Broly In Naruto

Training Arc (Part 3.2/4.1)

Jabie activated his healing jutsu as the doctor started to cut open Ko. Jabie put his hands near Ko's chest but didn't get in the way of the doctor. The doctor then opened the patient up and told the nurse to hang the light over his chest so he could get a better view. Elaine set up the light above the hospital bed and aimed it at the patient's chest. The doctor got a better look inside and looked at Jabie.

"Are you able to help him regrow his ribs or am I going to have to stick them together while mend them back?" The doctor asks.

"Yes I can help him regrow his ribs back. It might take a few days but it won't be a problem." Jabie replies.

The doctor just nodded and started to pick out the pieces of broken rib that were lodged inside his lungs. Every time the doctor pulled out a piece of bone shrapnel, a leak would come out for a different part of his lungs. It was kinda funny to Jabie, like in one of those cartoons where they try to plug up a leak that keeps sprouting more leaks. Due to Jabie mystical palm technique, every leak was immediately closed back without any problems.

As the doctor started to finish up taking out all the bone pieces with his gloves, he told the nurse to get the surgical suture. Jabie was lost in thought as he held his hands on his unconscious sensei keeping the healing jutsu active. Jabie was thinking about if he really needs to have both hands on his sensei to heal him. Did he even need to touch him at all for the jutsu to activate? He silently sighed. So many brilliant ideas, so little time.

'I need modify my water clone jutsu, so its definitely more useful than it currently is. Once I start modifying my jutsus, I can start to modify my genjutsus and maybe even create my own ninjutsu!'

Jabie was suddenly interrupted by a cough from the doctor. His cheeks turned a little bit red as he looked towards the doctor and smiled cheekily. The doctor just pointed towards the patient and Jabie looked. It turns out while he was off in Lala land his healing jutsu never stopped healing his sensei even when the doctor got done sewing him back up. Jabie was confused, he should have definitely started to feel some type of chakra exhaustion by now. But he felt like he could keep going without stopping.

'Well another test for later' he decided.

Since he didn't need to stop in fear of chakra exhaustion he continued to heal his sensei's ribs until they mended back together.

"Are you fine?" the doctor asked.

"Yeah, I think we can finish up today actually." Jabie replied.

The doctor just nodded and watched on with Elaine. About an hour later, Ko was completely healed and by now Jabie was finally starting to feel the drain of chakra loss and was sweating. He nodded towards the doctor and called out to Elaine. He held his hands behind his head against as he starting to flip through hand signs. He attached to her chakra flow in her brain and planted a thought or a "seed" inside her mind that said "DON'T TALK ABOUT THIS OPERATION"

"What Jabie-kun?" Elaine asked confused.

He said her name and didn't say anything afterwards and just stared into her eyes. '

He better not be getting feelings for me. I don't do fat guys, even if his skin is really smooth and nice to look at. He must have been so blinded by my beauty he turned dumb. Poor boy.'

"Oh sorry Elaine-san! I got lost into your eyes and forgot what I was going to say." Jabie replied as he finished up his genjutsu.

Elaine just sighed and looked watched the boy with pity in her eyes. The doctor was checking Ko all this time to make sure nothing went wrong and everything is completely fine.

"It seems this operation is finished. The patient is completely healed physically. We'll have to check him tomorrow for any mental damages." The doctor said.

Jabie just nodded towards him and started to head out to room and to his employee locker. He grabbed his backpack he bought yesterday that he slapped a storage seal on with at least a hundred gallons of water stored inside it. He did this so that he could carry around a large source of water with him wherever he goes and not need to walk around with water bottles anymore.

He can control the storage seal by attaching his chakra to his book bag and controlling how much water comes out and the speed in which it comes out. So if he needs water in an ambush or something he can shoot it out really fast and in large quantities. And since he learned some new water jutsus from the scrolls in the library he should be set as far he knows. He could think about his weaknesses a bit more, but he's more excited about using his water clones to modify his current jutsu list and using them to help him with his other projects!

Jabie has arrived at his apartment grounds and noticed Esumi's light on. He contemplated about saying hi or not, but it was pretty dark out and he left a note earlier this morning. If he was being honest with himself though, he would definitely say he's more excited to test these ideas out and eventually getting to his training. He arrived at his front door and let himself in with his key before closing it back and locking it. He closed all his blinds and turned on his tv loud enough to possibly deafen any noises he might create. He grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and infused it with his chakra before shooting it out all over his kitchen floor. He created around 10 water clones in the shape of himself.

"I suppose to should try to modify my current techniques first before trying to improve anything. If I run out of chakra I would be stuck doing nothing until tomorrow. So I guess I'll just watch over the clones and if they kill themselves modifying techniques I'll recreate some."

"Okay. You guys know what to do. But first let me put up a list on what we should work on in order of most useful." Jabie grabbed a notebook and tore a piece of paper out of it. He started to write.

1: Water Clone Jutsu
2: Substitution Jutsu
3: Mystical Palm
4: Chakra Scalpel
5: Water Style: Water Bullet Jutsu
6: Water Style: Water Wall Jutsu
7: Water Style: Water Furious Current Jutsu

"Pick whichever one you want you want after we make the water clone jutsu as useful as Uzumaki-san's shadow clone jutsu. But after we do that I want it even better than his clone jutsu!" Jabie said.

Since Jabie can't communicate with his clones mentally he has them write down everything they do before they attempt anything. Since water clones have 1/10 the power of the user the clones are only really good for 1 attempt at modification. Either they modify the water clone jutsu and if something bad happens they will turn back into water. If nothing wrong happens its an indication that more chakra is needed than what the clone can produce. But this gave Jabie another great idea that could be tested! Could his water clones absorb each other and make them have 2/10 of his power?

'I mean they are just made of my chakra in the form of water chakra. Wait! Does this mean I can manipulate water nature without any training?! How the heck did I even do that?!' Jabie sighed and put it in the back of his mind for later.

He formed his chakra into the form of a string and connected to his 10 water clones. He molded the water clones' chakra body and started to merge it into 1 water clone. He continued to push and force the clones to merge together until he started to sweat and his fingers started to shake.

This technique is draining heavily on his chakra and definitely wouldn't be possible without great chakra control. If Jabie's chakra control wasn't so great the technique would've failed when he tried to merge the first two clones together by not being able to even form a type of shape capable of holding them together. And from then on he has to connect the shape to the two clones and make sure that the shape holds and does not break from the backlash of having to chakra masses push and contort and mix together. This is just with two clones while Jabie is doing 10 clones at once!


A huge amount of water burst from the clones that were being merged together and Jabie fell face first on the ground, breathing heavily. After a couple of seconds of catching his breath, suddenly Jabie started laughing. His laugh was strangely similar to one a mad scientist would produce, but no one was around to make such a comparison. He would have to stop for tonight and continue tomorrow since trying to combine all those clones took most of his chakra. Not to mention he was entirely wet and a large part of his living room was soaked with him.

"I don't think a storage seal would be able to suddenly dry my house. Now I got to dry all this out myself." Jabie sighed as he started taking off his wet soaked clothes.

He was completely nude as he was walking towards his bed room.

He was about to walk into his room until he heard his window opening. He turned around because he swore he locked his windows ever since Esumi started to come through them. A very recognizable blue haired shorty burst in yelling.

"Jabie!! What the hell is all that racket!!"

Jabie froze as he locked eyes with the familiar home intruder who was currently staring at him in his full naked glory. The home intruder's eyes went wide before slightly dipping down and causing her face to flare up red like a light bulb. She threw a thumbs up before hearing a loud yell.

"Get out! Don't just stand there and watch pervert!!" Jabie yelled also with his face painted before quickly disappearing into his room.

Esumi stood there completely shocked at the situation she found herself in. She thought she was a pervert, but it turns out Mr. High and Mighty nerdy pants is over here waltzing around in his own house naked! For the whole neighborhood to see! She was more shocked at the fact that what she saw even stood out even more than his rolly polly belly.

"I expect nothing less for someone I consider a friend! Well maybe just a little bit less, that was too much of a shock for a first time view."

As Esumi was alone with her thoughts Jabie came out with a fresh new set of sleepwear. A teddy bear button shirt with bear pajamas and a little cap with bears littered all over it. Although he looked incredibly pissed, his face was still glowing red, this caused Esumi to giggle a bit. Jabie was about to blow his top after seeing her giggle when she obviously knew he was upset.

"Why did you come in from my window again? Doors are made for a purpose. Why do you ignore the purpose of doors?" Jabie said in a slightly higher pitched voice than from his usual nerdy voice.

"Come on Jabie-kun, we're family! What family hides behind locked doors? Just because I caught you being a pervert in your own house doesn't mean you can be angry at me."

"I wasn't being a pervert! I was testing something!" Jabie defended.

"Yea testing if you could see your huge dinga-ling over your fat rolls pervert!" Esumi said trying to make Jabie feel more embarrassed.

"I wasn't doing that!!! My clothes got wet and I decided to go change! I didn't expect a home intruder to invade my home while I was about to go change!" Jabie said after having his face brighten up a few shades higher from her statement.

"Yeah yeah sure pervert. Whatever you say, just make sure next time people won't be nearby to see you being a pervert!" Esumi said with a slight blush before leaving back out the window and returning to her apartment.

"I'm definitely locking every entrance into my apartment from now on." Jabie said before suddenly remembering he still has to take the furniture outside to dry and mop up his wet kitchen. He got to work on doing that and returned to his room before falling asleep and having a very unmentionable dream involving the current women in his life.


Aomatsuna has currently awoken in the hospital. He understands that he lost his fight against his teacher or at least tied with him. His last attack most definitely had to have brought his teacher down. The Hyūga clan's taijutsu is really annoying. Broly thought that with his legendary saiyan body, he would be fine against it, but apparently not. His body just regenerates from the effects of the hits faster. If he fights another Hyūga he would have to change the way he fights unless he wants to be brought down as quickly as he was by his teacher.

"I need more strong opponents to battle and to train even harder. Jabie has learned that healing jutsu, so I can definitely use him to abuse my race's zenkai trait in the future."

As Broly was in his thoughts the door opened and in came his previous opponent. Broly looked at his teacher without his trademark smile and apparently injury-free. Broly started to feel irritated and angry at the fact that either his last attack missed or he hit another log. Apparently Ko noticed something on Broly's passive face and coughed.

"I was healed by a medical ninja. That's why I'm looking perfectly fine. Your last attack completely destroyed my ribs and I would've died soon after that fight if not for seeking immediate treatment. Attempting to kill your superior is a major crime for any shinobi. The fact that you did not hold back in that spar is making me believe that you aren't quite yet ready to even be a genin. Instead of reporting this, I've decided to have you do something for me." Ko said.

Broly was starting to get visibly upset. This pathetic parasitic worm dares try to blackmail me just because he was so weak?! I didn't even transform into my final state! He should be thanking me for using him for a spar. If I truly decided to end his feeble existence he wouldn't even be able to cry for mercy! If he even dares to ask for something ridiculous perhaps I won't need a jonin teacher any longer.

"For using lethal amount of force in a spar and nearly killing an ally superior, you will be helping out the other genin teams by pointing out their strong points and their weak points. You will do this for the next three days and if you do a good job you will not be punished further. If you happen to do a bad job you will be sent back to the academy immediately." Ko said in a stern tone.

Broly's chakra surged as looked into the eyes of his teacher. Ko just looked back with a strict look on his face. Broly got up and stood right in front of Ko. Ko thought that maybe he pushed the boy a bit far. He secretly prepared himself just in case the boy did decide to attack by surging chakra throughout his body.

"You will regret this. But I will stick to my word. Tell me the location." Broly said with a threatening tone.

"Training ground 5 around 8:00AM." Ko said, ignoring the blatant threat.

Broly turned around to leave throughout the window before being stopped by Ko standing in front of him. He handed him a notebook and body flickered away. Broly opened the notebook and noticed it was the instructions on how to get started with training for each element and the steps afterwards. Although Broly was angry, this subsided his anger by quite a bit. What better way to make a saiyan happy than to give them ways of getting stronger?

Broly headed towards his apartment grounds to get Esumi and begin training with elemental ninjutsu. Once Broly is able to get a good handle on his elements he will be able to start modifying existing jutsus and eventually creating his own jutsus. Broly's excitement was starting to show on his face as he walked towards his apartment grounds. Any nearby citizens who saw his grin ran away in fright due to his leaking battle spirit.

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