Broly In Naruto

The End of the Preliminaries!

Temari and Chouji stood face to face. Temari had a victorious looking smirk on her face.

"I hope you fight as well as you eat." Temari said before Hayate started the match.

"Just watch and see!" Chouji said in response before making a hand sign and shouting, "Expansion Jutsu!"

Chouji's body puffed up into the shape of a water balloon and gained some height to where he easily was taller than most of the genin in the arena. He left his limbs the same size before he stuck them inside his puffed-up shirt. He then rose in the air by blasting chakra from his feet and starting to roll like a bowling ball in the air. Chouji landed on the ground and started to roll at Temari at a pretty mediocre speed.

Temari opened her fan and revealed two purple circles that were etched on it. She then swung her opened fan towards the rolling Akimichi. A fast gust of wind blasted into Chouji, slowing his assault greatly before eventually blasting him back into the wall. Chouji got lodged into the wall from the impact of his own rolling and the wind!

Chouji struggled to get himself free. Temari just stood and watched with a look of absolute disbelief.

'This is my opponent? He can barely fight!' Temari sighed before pulling her fan back launching another wind blast at Chouji who had finally gotten himself free.

His eyes widened in terror before he quickly hid back inside himself with his clan's jutsu and was launched into the wall even further.

Seconds go by before any sort of noise is heard from the large boy. But all of a sudden, rumbling was heard from the hole where Chouji was forced into. A dizzy, off-balanced chubby boy in his regular form came walking out. He was walking all over the place with his eyes in spirals.

"I won't. I won't lose. I won't lose just yet…" Chouji managed to say before falling over and snoring.

"Is this match over or what?" Temari said in an upset manner.

"The winner of this match is Temari from the Village Hidden in the Sand!" Hayate announced before Temari returned back to her position next to her brother.

"Well that was disappointing." Jabie said.

"That match was totally useless! He hasn't learned anything as a genin, since his time from the academy!" Esumi said. "She didn't even beat the fat idiot's head in and make fun of him for being so pathetic!"

"Worthless." Aomatsuna also replied.

"At least his fires of youth shone as brightly as they could for him." Lee said.

"It was simply his fate." Neji added.

[Sasuke vs Zaku]

"Finally. I get to fight." Sasuke said before clutching his neck where the curse mark seal was at.

He was hoping it didn't interfere with his fight, but it seemed to activate whenever he used chakra. So it seemed he had to deal with this guy whose arms he had broken during the second exam. Should be easy enough right?

"I will get my revenge for my arms!" Zaku yelled as he hopped down from the balcony.

Sasuke leapt over the railings and stood face to face with the sound ninja whose arms he broke.

"Don't blame me for what happens if you go through with this match." Sasuke warned before having Kakashi whisper something into his ear. His face took on a look of shock, before quickly turning into a contemplative one.

"Begin." Hayate said when Kakashi left the match area.

Zaku pulled out his good arm from his cast and aimed it at Sasuke.

"It turns out I didn't get them both." He said with a smirk.

This pissed Zaku off. He immediately shouted, "Sound Wave!" and a fast-moving flurry of wind traveled towards Sasuke. Sasuke dodged before running towards Zaku. Zaku attacked the incoming Sasuke with his good arm. Sasuke blocked with his own arm and punched with his other towards Zaku's face. Zaku moved his head to dodge Sasuke's fist but missed the fact that Sasuke has now ducked and did a sweeping kick.

Zaku fell from the sweeping kick and landed on his back. He groaned in pain before noticing Sasuke's bottom heel heading straight towards his face! He quickly rolled over before hearing multiple sounds of impact coming for him. He decided to roll over one last time before blasting at Sasuke with his sound wave attack. Unfortunately for Sasuke, his curse mark decided to act up at this time and force him to take the attack head on.

Sasuke was launched off his feet towards the opposite wall of Zaku. Zaku slowly stood up while taking heavy breathes. He had a satisfied smirk on his face before slowly walking over towards Sasuke. Sasuke was struggling to fight against the curse mark that was spreading over his body somewhat. It was receding and advancing. Sasuke knew he couldn't let this thing take over him or Kakashi would take him out of the match and prevent him from furthering in the chunin exams. He summoned all the willpower he could from his very being to clash against this thing.

The jonin were watching Sasuke's skirmish against the dreaded seal. Kakashi was watching him like a hawk, ready to dive in and interrupt the match for his student's safety and future. They all saw how the seal slowly receded back and turn back in to the original 3 black tomoe form. Kakashi sighed in relief, while the rest of the jonin showed expressions of amazement.

Sasuke stood up with difficulty. He saw his opponent aiming towards him with one of his palms aimed directly at Sasuke. He then saw the sound genin smirk before blasting another sound wave attack at him. Sasuke swiftly dropped to the ground and rolled out of the way, causing his body to ache even more. Zaku appeared over the Uchiha with his foot raised above his face and a devious smirk. He dropped his foot to stomp the genius's face in the ground. Sasuke grabbed his foot to stop him from stomping him. Zaku increased the pressure. Sasuke's arms started to shake.

"Hey Sasuke! What are you doing out there looking like a chump! Hurry up and show this guy the power of someone from Team 7!" Naruto shouted.

This seemed to give the last Uchiha boy some form of energy as his face took on a look of determination and his arms stopped shaking. He let go one of his arms holding up Zaku's foot, but punching him in the leg. Zaku quickly shook him off, but once he looked towards Sasuke's position he couldn't find him! He was about to start looking around until he noticed he appeared right under him!

But for this sound genin he didn't react fast enough. Sasuke kicked Zaku in the chin from right below him. The kick from the tired Uchiha launched the slightly crippled genin high in the air. Zaku looked around for Sasuke to prepare for any attack, but didn't notice where he was until it was too late.

"Hey isn't that my move!?" Lee shouted.

"Wow, how impressive. Being able to do a move from only seeing it once! Sasuke's so cool!" Sakura shouted.

"He's just a lame ole thief. Nothing special about stealing." Naruto dismissed.

Sasuke appeared under Zaku. "Shadow of the Dancing Leaf." Sasuke kicked Zaku in the ribs on the side where his arm was broken, causing him to groan. He then elbowed him in the chest, causing their mid-air time to decrease faster. As they were about to land, Sasuke landed a brutal heel kick on Zaku's stomach before sliding away painfully from the impact of his attack. Zaku spat out blood and stopped moving.

Sasuke held his head up slightly to show that he wasn't out of this fight quite yet. Hayate went over to Zaku's body to check him.

"He's done for this match. I am declaring Sasuke Uchiha as the winner. And since we had one fighter who has not fought yet, he will be automatedly moving into the third exam." Hayate stated.

"HEY HOW IS THAT FAIR!?!?" A familiar blonde shouted.

"It isn't. We had too many people past the second exam, and since you guys went too easy on each other or something this is your punishment." Hayate responded.

"This isn't so troublesome." Shikamaru said with a smile in response to getting a free pass to the final test.

"You're so lucky Shikamaru! We had to put our lives on the line and all you had to do was sit here. Totally unfair." Ino whined.

"I think it's because we didn't take so many people's scrolls…" Esumi said.

"I wanted to fight strong fighters. I didn't expect this to be the outcome of my actions." Aomatsuna admitted.

"You might still get the chance to Aomatsuna. We don't know how the final exam is gonna turn out yet." Jabie said.

And as soon as he stated that Hayate started to talk.

"And this concludes the preliminaries for the third exam. To all of you who have won, congratulations! The Lord Hokage will now say a few words." Hayate coughed slightly.

"As I told you before, your matches will be seen by everybody. Each of you will fight to represent the strength of your countries. I want you to do that by showing every inch of your power. This is also the reason why the finals will be held one month from now." Hiruzen said.

"Wait, so its not happening right now? Right here?" Rock Lee said a little upset at not being able to show his flames of youth more.

"No. You could say, it's a break for preparations. In additions to informing all the various country lords and shinobi leaders, this is the time needed to arrange for the gathering of the event. And this is also preparation time for you examination students." Hiruzen says as he takes a small break to smoke his small pipe.

"What are we preparing for?" Ino asked.

"We're preparing to fight our future opponents ya blonde bimbo! Its so simple to understand, but its taking forever to get through!" Esumi yelled irritated that this is taking so long.

"But we don't know who our opponents are." Shino said calmly.

"We're getting to that! Just shut up and let him finish!!!" Esumi shouted.

Hiruzen coughed at the temper of this small gifted kunoichi before starting again.

"The one month period should be used by you all to advance and improve yourselves. And to rest your wearily bodies. But before you all leave. Please grab a piece of paper from the box Anko is handing out."

Each genin grabbed a piece of paper from Anko.

"Now tell us the number on that piece of paper in order starting from left to right." Hiruzen said.
12– Miyahara Otsune
11 – Temari
3– Yada Esumi
13– Aomatsuna Hakuseki
4– Rock Lee
2 – Ino Yamanaka
9– Naruto
7 - Hinata Hyūga
1- Shikamaru Nara
15 - Shino Aburame
5 - Amai Jabie
8- Yamanaka Homi
10 - Sasuke Uchiha
14- Gaara
6 – Neji

"Alright. I will have Ibiki now reveal to you all to the final exam." Hiruzen says as he hands a notebook to Ibiki.

Ibiki writes a few things before showing the contestants who they were fighting.

Shikamaru - 'How troublesome… I have to fight Ino..'

Ino – 'I won't lose against Shikamaru! I know all his skills!'

Esumi – 'I hope he won't be as boring as that time I faced him some days ago. He has a month to impress me.'

Lee – 'Yosh! Although she is quite scary she will make a great opponent!'

Jabie – 'How marvelous! I get to experience the famed Hyūga techniques first hand! I can't wait to finally gather enough data on how to use their techniques in my battle.'

Neji – 'Hmph. He doesn't look anything special. With my talent this should be easy.'

Hinata – 'I won't back down.'

Homi – 'Against the weak looking girl huh? Should be a piece of cake!'

Naruto – 'Yatta! I will finally get to fight Sasuke in a real battle, without any interruptions! I'm going to give it my all!'

Temari – 'Just a muscle brain.'

Miyahara – 'A cool beauty type opponent hm.. I prefer cute ones more though.'

Broly – 'This should be fun. He smells similar to Naruto with just extra sand and blood lust attached. It should be an entertaining fight.'

Gaara – 'Mother is screaming for his blood.. He must be quite strong to gather attention from her..'

Shino – 'I get to look forward to fighting one of two monsters. I better train hard this following month or I'll be crushed.'

"Okay you're all free to start strategizing or resting. With this I'll dismiss you all but are there any final questions before you all head off?" Hiruzen asked.

"I have one." Shikamaru said,

"Since it's a tournament, that would mean it would have only one winner right? So this means only one person can become a chunin then?"

"Incorrect. There will be me, the Kazekage, and lords of various countries watching the final test. There will be judges evaluating your abilities during the tournament and those who the judges choose to be chunin worthy will be selected as chunin. Regardless if you win or lose." Hiruzen explained.

"So anyone could be a chunin if we show those "qualities" you're looking for?" Esumi asked.

"Technically, yes everyone could become a chunin if they show the qualities the judges are looking for." Hiruzen answers.

"But at the same time no one could become chunin!"

After answering everyone's questions, the following participants started to leave. Team 11 was amongst the last the leave and was the only genin team that left with all their teammates still in the exams. Many jonin and watchers of the exam noticed this.

"Hey guys! Wait up!" Naruto yelled at Team 11. He dashed towards them as they stopped.

"I wanted to ask you guys for some training tips for this upcoming month. I feel like Kakashi won't really teach me and Sakura-chan anything useful for some strange reason. I haven't asked him to train me yet, but just in case he says no for some reason I'll have a backup! And since we've been friends since we were kids we should help each other out right?" Naruto said in his usual loud boisterous voice.

"We are also enemies in this upcoming tournament Naruto." Esumi reminded him.

"Yeah but don't you guys love fighting strong people?! How about making me stronger and being able to enjoy our match even more than if you decided not to train me!" Naruto wisely said.

"That is quite perceptive of you Naruto." Jabie complimented.

"Yeah I'm pretty perspective. So so so what do you guys say??" Naruto asked.

'Creating strong enemies to fight a better battle with. My blood is excited at thought of creating stronger and stronger battles for me to relish in.' Broly thought to himself.

"Before I aid you though Naruto. You will owe me two favors in the near future. Broly said.

"Yeah sure we're friends! What do you want?" Naruto asked while already getting himself giddy over the training he will be able to accomplish with his friend's help.

"For now, nothing but later on you will find out."

"Jabie give him our notes from Ko with your added notes attached. If you don't live up to my expectations Naruto, expect your career as a shinobi to be over." Broly threatened with bloodlust that washed over Naruto.

"You betcha Aomatsuna-kun!" Naruto yelled before grabbing the notebook Jabie handed to him and running off to find his sensei.

Team 11 continued to walk towards their apartment grounds after watching Naruto dash off.

"Are you guys planning on training all this month? I saw some interesting techniques in the prelims I want to try messing with and taking them for myself." Esumi stated.

"I'm going to be testing various new ideas and implementing them along with my current repertoire of abilities." Jabie answered.

"I also saw some nice tricks I want to try. So I'm going to be training along with increasing my seal to the final level. Jabie increase yours by a level as well. You've been slacking off lately. If by the end of this month, you're not at a satisfactory level of improvement, expect Hell." Broly warned.

Jabie nodded in a fast manner before increasing his gravity seal to level to level 9. Broly increased his to the final level, level 10, and grunted as the impact of natural forces exponentially increased against his body. He grinned at the challenge, at the fight against the powers of the world itself. The more his body faces against these strange harsh conditions, the faster they will adapt to them. Jabie looked at the battle-freak Aomatsuna, who was overjoyed apparently by the restrictions brought on by the gravity seals. Although he did enjoy improving himself and his techniques, he didn't enjoy it as much as Aomatsuna seems to.

Jabie shared his knowledge of how to absorb chakra and stretch their bodies through his mini water clones who were actively performing diagnostics on Yoroi Akado and Misumi Tsurugi while they were performing their techniques. The info he got from the Hyūga girl was too minuscule to really count as anything, except for the fact that good chakra control is needed to perform the technique.

He warned them not to try to stretch their bodies, use the soft physique modification jutsu, until he can heal them so they don't suffer long-term hidden damages from overuse of the technique. He will try to do this by tonight, so he told Aomatsuna and Esumi to not train tonight. He has to stop by to buy a few things from the store.

Broly shared with Jabie and Esumi on how to use sound and chakra together, like what he did against the sound kunoichi. He told them how he was able to use it in his way due to his massive chakra reserves, so they should find some other way of implementing it in their styles. They both agreed and this is where Jabie split off from Esumi and Aomatsuna.

Esumi and Aomatsuna returned to their apartment grounds, only to see various white cloaked Jabie's with mini Jabie's on their shoulders. The pets Jabie brought back also had mini water clones on them! Esumi shook her head and sighed at her nerdy childhood friend. This is not an acceptable sight to come and see from a long day.

But suddenly two Jabie's dressed in waiter clothes had many steel trays with a pleasant, and inviting smell coming from them appeared in front of Aomatsuna and Esumi. They had mini clones on top of their shoulders that removed the top over the plates and revealed many different delicious looking foods. Esumi's jaw dropped and nearly caused a waterfall to spill out.

"If you would follow us please." One of the Jabie's said before leading the two genin into Jabie's kitchen table, that was filled with even more food. Broly's eyes widened, before he suddenly laughed in a joyous manner.

"What a pleasant surprise. I'm glad I met the two of you on that playground that day." Broly said before digging in.

This caused Esumi's heart and the clones of Jabie to jump, from the sudden emotional confession from Aomatsuna. This is their first time hearing him say something like this about them. One of the clones inside the room dispelled to let the original know what happened. She looked at Aomatsuna with tears hiding at the corner of her eyes. She shook them away before smiling happily also and digging in. The clones left the two alone to eat while leaving the tv on and remote nearby.


Jabie is currently at the store buying three different types of items. Many different alcoholic beverages under a transformation jutsu, many different syrup brands, and a Djembe, a small singular drum. After paying for the items, he walked away leaving a very confused store clerk who looked at him wondering what the hell he was playing tonight. He reached his apartment grounds to find Aomatsuna and Esumi has finished eating the food his water clones have made. He greeted them before asking them both to use the technique on all of their joints.

Broly and Esumi both stretched their joints and created quite the freaky sight for anyone who was not in the know. Esumi's and Broly's necks grew to the ceiling of the apartment while their arms and legs stretched all over the place while twisting and becoming longer. Jabie did the hand sign for his water mystical jutsu and started to heal all of their joints. He told them to revert back to normal and healed them a second time. To be absolutely sure though, he asked them to re stretch once again and revert back while healing them again.

"Okay you two should be good to use that move whenever you want. My water mystical palm jutsu slightly increases the body's natural healing process while also strengthening the area being healed." Jabie explained.

"I will get my water clones to do the same for me later, but for you two, we are done! You can go home and sleep." Jabie said with a smile.

"Good night Fatty and Suna." Esumi said with a yawn before heading off to her apartment door.

"Night." Broly and Jabie responded. Broly walked towards his apartment door and left Jabie to his own devices tonight.

After Broly washed himself up, he walked into his bedroom and laid down in preparation for sleep. He looked to the ceiling of his room and started to think. Think about the reason why he was brought to this world. Think about how differently this world is from his last one. Is there any similarities? Just why..? But overall Broly didn't think too hard on the topic. He enjoyed his current life, even at the cost of most of his power. He has something he didn't even know he wanted or could have in this life. Family… Someone to care about.. For him and to them.. Maybe he shouldn't have spent so much time chasing after Kakarot and spent it actually looking for something that meant something. Broly soon fell to sleep thinking about his current loved ones and wondered what else he would experience in this new strange world.

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