that stayed close to that tailed demon was sane! He's crazy just like him"

"They would eat that up."

"Alright. Bring Elaine back in here, I need her to watch out for anything as well."

Jabie nodded and Elaine came back into the room. She had a confused look on her face but put it to the back of her mind. She noticed that the fat little intern boy was standing next to the doctor as the doctor was putting the patient under so he wouldn't wake in the middle of his operation.

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