Broly In Naruto

Broly’s Adventure?!?!


Broly is walking through a rocky valley. The sky is cloudy and gray, but no signs of rain or storms in sight. Broly looked at the towering cliffs surrounding him on his left and right and grinned. For some reason he felt like he was going to find something very interesting at the end of this valley. This excited him to the point where he felt like rushing through the valley just to get to the end.

He and Jabie left Konoha secretly, to explore the world around them. Broly would have been fine training all month, if Esumi hadn't brought up the fact that they never left the village once since they've been alive. Broly has been in this world for 12 years now, and never even seen a sketch of it that wasn't in Konoha. He decided to explore this new strange world and see new sights and fight even stronger opponents. Only the jonin in his village would be enough to challenge him from what he's seen of Konoha excluding the combined teamwork of Esumi and Jabie.

Broly didn't choose anywhere specific to go. He just decided to walk whatever direction he wanted and that's how he ended up in this strange, gloomy, deserted place. Jabie on the other hand, chose a specific place to head to. The Land of Snow, or more specifically, the Village Hidden Among Snow. He somehow got hold of some information about strange technology that popped up in that village and wanted to investigate and find out exactly what type of information they are hiding.

Esumi was going to do the same thing Broly decided to do, until Anko appeared in Jabie's room somehow with a body flicker and kidnapped Esumi! Broly and Jabie weren't that worried. Broly was slightly irritated about his family discussion being interrupted so rudely but didn't think on it too long. Broly and Jabie didn't know what Anko wanted with Esumi specifically, but they knew it wasn't something to be worried about.

As Broly was thinking he suddenly started to notice strange images on the stone walls. Some were colored while the others were just gray. The images depicted some sort of four-legged animal with a long nose, horns near their mouths, large ears, and a tail. Some of the creatures had a spinning tail, like a pig. While some had long straight tails. And others had no tail!

At these strange paintings, Broly only started to feel hunger. But sadly, there wasn't an animal in sight as far as he could sense. His stomach growled in protest of the lack of intake of food. Broly continued his current pace throughout the valley, ignoring his stomach's fierce rebuttal of such actions. The images started to appear more and more frequently the further he ventured down the empty valley.

A loud roaring, echoing noise vibrated throughout the valley. Broly stopped dead in his tracks and flexed his fingers in excitement. His saiyan nature was flaring at the thought of a possible fight against an unknown enemy of unknown strength. Until it was abruptly shut down by the following words.

"Prove your mettle human. Or face eternal imprisonment as our slave!" A high-pitched voice threatened.

Broly sighed before he was suddenly transported into a wide and open plain that had nothing but green grass, blue skies, and white clouds. This put Broly on guard as he didn't even realize he was under a genjutsu! With his natural defenses, no genjutsu should be able to escape his notice. Even if he could not dispel it. He should be able to sense the fact that he was under it!

How infuriating. How insulting..


No response is given, except the cool breezing wind passing through the grasslands. Broly's fury raised even higher. A large force of wind blasted from Broly and his figure radiated energy. He turned into a super saiyan! The entire grass field was swaying with a fierce dance. The disembodied voice from earlier sudden shrieked in terror before the wide and open plain disappeared and a mountainous area appeared.

In front of Broly stood a small creature that resembled the images he saw earlier. The creature was on the ground, shivering, crying, and staring at Broly with absolute terror. Broly saw the small creature and reverted back to his normal form. It's just a dumb child. Not worth crushing.

"Tell me how you are able to teleport me. Or die." Broly threatened

"I… my… its.. Its my dads! He knows all about it! Please.. don't hurt me… It was just a prank…" The small creature begged.

Broly stepped forward and suddenly three more creatures appeared. Each one varying in size and color from each other. They were bigger versions of the child creature. The three creatures stood on two feet. But the only thing similar to anything human with the creatures were their mannerisms, chest, and five-fingered hands. Everything else was nearly the same as depicted from the pictures earlier in the valley.

The creatures had a long weird shaped nose that stretched and was elongated. They had horns that sprouted off from the side of their weird nose and each creature had a different sized horn. The tallest one's face horn seemed to be the thickest and longest. Their ears were the second largest part of their bodies if you don't include their muscular body structure. The creatures had strange feet. It was like a one huge foot that had 4 nails on the front and 3 nails on the back of their feet. It seemed as if they were always walking on the tips of their toes.

Broly couldn't see if they had tails. The three creatures had a face that resembled anger, wariness, and terror as they faced Broly head on. Broly took another step forward. He was interested in knowing whether their courage or their fear will hold them together or break them apart. The three creatures clumped up together while wearing their strange clothing's that resembles robes. The tallest and the least fearful of the four, from what Broly could tell with his lack of shaking, only wore a robe over his lower body. Each of the four creatures were colored different shades of blue with the shades getting darker the older they were.

From Broly's hand, a strange brown liquid started to pool together and form the shape of a sphere. Broly's face took on a devilish smile. The four creatures panicked and huddled even closer. The tallest of the four stood in front of the others. He clapped his palms together before stomping the ground heavily.


The rocky ground around the four creatures suddenly cracked and groaned. The ground beneath them then shot off into the sky with startling speed! The four creatures were relieved until they noticed Broly right above them! In his hand, held a strange gray liquid ball that he was aiming right towards the middle of the four. The tallest of the four creatures face turned grim as he kept his hands in their original position to continue maneuvering the platform. The second tallest and third tallest of the creatures quickly smashed their fists together and the original platform the four creatures stood on grew extra "arms" from the sides and merged together to form a dome-like shield over the four.

Broly's attack reached the four creatures' shield who tried to escape from him. The ball latched on to the shield, which caused Broly to grin victoriously before he created a single hand sign.

"Die!" Broly shouted as the grey liquid coated the dome shield and caused it to start crumbling right away.

The four creatures quickly panicked and the tallest controlled the tall platform they were on to swiftly lower and return back to the ground. The gray liquid that coated the dome shield, took on its shape and fell towards the three at a higher speed than they were descending at.

The three creatures that weren't controlling the platform, stomped the ground and clapped their palms together. Increasing the speed at which they were descending and easily escaping the weird jutsu. They were relieved until they noticed Broly quickly form a few hand seals before spitting a brown pea-sized object at his previous attack. The small pea-sized attack easily caught up to the grey half dome attack. The speed at which the tiny object reached was easily the fastest thing the four creatures ever saw before they noticed the grey semi-liquid was now heading towards them in an imperceptible speed.

They realized now that they could do nothing but accept their fates. They huddled together as they hung their heads low in acceptance.


Bright colorful sparks erupted from under Broly's attack. Broly was slowly descending upon a semi-fluid brown substance. It was as if he was standing upon a cloud, looking down at the ants below. But actually, he was looking down, interested in who could have possibly defended against his attack. He saw his attack was deflected by another creature who easily towered over the previous four in every shape. He had a purple skin color unlike the blue ones the other four had. He held a long, large curved spear that was about the same impressive height as the creature. He was about 10 feet tall (3m)

The new contestant looked at Broly before putting away his weapon on his back. Broly didn't like how the fighting stopped, but he didn't continue anymore. He had enough fun terrorizing the blue creatures. Broly descended to the ground with his cloud.

"You are summons aren't you?" Broly questioned.

"Close. We used to be summons. Summons don't look like us. They would look like normal elephants." The giant answered in a deep voice,

"What are you then."

"We are transitioning between animal and human, before we fully evolve into our true state from the past."

"Aren't you still summons then? You're still animals." Broly said, earning a glare from the hulking elephant.

"I would watch your words young one. Even if your strength is impressive, you are on our home ground."

"Take me to your king." Broly ordered ignoring the purple elephant's warning.

"Queen. Our queen Phanif."

The two arrived at a strange cave that slowly started to turn into a shiny gold palace! Broly looked around at all the golden and shiny items. He wondered how they acquired so much gold and how the hell were they constantly changing his surroundings. Him and purple giant reached a large imposing door that dwarfed even the purple elephant. Broly continued to float upon his cloud.

The large doors slowly began to open. A blinding golden light radiated off the small opening in the door before leisurely opening wider. After the golden doors opened, Broly took notice of a large golden throne and two elephants in golden armor holding spears. He squinted before noticing a small golden elephant sitting on the throne with their feet dangling off the edge of the seat. The purple elephant next to him slowly walked forward with Broly tagging along behind.

As they reached a couple feet in front of the throne one of the guards yelled,


The purple elephant stopped and kneeled. The golden armored elephant looked towards Broly expecting the same from him. Broly mocked him with a grin.

"Don't expect me to bow to anyone. I'll crush your species."

The two guards did not like this one bit. They instantaneously appeared on the side of Broly and thrusted their spears towards his head. Broly wasn't expecting such violent retaliation, but welcomed it. Broly barely had enough time to react before he decided to test out his new tool. His cursed mark seal flared a bright green before quickly spreading all over Broly's body. Broly had green markings all over his body. This did not deter the guards though. They continued on to kill this young child for showing such disrespectful behavior in front of the queen. As the two spears closed in on Broly's head signaling the possible end of our young legendary saiyan.

Broly instantly vanished as the two spears were millimeters away from his skull. The two guards quickly halted themselves, to not puncture each other with their spears. It was at this moment Broly took action. Broly appeared above the two guards suddenly and grabbed their helmets. Broly then smashed their heads into the ground. The two guards' helmets fell off and they got free from Broly's grasp.

"Why does this boy have senjutsu chakra inside of him?" Phanif questioned quietly to herself.

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