Broly In Naruto

Preliminaries (Part 3)

The electronic scorer started to flash through names as everyone looked in suspense. Some looking forward to their turn and others hoping they get paired up with someone weak looking.

[Tenten VS Yamanaka Homi]

"He has the same last name as that last girl. They must have the same abilities." Tenten said before hopping down into the arena.

"You look pretty weak. Try not to waste my time too much eh?" Homi says while unsheathing a tanto (Small katana)

"Hehehe. Bringing out a weapon against the Weapon Mistress of Konoha? I'll show you how to use that!" Tenten said.

"Who do you think will win fatty? I think the blondie's gonna have her beat." Esumi chatted.

"I'm not so sure. I think Tenten noticed the similarities between Ino and this guy since they have the same last name and hair color. So she wouldn't likely stand still to be attacked by the mind transfer jutsu or be caught off guard."

"Just two worthless bugs. Nothing special." Broly added.

Hayate signaled the two fighters to begin and Tenten took out a scroll and summoned a tanto with a puff of smoke. It was the exact same kind as Homi's tanto. Homi smirked as he dashed towards the female fighter. They both clashed blades with nice loud clang and sparks began to fly. Tenten was slightly stronger than Homi catching the boy off guard. He broke off the clash and low kicked Tenten off her feet. He followed up with a downward slash from above her.

Tenten quickly rolled out of the way and threw 4 shurikens at Homi. Homi deflected them all and dashed towards her again. Tenten took out her scroll again and summoned an hundreds if not thousands of different types of sharp weapons that flew towards Homi at high speeds. Homi deflected most of them while dodging the rest. He started to go through hand signs after escaping the assault and shouted, "Overwhelming Darkness Jutsu!"

Suddenly complete blackness was starting to close in on Tenten from all sides. Everyone and everything was suddenly gone! The darkness started to approach her and etch onto her body. She could feel her body, but she was rapidly losing sight of her own body. She was about to scream but then she lost all control over her body!

"What a fool… Do none of these so called "senseis" teach their students how to break genjutsus? Our village is really weak.." Jabie said sadly.

"If I had my own village, I would definitely do better than ours is doing currently. Well in the shinobi department anyway."

"Focus on getting strong enough to spar with me at my full strength. Then you can talk about creating a village." Broly said.

"Ahaha… You're right Aomatsuna. Hahaha… What was I thinking?" Jabie replied slightly frightened if Aomatsuna would really make him train with him at his full power.

Tenten raised her hand and suddenly spoke. "I Tenten hereby for---"

"NOOOO! Tenten you trained too hard to lose like this!" Lee shouted to his teammate.

Homi who was currently possessing Tenten felt slight resistance after hearing that voice, but he quickly overpowered it and continued onward ignoring the foolish boy in the green jumpsuit.

"Forfeit this match." Tenten completed.

"Tenten has surrendered this match and the victory goes to Homi Yamanaka." Suddenly Tenten dropped to her knees and Homi returned to his body.

Homi sheathed his tanto and walked back towards his team with a gloating smirk on his face. Tenten had tears ready to drop from her eyes before Gai appeared behind her and placed his hand on her shoulder. He body flickered them both back to their stands before the electronic board starting flashing again.

"Gai-sensei…. Was all my training for nothing…? I got beat so easily… and had nothing to show for it." Tenten said barely containing her sobs.

"Tenten. You have not trained for nothing. You have shown all of us your beautiful flames of youth. Don't let this one failure stir you away from your chosen path of becoming a powerful kunoichi. Stick this failure on your back and overshadow it with your shining rays of hard work and perseverance!"

"Heheh.. You're kind of cool sometimes Gai-sensei…" Tenten said with a sob as she got up and wiped her tears away.

Guy shined his signature smile and threw a thumbs up towards Tenten which caused her to laugh again.

[Kin Tsuchi VS Aomatsuna Hakuseki]

"Finally. Even though she looks weak. Its better to actually do something." Broly said as he body flickered into the arena.

Kin hopped down from her team's area with an arrogant smile on her face.

"You should give up while you can shorty. This isn't a daycare center." Kin insulted.

Broly looked at Hayate, waiting for him to start the battle.

"You'll regret ignoring me kid!" Kin yelled as Hayate started the match.

She threw two senbons with bells attached to them at Broly. Broly lightly stepped to the side as the senbons stuck to the arena's wall. She threw more senbons at Broly, but this time some had bells attached and some didn't. This would normally force an ordinary shinobi to watch out for all the senbons, but for Broly it was nothing more than child's play.

A bell sound rung. But Broly didn't notice any senbons being thrown his way. He focused his vision and found a very thin ninja wire attached to the bells that were thrown at him. As the first bell started to ring, more bells started to ring out. Broly felt a slight trickle of foreign chakra enter his ears. He was about to quickly flush it out, but he decided to see exactly what his opponent was planning.

Kin started to multiple and Broly could not tell which Kin is the real one. She started to laugh and this caused an echo of many laughs.

"Interesting ability. I would have to thank you worm for this." Broly said before raising his foot and crashing it into the arena's ground. A burst of air and concrete shrapnel blasted towards Kin. Kin dodged the incoming attack and smirked.

"Is that all you got? How pathe----" Kin fell to the ground holding her ears. She screamed loudly before she started bleeding from her ears and went unconscious.

Almost everyone in the arena was confused on how Aomatsuna won, when she clearly dodged his attack. Broly smiled devilishly before staring at Hayate who has yet to call his victory. He quickly came back to before announcing Aomatsuna as the winner. Broly returned next to Jabie and Esumi.

'Although this chakra energy isn't as destructive and powerful as ki, it is much more diverse in its uses." Broly thought to himself.

"That's just like how that sound ninja's move worked! Did he somehow figure out their techniques from experiencing it once?!" Lee shouted, alerting the rest of the ninjas.

"Impossible!" The last of the sound ninja shouted.

Broly heard Jabie muttering about how chakra has so many mediums its able to travel through and something else, so he quickly tuned him out when he got like that. Broly looked up to the board and saw who was fighting next.

[Yoroi Akadō vs Gaara]

Gaara's figure had sand swirling around him until he appeared in the arena from the balcony! He somehow teleported with his sand into the arena. Yoroi hopped down from the balcony into the arena with his face mask hanging off his mouth.

"Are you both ready?" Hayate said.

"Get ready to lose kid." Yoroi said to Gaara.

Hayate signaled the match to begin and Yoroi made a hand sign before his hand took on a blue flame-like aura around it. He quickly dashed towards Gaara with a smirk. Gaara's teammate Temari looked on in ridicule at this poor sound ninja's choice.

"Getting into Gaara's range is suicidal. This match will be over in seconds." Temari said to no one in particular.

"Why is that random sand kunoichi?" Esumi who scooted over to her due to boredom with an innocent smile on her face.

"Because Gaara's sand is one of the ultimate defense and ultimate offense. Just watch how this idiot will soon lose his life." Temari said before realizing someone was actually conversating with her.

"What are you doing over here short stack? Go play with your little leaf buddies." Temari said.

Esumi would've liked to slice this sand broad into a million pieces for making fun of her height, but she had a mission to do. Aomatsuna wanted to find out why the red-haired boy with the bottle on his back was so different from the rest of the other genin. And it was her job to figure that out through some expert investigation skills. Kind of like a real kunoichi!

"What's so special about his sand? It looks like normal ole sand to me." Esumi said with an unconvinced tone.

"Tch. Just watch ya little brat." Temari said as she and Esumi looked at the fight.

Yoroi was about to grab Gaara's head but a wall of sand interrupted his plan and quickly fell to the ground. Yoroi was confused but he continued to try and grab the short boy's head. More sand came in front of the sand genin that continually fell from contact with the strange sand.

"What's this strange sand!? It has chakra in it!" Yoroi yelled before coating his other hand also in a blue flame-like pattern and swiped multiple times at Gaara.

More and more sand came to replace the fallen ones, until Yoroi eventually landed a grab on the sand genin's head.

"I finally have you! You better surrender quick or suffer in pain!" Yoroi warned.

The fallen sand from before started to move slightly to anyone with keen eyes. Team 11 and maybe some of the jonin noticed but didn't think much of it. Esumi looked up at Temari who had a face that knew exactly what was going to happen next.

"Why does his sand have chakra in it? That's kind of weird don't ya think? Does he just build sand castles all day? Is that why he carries it around with him?" Esumi asked innocently.

"He was born with it.. Ever since he was young, he was able to control sand.." Temari says with a brief look of sadness on her face.

"Wow was his mom some sort of sand monster of something? Hehe that's like being born by a cow and being able to control milk." Esumi said.

This made Temari upset and glare at the blue-haired kunoichi who couldn't control her thoughts.

Esumi stared back with higher intensity, but Temari didn't give up on defending her brother. During this little glaring contest, the actual contenders were finishing up their battle. The sand that fell due to Yoroi's blue strange technique started to congregate behind him. It rose high in the air shocking the current watchers. Yoroi who heard the gasps and noises of the audience, turned around with his hand still clutching Gaara's head.

His face took on an expression of disbelief. The insanely high sand came crashing down with the momentum and intensity of a tsunami. Yoroi tried to quickly escape, but Gaara's sand captured his arm that was still attached to Gaara's head. Gaara had a malicious look on his face while Yoroi's took on one of doom.

The sand crashed on both contestants, filling the arena with nothing but a sand colored sea. Silence filled the building. Hayate looked in confusion. He was deciding whether to call it a draw.. or a suicide…

"He freaking killed himself! Hahahaahha milk boy killed by his own sand! Momma cow didn't save you from your own stupid sand!! Hahahahahha" Esumi said while laughing loudly and breaking the silence.

Broly had a small smirk of his own at the thought of one of his own techniques killing himself. Jabie had a much more visible smile at Esumi's outburst and had some laughter to accompany him. Naruto started to laugh along with Team 11, who somehow caused most of the other genin to laugh as well despite how uneasy they felt towards the red-haired sand genin. Temari looked as if she was about to swing her large metal fan at Esumi's head. Esumi was too busy laughing her guts out to notice the pissed sand kunoichi and the fact that some sand near the center of the sand sea started to swirl around in a whirlpool shape.

Gaara came slowly rising from the sand and looked at Esumi with a death glare. Hayate visibly relieved at this outcome, announced Gaara the winner and soon let the board pick the next fighters.

Esumi giggled some more before quickly returning back to Team 11's side as Gaara returned next to his sister's. Jabie had a much more excited grin on his face as he noticed a blue small mini-version of himself land in his hand.

"Chakra absorption here we come! Esumi! Get ready to never run out of chakra again!! Muahahahahahahaahah" Jabie shouted manically.

Esumi jabbed him in the face with her elbow to shut him up, due to all the eyes focusing on the fat crazy boy. Broly face palmed at the fact that Jabie still hasn't learned to take considerations for his surroundings even when he's excited. He decided to train him extra for that after this.

[Amai Jabie VS Morimoto China]

"Jabie!!!! It's the girl that had a crush on you in the academy!! Don't lose just because she's a little bit cute okay?!" Esumi said as she slapped Jabie's huge round back into the arena.

Jabie fell on his back and just looked up at his supposedly female opponent who had a crush on him. He didn't believe Esumi's words for a second. He rarely interacted with any females. As he saw her current expression he soon started to have second thoughts. The orange haired girl with swirly glasses had a face that was completely red. She kept adjusting her glasses as sweat started to slightly fall from her face.

"If you're ready or whatever, go." Hayate said while Jabie was still lying on his back and Morimoto was a sweating nervous wreck.

Jabie slowly got up as a red blush tinted the side of his cheeks. Although he wasn't interested in her, she was pretty cute to him. He looked at Aomatsuna, before noticing him nod. He sighed in relief due to the fact he didn't have to completely decimate this girl.

"You can go first if you like." Jabie said politely.

This only caused the girl to turn into even more of a mess while trying to take out her kunai. Her swirl-tinted glasses looked perfectly with her currently confusing display. She ran at Jabie with the kunai before taking multiple swipes at him in a hasty manner. Jabie felt a little bit bad that this girl is letting her emotions control her during battle, but then again Aomatsuna also lets that happen to him sometimes.

'But now that I think about it Aomatsuna doesn't really look so sloppy when he loses it.'

Jabie smacked her hand that was carelessly swing around the dangerous ninja knife. She dropped her kunai and looked at Jabie with tears in her eyes.

'Oh jeez. What a dangerous opponent. Those tears nearly got me good.' Jabie thought before closing his eyes and palming towards Morimoto's stomach.

He waited for the nice impact to hit the girl, but felt nothing. His face took on a look of confusion before he slowly opened his eyes and noticed she was also closing her eyes.

He thrusted a palm right towards her that was loud enough to cause the entire audience to hear the sound of before watching her daintily dodge the incoming attack and form a high kick that swiftly rose as elegant as a swan taking off from the lake towards Jabie's neck. Jabie's eyes widened in surprise before he thought of something fun to do. He hopped away and blew out a bubble and whispered something into it. It soon flew away at a slow peaceful speed at the currently vision-less kunoichi who was hearing intently on her surroundings. She got into the basic academy stance due to not hearing any sounds, before hearing a bubble pop next to her ear and saying, "Hey cutie."

Morimoto yelped girlishly before turning as red as a ruby gem. Jabie silently appeared behind her and chopped her on the neck. Her eyes lost focus and her body lost control. She fainted and fell towards the ground. Jabie was deciding whether or not to catch her, before noticing her teammate the muscular-looking girl appear and catch the falling cutie like a prince out of a fairy tale.

"Jabie Amai has won this round of the preliminaries." Hayate said.

Jabie body flickered back near his team while Miyahara hopped beautifully with the sleeping Morimoto in her arms in princess carry position. Causing some of the female genin to daydream about their future prince doing that for them. Jabie returned to a sly-looking Esumi.

"Hohoho Lady Killer Jabie huhhhh" Esumi said while jabbing Jabie in the side.

"Hey Cutie. Wanna experiment later with our bodies?" Esumi mimicked in a perfect Jabie voice, embarrassing him.

"I would never say such a thing." Jabie denies with a red blush.

"As long as it doesn't get in the way of training, I don't care what you do otherwise." Broly said, prompting the redness on his face to increase even more.

[Misumi Tsurugi VS Hinata Hyūga]

Hinata and Misumi both hopped down and faced each other. The glasses wearing shinobi with the face mask stood across from the cream-colored hooded-jacket girl with slight lavender feature-less eyes. The man had an arrogant look on his face as he looked at his weak-looking opponent.

"You should give up while you can. You don't look like you're fit to be a ninja." Tsurugi insulted.

"I can be a ninja too. If I try my hardest." Hinata said as she made a hand sign and forced the veins around her eyes to become visible and tighten.

Hayate signaled the fighters to begin. Tsurugi dashed towards the meek looking girl and struck with his fist. Hinata attacked with her palm towards his fist.


The two slid back from the impact and Tsurugi looked at his arm in alarm. He tried pulsing chakra through it, but it seems like it was slightly strange for some reason. He ignored this ominous feeling before rushing straight back at the girl he thought was just a weakling.

So he charged her once again in the same manner as before. Hinata looked up at a certain yellow blonde who was also watching her. Her eyes filled with a certain something and she ducked the incoming attack and did a sweeping low kick. Tsurugi smirked before hopping over the attack and grabbing the Hyūga heiress's throat. Hinata choked out a gasp before feeling her opponent's hand stretch! He started to coil his body around her body entirely before he ended up behind her back with her completed entangled in his limbs.

Hinata squirmed and struggled before almost deciding to give up entirely. Her eyes looked for the familiar color of orange, only to meet the eyes of a familiar looking cousin of hers looking in disappointment. Seeing that felt even more terrible than the shinobi strangling her and crushing her bones. Maybe it would be best if she gave up here.. She's always been such a disappointment to her family..

"HINATA! DON'T GIVE UP! SHOW THAT STRECHTY FREAK WHAT YOUR MADE OF!" Naruto yelled in support for the weak-willed kunoichi.

This sudden outburst caused Hinata's body to surge with energy. She built up chakra around all of her tenketsu points before releasing them all and blasting Tsurugi away. Tsurugi flew away with his limbs elongated and smashed into the arena wall. Hinata, who looked completely ready for a round two, took up the basic gentle fist stance in preparation for her opponent. Hayate looked over and noticed that Tsurugi was knocked out from the impact of Hinata's attack and the hit into the wall.

"Hinata Hyūga is the winner of this match." Hayate said

"Good job out there Hinata." Shino congratulated.

"I'm so proud of you Hinata!" Kurenai said.

"Nice job Hinata-chan!" Naruto said with a thumbs up.

"Thank you… thank you all.." Hinata replied.

[Temari vs Chouji]

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